Prerrequisitos: árboles rojos y negros.
Un árbol rojo y negro inclinado a la izquierda o (LLRB) , es una variante del árbol rojo y negro, que es mucho más fácil de implementar que el propio árbol rojo y negro y garantiza todas las operaciones de búsqueda, eliminación e inserción en tiempo O (logn).
¿Qué Nodes son ROJOS y cuáles son negros?
Los Nodes que tienen doble borde entrante son de color ROJO.
Los Nodes que tienen un solo borde entrante son de color NEGRO.
Características de LLRB
1. El Node raíz es siempre de color NEGRO.
2. Cada nuevo Node insertado es siempre de color ROJO.
3. Cada hijo NULL de un Node se considera de color NEGRO.
Por ejemplo: solo 40 está presente en el árbol.
root | 40 <-- as 40 is the root so it / \ is also Black in color. NULL NULL <-- Black in color.
4. No debe haber un Node que tenga un hijo ROJO DERECHO y un hijo NEGRO IZQUIERDO (o un hijo NULL ya que todos los NULL son NEGROS) si está presente, gire el Node a la izquierda e intercambie los colores del Node actual y su hijo IZQUIERDO para mantener consistencia para la regla 2, es decir, el nuevo Node debe ser de color ROJO.
CASE 1. root root | || 40 LeftRotate(40) 50 / \\ ---> / \ NULL 50 40 NULL root | ColorSwap(50, 40) 50 ---> // \ 40 NULL
5. No debe haber un Node que tenga un hijo IZQUIERDO ROJO y un nieto IZQUIERDO ROJO, si está presente, gire el Node a la derecha e intercambie los colores entre el Node y su hijo DERECHO para seguir la regla 2.
CASE 2. root root | || 40 RightRotate(40) 20 // \ ---> // \ 20 50 10 40 // \ 10 50 root | ColorSwap(20, 40) 20 ---> // \\ 10 40 \ 50
6. No debe haber un Node que tenga un hijo ROJO IZQUIERDO y un hijo ROJO DERECHO, si está presente Invierta los colores de todos los Nodes, es decir, Node_actual, hijo IZQUIERDO y hijo DERECHO.
CASE 3. root root | !color(20, 10, 30) || 20 ---> 20 // \\ / \ 10 30 10 30 root As the root is always black | ---> 20 / \ 10 30
¿Por qué estamos siguiendo las reglas mencionadas anteriormente? Porque al seguir las características/reglas anteriores, podemos simular todas las propiedades del árbol rojo-negro sin preocuparnos por la compleja implementación del mismo.
Insert the following data into LEFT LEANING RED-BLACK TREE and display the inorder traversal of tree. Input : 10 20 30 40 50 25 Output : 10 20 30 40 50 25 root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25
Las inserciones en el LLRB son exactamente como insertar en un árbol de búsqueda binario . La diferencia es que después de insertar el Node en el árbol, volveremos sobre nuestros pasos hasta la raíz e intentaremos aplicar las reglas anteriores para LLRB.
Al hacer las rotaciones anteriores y el cambio de color, puede suceder que nuestra raíz se vuelva de color ROJO, por lo que también nosotros. Tenemos que asegurarnos de que nuestra raíz permanezca siempre de color NEGRO.
