Python | Comprobar si una string dada es una string binaria o no

String dada str. La tarea es verificar si es una string binaria o no. 


Input: str = "01010101010"
Output: Yes

Input: str = "geeks101"
Output: No

Enfoque 1 : Uso de Set  

  1. Inserta la string dada en un conjunto
  2. Compruebe si los caracteres establecidos constan de 1 y/o 0 solamente.



# Python program to check
# if a string is binary or not
# function for checking the
# string is accepted or not
def check(string):
    # set function convert string
    # into set of characters .
    p = set(string)
    # declare set of '0', '1' .
    s = {'0', '1'}
    # check set p is same as set s
    # or set p contains only '0'
    # or set p contains only '1'
    # or not, if any one condition
    # is true then string is accepted
    # otherwise not .
    if s == p or p == {'0'} or p == {'1'}:
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string = "101010000111"
    # function calling


Enfoque 2: iteración simple 

  1. Iterar para cada carácter y verificar si el carácter es 0 o 1.
  2. Si no es así, establezca un contador y rompa.
  3. Después de la iteración, compruebe si el contador está configurado o no.


# Python program to check
# if a string is binary or not
# function for checking the
# string is accepted or not
def check2(string):
    # initialize the variable t
    # with '01' string
    t = '01'
    # initialize the variable count
    # with 0 value
    count = 0
    # looping through each character
    # of the string .
    for char in string:
        # check the character is present in
        # string t or not.
        # if this condition is true
        # assign 1 to the count variable
        # and break out of the for loop
        # otherwise pass
        if char not in t:
            count = 1
    # after coming out of the loop
    # check value of count is non-zero or not
    # if the value is non-zero the en condition is true
    # and string is not accepted
    # otherwise string is accepted
    if count:
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string = "001021010001010"
    # function calling


Enfoque 3 : expresiones regulares

  1. Compile una expresión regular usando compile() para «el carácter no es 0 o 1».
  2. Use re.findall() para obtener las strings que satisfacen la expresión regular anterior.
  3. Imprimir salida basada en el resultado.


#import library
import re
sampleInput = "1001010"
# regular expression to find the strings
# which have characters other than 0 and 1
c = re.compile('[^01]')
# use findall() to get the list of strings
# that have characters other than 0 and 1.
    print("No") # if length of list > 0 then it is not binary
    print("Yes") # if length of list = 0 then it is binary


Enfoque 4: Uso del manejo de excepciones e int

Python tiene un método incorporado para convertir una string de una base específica a un entero decimal, usando int(string, base) . Si la string pasada como argumento no tiene la base especificada, se genera un ValueError.


# Python program to check
# if a string is binary or not
# function for checking the
# string is accepted or not
def check(string):
        # this will raise value error if
        # string is not of base 2
        int(string, 2)
    except ValueError:
        return "No"
    return "Yes"
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string1 = "101011000111"
    string2 = "201000001"
    # function calling
# this code is contributed by phasing17


Complejidad de Tiempo: O(1), Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Enfoque 5: Uso de la función de conteo()


string = "01010101010"


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por priyankamaurya y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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