Asignar un número mínimo de páginas

Número dado de páginas en n libros diferentes y m alumnos. Los libros están ordenados en orden ascendente de número de páginas. A cada estudiante se le asigna leer algunos libros consecutivos. La tarea es asignar libros de tal manera que el número máximo de páginas asignadas a un alumno sea el mínimo. 
Ejemplo : 

Input : pages[] = {12, 34, 67, 90} , m = 2
Output : 113
There are 2 number of students. Books can be distributed 
in following fashion : 
  1) [12] and [34, 67, 90]
      Max number of pages is allocated to student 
      '2' with 34 + 67 + 90 = 191 pages
  2) [12, 34] and [67, 90]
      Max number of pages is allocated to student
      '2' with 67 + 90 = 157 pages 
  3) [12, 34, 67] and [90]
      Max number of pages is allocated to student 
      '1' with 12 + 34 + 67 = 113 pages

Of the 3 cases, Option 3 has the minimum pages = 113. 

La idea es utilizar la búsqueda binaria . Fijamos un valor para el número de páginas como la mitad del mínimo y máximo actuales. Inicializamos mínimo y máximo como 0 y suma de todas las páginas respectivamente. Si un medio actual puede ser una solución, entonces buscamos en la mitad inferior, de lo contrario buscamos en la mitad superior.
Ahora surge la pregunta, ¿cómo verificar si un valor medio es factible o no? Básicamente, debemos verificar si podemos asignar páginas a todos los estudiantes de manera que el número máximo no exceda el valor actual. Para hacer esto, asignamos páginas secuencialmente a cada estudiante mientras que el número actual de páginas asignadas no excede el valor. En este proceso, si el número de estudiantes supera m, entonces la solución no es factible. De lo contrario factible.
A continuación se muestra una implementación de la idea anterior.


// C++ program for optimal allocation of pages
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Utility function to check if current minimum value
// is feasible or not.
bool isPossible(int arr[], int n, int m, int curr_min)
    int studentsRequired = 1;
    int curr_sum = 0;
    // iterate over all books
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // check if current number of pages are greater
        // than curr_min that means we will get the result
        // after mid no. of pages
        if (arr[i] > curr_min)
            return false;
        // count how many students are required
        // to distribute curr_min pages
        if (curr_sum + arr[i] > curr_min) {
            // increment student count
            // update curr_sum
            curr_sum = arr[i];
            // if students required becomes greater
            // than given no. of students,return false
            if (studentsRequired > m)
                return false;
        // else update curr_sum
            curr_sum += arr[i];
    return true;
// function to find minimum pages
int findPages(int arr[], int n, int m)
    long long sum = 0;
    // return -1 if no. of books is less than
    // no. of students
    if (n < m)
        return -1;
    // Count total number of pages
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sum += arr[i];
    // initialize start as 0 pages and end as
    // total pages
    int start = 0, end = sum;
    int result = INT_MAX;
    // traverse until start <= end
    while (start <= end) {
        // check if it is possible to distribute
        // books by using mid as current minimum
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (isPossible(arr, n, m, mid)) {
            // update result to current distribution
            // as it's the best we have found till now.
            result = mid;
            // as we are finding minimum and books
            // are sorted so reduce end = mid -1
            // that means
            end = mid - 1;
            // if not possible means pages should be
            // increased so update start = mid + 1
            start = mid + 1;
    // at-last return minimum no. of  pages
    return result;
// Drivers code
int main()
    // Number of pages in books
    int arr[] = { 12, 34, 67, 90 };
    int n = sizeof arr / sizeof arr[0];
    int m = 2; // No. of students
    cout << "Minimum number of pages = "
         << findPages(arr, n, m) << endl;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


// C program for optimal allocation of pages
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Utility function to check if current minimum value
// is feasible or not.
bool isPossible(int arr[], int n, int m, int curr_min)
    int studentsRequired = 1;
    int curr_sum = 0;
    // iterate over all books
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // check if current number of pages are greater
        // than curr_min that means we will get the result
        // after mid no. of pages
        if (arr[i] > curr_min)
            return false;
        // count how many students are required
        // to distribute curr_min pages
        if (curr_sum + arr[i] > curr_min) {
            // increment student count
            // update curr_sum
            curr_sum = arr[i];
            // if students required becomes greater
            // than given no. of students,return false
            if (studentsRequired > m)
                return false;
        // else update curr_sum
            curr_sum += arr[i];
    return true;
// function to find minimum pages
int findPages(int arr[], int n, int m)
    long long sum = 0;
    // return -1 if no. of books is less than
    // no. of students
    if (n < m)
        return -1;
    // Count total number of pages
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sum += arr[i];
    // initialize start as 0 pages and end as
    // total pages
    int start = 0, end = sum;
    int result = INT_MAX;
    // traverse until start <= end
    while (start <= end) {
        // check if it is possible to distribute
        // books by using mid as current minimum
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (isPossible(arr, n, m, mid)) {
            // update result to current distribution
            // as it's the best we have found till now.
            result = mid;
            // as we are finding minimum and books
            // are sorted so reduce end = mid -1
            // that means
            end = mid - 1;
            // if not possible means pages should be
            // increased so update start = mid + 1
            start = mid + 1;
    // at-last return minimum no. of  pages
    return result;
// Drivers code
int main()
    // Number of pages in books
    int arr[] = { 12, 34, 67, 90 };
    int n = sizeof arr / sizeof arr[0];
    int m = 2; // No. of students
    printf("Minimum number of pages = %d\n",
           findPages(arr, n, m));
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


