Antepasado común más bajo en la representación de array principal

Dado un árbol binario representado como una array principal, encuentre el ancestro común más bajo entre dos Nodes ‘m’ y ‘n’. 

En el diagrama anterior, LCA de 10 y 14 es 12 y LCA de 10 y 12 es 12.

(1) Cree una array principal y almacene en ella el elemento principal del i-ésimo Node. El padre del Node raíz debe ser -1. 
(2) Ahora, acceda a todos los Nodes desde el Node deseado ‘m’ hasta el Node raíz y márquelos como visitados. 
(3) Por último, acceda a todos los Nodes desde el Node deseado ‘n’ hasta que llegue el primer Node visitado. 
(4) Este Node es el ancestro común más bajo 


// CPP program to find LCA in a tree represented
// as parent array.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Maximum value in a node
const int MAX = 1000;
// Function to find the Lowest common ancestor
int findLCA(int n1, int n2, int parent[])
    // Create a visited vector and mark
    // all nodes as not visited.
    vector<bool> visited(MAX, false);
    visited[n1] = true;
    // Moving from n1 node till root and
    // mark every accessed node as visited
    while (parent[n1] != -1) {
        visited[n1] = true;
        // Move to the parent of node n1
        n1 = parent[n1];
    visited[n1] = true;
    // For second node finding the first
    // node common
    while (!visited[n2])
        n2 = parent[n2];
    return n2;
// Insert function for Binary tree
void insertAdj(int parent[], int i, int j)
    parent[i] = j;
// Driver Function
int main()
    // Maximum capacity of binary tree
    int parent[MAX];
    // Root marked
    parent[20] = -1;
    insertAdj(parent, 8, 20);
    insertAdj(parent, 22, 20);
    insertAdj(parent, 4, 8);
    insertAdj(parent, 12, 8);
    insertAdj(parent, 10, 12);
    insertAdj(parent, 14, 12);
    cout << findLCA(10, 14, parent);
    return 0;


// Java program to find LCA in a tree represented
// as parent array.
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Maximum value in a node
static int MAX = 1000;
// Function to find the Lowest common ancestor
static int findLCA(int n1, int n2, int parent[])
    // Create a visited vector and mark
    // all nodes as not visited.
    boolean []visited = new boolean[MAX];
    visited[n1] = true;
    // Moving from n1 node till root and
    // mark every accessed node as visited
    while (parent[n1] != -1)
        visited[n1] = true;
        // Move to the parent of node n1
        n1 = parent[n1];
    visited[n1] = true;
    // For second node finding the first
    // node common
    while (!visited[n2])
        n2 = parent[n2];
    return n2;
// Insert function for Binary tree
static void insertAdj(int parent[], int i, int j)
    parent[i] = j;
// Driver Function
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Maximum capacity of binary tree
    int []parent = new int[MAX];
    // Root marked
    parent[20] = -1;
    insertAdj(parent, 8, 20);
    insertAdj(parent, 22, 20);
    insertAdj(parent, 4, 8);
    insertAdj(parent, 12, 8);
    insertAdj(parent, 10, 12);
    insertAdj(parent, 14, 12);
    System.out.println(findLCA(10, 14, parent));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python 3 program to find LCA in a
# tree represented as parent array.
# Maximum value in a node
MAX = 1000
# Function to find the Lowest
# common ancestor
def findLCA(n1, n2, parent):
    # Create a visited vector and mark
    # all nodes as not visited.
    visited = [False for i in range(MAX)]
    visited[n1] = True
    # Moving from n1 node till root and
    # mark every accessed node as visited
    while (parent[n1] != -1):
        visited[n1] = True
        # Move to the parent of node n1
        n1 = parent[n1]
    visited[n1] = True
    # For second node finding the
    # first node common
    while (visited[n2] == False):
        n2 = parent[n2]
    return n2
# Insert function for Binary tree
def insertAdj(parent, i, j):
    parent[i] = j
# Driver Code
if __name__ =='__main__':
    # Maximum capacity of binary tree
    parent = [0 for i in range(MAX)]
    # Root marked
    parent[20] = -1
    insertAdj(parent, 8, 20)
    insertAdj(parent, 22, 20)
    insertAdj(parent, 4, 8)
    insertAdj(parent, 12, 8)
    insertAdj(parent, 10, 12)
    insertAdj(parent, 14, 12)
    print(findLCA(10, 14, parent))
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar


// C# program to find LCA in a tree represented
// as parent array.
using System;
class GFG
// Maximum value in a node
static int MAX = 1000;
// Function to find the Lowest common ancestor
static int findLCA(int n1, int n2, int []parent)
    // Create a visited vector and mark
    // all nodes as not visited.
    Boolean []visited = new Boolean[MAX];
    visited[n1] = true;
    // Moving from n1 node till root and
    // mark every accessed node as visited
    while (parent[n1] != -1)
        visited[n1] = true;
        // Move to the parent of node n1
        n1 = parent[n1];
    visited[n1] = true;
    // For second node finding the first
    // node common
    while (!visited[n2])
        n2 = parent[n2];
    return n2;
// Insert function for Binary tree
static void insertAdj(int []parent, int i, int j)
    parent[i] = j;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Maximum capacity of binary tree
    int []parent = new int[MAX];
    // Root marked
    parent[20] = -1;
    insertAdj(parent, 8, 20);
    insertAdj(parent, 22, 20);
    insertAdj(parent, 4, 8);
    insertAdj(parent, 12, 8);
    insertAdj(parent, 10, 12);
    insertAdj(parent, 14, 12);
    Console.WriteLine(findLCA(10, 14, parent));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript program to find LCA in a tree represented
// as parent array.
// Maximum value in a node
const MAX = 1000;
// Function to find the Lowest common ancestor
function findLCA(n1, n2, parent) {
    // Create a visited vector and mark
    // all nodes as not visited.
    let visited = new Array(MAX).fill(false);
    visited[n1] = true;
    // Moving from n1 node till root and
    // mark every accessed node as visited
    while (parent[n1] != -1) {
        visited[n1] = true;
        // Move to the parent of node n1
        n1 = parent[n1];
    visited[n1] = true;
    // For second node finding the first
    // node common
    while (!visited[n2])
        n2 = parent[n2];
    return n2;
// Insert function for Binary tree
function insertAdj(parent, i, j) {
    parent[i] = j;
// Driver Function
// Maximum capacity of binary tree
let parent = new Array(MAX);
// Root marked
parent[20] = -1;
insertAdj(parent, 8, 20);
insertAdj(parent, 22, 20);
insertAdj(parent, 4, 8);
insertAdj(parent, 12, 8);
insertAdj(parent, 10, 12);
insertAdj(parent, 14, 12);
document.write(findLCA(10, 14, parent));
// This code is contributed by _saurabh_jaiswal.

Complejidad de tiempo: la complejidad de tiempo del algoritmo anterior es O (log n) ya que requiere O (log n) tiempo en la búsqueda.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por atulim y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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