PyQt5 – Juego de serpientes

En este artículo, veremos cómo podemos diseñar el juego de la serpiente simple usando PyQt5.

Snake es el nombre común de un concepto de videojuego en el que el jugador maniobra una línea que crece en longitud, siendo la línea en sí misma un obstáculo principal. El concepto se originó en el juego de arcade Blockade de 1976, y la facilidad de implementar Snake ha llevado a cientos de versiones (algunas de las cuales tienen la palabra serpiente o gusano en el título) para muchas plataformas.

Pasos de implementación:
1. Cree una ventana principal, agréguele una barra de estado para mostrar la puntuación y cree un objeto de clase de tablero y agréguelo como widget central
2. Cree una clase llamada tablero que herede el QFrame
3. Dentro de la clase de tablero cree un objeto de temporizador que llama al método de temporizador después de cierta cantidad de tiempo
4. Dentro del método de temporizador llama a otra acción del juego de la serpiente como movimiento, comida comida y si la serpiente se suicidó
5. Cree un método de evento de pulsación de tecla que verifique si las teclas de flecha están pulsado y cambiar la dirección de la serpiente de acuerdo con él.
6. Cree un método de evento de pintura que dibuje la serpiente y la comida
7. Cree un método de movimiento para mover la serpiente según la dirección
8. Cree un método de comida consumida que verifique la posición actual de la serpiente y la posición si se come comida, elimine la comida actual, aumente la longitud de la serpiente y suelte una nueva comida en una ubicación aleatoria.
9. Cree un método de verificación de suicidio que verifique si la posición de la cabeza de serpiente es similar a la posición del cuerpo o no, si las coincidencias detienen el temporizador y muestran el mensaje

A continuación se muestra la implementación.

# importing libraries
from PyQt5.QtCore import * 
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * 
from PyQt5.QtGui import * 
import random
import sys
# creating game window
class Window(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Window, self).__init__()
        # creating a board object
        self.board = Board(self)
        # creating a status bar to show result
        self.statusbar = self.statusBar()
        # adding border to the status bar
        self.statusbar.setStyleSheet("border : 2px solid black;")
        # calling showMessage method when signal received by board
        # adding board as a central widget
        # setting title to the window
        self.setWindowTitle('Snake game')
        # setting geometry to the window
        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 400)
        # starting the board object
        # showing the main window
# creating a board class
# that inherits QFrame
class Board(QFrame):
    # creating signal object
    msg2statusbar = pyqtSignal(str)
    # speed of the snake
    # timer countdown time
    SPEED = 80
    # block width and height
    # constructor
    def __init__(self, parent):
        super(Board, self).__init__(parent)
        # creating a timer
        self.timer = QBasicTimer()
        # snake
        self.snake = [[5, 10], [5, 11]]
        # current head x head
        self.current_x_head = self.snake[0][0]
        # current y head
        self.current_y_head = self.snake[0][1]
        # food list = []
        # growing is false
        self.grow_snake = False
        # board list
        self.board = []
        # direction
        self.direction = 1
        # called drop food method
        # setting focus
    # square width method
    def square_width(self):
        return self.contentsRect().width() / Board.WIDTHINBLOCKS
    # square height
    def square_height(self):
        return self.contentsRect().height() / Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS
    # start method
    def start(self):
        # msg for status bar
        # score = current len - 2
        self.msg2statusbar.emit(str(len(self.snake) - 2))
        # starting timer
        self.timer.start(Board.SPEED, self)
    # paint event
    def paintEvent(self, event):
        # creating painter object
        painter = QPainter(self)
        # getting rectangle
        rect = self.contentsRect()
        # board top
        boardtop = rect.bottom() - Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS * self.square_height()
        # drawing snake
        for pos in self.snake:
            self.draw_square(painter, rect.left() + pos[0] * self.square_width(),
                             boardtop + pos[1] * self.square_height())
        # drawing food
        for pos in
            self.draw_square(painter, rect.left() + pos[0] * self.square_width(),
                             boardtop + pos[1] * self.square_height())
    # drawing square
    def draw_square(self, painter, x, y):
        # color
        color = QColor(0x228B22)
        # painting rectangle
        painter.fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, self.square_width() - 2,
                         self.square_height() - 2, color)
    # key press event
    def keyPressEvent(self, event):
        # getting key pressed
        key = event.key()
        # if left key pressed
        if key == Qt.Key_Left:
            # if direction is not right
            if self.direction != 2:
                # set direction to left
                self.direction = 1
        # if right key is pressed
        elif key == Qt.Key_Right:
            # if direction is not left
            if self.direction != 1:
                # set direction to right
                self.direction = 2
        # if down key is pressed
        elif key == Qt.Key_Down:
            # if direction is not up
            if self.direction != 4:
                # set direction to down
                self.direction = 3
        # if up key is pressed
        elif key == Qt.Key_Up:
            # if direction is not down
            if self.direction != 3:
                # set direction to up
                self.direction = 4
    # method to move the snake
    def move_snake(self):
        # if direction is left change its position
        if self.direction == 1:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head - 1, self.current_y_head
            # if it goes beyond left wall
            if self.current_x_head < 0:
                self.current_x_head = Board.WIDTHINBLOCKS - 1
        # if direction is right change its position
        if self.direction == 2:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head + 1, self.current_y_head
            # if it goes beyond right wall
            if self.current_x_head == Board.WIDTHINBLOCKS:
                self.current_x_head = 0
        # if direction is down change its position
        if self.direction == 3:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head + 1
            # if it goes beyond down wall
            if self.current_y_head == Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS:
                self.current_y_head = 0
        # if direction is up change its position
        if self.direction == 4:
            self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head = self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head - 1
            # if it goes beyond up wall
            if self.current_y_head < 0:
                self.current_y_head = Board.HEIGHTINBLOCKS
        # changing head position
        head = [self.current_x_head, self.current_y_head]
        # inset head in snake list
        self.snake.insert(0, head)
        # if snake grow is False
        if not self.grow_snake:
            # pop the last element
            # show msg in status bar
            # make grow_snake to false
            self.grow_snake = False
    # time event method
    def timerEvent(self, event):
        # checking timer id
        if event.timerId() == self.timer.timerId():
            # call move snake method
            # call food collision method
            # call is suicide method
            # update the window
    # method to check if snake collides itself
    def is_suicide(self):
        # traversing the snake
        for i in range(1, len(self.snake)):
            # if collision found
            if self.snake[i] == self.snake[0]:
                # show game ended msg in status bar
                self.msg2statusbar.emit(str("Game Ended"))
                # making background color black
                self.setStyleSheet("background-color : black;")
                # stopping the timer
                # updating the window
    # method to check if the food cis collied
    def is_food_collision(self):
        # traversing the position of the food
        for pos in
            # if food position is similar of snake position
            if pos == self.snake[0]:
                # remove the food
                # call drop food method
                # grow the snake
                self.grow_snake = True
    # method to drop food on screen
    def drop_food(self):
        # creating random co-ordinates
        x = random.randint(3, 58)
        y = random.randint(3, 38)
        # traversing if snake position is not equal to the
        # food position so that food do not drop on snake
        for pos in self.snake:
            # if position matches
            if pos == [x, y]:
                # call drop food method again
        # append food location[x, y])
# main method
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication([])
    window = Window()

Producción :

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por rakshitarora y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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