// Java program for optimal allocation of pages
public class GFG
    // Utility method to check if current minimum value
    // is feasible or not.
    static boolean isPossible(int arr[], int n, int m, int curr_min)
       int studentsRequired = 1;
       int curr_sum = 0;
       // iterate over all books
       for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
          curr_sum += arr[i];  
          if(curr_sum > curr_min)
               studentsRequired++ ;   // increment student count
               curr_sum = arr[i] ;    // update curr_sum
       return studentsRequired <= m;
    // method to find minimum pages
    static int findPages(int arr[], int n, int m)
        int sum = 0;
        // return -1 if no. of books is less than
        // no. of students
        if (n < m)  return -1;
        // Count total number of pages
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  sum += arr[i];
        // initialize start as arr[n-1] pages(minimum answer possible) and end as
        // total pages(maximum answer possible)
        int start = arr[n-1], end = sum;
        int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // traverse until start <= end
        while (start <= end)
            // check if it is possible to distribute
            // books by using mid is current minimum
            int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
            if (isPossible(arr, n, m, mid))
                // update result to current distribution
                // as it's the best we have found till now.
                result = mid;
                // as we are finding minimum so,
                end = mid - 1;
                // if not possible, means pages should be
                // increased ,so update start = mid + 1
                start = mid + 1;
        // at-last return minimum no. of  pages
        return result;
    // Driver Method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int arr[] = {12, 34, 67, 90};  //Number of pages in books
        int m = 2;  //No. of students
        System.out.println("Minimum number of pages = " + findPages(arr, arr.length, m));
// This code is contributed by Aditya Kumar (adityakumar129)


# Python3 program for optimal allocation of pages
# Utility function to check if
# current minimum value is feasible or not.
def isPossible(arr, n, m, curr_min):
    studentsRequired = 1
    curr_sum = 0
    # iterate over all books
    for i in range(n):
        # check if current number of pages are
        # greater than curr_min that means
        # we will get the result after
        # mid no. of pages
        if (arr[i] > curr_min):
            return False
        # count how many students are required
        # to distribute curr_min pages
        if (curr_sum + arr[i] > curr_min):
            # increment student count
            studentsRequired += 1
            # update curr_sum
            curr_sum = arr[i]
            # if students required becomes greater
            # than given no. of students, return False
            if (studentsRequired > m):
                return False
        # else update curr_sum
            curr_sum += arr[i]
    return True
# function to find minimum pages
def findPages(arr, n, m):
    sum = 0
    # return -1 if no. of books is
    # less than no. of students
    if (n < m):
        return -1
    # Count total number of pages
    for i in range(n):
        sum += arr[i]
    # initialize start as 0 pages and
    # end as total pages
    start, end = 0, sum
    result = 10**9
    # traverse until start <= end
    while (start <= end):
        # check if it is possible to distribute
        # books by using mid as current minimum
        mid = (start + end) // 2
        if (isPossible(arr, n, m, mid)):
            # update result to current distribution
              # as it's the best we have found till now.
            result = mid
            # as we are finding minimum and books
            # are sorted so reduce end = mid -1
            # that means
            end = mid - 1
            # if not possible means pages should be
            # increased so update start = mid + 1
            start = mid + 1
    # at-last return minimum no. of pages
    return result
# Driver Code
# Number of pages in books
arr = [12, 34, 67, 90]
n = len(arr)
m = 2   # No. of students
print("Minimum number of pages = ",
              findPages(arr, n, m))
# This code is contributed by Mohit Kumar


