Resto con 7 para números grandes

Dado un número grande como una string, encuentre el resto del número cuando se divide por 7.


Input : num = 1234
Output : 2

Input : num = 1232
Output : 0

Input : num = 12345
Output : 4

El enfoque simple es convertir una string en un número y realizar la operación de modificación. Pero este enfoque no funcionará para strings largas.

Existe un enfoque que también funciona para grandes números. 

A continuación se muestran los pasos. Sea el número dado «num» 

  1. Usamos una serie 1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2 para encontrar el resto (la intuición detrás de la serie se analiza a continuación).
  2. Inicializar el resultado como 0.
  3. Traverse num desde el final y por encima de la serie desde el principio. Para cada dígito recorrido, multiplíquelo con el siguiente dígito de la serie y agregue la multiplicación al resultado.
  4. Siga repitiendo el paso 3 mientras haya más dígitos para procesar. Si hay más de 6 (número de términos en la serie) dígitos, comience a recorrer la serie desde el principio.
  5. Después de cada paso, seguimos haciendo resultado = resultado % 7 para asegurarnos de que el resultado siga siendo inferior a 7.

Ilustración : 

let us take above Example where number is 12345. 

We reverse the number from end and series from 
the beginning and keep adding multiplication to
the result.
(12345 % 7) = (5*1 + 4*3 + 3*2 + 2*(-1) + 1*(-3)) % 7
            = (5 + 12 + 6 - 2 - 3)%7
            = (18) % 7
            = 4
hence 4 will be the remainder when we divide
the number 12345 by 7. 

¿Cómo funciona esta fórmula de serie?  
A continuación se muestra la intuición detrás de la serie. 

1  % 7 = 1
10 % 7 = 3
100 % 7 = 2
1000 % 7 = 6 = (-1) % 7
10000 % 7 = 4 = (-3) % 7
100000 % 7 = 5 = (-2) % 7

The series repeats itself for larger powers
1000000 % 7 = 1
10000000 % 7 = 3

The above property of modular division with 7 and 
associative properties of modular arithmetic are 
the basis of the approach used here.



// C++ program to find remainder of a large
// number when divided by 7.
using namespace std;
/* Function which returns Remainder after dividing
   the number by 7 */
int remainderWith7(string num)
    // This series is used to find remainder with 7
    int series[] = {1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2};
    // Index of next element in series
    int series_index = 0;
    int result = 0;  // Initialize result
    // Traverse num from end
    for (int i=num.size()-1; i>=0; i--)
        /* Find current digit of nun */
        int digit = num[i] - '0';
        // Add next term to result
        result += digit * series[series_index];
        // Move to next term in series
        series_index = (series_index + 1) % 6;
        // Make sure that result never goes beyond 7.
        result %= 7;
    // Make sure that remainder is positive
    if (result < 0)
      result = (result + 7) % 7;
    return result;
/* Driver program */
int main()
    string str = "12345";
    cout << "Remainder with 7 is "
         << remainderWith7(str);
    return 0;


// Java program to find remainder of a large
// number when divided by 7.
class GFG
    // Function which return Remainder
    // after dividingthe number by 7
    static int remainderWith7(String num)
        // This series is used to
        // find remainder with 7
        int series[] = {1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2};
        // Index of next element in series
        int series_index = 0;
        // Initialize result
        int result = 0;
        // Traverse num from end
        for (int i = num.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            /* Find current digit of nun */
            int digit = num.charAt(i) - '0';
            // Add next term to result
            result += digit * series[series_index];
            // Move to next term in series
            series_index = (series_index + 1) % 6;
            // Make sure that result never goes beyond 7.
            result %= 7;
        // Make sure that remainder is positive
        if (result < 0)
        result = (result + 7) % 7;
        return result;
    // Driver code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        String str = "12345";
        System.out.print("Remainder with 7 is "
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python3 program to find remainder of
# a large number when divided by 7.
# Function which return Remainder
# after dividing the number by 7
def remainderWith7(num):
    # This series is used to
    # find remainder with 7
    series = [1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2];
    # Index of next element
    # in series
    series_index = 0;
    # Initialize result
    result = 0;
    # Traverse num from end
    for i in range((len(num) - 1), -1, -1):
        # Find current digit of num
        digit = ord(num[i]) - 48;
        # Add next term to result
        result += digit * series[series_index];
        # Move to next term in series
        series_index = (series_index + 1) % 6;
        # Make sure that result
        # never goes beyond 7.
        result %= 7;
    # Make sure that remainder
    # is positive
    if (result < 0):
        result = (result + 7) % 7;
    return result;
# Driver Code
str = "12345";
print("Remainder with 7 is",
# This code is contributed by mits


// C# program to find the remainder of
// a large number when divided by 7.
using System;
class GFG
    // Function which return Remainder
    // after dividingthe number by 7
    static int remainderWith7(String num)
        // This series is used to
        // find remainder with 7
        int []series = {1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2};
        // Index of next element in series
        int series_index = 0;
        // Initialize result
        int result = 0;
        // Traverse num from end
        for (int i = num.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            /* Find current digit of nun */
            int digit = num[i] - '0';
            // Add next term to result
            result += digit * series[series_index];
            // Move to next term in series
            series_index = (series_index + 1) % 6;
            // Make sure that result never goes beyond 7.
            result %= 7;
        // Make sure that remainder is positive
        if (result < 0)
        result = (result + 7) % 7;
        return result;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main ()
        String str = "12345";
        Console.Write("Remainder with 7 is " +
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


// PHP program to find remainder of
// a large number when divided by 7.
/* Function which return Remainder
   after dividing the number by 7 */
function remainderWith7($num)
    // This series is used to
    // find remainder with 7
    $series = array(1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2);
    // Index of next element
    // in series
    $series_index = 0;
    // Initialize result
    $result = 0;
    // Traverse num from end
    for($i = strlen($num) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
        // Find current digit of num
        $digit = $num[$i] - '0';
        // Add next term to result
        $result += $digit *
        // Move to next term in series
        $series_index = ($series_index + 1) % 6;
        // Make sure that result
        // never goes beyond 7.
        $result %= 7;
    // Make sure that remainder
    // is positive
    if ($result < 0)
    $result = ($result + 7) % 7;
    return $result;
// Driver Code
    $str = "12345";
    echo "Remainder with 7 is ",
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


// Javascript program to find remainder of a large
// number when divided by 7.
/* Function which returns Remainder after dividing
the number by 7 */
function remainderWith7(num)
    // This series is used to find remainder with 7
    series = [1, 3, 2, -1, -3, -2]
    // Index of next element in series
    var series_index = 0;
    var result = 0; // Initialize result
    // Traverse num from end
    for (var i = num.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        /* Find current digit of nun */
        var digit = num[i] - '0';
        // Add next term to result
        result += digit * series[series_index];
        // Move to next term in series
        series_index = (series_index + 1) % 6;
        // Make sure that result never goes beyond 7.
        result %= 7;
    // Make sure that remainder is positive
    if (result < 0)
    result = (result + 7) % 7;
    return result;
/* Driver program */
var str = "12345";
document.write("Remainder with 7 is " + remainderWith7(str));
// This code is contributed by oob2000.

Remainder with 7 is 4

Complejidad temporal : O(n) 
Espacio auxiliar : O(1)

Este artículo es una contribución de Kuldeep Singh . Si te gusta GeeksforGeeks y te gustaría contribuir, también puedes escribir un artículo usando o enviar tu artículo por correo a Vea su artículo que aparece en la página principal de GeeksforGeeks y ayude a otros Geeks.

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