Número de celdas que una reina puede mover con obstáculos en el tablero de ajedrez

Considere un tablero de ajedrez NXN con obstáculos Queen y K. La Reina no puede atravesar obstáculos. Dada la posición (x, y) de la reina, la tarea es encontrar el número de celdas que la reina puede mover.


Input : N = 8, x = 4, y = 4, 
        K = 0
Output : 27

Input : N = 8, x = 4, y = 4, 
        K = 1, kx1 = 3, ky1 = 5
Output : 24

Método 1: 

La idea es iterar sobre las celdas que la reina puede atacar y detenerse hasta que haya un obstáculo o final del tablero. Para hacer eso, necesitamos iterar horizontal, vertical y diagonalmente. Los movimientos desde la posición (x, y) pueden ser: 

(x+1, y): one step horizontal move to the right. 
(x-1, y): one step horizontal move to the left. 
(x+1, y+1): one step diagonal move up-right. 
(x-1, y-1): one step diagonal move down-left. 
(x-1, y+1): one step diagonal move left-up. 
(x+1, y-1): one step diagonal move right-down. 
(x, y+1): one step downward. 
(x, y-1): one step upward.

A continuación se muestra la implementación en C++ de este enfoque:  


// C++ program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
using namespace std;
// Return if position is valid on chessboard
int range(int n, int x, int y)
  return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
// Return the number of moves with a given direction
int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
                  map <pair<int, int>, int> mp)
  int ans = 0;
  // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
  while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp[{x, y}])
    x += xx;
    y += yy;
  return ans;
// Return the number of position a Queen can move.
int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,
                  int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[])
  int x1, y1, ans = 0;
  map <pair<int, int>, int> mp;
  // Mapping each obstacle's position
    x1 = obstPosx[k];
    y1 = obstPosy[k];
    mp[{x1, y1}] = 1;
  // Fetching number of position a queen can
  // move in each direction.
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
  ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp);
  ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x-1, y-1, -1, -1, mp);
  return ans;
// Driven Program
int main()
  int n = 8;  // Chessboard size
  int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles
  int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
  int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
  int obstPosx[] = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles
  int obstPosy[] = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles
  cout << numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,
                   obstPosx, obstPosy) << endl;
  return 0;


// Java program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
  static class pair
    int first, second;
    public pair(int first, int second) 
      this.first = first;
      this.second = second;
  // Return if position is valid on chessboard
  static boolean range(int n, int x, int y)
    return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
  // Return the number of moves with a given direction
  static int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
                   HashMap <pair, Integer> mp)
    int ans = 0;
    // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
    while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp.containsKey(new pair(x, y)))
      x += xx;
      y += yy;
    return ans;
  // Return the number of position a Queen can move.
  static int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,
                              int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[])
    int x1, y1, ans = 0;
    HashMap <pair, Integer> mp = new HashMap<>();
    // Mapping each obstacle's position
      x1 = obstPosx[k];
      y1 = obstPosy[k];
      mp.put(new pair(x1, y1), 1);
    // Fetching number of position a queen can
    // move in each direction.
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
    return ans;
  // Driven Program
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 8;  // Chessboard size
    int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles
    int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
    int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
    int obstPosx[] = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles
    int obstPosy[] = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles
    System.out.print(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,
                                      obstPosx, obstPosy) +"\n");
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


# Python program to find number of cells a queen can move
# with obstacles on the chessboard
class pair :
    def __init__(self, first, second):
        self.first = first
        self.second = second
# Return if position is valid on chessboard
def range(n , x , y):
    return (x <= n and x > 0 and y <= n and y > 0)
# Return the number of moves with a given direction
def check(n , x , y , xx , yy, mp):
    ans = 0
    # Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
    while range(n, x, y) and pair(x, y) not in mp :
        x += xx
        y += yy
        ans = ans+1
    return ans
# Return the number of position a Queen can move.
def numberofPosition(n , k , x , y , obstPosx , obstPosy):
    ans = 0
    mp = {}
    # Mapping each obstacle's position
    while (k > 0):
        k -= 1
        x1 = obstPosx[k]
        y1 = obstPosy[k]
        mp[pair(x1, y1)] = 1
        # Fetching number of position a queen can
        # move in each direction.
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp)
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y, -1, 0, mp)
        ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x, y - 1, 0, -1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y - 1, 1, -1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp)
    return ans
# Driven Program
n = 8 # Chessboard size
k = 1 # Number of obstacles
Qposx = 4 # Queen x position
Qposy = 4 # Queen y position
obstPosx = [ 3 ] # x position of obstacles
obstPosy = [ 5 ] # y position of obstacles
print(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy, obstPosx, obstPosy))
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// C# program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG{
 public  class pair
   public  int first, second;
    public pair(int first, int second) 
      this.first = first;
      this.second = second;
  // Return if position is valid on chessboard
  static bool range(int n, int x, int y)
    return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
  // Return the number of moves with a given direction
  static int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
                   Dictionary <pair, int> mp)
    int ans = 0;
    // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
    while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp.ContainsKey(new pair(x, y)))
      x += xx;
      y += yy;
    return ans;
  // Return the number of position a Queen can move.
  static int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,
                              int []obstPosx, int []obstPosy)
    int x1, y1, ans = 0;
    Dictionary <pair, int> mp = new Dictionary<pair, int>();
    // Mapping each obstacle's position
      x1 = obstPosx[k];
      y1 = obstPosy[k];
      mp.Add(new pair(x1, y1), 1);
    // Fetching number of position a queen can
    // move in each direction.
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
    return ans;
  // Driven Program
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    int n = 8;  // Chessboard size
    int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles
    int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
    int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
    int []obstPosx = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles
    int []obstPosy = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles
    Console.Write(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,
                                      obstPosx, obstPosy) +"\n");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


