¿Por qué se prefiere la búsqueda binaria a la búsqueda ternaria?

La siguiente es una función de búsqueda binaria recursiva simple en C++ tomada de aquí .


// CPP program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// A recursive binary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
int binarySearch(int arr[], int l, int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid = l + (r - l)/2;
        // If the element is present at the middle itself
        if (arr[mid] == x)  return mid;
        // If element is smaller than mid, then it can only be present
        // in left subarray
        if (arr[mid] > x) return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x);
        // Else the element can only be present in right subarray
        return binarySearch(arr, mid+1, r, x);
   // We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.


// A recursive binary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
int binarySearch(int arr[], int l, int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid = l + (r - l)/2;
        // If the element is present at the middle itself
        if (arr[mid] == x)  return mid;
        // If element is smaller than mid, then it can only be present
        // in left subarray
        if (arr[mid] > x) return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x);
        // Else the element can only be present in right subarray
        return binarySearch(arr, mid+1, r, x);
   // We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;


// A recursive binary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
static int binarySearch(int arr[], int l, int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid = l + (r - l)/2;
        // If the element is present at the middle itself
        if (arr[mid] == x)  return mid;
        // If element is smaller than mid, then it can only be present
        // in left subarray
        if (arr[mid] > x) return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x);
        // Else the element can only be present in right subarray
        return binarySearch(arr, mid+1, r, x);
   // We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


# A recursive binary search function. It returns location of x in
# given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
def binarySearch(arr, l, r, x):
   if (r >= l):
        mid = l + (r - l)/2;
   # If the element is present at the middle itself
   if (arr[mid] == x):
        return mid;
   # If element is smaller than mid, then it can only be present
   # in left subarray
    if (arr[mid] > x):
    return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x);
    # Else the element can only be present in right subarray
    return binarySearch(arr, mid+1, r, x);
 # We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;
# This code is contributed by umadevi9616


// A recursive binary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
static int binarySearch(int []arr, int l, int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid = l + (r - l)/2;
        // If the element is present at the middle itself
        if (arr[mid] == x)  return mid;
        // If element is smaller than mid, then it can only be present
        // in left subarray
        if (arr[mid] > x) return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x);
        // Else the element can only be present in right subarray
        return binarySearch(arr, mid+1, r, x);
   // We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// A recursive binary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
function binarySearch(arr , l , r , x)
   if (r >= l)
        var mid = l + (r - l)/2;
        // If the element is present at the middle itself
        if (arr[mid] == x)  return mid;
        // If element is smaller than mid, then it can only be present
        // in left subarray
        if (arr[mid] > x) return binarySearch(arr, l, mid-1, x);
        // Else the element can only be present in right subarray
        return binarySearch(arr, mid+1, r, x);
   // We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1

La siguiente es una función de búsqueda ternaria recursiva simple :


// A recursive ternary search function. It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
int ternarySearch(int arr[], int l, int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid1 = l + (r - l)/3;
        int mid2 = mid1 + (r - l)/3;
        // If x is present at the mid1
        if (arr[mid1] == x)  return mid1;
        // If x is present at the mid2
        if (arr[mid2] == x)  return mid2;
        // If x is present in left one-third
        if (arr[mid1] > x) return ternarySearch(arr, l, mid1-1, x);
        // If x is present in right one-third
        if (arr[mid2] < x) return ternarySearch(arr, mid2+1, r, x);
        // If x is present in middle one-third
        return ternarySearch(arr, mid1+1, mid2-1, x);
   // We reach here when element is not present in array
   return -1;


import java.io.*;
class GFG
public static void main (String[] args)
// A recursive ternary search function.
// It returns location of x in given array
// arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
static int ternarySearch(int arr[], int l,
                         int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid1 = l + (r - l) / 3;
        int mid2 = mid1 + (r - l) / 3;
        // If x is present at the mid1
        if (arr[mid1] == x)  return mid1;
        // If x is present at the mid2
        if (arr[mid2] == x)  return mid2;
        // If x is present in left one-third
        if (arr[mid1] > x)
            return ternarySearch(arr, l, mid1 - 1, x);
        // If x is present in right one-third
        if (arr[mid2] < x)
            return ternarySearch(arr, mid2 + 1, r, x);
        // If x is present in middle one-third
        return ternarySearch(arr, mid1 + 1,
                                  mid2 - 1, x);
   // We reach here when element is
   // not present in array
   return -1;


# A recursive ternary search function. It returns location of x in
# given array arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
def ternarySearch(arr, l, r, x):
    if (r >= l):
        mid1 = l + (r - l)//3
        mid2 = mid1 + (r - l)//3
        # If x is present at the mid1
        if arr[mid1] == x:
            return mid1
        # If x is present at the mid2
        if arr[mid2] == x:
            return mid2
        # If x is present in left one-third
        if arr[mid1] > x:
            return ternarySearch(arr, l, mid1-1, x)
        # If x is present in right one-third
        if arr[mid2] < x:
            return ternarySearch(arr, mid2+1, r, x)
        # If x is present in middle one-third
        return ternarySearch(arr, mid1+1, mid2-1, x)
    # We reach here when element is not present in array
    return -1
# This code is contributed by ankush_953