// C++ program to implement insert operation // in Red Black Tree. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef struct node { struct node *left, *right; int data; // red ==> true, black ==> false bool color; }node; // Utility function to create a node. node* createNode(int data, bool color) { node *myNode = new node(); myNode -> left = myNode -> right = NULL; myNode -> data = data; // New Node which is created is // always red in color. myNode -> color = true; return myNode; } // Utility function to rotate node anticlockwise. node* rotateLeft(node* myNode) { cout << "left rotation!!\n"; node *child = myNode -> right; node *childLeft = child -> left; child -> left = myNode; myNode -> right = childLeft; return child; } // Utility function to rotate node clockwise. node* rotateRight(node* myNode) { cout << "right rotation\n"; node *child = myNode -> left; node *childRight = child -> right; child -> right = myNode; myNode -> left = childRight; return child; } // Utility function to check whether // node is red in color or not. int isRed(node *myNode) { if (myNode == NULL) return 0; return (myNode -> color == true); } // Utility function to swap color of two // nodes. void swapColors(node *node1, node *node2) { bool temp = node1 -> color; node1 -> color = node2 -> color; node2 -> color = temp; } // Insertion into Left Leaning Red Black Tree. node* insert(node* myNode, int data) { // Normal insertion code for any Binary // Search tree. if (myNode == NULL) return createNode(data, false); if (data < myNode -> data) myNode -> left = insert(myNode -> left, data); else if (data > myNode -> data) myNode -> right = insert(myNode -> right, data); else return myNode; // case 1. // when right child is Red but left child is // Black or doesn't exist. if (isRed(myNode -> right) && !isRed(myNode -> left)) { // Left rotate the node to make it into // valid structure. myNode = rotateLeft(myNode); // Swap the colors as the child node // should always be red swapColors(myNode, myNode -> left); } // case 2 // when left child as well as left grand // child in Red if (isRed(myNode -> left) && isRed(myNode -> left -> left)) { // Right rotate the current node to make // it into a valid structure. myNode = rotateRight(myNode); swapColors(myNode, myNode -> right); } // case 3 // when both left and right child are Red in color. if (isRed(myNode -> left) && isRed(myNode -> right)) { // Invert the color of node as well // it's left and right child. myNode -> color = !myNode -> color; // Change the color to black. myNode -> left -> color = false; myNode -> right -> color = false; } return myNode; } // Inorder traversal void inorder(node *node) { if (node) { inorder(node -> left); cout<< node -> data << " "; inorder(node -> right); } } // Driver code int main() { node *root = NULL; /* LLRB tree made after all insertions are made. 1. Nodes which have double INCOMING edge means that they are RED in color. 2. Nodes which have single INCOMING edge means that they are BLACK in color. root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25 */ root = insert(root, 10); // To make sure that root remains // black is color root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 20); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 30); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 40); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 50); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 25); root -> color = false; // Display the tree through inorder traversal. inorder(root); return 0; } // This code is contributed by rutvik_56
// C program to implement insert operation // in Red Black Tree. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> typedef struct node { struct node *left, *right; int data; // red ==> true, black ==> false bool color; } node; // utility function to create a node. node* createNode(int data, bool color) { node *myNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node)); myNode -> left = myNode -> right = NULL; myNode -> data = data; // New Node which is created is // always red in color. myNode -> color = true; return myNode; } // utility function to rotate node anticlockwise. node* rotateLeft(node* myNode) { printf("left rotation!!\n"); node *child = myNode -> right; node *childLeft = child -> left; child -> left = myNode; myNode -> right = childLeft; return child; } // utility function to rotate node clockwise. node* rotateRight(node* myNode) { printf("right rotation\n"); node *child = myNode -> left; node *childRight = child -> right; child -> right = myNode; myNode -> left = childRight; return child; } // utility function to check whether // node is red in color or not. int isRed(node *myNode) { if (myNode == NULL) return 0; return (myNode -> color == true); } // utility function to swap color of two // nodes. void swapColors(node *node1, node *node2) { bool temp = node1 -> color; node1 -> color = node2 -> color; node2 -> color = temp; } // insertion into Left Leaning Red Black Tree. node* insert(node* myNode, int data) { // Normal insertion code for any Binary // Search tree. if (myNode == NULL) return