Java.util.TreeMap.pollFirstEntry() y pollLastEntry() en Java

Java.util.TreeMap también contiene funciones que admiten la recuperación y eliminación de valores tanto altos como bajos y, por lo tanto, brindan mucha flexibilidad en la aplicabilidad y el uso diario. Esta función es poll() y tiene 2 variantes discutidas en este artículo.

1. pollFirstEntry() : elimina y recupera un par clave-valor con el menor valor clave en el mapa y «null» es que el mapa está vacío.

Syntax : 
public Map.Entry pollFirstEntry()
Return Value:
Retrieves and removes the least key-value if map is filled else returns null.
// Java code to demonstrate the working
// of pollFirstEntry()
import java.util.*;
public class pollFirstEntry {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declaring the tree map of String and Integer
        TreeMap<String, Integer> tmp = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
        // Trying to retrieve and remove in empty map
        // returns null
        ("The smallest key value pair is : " + tmp.pollFirstEntry());
        // assigning the values in the tree map
        // using put()
        tmp.put("Geeks", 1);
        tmp.put("for", 4);
        tmp.put("geeks", 1);
        // Printing the initial map
        ("The initial Map before deletion is : " + tmp);
        // Use of pollFirstEntry()
        // Removes the first entry and returns the least key
        // lexicographically smallest in case of String
        // prints Geeks-1
        ("The smallest key value pair is : " + tmp.pollFirstEntry());
        // Printing the map after deletion
        ("The resultant Map after deletion is : " + tmp);


The smallest key value pair is : null
The initial Map before deletion is : {Geeks=1, for=4, geeks=1}
The smallest key value pair is : Geeks=1
The resultant Map after deletion is : {for=4, geeks=1}

2. pollLastEntry() : Elimina y recupera un par clave-valor con el valor clave más grande en el mapa y «null» es que el mapa está vacío.

Syntax : 
public Map.Entry pollLastEntry()
Return Value:
Retrieves and removes the largest key-value if map is filled else returns null.
// Java code to demonstrate the working
// of pollLastEntry()
import java.util.*;
public class pollLastEntry {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declaring the tree map of String and Integer
        TreeMap<String, Integer> tmp = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
        // Trying to retrieve and remove in empty map
        // returns null
        ("The largest key value pair is : " + tmp.pollFirstEntry());
        // assigning the values in the tree map
        // using put()
        tmp.put("Geeks", 1);
        tmp.put("for", 4);
        tmp.put("geeks", 1);
        // Printing the initial map
        ("The initial Map before deletion is : " + tmp);
        // Use of pollLastEntry()
        // Removes the last(max) entry and returns the max key
        // lexicographically greatest in case of String
        // prints geeks-1
        ("The largest key value pair is : " + tmp.pollLastEntry());
        // Printing the map after deletion
        ("The resultant Map after deletion is : " + tmp);


The largest key value pair is : null
The initial Map before deletion is : {Geeks=1, for=4, geeks=1}
The largest key value pair is : geeks=1
The resultant Map after deletion is : {Geeks=1, for=4}

Aplicación práctica: Hay muchas aplicaciones que se pueden pensar utilizando el concepto de deque o colas de prioridad. Un ejemplo de este tipo se muestra en el siguiente código.

// Java code to demonstrate the application
// of pollLastEntry() and pollFirstEntry()
import java.util.*;
public class pollAppli {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declaring the tree map of Integer and String
        TreeMap<Integer, String> que = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
        // assigning the values in que
        // using put()
        que.put(10, "astha");
        que.put(4, "shambhavi");
        que.put(7, "manjeet");
        que.put(8, "nikhil");
        // Defining the priority
        // takes highest value, if priority is high
        // else takes lowest value
        String prio = "high";
        // Printing the initial queue
        System.out.println("The initial queue is : " + que);
        if (prio == "high") {
            ("The largest valued person is : " + que.pollLastEntry());
            ("The resultant queue after deletion is : " + que);
        else {
            ("The lowest valued person is : " + que.pollFirstEntry());
            ("The resultant queue after deletion is : " + que);


The initial queue is : {4=shambhavi, 7=manjeet, 8=nikhil, 10=astha}
The largest valued person is : 10=astha
The resultant queue after deletion is : {4=shambhavi, 7=manjeet, 8=nikhil}

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Shambhavi Singh 1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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