// A recursive ternary search function.
// It returns location of x in given array
// arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
static int ternarySearch(int []arr, int l,
                         int r, int x)
   if (r >= l)
        int mid1 = l + (r - l) / 3;
        int mid2 = mid1 + (r - l) / 3;
        // If x is present at the mid1
        if (arr[mid1] == x)  return mid1;
        // If x is present at the mid2
        if (arr[mid2] == x)  return mid2;
        // If x is present in left one-third
        if (arr[mid1] > x)
            return ternarySearch(arr, l, mid1 - 1, x);
        // If x is present in right one-third
        if (arr[mid2] < x)
            return ternarySearch(arr, mid2 + 1, r, x);
        // If x is present in middle one-third
        return ternarySearch(arr, mid1 + 1,
                                  mid2 - 1, x);
   // We reach here when element is
   // not present in array
   return -1;
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// A recursive ternary search function.
// It returns location of x in
// given array arr[l..r] is
// present, otherwise -1
function ternarySearch($arr, $l,
                       $r, $x)
    if ($r >= $l)
        $mid1 = $l + ($r - $l) / 3;
        $mid2 = $mid1 + ($r - l) / 3;
        // If x is present at the mid1
        if ($arr[mid1] == $x)
            return $mid1;
        // If x is present
        // at the mid2
        if ($arr[$mid2] == $x)
            return $mid2;
        // If x is present in
        // left one-third
        if ($arr[$mid1] > $x)
            return ternarySearch($arr, $l,
                                 $mid1 - 1, $x);
        // If x is present in right one-third
        if ($arr[$mid2] < $x)
            return ternarySearch($arr, $mid2 + 1,
                                         $r, $x);
        // If x is present in
        // middle one-third
        return ternarySearch($arr, $mid1 + 1,
                             $mid2 - 1, $x);
// We reach here when element
// is not present in array
return -1;
// This code is contributed by anuj_67


    // A recursive ternary search function.
    // It returns location of x in given array
    // arr[l..r] is present, otherwise -1
    function ternarySearch(arr , l , r , x) {
        if (r >= l) {
            var mid1 = l + parseInt((r - l) / 3);
            var mid2 = mid1 + parseInt((r - l) / 3);
            // If x is present at the mid1
            if (arr[mid1] == x)
                return mid1;
            // If x is present at the mid2
            if (arr[mid2] == x)
                return mid2;
            // If x is present in left one-third
            if (arr[mid1] > x)
                return ternarySearch(arr, l, mid1 - 1, x);
            // If x is present in right one-third
            if (arr[mid2] < x)
                return ternarySearch(arr, mid2 + 1, r, x);
            // If x is present in middle one-third
            return ternarySearch(arr, mid1 + 1, mid2 - 1, x);
        // We reach here when element is
        // not present in array
        return -1;
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1

¿Cuál de los dos anteriores hace menos comparaciones en el peor de los casos?  
A primera vista, parece que la búsqueda ternaria hace menos comparaciones, ya que hace llamadas recursivas Log 3 n, pero la búsqueda binaria hace llamadas recursivas Log 2 n. Echemos un vistazo más de cerca. 
La siguiente es una fórmula recursiva para contar comparaciones en el peor de los casos de búsqueda binaria. 

   T(n) = T(n/2) + 2,  T(1) = 1

La siguiente es una fórmula recursiva para contar comparaciones en el peor de los casos de búsqueda ternaria. 

   T(n) = T(n/3) + 4, T(1) = 1

En la búsqueda binaria, hay comparaciones 2Log 2 n + 1 en el peor de los casos. En la búsqueda ternaria, hay 4Log 3 n + 1 comparaciones en el peor de los casos. 

Time Complexity for Binary search = 2clog2n + O(1)
Time Complexity for Ternary search = 4clog3n + O(1)

Por lo tanto, la comparación de búsquedas ternarias y binarias se reduce a la comparación de las expresiones 2Log 3 n y Log 2 n . El valor de 2Log 3 n se puede escribir como (2 / Log 2 3) * Log 2 n . Dado que el valor de (2 / Log 2 3) es más de uno, la búsqueda ternaria realiza más comparaciones que la búsqueda binaria en el peor de los casos.
¿Por qué Merge Sort divide la array de entrada en dos mitades, por qué no en tres o más partes?
Este artículo es una contribución de Anmol . Escriba comentarios si encuentra algo incorrecto o si desea compartir más información sobre el tema tratado anteriormente.

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Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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