createNode(data, false); if (data < myNode -> data) myNode -> left = insert(myNode -> left, data); else if (data > myNode -> data) myNode -> right = insert(myNode -> right, data); else return myNode; // case 1. // when right child is Red but left child is // Black or doesn't exist. if (isRed(myNode -> right) && !isRed(myNode -> left)) { // left rotate the node to make it into // valid structure. myNode = rotateLeft(myNode); // swap the colors as the child node // should always be red swapColors(myNode, myNode -> left); } // case 2 // when left child as well as left grand child in Red if (isRed(myNode -> left) && isRed(myNode -> left -> left)) { // right rotate the current node to make // it into a valid structure. myNode = rotateRight(myNode); swapColors(myNode, myNode -> right); } // case 3 // when both left and right child are Red in color. if (isRed(myNode -> left) && isRed(myNode -> right)) { // invert the color of node as well // it's left and right child. myNode -> color = !myNode -> color; // change the color to black. myNode -> left -> color = false; myNode -> right -> color = false; } return myNode; } // Inorder traversal void inorder(node *node) { if (node) { inorder(node -> left); printf("%d ", node -> data); inorder(node -> right); } } // Driver function int main() { node *root = NULL; /* LLRB tree made after all insertions are made. 1. Nodes which have double INCOMING edge means that they are RED in color. 2. Nodes which have single INCOMING edge means that they are BLACK in color. root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25 */ root = insert(root, 10); // to make sure that root remains // black is color root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 20); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 30); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 40); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 50); root -> color = false; root = insert(root, 25); root -> color = false; // display the tree through inorder traversal. inorder(root); return 0; }
// Java program to implement insert operation // in Red Black Tree. class node { node left, right; int data; // red ==> true, black ==> false boolean color; node(int data) { = data; left = null; right = null; // New Node which is created is // always red in color. color = true; } } public class LLRBTREE { private static node root = null; // utility function to rotate node anticlockwise. node rotateLeft(node myNode) { System.out.printf("left rotation!!\n"); node child = myNode.right; node childLeft = child.left; child.left = myNode; myNode.right = childLeft; return child; } // utility function to rotate node clockwise. node rotateRight(node myNode) { System.out.printf("right rotation\n"); node child = myNode.left; node childRight = child.right; child.right = myNode; myNode.left = childRight; return child; } // utility function to check whether // node is red in color or not. boolean isRed(node myNode) { if (myNode == null) return false; return (myNode.color == true); } // utility function to swap color of two // nodes. void swapColors(node node1, node node2) { boolean temp = node1.color; node1.color = node2.color; node2.color = temp; } // insertion into Left Leaning Red Black Tree. node insert(node myNode, int data) { // Normal insertion code for any Binary // Search tree. if (myNode == null) return new node(data); if (data < myNode.left = insert(myNode.left, data); else if (data > myNode.right = insert(myNode.right, data); else return myNode; // case 1. // when right child is Red but left child is // Black or doesn't exist. if (isRed(myNode.right) && !isRed(myNode.left)) { // left rotate the node to make it into // valid structure. myNode = rotateLeft(myNode); // swap the colors as the child node // should always be red swapColors(myNode, myNode.left); } // case 2 // when left child as well as left grand child in Red if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.left.left)) { // right rotate the current node to make // it into a valid structure. myNode = rotateRight(myNode); swapColors(myNode, myNode.right); } // case 3 // when both left and right child are Red in color. if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.right)) { // invert the color of node as well // it's left and right child. myNode.color = !myNode.color; // change the color to black. myNode.left.color = false; myNode.right.color = false; } return myNode; } // Inorder traversal void inorder(node node) { if (node != null) { inorder(node.left); System.out.print( + " "); inorder(node.right); } } public static void main(String[] args) { /* LLRB tree made after all insertions are made. 1. Nodes which have double INCOMING edge means that they are RED in color. 2. Nodes which have single INCOMING edge means that they are BLACK in color. root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25 */ LLRBTREE node = new LLRBTREE(); root = node.insert(root, 10); // to make sure that root remains // black is color root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 20); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 30); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 40); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 50); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 25); root.color = false; // display the tree through inorder traversal. node.inorder(root); } } // This code is contributed by ARSHPREET_SINGH