// javascript program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
     class pair {
         constructor(first , second) {
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;
    // Return if position is valid on chessboard
    function range(n , x , y) {
        return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
    // Return the number of moves with a given direction
    function check(n , x , y , xx , yy, mp) {
        var ans = 0;
        // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
        while (range(n, x, y) && !mp.has(new pair(x, y))) {
            x += xx;
            y += yy;
        return ans;
    // Return the number of position a Queen can move.
    function numberofPosition(n , k , x , y , obstPosx , obstPosy) {
        var x1, y1, ans = 0;
        var mp = new Map();
        // Mapping each obstacle's position
        while (k > 0) {
            x1 = obstPosx[k];
            y1 = obstPosy[k];
            mp.set(new pair(x1, y1), 1);
        // Fetching number of position a queen can
        // move in each direction.
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y, -1, 0, mp);
        ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x, y - 1, 0, -1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y - 1, 1, -1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
        return ans;
    // Driven Program
        var n = 8; // Chessboard size
        var k = 1; // Number of obstacles
        var Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
        var Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
        var obstPosx = [ 3 ]; // x position of obstacles
        var obstPosy = [ 5 ]; // y position of obstacles
        document.write(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy, obstPosx, obstPosy) + "\n");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


Complejidad de Tiempo: O(n 2 )
Espacio Auxiliar: O(n)

 Método 2: 

La idea es iterar sobre los obstáculos y para aquellos que están en el camino de la reina, calculamos las celdas libres hasta ese obstáculo. Si no hay ningún obstáculo en el camino, tenemos que calcular el número de celdas libres hasta el final del tablero en esa dirección. 

Para cualquier (x 1 , y 1 ) y (x 2 , y 2 ): 

  • Si están horizontalmente al mismo nivel: abs(x 1 – x 2 – 1)
  • Si están verticalmente al mismo nivel: abs(y 1 – y 2 – 1) es el número de celdas libres entre ellas.
  • Si son diagonales: abs(x 1 – x 2 – 1) o abs(y 1 – y 2 – 1) es el número de celdas libres entre ellas.

A continuación se muestra la implementación de este enfoque:  


// C++ program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
using namespace std;
// Return if position is valid on chessboard
int range(int n, int x, int y)
  return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
// Return the number of moves with a given direction
int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
                  map <pair<int, int>, int> mp)
  int ans = 0;
  // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
  while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp[{x, y}])
    x += xx;
    y += yy;
  return ans;
// Return the number of position a Queen can move.
int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,
                  int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[])
  int x1, y1, ans = 0;
  map <pair<int, int>, int> mp;
  // Mapping each obstacle's position
    x1 = obstPosx[k];
    y1 = obstPosy[k];
    mp[{x1, y1}] = 1;
  // Fetching number of position a queen can
  // move in each direction.
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
  ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp);
  ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
  ans += check(n, x-1, y-1, -1, -1, mp);
  return ans;
// Driven Program
int main()
  int n = 8;  // Chessboard size
  int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles
  int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
  int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
  int obstPosx[] = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles
  int obstPosy[] = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles
  cout << numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,
                   obstPosx, obstPosy) << endl;
  return 0;


// Java program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
  static class pair
    int first, second;
    public pair(int first, int second) 
      this.first = first;
      this.second = second;
  // Return if position is valid on chessboard
  static boolean range(int n, int x, int y)
    return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
  // Return the number of moves with a given direction
  static int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
                   HashMap <pair, Integer> mp)
    int ans = 0;
    // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
    while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp.containsKey(new pair(x, y)))
      x += xx;
      y += yy;
    return ans;
  // Return the number of position a Queen can move.
  static int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,
                              int obstPosx[], int obstPosy[])
    int x1, y1, ans = 0;
    HashMap <pair, Integer> mp = new HashMap<>();
    // Mapping each obstacle's position
      x1 = obstPosx[k];
      y1 = obstPosy[k];
      mp.put(new pair(x1, y1), 1);
    // Fetching number of position a queen can
    // move in each direction.
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
    return ans;
  // Driven Program
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 8;  // Chessboard size
    int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles
    int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
    int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
    int obstPosx[] = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles
    int obstPosy[] = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles
    System.out.print(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,
                                      obstPosx, obstPosy) +"\n");
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


