Alternar todos los bits después del bit más significativo

Dado un número, alterne todos los bits después del bit más significativo, incluido el bit más significativo.


Input : 10 
Output : 5
Binary representation of 10 is 1010
After toggling we get 0101

Input : 5
Output : 2

Podemos alternar un poco haciendo XOR con 1 (Tenga en cuenta que 1 ^ 0 = 1 y 1 ^ 1 = 0). La idea es tomar un número temporal con solo un bit establecido. Uno por uno, mueva el único bit establecido de temperatura a la izquierda y haga XOR con n hasta que cruce el MSB (bit más significativo) de n.  


// CPP program to toggle set  bits starting
// from MSB
using namespace std;
void toggle(int &n)
    // temporary variable to
    // use XOR with one of a n
    int temp = 1;
    // Run loop until the only
    // set bit in temp crosses
    // MST of n.
    while (temp <= n)
        // Toggle bit of n
        // corresponding to
        // current set bit in
        // temp.
        n = n ^ temp;
        // Move set bit to next
        // higher position.
        temp = temp << 1;
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 10;
    cout << n;
    return 0;


// Java program to toggle set
// bits starting from MSB
class GFG {
static int toggle(int n) {
    // temporary variable to
    // use XOR with one of a n
    int temp = 1;
    // Run loop until the only
    // set bit in temp crosses
    // MST of n.
    while (temp <= n) {
    // Toggle bit of n
    // corresponding to
    // current set bit in
    // temp.
    n = n ^ temp;
    // Move set bit to next
    // higher position.
    temp = temp << 1;
    return n;
// Driver code
public static void main(String arg[])
    int n = 10;
    n = toggle(n);
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python program to toggle
# set  bits starting
# from MSB
def toggle(n):
    # temporary variable to
    # use XOR with one of a n
    temp = 1
    #Run loop until the only
    #set bit in temp crosses
    #MST of n.
    while (temp <= n):
        # Toggle bit of n
        # corresponding to
        # current set bit in
        # temp.
        n = n ^ temp
        # Move set bit to next
        # higher position.
        temp = temp << 1
    return n
# Driver code
n = 10
# This code is contributed
# by Anant Agarwal.


// C# program to toggle set
// bits starting from MSB
using System;
class GFG {
// Function to toggle bits
// starting from MSB   
static int toggle(int n) {
    // temporary variable to
    // use XOR with one of a n
    int temp = 1;
    // Run loop until the only
    // set bit in temp crosses
    // MST of n.
    while (temp <= n) {
    // Toggle bit of n
    // corresponding to
    // current set bit in
    // temp.
    n = n ^ temp;
    // Move set bit to next
    // higher position.
    temp = temp << 1;
    return n;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int n = 10;
    n = toggle(n);
// This code is contributed by Nitin Mittal.


// PHP program to toggle set
// bits starting from MSB
function toggle( &$n)
    // temporary variable to
    // use XOR with one of a n
    $temp = 1;
    // Run loop until the only
    // set bit in temp crosses
    // MST of n.
    while ($temp <= $n)
        // Toggle bit of n
        // corresponding to
        // current set bit in
        // temp.
        $n = $n ^ $temp;
        // Move set bit to next
        // higher position.
        $temp = $temp << 1;
// Driver code
$n = 10;
echo $n;
// This code is contributed by ajit


// Javascript program to toggle set
// bits starting from MSB
function toggle(n)
    // Temporary variable to
    // use XOR with one of a n
    let temp = 1;
    // Run loop until the only
    // set bit in temp crosses
    // MST of n.
    while (temp <= n)
        // Toggle bit of n
        // corresponding to
        // current set bit in
        // temp.
        n = n ^ temp;
        // Move set bit to next
        // higher position.
        temp = temp << 1;
    return n;
// Driver code
let n = 10;
n = toggle(n);
// This code is contributed by subham348


Complejidad de tiempo: O (log n)

Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

La solución anterior se puede optimizar para que funcione en tiempo O(1) bajo el supuesto de que los números se almacenan en 32 bits. 


// CPP program to toggle set  bits starting
// from MSB
using namespace std;
// Returns a number which has all set bits
// starting from MSB of n
int setAllBitsAfterMSB(int n)
    // This makes sure two bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    n |= n>>1;
    // This makes sure 4 bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    n |= n>>2;  
    n |= n>>4; 
    n |= n>>8;
    n |= n>>16;
    return n;
void toggle(int &n)
    n = n ^ setAllBitsAfterMSB(n);
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 10;
    cout << n;
    return 0;


// Java program to toggle set bits
// starting from MSB
class GFG {
// Returns a number which has all
// set bits starting from MSB of n
static int setAllBitsAfterMSB(int n) {
    // This makes sure two bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    n |= n >> 1;
    // This makes sure 4 bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    n |= n >> 2;
    n |= n >> 4;
    n |= n >> 8;
    n |= n >> 16;
    return n;
static int toggle(int n)
    n = n ^ setAllBitsAfterMSB(n);
    return n;
// Driver code
public static void main(String arg[])
    int n = 10;
    n = toggle(n);
// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python program to toggle set  bits starting
# from MSB
# Returns a number which has all set bits
# starting from MSB of n
def setAllBitsAfterMSB(n):
    # This makes sure two bits
    # (From MSB and including MSB)
    # are set
    n |= n>>1
    # This makes sure 4 bits
    # (From MSB and including MSB)
    # are set
    n |= n>>2  
    n |= n>>4 
    n |= n>>8
    n |= n>>16
    return n
def toggle(n):
    n = n ^ setAllBitsAfterMSB(n)
    return n
#Driver code
n = 10
# This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