// C# program to implement insert // operation in Red Black Tree. using System; class node { public node left, right; public int data; // red ==> true, black ==> false public Boolean color; public node(int data) { = data; left = null; right = null; // New Node which is created // is always red in color. color = true; } } public class LLRBTREE { private static node root = null; // utility function to rotate // node anticlockwise. node rotateLeft(node myNode) { Console.Write("left rotation!!\n"); node child = myNode.right; node childLeft = child.left; child.left = myNode; myNode.right = childLeft; return child; } // utility function to rotate // node clockwise. node rotateRight(node myNode) { Console.Write("right rotation\n"); node child = myNode.left; node childRight = child.right; child.right = myNode; myNode.left = childRight; return child; } // utility function to check whether // node is red in color or not. Boolean isRed(node myNode) { if (myNode == null) return false; return (myNode.color == true); } // utility function to swap // color of two nodes. void swapColors(node node1, node node2) { Boolean temp = node1.color; node1.color = node2.color; node2.color = temp; } // insertion into Left // Leaning Red Black Tree. node insert(node myNode, int data) { // Normal insertion code for // any Binary Search tree. if (myNode == null) return new node(data); if (data < myNode.left = insert(myNode.left, data); else if (data > myNode.right = insert(myNode.right, data); else return myNode; // case 1. // when right child is Red // but left child is // Black or doesn't exist. if (isRed(myNode.right) && !isRed(myNode.left)) { // left rotate the node to make // it into valid structure. myNode = rotateLeft(myNode); // swap the colors as the child // node should always be red swapColors(myNode, myNode.left); } // case 2 // when left child as well as // left grand child in Red if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.left.left)) { // right rotate the current node // to make it into a valid structure. myNode = rotateRight(myNode); swapColors(myNode, myNode.right); } // case 3 // when both left and right // child are Red in color. if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.right)) { // invert the color of node as well // it's left and right child. myNode.color = !myNode.color; // change the color to black. myNode.left.color = false; myNode.right.color = false; } return myNode; } // Inorder traversal void inorder(node node) { if (node != null) { inorder(node.left); Console.Write( + " "); inorder(node.right); } } // Driver Code static public void Main(String []args) { /* LLRB tree made after all insertions are made. 1. Nodes which have double INCOMING edge means that they are RED in color. 2. Nodes which have single INCOMING edge means that they are BLACK in color. root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25 */ LLRBTREE node = new LLRBTREE(); root = node.insert(root, 10); // to make sure that root // remains black is color root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 20); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 30); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 40); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 50); root.color = false; root = node.insert(root, 25); root.color = false; // display the tree through // inorder traversal. node.inorder(root); } } // This code is contributed // by Arnab Kundu
""" Python program to implement insert operation in Red Black Tree. """ from typing import Any import enum class Color(enum.Enum): """ Enums for the colors""" RED = True BLACK = False class Node: """A Red Black Tree node, the default color of a node is RED """ def __init__(self, value: Any): self.val: Any = value self.color: Color = Color.RED self.left = None self.right = None def __repr__(self): return f'Node(val={self.val}, color={self.color.value}, left={self.left}, right={self.right})' class RBT: """Red Black Tree Class""" def __init__(self): self.root = None def insert(self, value: Any) -> None: """Insertion and updation of root""" self.root = self.__insert(self.root, value) self.root.color = Color.BLACK def __insert(self, root: Node, val: Any) -> Node: """Recursive insertion of the root""" if root is None: return Node(val) if val < root.val: root.left = self.__insert(root.left, val) elif val > root.val: root.right = self.