Conversor de divisas en Python

Python es un lenguaje de programación muy versátil. Python se está utilizando en casi todas las tecnologías principales y se puede desarrollar literalmente cualquier aplicación con él. Veamos un programa en Python para convertir la moneda de un país a la de otro país. Para usar este servicio, se necesita la clave API, que se puede obtener desde aquí . Usaremos la API de reparación para obtener las tasas de conversión en vivo y convertir la cantidad correspondiente.

Caso 1

Módulos necesarios:

1.1: requests: este módulo no se integra con python. Para instalarlo, escriba el siguiente comando en la terminal o cmd.

pip install requests

A continuación se muestra la implementación: 


# Python program to convert the currency
# of one country to that of another country
# Import the modules needed
import requests
class Currency_convertor:
    # empty dict to store the conversion rates
    rates = {}
    def __init__(self, url):
        data = requests.get(url).json()
        # Extracting only the rates from the json data
        self.rates = data["rates"]
    # function to do a simple cross multiplication between
    # the amount and the conversion rates
    def convert(self, from_currency, to_currency, amount):
        initial_amount = amount
        if from_currency != 'EUR' :
            amount = amount / self.rates[from_currency]
        # limiting the precision to 2 decimal places
        amount = round(amount * self.rates[to_currency], 2)
        print('{} {} = {} {}'.format(initial_amount, from_currency, amount, to_currency))
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    url = str.__add__('', YOUR_ACCESS_KEY) 
    c = Currency_convertor(url)
    from_country = input("From Country: ")
    to_country = input("TO Country: ")
    amount = int(input("Amount: "))
    c.convert(from_country, to_country, amount)

Aporte : 

From Country: USD 
TO Country: INR 
Amount: 1 

Producción :

1 USD = 70.69 INR

Caso 2

Módulos necesarios:

2.1: tkinter : Facilita interfaces gráficas de usuario (GUIs).

pip install tkinter

2.2: forex_python:  es una biblioteca gratuita de tipos de cambio y conversión de divisas .

pip install forex_python



#pip install tkinter
import tkinter as tk 
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.messagebox
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Currency converter:GeeksForGeeks")
Tops = Frame(root, bg = '#e6e5e5', pady=2, width=1850, height=100, relief="ridge")
Tops.grid(row=0, column=0)
headlabel = tk.Label(Tops, font=('lato black', 19, 'bold'), text='Currency converter :GeeksForGeeks ',
                    bg='#e6e5e5', fg='black')
headlabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
variable1 = tk.StringVar(root)
variable2 = tk.StringVar(root)
#Function To For Real Time Currency Conversion
def RealTimeCurrencyConversion():
    from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
    c = CurrencyRates()
    from_currency = variable1.get()
    to_currency = variable2.get()
    if (Amount1_field.get() == ""):
        tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error !!", "Amount Not Entered.\n Please a valid amount.")
    elif (from_currency == "currency" or to_currency == "currency"):
        tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Error !!",
                                    "Currency Not Selected.\n Please select FROM and TO Currency form menu.")
        new_amt = c.convert(from_currency, to_currency, float(Amount1_field.get()))
        new_amount = float("{:.4f}".format(new_amt))
        Amount2_field.insert(0, str(new_amount))
#clearing all the data entered by the user
def clear_all():
    Amount1_field.delete(0, tk.END)
    Amount2_field.delete(0, tk.END)
CurrenyCode_list = ["INR", "USD", "CAD", "CNY", "DKK", "EUR"]
Label_1 = Label(root, font=('lato black', 27, 'bold'), text="", padx=2, pady=2, bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
Label_1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W)
label1 = tk.Label(root, font=('lato black', 15, 'bold'), text="\t    Amount  :  ", bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
label1.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W)
label1 = tk.Label(root, font=('lato black', 15, 'bold'), text="\t    From Currency  :  ", bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
label1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W)
label1 = tk.Label(root, font=('lato black', 15, 'bold'), text="\t    To Currency  :  ", bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
label1.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W)
label1 = tk.Label(root, font=('lato black', 15, 'bold'), text="\t    Converted Amount  :  ", bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
label1.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky=W)
Label_1 = Label(root, font=('lato black', 7, 'bold'), text="", padx=2, pady=2, bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
Label_1.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W)
Label_1 = Label(root, font=('lato black', 7, 'bold'), text="", padx=2, pady=2, bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
Label_1.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky=W)
FromCurrency_option = tk.OptionMenu(root, variable1, *CurrenyCode_list)
ToCurrency_option = tk.OptionMenu(root, variable2, *CurrenyCode_list)
FromCurrency_option.grid(row=3, column=0, ipadx=45, sticky=E)
ToCurrency_option.grid(row=4, column=0, ipadx=45, sticky=E)
Amount1_field = tk.Entry(root)
Amount1_field.grid(row=2, column=0, ipadx=28, sticky=E)
Amount2_field = tk.Entry(root)
Amount2_field.grid(row=8, column=0, ipadx=31, sticky=E)
Label_9 = Button(root, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text="   Convert  ", padx=2, pady=2, bg="lightblue", fg="white",
Label_9.grid(row=6, column=0)
Label_1 = Label(root, font=('lato black', 7, 'bold'), text="", padx=2, pady=2, bg="#e6e5e5", fg="black")
Label_1.grid(row=9, column=0, sticky=W)
Label_9 = Button(root, font=('arial', 15, 'bold'), text="   Clear All  ", padx=2, pady=2, bg="lightblue", fg="white",
Label_9.grid(row=10, column=0)




Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por TsaiDeepak y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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