// C# program to toggle set bits
// starting from MSB
using System;
class GFG {
    // Returns a number which has all
    // set bits starting from MSB of n
    static int setAllBitsAfterMSB(int n)
        // This makes sure two bits
        // (From MSB and including MSB)
        // are set
        n |= n >> 1;
        // This makes sure 4 bits
        // (From MSB and including MSB)
        // are set
        n |= n >> 2;
        n |= n >> 4;
        n |= n >> 8;
        n |= n >> 16;
        return n;
    static int toggle(int n)
        n = n ^ setAllBitsAfterMSB(n);
        return n;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int n = 10;
        n = toggle(n);
// This code is contributed by Sam007.


// PHP program to toggle set
// bits starting from MSB
// Returns a number which
// has all set bits starting
// from MSB of n
function setAllBitsAfterMSB($n)
    // This makes sure two bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    $n |= $n >> 1;
    // This makes sure 4 bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    $n |= $n >> 2;
    $n |= $n >> 4;
    $n |= $n >> 8;
    $n |= $n >> 16;
    return $n;
function toggle(&$n)
    $n = $n ^ setAllBitsAfterMSB($n);
// Driver Code
$n = 10;
echo $n;
// This code is contributed by ajit


// Javascript program to toggle set  bits starting
// from MSB
// Returns a number which has all set bits
// starting from MSB of n
function setAllBitsAfterMSB(n)
    // This makes sure two bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    n |= n>>1;
    // This makes sure 4 bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set
    n |= n>>2;  
    n |= n>>4; 
    n |= n>>8;
    n |= n>>16;
    return n;
function toggle(n)
    n = n ^ setAllBitsAfterMSB(n);
    return n;
// Driver code
    let n = 10;


Complejidad de tiempo: O(1)

Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Gracias a Devanshu Agarwal por sugerir este enfoque.

Otro enfoque:

Para alternar un bit específico, podemos tomar XOR de ese bit con 1.

Por lo tanto, para un número de n bits, podemos construir una máscara binaria de la forma 1111….11111, es decir, se establecen todos los n bits. Esto no es más que 2 n – 1.

La implementación se muestra a continuación:


// CPP program to toggle set  bits starting
// from MSB
using namespace std;
// Returns a number which has all set bits
// starting from MSB of n
int toggle(int num)
    //the number of bits is equal to log2num + 1
    int n = (int)log2(num) + 1;
    //calculating mask
    int mask = pow(2, n) - 1;
    //toggling bits using xor with mask
    return num ^ mask;
// Driver code
int main()
    int num = 10;
    cout << toggle(num);
//this code is contributed by phasing17


// Java program to toggle set  bits starting
// from MSB
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
  // Returns a number which has all set bits
  // starting from MSB of n
  static int toggle(int num)
    // the number of bits is equal to log2num + 1
    int n = (int)(Math.log(num) / Math.log(2)) + 1;
    // calculating mask
    int mask = (int)Math.pow(2, n) - 1;
    // toggling bits using xor with mask
    return num ^ mask;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int num = 10;
// this code is contributed by phasing17


# Python3 program to toggle set
# bits starting from MSB
from math import log
# Returns a number which has all set bits
# starting from MSB of n
def toggle(num):
    # the number of bits is equal to log2num + 1
    n = int(log(num, 2)) + 1
    # calculating mask
    mask = pow(2, n) - 1
    # toggling bits using xor with mask
    return num ^ mask
# Driver code
num = 10
# This code is contributed by phasing17


// C# program to toggle set  bits starting
// from MSB
using System;
class GFG {
  // Returns a number which has all set bits
  // starting from MSB of n
  static int toggle(int num)
    // the number of bits is equal to log2num + 1
    int n = (int)(Math.Log(num) / Math.Log(2)) + 1;
    // calculating mask
    int mask = (int)Math.Pow(2, n) - 1;
    // toggling bits using xor with mask
    return num ^ mask;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    int num = 10;
// This code is contributed by phasing17


// JavaScript program to toggle set
// bits starting from MSB
// Returns a number which has all set bits
// starting from MSB of n
function toggle(num)
    // the number of bits is equal to log2num + 1
    let n = Math.floor((Math.log(num) / Math.log(2)) + 1);
    // calculating mask
    let mask = Math.pow(2, n) - 1;
    // toggling bits using xor with mask
    return num ^ mask;
// Driver code
let num = 10;
// this code is contributed by phasing17


Complejidad de tiempo : O (logn)

Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Este artículo es una contribución de Devanshu Agarwal . Si te gusta GeeksforGeeks y te gustaría contribuir, también puedes escribir un artículo usando o enviar tu artículo por correo a Vea su artículo que aparece en la página principal de GeeksforGeeks y ayude a otros Geeks.
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