PUERTA | PUERTA CS 2008 | Pregunta 41

Un árbol B de orden 4 se construye desde cero mediante 10 inserciones sucesivas. ¿Cuál es el número máximo de operaciones de división de Nodes que se pueden realizar?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6

Respuesta: (C)

Insertion of 3 keys
10 20 30

Insertion of 4th key (1st split)
   /   \
10*20   40

Insertion of 5th key no split 
To maximize splits, let us insert a value in a node that has
key in access. Let us insert 5
   /     \
5*10*20   40

Insertion of 6th key (2nd Split)
To maximize splits, let us insert a value in a node that has
key in access. Let us insert 6
   /   |   \
5    10*20   40 

Insertion of 7th key
To maximize splits, let us insert a value in a node that has
key in access. Let us insert 15
   /     |    \
5    10*15*20   40 

Insertion of 8th key (3rd Split)
To maximize splits, let us insert a value in a node that has
key in access. Let us insert 12
   /   /   \  \
 5   10 15*20  40 

Insertion of 9th key 
To maximize splits, let us insert a value in a node that has
key in access. Let us insert 17
   /  /   \   \
5  10 15*17*20 40 

Insertion of 10th key (4th and 5th Splits)
To maximize splits, let us insert a value in a node that has
key in access. Let us insert 13
       /      \
      8       15*30
   /   \     /  |  \  
  5    10  13 17*20   40 

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