Experiencia de entrevista de Commvault (en el campus)

Commavault visitó nuestro campus para reclutar para roles SDE (C++/JAVA) y SDET (PYTHON) . Si elige el lenguaje como C++/JAVA , se le asignará un rol SDE y para los roles SDET de python.

Primera ronda: ronda de codificación en línea en su plataforma. La cámara web está encendida. Hubo 15 MCQ y 3 preguntas de codificación. MCQ se basó principalmente en OOP y una pregunta de codificación fácil y dos medianas.

  1. Substring palindrómica más larga
  2. Elemento máximo entre dos Nodes de BST

No recuerdo basado en xor.

Segunda Ronda: Implementación del Sistema de Archivo Virtual.Tenemos que completar su código del sistema de archivos virtual. Esta ronda fue de 6 hrs. Todo este código debía completarse en 6 horas.


import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
// Java class to calculate MD5 hash value
class MD5 {
    public static String getMd5(String input)
        try {
            // Static getInstance method is called with
            // hashing MD5
            MessageDigest md
                = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            // digest() method is called to calculate
            // message digest
            // of an input digest() return array of byte
            byte[] messageDigest
                = md.digest(input.getBytes());
            // Convert byte array into signum representation
            BigInteger no
                = new BigInteger(1, messageDigest);
            // Convert message digest into hex value
            String hashtext = no.toString(16);
            while (hashtext.length() < 32) {
                hashtext = "0" + hashtext;
            return hashtext;
        catch (
                e) { // incorrect message digest algorithms
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
class CV_SIOManager {
    public CV_SIOManager() {}
    public CVFile CVGetFile(
        final String
            filePathName) // Returns the reference to the
                          // CVFile object for the given
    // filePathName.
        // Put your code here
        return null;
    public void
    CVDisplayStats() // Display the whole stats that
                     // CV_SIOManager holds.
        // Put your code here
    public int CVDeleteFile(
        final String filePathName) // Deletes a file in the
                                   // given path.
        // Put your code here
        return 0;
    public int CVMoveFile(
        final String sourcePathName,
        final String targetPathName) // Moves file from one
                                     // location to
    // another.
        // Put your code here
        return 0;
    public int CVCopyFile(
        final String sourcePathName,
        final String targetPathName) // Copies file from one
                                     // location to
    // another.
        // Put your code here
        return 0;
class CVFile {
    private String fileName;
    public CVFile()
        // put your code here
    public CVFile(
        final String filePathName,
        final String
            content) // Creates a file with given content.
        // Put your code here
        fileName = filePathName;
    public void CVModifyFile(
        final String
            content) // Modifies and rewrites the content of
                     // a file with given content.
        // Put your code here
    public int
    CVReadFile(int revision, /* output */ String
                   content) // Reads file content based on
                            // the given revision.
        // Put your code here
        return 0;
    public int CVTrim() // Trims all previous versions and
                        // only holds on to latest content
        // Put your code here
        return 0;
* NOTE ---- 1. Do not make any modifications to main(). 2.
Every filePathName
* given in this problem is the absolute file path with file
name like
* DriveName:\\Path\\To\\FileName (Eg: C:\\A.txt).
public class SIOManagerDriver {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        CV_SIOManager sm = new CV_SIOManager();
        String contentInFile = "";
        CVFile fx;
        CVFile f1 = new CVFile("C:\\File1.txt",
                               "Welcome to Commvault 1!");
        CVFile f2 = new CVFile("C:\\File2.txt",
                               "All The Best 2!");
        CVFile f2_1 = new CVFile("C:\\File2_1.txt",
                                 "All The Best 2!");
        CVFile f9
            = new CVFile("C:\\File9.txt", "This is File 9");
        CVFile f4
            = new CVFile("C:\\File4.txt", "Good Luck 4!");
        CVFile f4_1
            = new CVFile("C:\\File4_1.txt", "Good Luck 4!");
        CVFile f10
            = new CVFile("D:\\File10.txt", "Good Luck 10!");
        CVFile f20 = new CVFile("D:\\File20.txt",
                                "Welcome to Commvault 20!");
        CVFile f50 = new CVFile("D:\\File50.txt",
                                "Best Place to Work 50!");
        CVFile f20_1 = new CVFile(
            "D:\\File20_1.txt", "Welcome to Commvault 20!");
        CVFile f60 = new CVFile("D:\\File60.txt",
                                "All THE Best 60!");
        CVFile f70 = new CVFile("D:\\File70.txt",
                                "All The Best 70!");
        CVFile f70_1
            = new CVFile("D:\\File70.txt", "Commvault 70!");
        fx = sm.CVGetFile("D:\\File60.txt");
        if (null != fx) {
            fx.CVReadFile(-5, contentInFile);
        f4.CVModifyFile("Welcome to Commvault 4!");
        fx = sm.CVGetFile("C:\\File4.txt");
        if (null != fx) {
            fx.CVReadFile(0, contentInFile);
        fx = sm.CVGetFile("C:\\File4.txt");
        if (null != fx) {
            fx.CVReadFile(-1, contentInFile);
        sm.CVMoveFile("C:\\File9.txt", "D:\\File30.txt");
        sm.CVMoveFile("C:\\File4.txt", "D:\\File2.txt");
        sm.CVCopyFile("C:\\File4.txt", "D:\\File21.txt");
        sm.CVCopyFile("C:\\File3.txt", "C:\\File40.txt");

Desafortunadamente, nadie fue seleccionado para las entrevistas.


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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