Clase Java.lang.Process en Java

La clase Process abstracta es un proceso, es decir, un programa en ejecución. Los métodos proporcionados por el proceso se utilizan para realizar entradas, salidas, esperar a que se complete el proceso, verificar el estado de salida del proceso y destruir el proceso.

  • Extiende la clase Object .
  • Se usa principalmente como una superclase para el tipo de objeto creado por exec() en la clase Runtime.
  • Los métodos ProcessBuilder.start() y Runtime.getRuntime.exec() crean un proceso nativo y devuelven una instancia de una subclase de Process que se puede usar para controlar el proceso y obtener información sobre él.
  • ProcessBuilder.start() es la forma preferida de crear un proceso.

ProcessBuilder.start() vs Runtime.getRuntime.exec(): ProcessBuilder nos permite redirigir el error estándar del proceso secundario a su salida estándar. Ahora no necesitamos dos subprocesos separados, uno leyendo desde stdout y otro leyendo desde stderr . Constructor

  • Process(): Este es el único constructor.


  1. void destroyForcably(): Mata el subproceso.
Syntax: public abstract void destroyForcibly().
Returns: NA.
Exception: NA.


// Java code illustrating destroyForcibly()
// method for windows operating system
// Class
public class ProcessDemo {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        try {
            // create a new process
                               Creating Process & quot;);
            ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(
                " notepad.exe & quot;);
            Process pro = builder.start();
            // wait 10 seconds
            System.out.println(" Waiting & quot;);
            // kill the process
                               Process destroyed & quot;);
        catch (Exception ex) {


Creating Process
Process destroyed


// Java code illustrating destroyForcibly()
// method for Mac Operating System
import java.lang.*;
class ProcessDemo {
    public static void main(String arg[])
        throws IOException, Exception
        System.out.println(" Creating process & quot;);
        // creating process
        ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder(new String[] {
            open& quot;
            , "
            / Applications / quot;
        Process pro = p.start();
        // waiting for 10 second
                           destroying process & quot;);
        // destroying process


Creating process
destroying process

int exitValue(): este método devuelve el valor de salida del subproceso.

Syntax: public abstract int exitValue().
Returns: This method returns the exit value of 
the subprocess represented by this Process object. 
By convention, the value 0 indicates normal termination.
Exception: IllegalThreadStateException ,
if the subprocess represented by this Process object has not yet terminated.


// Java code illustrating exitValue() method
public class ProcessDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Try block to check for exceptions
        try {
            // create a new process
                               Creating Process & quot;);
            ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(
                " notepad.exe & quot;);
            Process pro = builder.start();
            // kill the process
            // checking the exit value of subprocess
            System.out.println(" exit value
                               : "
                               + pro.exitValue());
        // Catch block to handle the exceptions
        catch (Exception ex) {


Creating Process

abstract InputStream getErrorStream(): este método obtiene el flujo de entrada del subproceso.

Syntax: public abstract InputStream getInputStream().
Returns: input stream that reads input from the process out output stream.
Exception: NA.


// Java code illustrating
// getInputStream() method
import java.lang.*;
class ProcessDemo {
    public static void main(String arg[])
        throws IOException, Exception
        // creating the process
        Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        // shell script for loop from 1 to 3
        String[] nargs = { "
        sh& quot;
        , "
        -c& quot;
        , "for
            i in 1 2 3;
            echo $i;
        done& quot;
    Process p = r.exec(nargs);
    BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(
        new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
    String line;
    // reading the output
    while ((line = is.readLine()) != null)



abstract OutputStream getOutputStream(): este método obtiene el flujo de salida del subproceso. La salida al flujo se canaliza al flujo de entrada estándar del proceso representado por este objeto Process.

Syntax: public abstract OutputStream getOutputStream()
Returns: the output stream connected to the normal input of the subprocess.
Exception: NA.


// Java code illustrating
// getOutputStream() method
public class ProcessDemo
    public static void main(String[] args)
            // create a new process
            System.out.println("Creating Process");
            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe");
            // get the output stream
            OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream();
            // close the output stream
            System.out.println("Closing the output stream");
            catch (Exception ex)


Creating Process...
Closing the output stream...

abstract InputStream getErrorStream(): devuelve un flujo de entrada que lee la entrada del flujo de salida del error del proceso .

Syntax: public abstract InputStream getErrorStream().
Returns: the input stream connected to the error stream of the subprocess.
Exception: NA.


// Java code illustrating
// getErrorStream() method
public class ProcessDemo
    public static void main(String[] args)
              // create a new process
            System.out.println("Creating Process");
            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe");
            // get the error stream of the process and print it
            InputStream error = p.getErrorStream();
            for (int i = 0; i < error.available(); i++)
                System.out.println("" +;
            // wait for 10 seconds and then destroy the process
        catch (Exception ex)


Creating Process

int waitFor(): Devuelve el código de salida devuelto por el proceso. Este método no regresa hasta que finaliza el proceso en el que se llama.

Syntax: public int waitFor().
Returns: the exit value of the process. By convention, 0 indicates normal termination.
Exception: throws InterruptedException.


// Java code illustrating
// waitFor() method
public class ProcessDemo
    public static void main(String[] args)
            // create a new process
            System.out.println("Creating Process");
            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe");
            // cause this process to stop
                // until process p is terminated
            // when you manually close notepad.exe
                // program will continue here
            System.out.println("Waiting over");
        catch (Exception ex)
  1. Producción:
Creating Process...
Waiting over.

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