Diseñe un filtro IIR Highpass Butterworth usando el método de transformación bilineal en Scipy – Python

IIR significa Infinite Impulse Response. Es una de las características sorprendentes de muchos sistemas invariantes en el tiempo lineal que se distinguen por tener una respuesta de impulso h(t)/h(n) que no se vuelve cero después de algún punto sino que continúa infinitamente . .

¿Qué es IIR Highpass Butterworth?

Básicamente se comporta como un filtro Butterworth de paso alto digital ordinario con una respuesta de impulso infinita.

Las especificaciones son las siguientes:  

  • Frecuencia de banda de paso: 2-4 kHz
  • Frecuencia de la banda de parada: 0-500 Hz
  • Ondulación de banda de paso: 3dB
  • Atenuación de la banda de parada: 20 dB
  • Frecuencia de muestreo: 8 kHz
  • Graficaremos la magnitud, fase, impulso, respuesta de paso del filtro.

Enfoque paso a paso:

Paso 1: Importación de todas las bibliotecas necesarias.


# import required library
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Paso 2: Definición de funciones definidas por el usuario mfreqz() e impz() . mfreqz es una función para la gráfica de magnitud y fase e impz es una función para la respuesta de impulso y escalón.


def mfreqz(b, a, Fs):
    # Compute frequency response of the filter 
    # using signal.freqz function
    wz, hz = signal.freqz(b, a)
    # Calculate Magnitude from hz in dB
    Mag = 20*np.log10(abs(hz))
    # Calculate phase angle in degree from hz
    Phase = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(np.imag(hz), np.real(hz)))*(180/np.pi)
    # Calculate frequency in Hz from wz
    Freq = wz*Fs/(2*np.pi)  # START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
    # Plot filter magnitude and phase responses using subplot.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    # Plot Magnitude response
    sub1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    sub1.plot(Freq, Mag, 'r', linewidth=2)
    sub1.axis([1, Fs/2, -100, 5])
    sub1.set_title('Magnitude Response', fontsize=20)
    sub1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]', fontsize=20)
    sub1.set_ylabel('Magnitude [dB]', fontsize=20)
    # Plot phase angle
    sub2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    sub2.plot(Freq, Phase, 'g', linewidth=2)
    sub2.set_ylabel('Phase (degree)', fontsize=20)
    sub2.set_xlabel(r'Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=20)
    sub2.set_title(r'Phase response', fontsize=20)
# Define impz(b,a) to calculate impulse response
# and step response of a system input: b= an array
# containing numerator coefficients,a= an array containing 
#denominator coefficients
def impz(b, a):
    # Define the impulse sequence of length 60
    impulse = np.repeat(0., 60)
    impulse[0] = 1.
    x = np.arange(0, 60)
    # Compute the impulse response
    response = signal.lfilter(b, a, impulse)
    # Plot filter impulse and step response:
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    plt.stem(x, response, 'm', use_line_collection=True)
    plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=15)
    plt.xlabel(r'n (samples)', fontsize=15)
    plt.title(r'Impulse response', fontsize=15)
    step = np.cumsum(response)  # Compute step response of the system
    plt.stem(x, step, 'g', use_line_collection=True)
    plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=15)
    plt.xlabel(r'n (samples)', fontsize=15)
    plt.title(r'Step response', fontsize=15)

Paso 3: Definir variables con las especificaciones dadas del filtro.


# Given specification
Fs = 8000  # Sampling frequency in Hz
fp = 2000  # Pass band frequency in Hz
fs = 500  # Stop Band frequency in Hz
Ap = 3  # Pass band ripple in dB
As = 20  # Stop band attenuation in dB
# Compute Sampling parameter
Td = 1/Fs

Paso 4: Cálculo de la frecuencia de corte


# Compute cut-off frequency in radian/sec
wp = 2*np.pi*fp  # pass band frequency in radian/sec
ws = 2*np.pi*fs  # stop band frequency in radian/sec

Paso 5: preajustar la frecuencia de corte


# Prewarp the analog frequency
Omega_p = (2/Td)*np.tan(wp*Td/2)  # Prewarped analog passband frequency
Omega_s = (2/Td)*np.tan(ws*Td/2)  # Prewarped analog stopband frequency

Paso 6: Cálculo del filtro Butterworth


# Compute Butterworth filter order and cutoff frequency
N, wc = signal.buttord(Omega_p, Omega_s, Ap, As, analog=True)
# Print the values of order and cut-off frequency
print('Order of the filter=', N)
print('Cut-off frequency=', wc)


Paso 7: Diseñe un filtro Butterworth analógico usando N y wc mediante la función signal.butter( ).


