Métodos de strings de Python | Conjunto 3 (strip, lstrip, rstrip, min, max, maketrans, translate, replace y expandtabs())

Algunos de los métodos de string están cubiertos en los siguientes conjuntos.
Métodos de strings, parte 1  
Métodos de strings, parte 2
En este artículo se analizan más métodos
1. strip() : este método se usa para eliminar todos los caracteres iniciales y finales mencionados en su argumento.
2. lstrip() :- Este método se usa para eliminar todos los caracteres principales mencionados en su argumento.
3. rstrip() :- Este método se usa para eliminar todos los caracteres finales mencionados en su argumento.


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# strip(), lstrip() and rstrip()
str = "---geeksforgeeks---"
# using strip() to delete all '-'
print ( " String after stripping all '-' is : ", end="")
print ( str.strip('-') )
# using lstrip() to delete all trailing '-'
print ( " String after stripping all leading '-' is : ", end="")
print ( str.lstrip('-') )
# using rstrip() to delete all leading '-'
print ( " String after stripping all trailing '-' is : ", end="")
print ( str.rstrip('-') )



# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# min() and max()
str = "geeksforgeeks"
# using min() to print the smallest character
# prints 'e'
print ("The minimum value character is : " + min(str))
# using max() to print the largest character
# prints 's'
print ("The maximum value character is : " + max(str))


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# maketrans() and translate()
from string import maketrans # for maketrans()
str = "geeksforgeeks"
str1 = "gfo"
str2 = "abc"
# using maketrans() to map elements of str2 with str1
mapped = maketrans( str1, str2 )
# using translate() to translate using the mapping
print "The string after translation using mapped elements is : "
print  str.translate(mapped) 


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# replace()
str = "nerdsfornerds is for nerds"
str1 = "nerds"
str2 = "geeks"
# using replace() to replace str2 with str1 in str
# only changes 2 occurrences 
print ("The string after replacing strings is : ", end="")
print (str.replace( str1, str2, 2)) 


# Python code to illustrate expandtabs()
string = 'GEEKS\tFOR\tGEEKS'
# No parameters, by default size is 8
print (string.expandtabs())
# tab size taken as 2
# tab size taken as 5

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Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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