# Python program to find number of cells a queen can move
# with obstacles on the chessboard
class pair :
    def __init__(self, first, second):
        self.first = first
        self.second = second
# Return if position is valid on chessboard
def range(n , x , y):
    return (x <= n and x > 0 and y <= n and y > 0)
# Return the number of moves with a given direction
def check(n , x , y , xx , yy, mp):
    ans = 0
    # Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
    while range(n, x, y) and pair(x, y) not in mp :
        x += xx
        y += yy
        ans = ans+1
    return ans
# Return the number of position a Queen can move.
def numberofPosition(n , k , x , y , obstPosx , obstPosy):
    ans = 0
    mp = {}
    # Mapping each obstacle's position
    while (k > 0):
        k -= 1
        x1 = obstPosx[k]
        y1 = obstPosy[k]
        mp[pair(x1, y1)] = 1
        # Fetching number of position a queen can
        # move in each direction.
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp)
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y, -1, 0, mp)
        ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x, y - 1, 0, -1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y - 1, 1, -1, mp)
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp)
    return ans
# Driven Program
n = 8 # Chessboard size
k = 1 # Number of obstacles
Qposx = 4 # Queen x position
Qposy = 4 # Queen y position
obstPosx = [ 3 ] # x position of obstacles
obstPosy = [ 5 ] # y position of obstacles
print(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy, obstPosx, obstPosy))
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// C# program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG{
 public  class pair
   public  int first, second;
    public pair(int first, int second) 
      this.first = first;
      this.second = second;
  // Return if position is valid on chessboard
  static bool range(int n, int x, int y)
    return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
  // Return the number of moves with a given direction
  static int check(int n, int x, int y, int xx, int yy,
                   Dictionary <pair, int> mp)
    int ans = 0;
    // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
    while (range(n, x, y) && ! mp.ContainsKey(new pair(x, y)))
      x += xx;
      y += yy;
    return ans;
  // Return the number of position a Queen can move.
  static int numberofPosition(int n, int k, int x, int y,
                              int []obstPosx, int []obstPosy)
    int x1, y1, ans = 0;
    Dictionary <pair, int> mp = new Dictionary<pair, int>();
    // Mapping each obstacle's position
      x1 = obstPosx[k];
      y1 = obstPosy[k];
      mp.Add(new pair(x1, y1), 1);
    // Fetching number of position a queen can
    // move in each direction.
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y, -1, 0, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x, y-1, 0, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x + 1, y-1, 1, -1, mp);
    ans += check(n, x-1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
    return ans;
  // Driven Program
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    int n = 8;  // Chessboard size
    int k = 1;  // Number of obstacles
    int Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
    int Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
    int []obstPosx = { 3 };  // x position of obstacles
    int []obstPosy = { 5 };  // y position of obstacles
    Console.Write(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy,
                                      obstPosx, obstPosy) +"\n");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


// javascript program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessboard
     class pair {
         constructor(first , second) {
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;
    // Return if position is valid on chessboard
    function range(n , x , y) {
        return (x <= n && x > 0 && y <= n && y > 0);
    // Return the number of moves with a given direction
    function check(n , x , y , xx , yy, mp) {
        var ans = 0;
        // Checking valid move of Queen in a direction.
        while (range(n, x, y) && !mp.has(new pair(x, y))) {
            x += xx;
            y += yy;
        return ans;
    // Return the number of position a Queen can move.
    function numberofPosition(n , k , x , y , obstPosx , obstPosy) {
        var x1, y1, ans = 0;
        var mp = new Map();
        // Mapping each obstacle's position
        while (k > 0) {
            x1 = obstPosx[k];
            y1 = obstPosy[k];
            mp.set(new pair(x1, y1), 1);
        // Fetching number of position a queen can
        // move in each direction.
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y, 1, 0, mp);
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y, -1, 0, mp);
        ans += check(n, x, y + 1, 0, 1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x, y - 1, 0, -1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y + 1, 1, 1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x + 1, y - 1, 1, -1, mp);
        ans += check(n, x - 1, y + 1, -1, 1, mp);
        return ans;
    // Driven Program
        var n = 8; // Chessboard size
        var k = 1; // Number of obstacles
        var Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
        var Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
        var obstPosx = [ 3 ]; // x position of obstacles
        var obstPosy = [ 5 ]; // y position of obstacles
        document.write(numberofPosition(n, k, Qposx, Qposy, obstPosx, obstPosy) + "\n");
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


Complejidad de Tiempo: O(n 2 )
Espacio Auxiliar: O(n)

Este artículo es una contribución de Aarti Rathi y Anuj Chauhan . Si te gusta GeeksforGeeks y te gustaría contribuir, también puedes escribir un artículo usando write.geeksforgeeks.org o enviar tu artículo por correo a review-team@geeksforgeeks.org. Vea su artículo que aparece en la página principal de GeeksforGeeks y ayude a otros Geeks. 

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