Juego Tic Tac Toe con GUI usando tkinter en Python

Tic-tac-toe (inglés americano), tres en raya (inglés británico) o Xs and Os es un juego de papel y lápiz para dos jugadores, X y O, que se turnan para marcar los espacios en una cuadrícula de 3×3. . El jugador que logra colocar tres de sus marcas en una fila horizontal, vertical o diagonal es el ganador.

La biblioteca tkinter Python se utiliza para crear la GUI. Hay dos opciones disponibles para jugar el juego, junto con el sistema o con otro jugador .

Se utiliza una pequeña estrategia ganadora para jugar con el sistema. El sistema intentará encontrar el mejor lugar para poner su cero o cruz por el cual el sistema ganará o intentará detener a los jugadores para ganar. 


  • Cree una página de destino que contenga botones de selección: Un jugador o multijugador.
  • Cree un tablero de juego que contenga nueve fichas para jugar junto con otros detalles (es decir, jugar con un sistema u otro jugador, cuyo turno, etc.).
  • Permita que el jugador presione el mosaico y verifique el estado del juego (es decir, empate, cualquiera de los jugadores ganó el partido o el juego aún se está ejecutando).
  • Muestra el mensaje, quién ganó el partido.

Descripción de otras funciones:

  • gameboard_pc() y gameboard_pl() crearán otra geometría para jugar. Agregará 9 botones en el tablero de 3×3 del juego (Tres filas de botones que contienen tres botones cada una).
  • Las funciones get_text_pc() y get_text() colocarán el texto en los botones a medida que se presionen.
  • La función pc() decidirá el próximo movimiento del sistema.
  • La función winner() verificará si el jugador ganó el partido o no.
  • La función isfree() verificará si el jugador puede poner una moneda o no.
  • La función isfull() verificará que el tablero esté lleno o no.

Ejemplo 1: GUI de Tic Tac Toe


#importing Packages from tkinter
from tkinter import * 
from tkinter import messagebox
Player1 = 'X'
stop_game = False
def clicked(r,c):
    global Player1
    # global stop_game
    if Player1 == "X" and states[r] == 0 and stop_game == False:
        b[r].configure(text = "X")
        states[r] = 'X'
    if Player1 == 'O' and states[r] == 0 and stop_game == False:
        b[r].configure(text = 'O')
        states[r] = "O"
        Player1 = "X"
    # check_if_tie()
    # if check_if_win() == False:
    #     tie = messagebox.showinfo("tie","its tie")
    #     return tie
def check_if_win():
    global stop_game
    # count = 0
    for i in range(3):
        if states[i][0] == states[i][1] == states[i][2] !=0:
            stop_game = True
            winner = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", states[i][0] + " Won")
            # disableAllButton()
    # for j in range(3):
        elif states [0][i] == states[1][i] == states[2][i] != 0:
            stop_game = True
            winner = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", states[0][i]+ " Won!")
        elif states[0][0] == states[1][1] == states[2][2] !=0:
            stop_game = True
            winner = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", states[0][0]+ " Won!")
        elif states[0][2] == states[1][1] == states[2][0] !=0:
            stop_game = True
            winner = messagebox.showinfo("Winner" , states[0][2]+ " Won!")
        elif states[0][0] and states[0][1] and states[0][2] and states[1][0] and states[1][1] and states[1][2] and states[2][0] and states[2][1] and states[2][2] != 0:
            stop_game = True
            winner = messagebox.showinfo("tie", "Tie")
# Design window
#Creating the Canvas
root = Tk()
# Title of the window            
root.title("GeeksForGeeks-:Tic Tac Toe") 
b = [
#text for buttons
states = [
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        b[i][j] = Button(
                        height = 4, width = 8,
                        font = ("Helvetica","20"),
                        command = lambda r = i, c = j : clicked(r,c))
        b[i][j].grid(row = i, column = j)