__insert(root.right, val) else: root.val = val if self.is_red(root.right) and not self.is_red(root.left): root = self.rotate_left(root) if self.is_red(root.left) and self.is_red(root.left.left): root = self.rotate_right(root) if self.is_red(root.left) and self.is_red(root.right): self.flip_color(root) return root @staticmethod def is_red(node: Node) -> bool: """Utility function to check if the node is RED color. Empty nodes are considered BLACK Args: node: A RBT node Returns: Boolean value if the node is Red or not """ if node is None: return False return node.color == Color.RED @staticmethod def flip_color(node: Node) -> None: """ Flips the color if both left and right child are RED""" node.color = Color.RED node.left.color = Color.BLACK node.right.color = Color.BLACK def rotate_left(self, node: Node) -> Node: """Rotate the node left send the new node if the right node is Red Args: node: The node which has a Red node on Right Returns: the rotated new node """ new_root = node.right node.right = new_root.left new_root.left = node new_root.color = node.color node.color = Color.RED print("Left Rotation !!") return new_root def rotate_right(self, node: Node) -> Node: """Rotate the node right send the new node if the left node is Red and left of left is Red Args: node: The node which has both left child and left of left child Red Returns: the rotated new node """ new_root = node.left node.left = new_root.right new_root.right = node new_root.color = node.color node.color = Color.RED print("Right Rotation !!") return new_root def inorder(self) -> None: """Inorder Traversal for root""" self.__inorder(self.root) def __inorder(self, root: Node) -> None: """Recursive Inorder Traversal for any node""" if root is None: return self.__inorder(root.left) print(root.val, end=" ") self.__inorder(root.right) if __name__ == "__main__": ''' LLRB tree made after all insertions are made. 1. Nodes which have double INCOMING edge means that they are RED in color. 2. Nodes which have single INCOMING edge means that they are BLACK in color. root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25 ''' rbt = RBT() rbt.insert(10) rbt.insert(20) rbt.insert(30) rbt.insert(40) rbt.insert(50) rbt.insert(25) rbt.inorder() # This code is contributed by Supratim Samantray (super_sam)
<script> // Javascript program to implement insert operation // in Red Black Tree. class node { constructor(data) { = data; this.left = null; this.right = null; // New Node which is created is // always red in color. this.color = true; } } let root = null; // utility function to rotate node anticlockwise. function rotateLeft(myNode) { document.write("left rotation!!<br>"); let child = myNode.right; let childLeft = child.left; child.left = myNode; myNode.right = childLeft; return child; } // utility function to rotate node clockwise. function rotateRight(myNode) { document.write("right rotation<br>"); let child = myNode.left; let childRight = child.right; child.right = myNode; myNode.left = childRight; return child; } // utility function to check whether // node is red in color or not. function isRed(myNode) { if (myNode == null) return false; return (myNode.color == true); } // utility function to swap color of two // nodes. function swapColors(node1,node2) { let temp = node1.color; node1.color = node2.color; node2.color = temp; } // insertion into Left Leaning Red Black Tree. function insert(myNode,data) { // Normal insertion code for any Binary // Search tree. if (myNode == null) return new node(data); if (data < myNode.left = insert(myNode.left, data); else if (data > myNode.right = insert(myNode.right, data); else return myNode; // case 1. // when right child is Red but left child is // Black or doesn't exist. if (isRed(myNode.right) && !isRed(myNode.left)) { // left rotate the node to make it into // valid structure. myNode = rotateLeft(myNode); // swap the colors as the child node // should always be red swapColors(myNode, myNode.left); } // case 2 // when left child as well as left grand child in Red if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.left.left)) { // right rotate the current node to make // it into a valid structure. myNode = rotateRight(myNode); swapColors(myNode, myNode.right); } // case 3 // when both left and right child are Red in color. if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.right)) { // invert the color of node as well // it's left and right child. myNode.color = !myNode.color; // change the color to black. myNode.left.color = false; myNode.right.color = false; } return myNode; } // Inorder traversal function inorder(node) { if (node != null) { inorder(node.left); document.write( + " "); inorder(node.right); } } /* LLRB tree made after all insertions are made. 1. Nodes which have double INCOMING edge means that they are RED in color. 2. Nodes which have single INCOMING edge means that they are BLACK in color. root | 40 // \ 20 50 / \ 10 30 // 25 */ root = insert(root, 10); // to make sure that root remains // black is color root.color = false; root = insert(root, 20); root.color = false; root = insert(root, 30); root.color = false; root = insert(root, 40); root.color = false; root = insert(root, 50); root.color = false; root = insert(root, 25); root.color = false; // display the tree through inorder traversal. inorder(root); // This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155 </script>
left rotation!! left rotation!! left rotation!! 10 20 25 30 40 50
Complejidad de tiempo: O(log n)
Árboles rojos y negros inclinados a la izquierda
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