# Design analog Butterworth filter using N and
# wc by signal.butter function
b, a = signal.butter(N, wc, 'high', analog=True)
# Perform bilinear Transformation
z, p = signal.bilinear(b, a, fs=Fs)
# Print numerator and denomerator coefficients 
# of the filter
print('Numerator Coefficients:', z)
print('Denominator Coefficients:', p)


Paso 8: Trazado de la respuesta de fase y magnitud


# Call mfreqz function to plot the
# magnitude and phase response
mfreqz(z, p, Fs)


Paso 9: Trazado de la respuesta de impulso y paso


# Call impz function to plot impulse and 
# step response of the filter
impz(z, p)


A continuación se muestra la implementación:


# import required library
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# User defined functions mfreqz for 
# Magnitude & Phase Response
def mfreqz(b, a, Fs):
    # Compute frequency response of the filter
    # using signal.freqz function
    wz, hz = signal.freqz(b, a)
    # Calculate Magnitude from hz in dB
    Mag = 20*np.log10(abs(hz))
    # Calculate phase angle in degree from hz
    Phase = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(np.imag(hz), np.real(hz)))*(180/np.pi)
    # Calculate frequency in Hz from wz
    Freq = wz*Fs/(2*np.pi)  # START CODE HERE ### (≈ 1 line of code)
    # Plot filter magnitude and phase responses using subplot.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    # Plot Magnitude response
    sub1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    sub1.plot(Freq, Mag, 'r', linewidth=2)
    sub1.axis([1, Fs/2, -100, 5])
    sub1.set_title('Magnitude Response', fontsize=20)
    sub1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]', fontsize=20)
    sub1.set_ylabel('Magnitude [dB]', fontsize=20)
    # Plot phase angle
    sub2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    sub2.plot(Freq, Phase, 'g', linewidth=2)
    sub2.set_ylabel('Phase (degree)', fontsize=20)
    sub2.set_xlabel(r'Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=20)
    sub2.set_title(r'Phase response', fontsize=20)
# Define impz(b,a) to calculate impulse 
# response and step response of a system
# input: b= an array containing numerator 
# coefficients,a= an array containing 
#denominator coefficients
def impz(b, a):
    # Define the impulse sequence of length 60
    impulse = np.repeat(0., 60)
    impulse[0] = 1.
    x = np.arange(0, 60)
    # Compute the impulse response
    response = signal.lfilter(b, a, impulse)
    # Plot filter impulse and step response:
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    plt.stem(x, response, 'm', use_line_collection=True)
    plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=15)
    plt.xlabel(r'n (samples)', fontsize=15)
    plt.title(r'Impulse response', fontsize=15)
    step = np.cumsum(response)  # Compute step response of the system
    plt.stem(x, step, 'g', use_line_collection=True)
    plt.ylabel('Amplitude', fontsize=15)
    plt.xlabel(r'n (samples)', fontsize=15)
    plt.title(r'Step response', fontsize=15)
# Given specification
Fs = 8000  # Sampling frequency in Hz
fp = 2000  # Pass band frequency in Hz
fs = 500  # Stop Band frequency in Hz
Ap = 3  # Pass band ripple in dB
As = 20  # Stop band attenuation in dB
# Compute Sampling parameter
Td = 1/Fs
# Compute cut-off frequency in radian/sec
wp = 2*np.pi*fp  # pass band frequency in radian/sec
ws = 2*np.pi*fs  # stop band frequency in radian/sec
# Prewarp the analog frequency
Omega_p = (2/Td)*np.tan(wp*Td/2)  # Prewarped analog passband frequency
Omega_s = (2/Td)*np.tan(ws*Td/2)  # Prewarped analog stopband frequency
# Compute Butterworth filter order and cutoff frequency
N, wc = signal.buttord(Omega_p, Omega_s, Ap, As, analog=True)
# Print the values of order and cut-off frequency
print('Order of the filter=', N)
print('Cut-off frequency=', wc)
# Design analog Butterworth filter using N and
# wc by signal.butter function
b, a = signal.butter(N, wc, 'high', analog=True)
# Perform bilinear Transformation
z, p = signal.bilinear(b, a, fs=Fs)
# Print numerator and denomerator coefficients of the filter
print('Numerator Coefficients:', z)
print('Denominator Coefficients:', p)
# Call mfreqz function to plot the magnitude
# and phase response
mfreqz(z, p, Fs)
# Call impz function to plot impulse and step
# response of the filter
impz(z, p)


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por sagnikmukherjee2 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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