Ejemplo 2) GUI de Tic Tac Toe


# Tic Tac Toe game with GUI
# using tkinter
# importing all necessary libraries
import random
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from functools import partial
from tkinter import messagebox
from copy import deepcopy
# sign variable to decide the turn of which player
sign = 0
# Creates an empty board
global board
board = [[" " for x in range(3)] for y in range(3)]
# Check l(O/X) won the match or not
# according to the rules of the game
def winner(b, l):
    return ((b[0][0] == l and b[0][1] == l and b[0][2] == l) or
            (b[1][0] == l and b[1][1] == l and b[1][2] == l) or
            (b[2][0] == l and b[2][1] == l and b[2][2] == l) or
            (b[0][0] == l and b[1][0] == l and b[2][0] == l) or
            (b[0][1] == l and b[1][1] == l and b[2][1] == l) or
            (b[0][2] == l and b[1][2] == l and b[2][2] == l) or
            (b[0][0] == l and b[1][1] == l and b[2][2] == l) or
            (b[0][2] == l and b[1][1] == l and b[2][0] == l))
# Configure text on button while playing with another player
def get_text(i, j, gb, l1, l2):
    global sign
    if board[i][j] == ' ':
        if sign % 2 == 0:
            board[i][j] = "X"
            board[i][j] = "O"
        sign += 1
    if winner(board, "X"):
        box = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", "Player 1 won the match")
    elif winner(board, "O"):
        box = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", "Player 2 won the match")
        box = messagebox.showinfo("Tie Game", "Tie Game")
# Check if the player can push the button or not
def isfree(i, j):
    return board[i][j] == " "
# Check the board is full or not
def isfull():
    flag = True
    for i in board:
        if(i.count(' ') > 0):
            flag = False
    return flag
# Create the GUI of game board for play along with another player
def gameboard_pl(game_board, l1, l2):
    global button
    button = []
    for i in range(3):
        m = 3+i
        button[i] = []
        for j in range(3):
            n = j
            get_t = partial(get_text, i, j, game_board, l1, l2)
            button[i][j] = Button(
                game_board, bd=5, command=get_t, height=4, width=8)
            button[i][j].grid(row=m, column=n)
# Decide the next move of system
def pc():
    possiblemove = []
    for i in range(len(board)):
        for j in range(len(board[i])):
            if board[i][j] == ' ':
                possiblemove.append([i, j])
    move = []
    if possiblemove == []:
        for let in ['O', 'X']:
            for i in possiblemove:
                boardcopy = deepcopy(board)
                boardcopy[i[0]][i[1]] = let
                if winner(boardcopy, let):
                    return i
        corner = []
        for i in possiblemove:
            if i in [[0, 0], [0, 2], [2, 0], [2, 2]]:
        if len(corner) > 0:
            move = random.randint(0, len(corner)-1)
            return corner[move]
        edge = []
        for i in possiblemove:
            if i in [[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 2], [2, 1]]:
        if len(edge) > 0:
            move = random.randint(0, len(edge)-1)
            return edge[move]
# Configure text on button while playing with system
def get_text_pc(i, j, gb, l1, l2):
    global sign
    if board[i][j] == ' ':
        if sign % 2 == 0:
            board[i][j] = "X"
            board[i][j] = "O"
        sign += 1
    x = True
    if winner(board, "X"):
        x = False
        box = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", "Player won the match")
    elif winner(board, "O"):
        x = False
        box = messagebox.showinfo("Winner", "Computer won the match")
        x = False
        box = messagebox.showinfo("Tie Game", "Tie Game")
        if sign % 2 != 0:
            move = pc()
            get_text_pc(move[0], move[1], gb, l1, l2)
# Create the GUI of game board for play along with system
def gameboard_pc(game_board, l1, l2):
    global button
    button = []
    for i in range(3):
        m = 3+i
        button[i] = []
        for j in range(3):
            n = j
            get_t = partial(get_text_pc, i, j, game_board, l1, l2)
            button[i][j] = Button(
                game_board, bd=5, command=get_t, height=4, width=8)
            button[i][j].grid(row=m, column=n)
# Initialize the game board to play with system
def withpc(game_board):
    game_board = Tk()
    game_board.title("Tic Tac Toe")
    l1 = Button(game_board, text="Player : X", width=10)
    l1.grid(row=1, column=1)
    l2 = Button(game_board, text = "Computer : O",
                width = 10, state = DISABLED)
    l2.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
    gameboard_pc(game_board, l1, l2)
# Initialize the game board to play with another player
def withplayer(game_board):
    game_board = Tk()
    game_board.title("Tic Tac Toe")
    l1 = Button(game_board, text = "Player 1 : X", width = 10)
    l1.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
    l2 = Button(game_board, text = "Player 2 : O",
                width = 10, state = DISABLED)
    l2.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
    gameboard_pl(game_board, l1, l2)
# main function
def play():
    menu = Tk()
    menu.title("Tic Tac Toe")
    wpc = partial(withpc, menu)
    wpl = partial(withplayer, menu)
    head = Button(menu, text = "---Welcome to tic-tac-toe---",
                  activeforeground = 'red',
                  activebackground = "yellow", bg = "red",
                  fg = "yellow", width = 500, font = 'summer', bd = 5)
    B1 = Button(menu, text = "Single Player", command = wpc,
                activeforeground = 'red',
                activebackground = "yellow", bg = "red",
                fg = "yellow", width = 500, font = 'summer', bd = 5)
    B2 = Button(menu, text = "Multi Player", command = wpl, activeforeground = 'red',
                activebackground = "yellow", bg = "red", fg = "yellow",
                width = 500, font = 'summer', bd = 5)
    B3 = Button(menu, text = "Exit", command = menu.quit, activeforeground = 'red',
                activebackground = "yellow", bg = "red", fg = "yellow",
                width = 500, font = 'summer', bd = 5)
    head.pack(side = 'top')
    B1.pack(side = 'top')
    B2.pack(side = 'top')
    B3.pack(side = 'top')
# Call main function
if __name__ == '__main__':


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por jainj2305 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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