// C# program for optimal
// allocation of pages
using System;
class GFG
// Utility function to check
// if current minimum value
// is feasible or not.
static bool isPossible(int []arr, int n,
                       int m, int curr_min)
    int studentsRequired = 1;
    int curr_sum = 0;
    // iterate over all books
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // check if current number of
        // pages are greater than curr_min
        // that means we will get the
        // result after mid no. of pages
        if (arr[i] > curr_min)
            return false;
        // count how many students
        // are required to distribute
        // curr_min pages
        if (curr_sum + arr[i] > curr_min)
            // increment student count
            // update curr_sum
            curr_sum = arr[i];
            // if students required becomes
            // greater than given no. of
            // students, return false
            if (studentsRequired > m)
                return false;
        // else update curr_sum
            curr_sum += arr[i];
    return true;
// function to find minimum pages
static int findPages(int []arr,
                     int n, int m)
    long sum = 0;
    // return -1 if no. of books
    // is less than no. of students
    if (n < m)
        return -1;
    // Count total number of pages
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sum += arr[i];
    // initialize start as 0 pages
    // and end as total pages
    int start = 0, end = (int)sum;
    int result = int.MaxValue;
    // traverse until start <= end
    while (start <= end)
        // check if it is possible to
        // distribute books by using
        // mid as current minimum
        int mid = (start + end) / 2;
        if (isPossible(arr, n, m, mid))
            // update result to current distribution
              // as it's the best we have found till now.
              result = mid;
            // as we are finding minimum and
            // books are sorted so reduce
            // end = mid -1 that means
            end = mid - 1;
            // if not possible means pages
            // should be increased so update
            // start = mid + 1
            start = mid + 1;
    // at-last return
    // minimum no. of pages
    return result;
// Drivers code
static public void Main ()
//Number of pages in books
int []arr = {12, 34, 67, 90};
int n = arr.Length;
int m = 2; // No. of students
Console.WriteLine("Minimum number of pages = " +
                          findPages(arr, n, m));
// This code is contributed by anuj_67.


// PHP program for optimal allocation
// of pages
// Utility function to check if current
// minimum value is feasible or not.
function isPossible($arr, $n, $m,
    $studentsRequired = 1;
    $curr_sum = 0;
    // iterate over all books
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        // check if current number of pages
        // are greater than curr_min that
        // means we will get the result
        // after mid no. of pages
        if ($arr[$i] > $curr_min)
            return false;
        // count how many students are
        // required to distribute
        // curr_min pages
        if ($curr_sum + $arr[$i] > $curr_min)
            // increment student count
            // update curr_sum
            $curr_sum = $arr[$i];
            // if students required becomes
            // greater than given no. of
            // students, return false
            if ($studentsRequired > $m)
                return false;
        // else update curr_sum
            $curr_sum += $arr[$i];
    return true;
// function to find minimum pages
function findPages($arr, $n, $m)
    $sum = 0;
    // return -1 if no. of books is
    // less than no. of students
    if ($n < $m)
        return -1;
    // Count total number of pages
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        $sum += $arr[$i];
    // initialize start as 0 pages
    // and end as total pages
    $start = 0;
    $end = $sum;
    $result = PHP_INT_MAX;
    // traverse until start <= end
    while ($start <= $end)
        // check if it is possible to
        // distribute books by using
        // mid as current minimum
        $mid = (int)($start + $end) / 2;
        if (isPossible($arr, $n, $m, $mid))
            // update result to current distribution
              // as it's the best we have found till now
            $result = $mid;
            // as we are finding minimum and
            // books are sorted so reduce
            // end = mid -1 that means
            $end = $mid - 1;
            // if not possible means pages
            // should be increased so update
            // start = mid + 1
            $start = $mid + 1;
    // at-last return minimum
    // no. of pages
    return $result;
// Driver code
// Number of pages in books
$arr = array(12, 34, 67, 90);
$n = count($arr);
$m = 2; // No. of students
echo "Minimum number of pages = ",
    findPages($arr, $n, $m), "\n";
// This code is contributed by Sach_Code


// Javascript program for optimal allocation of pages
// Utility method to check if current minimum value
    // is feasible or not.
function isPossible(arr,n,m,curr_min)
    let studentsRequired = 1;
    let curr_sum = 0;
    // iterate over all books
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // check if current number of pages are greater
        // than curr_min that means we will get the result
        // after mid no. of pages
        if (arr[i] > curr_min)
            return false;
        // count how many students are required
        // to distribute curr_min pages
        if (curr_sum + arr[i] > curr_min)
            // increment student count
            // update curr_sum
            curr_sum = arr[i];
            // if students required becomes greater
            // than given no. of students,return false
            if (studentsRequired > m)
                return false;
        // else update curr_sum
            curr_sum += arr[i];
    return true;
// method to find minimum pages
function findPages(arr,n,m)
    let sum = 0;
    // return -1 if no. of books is less than
    // no. of students
    if (n < m)
        return -1;
    // Count total number of pages
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sum += arr[i];
    // initialize start as 0 pages and end as
    // total pages
    let start = 0, end = sum;
    let result = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    // traverse until start <= end
    while (start <= end)
        // check if it is possible to distribute
        // books by using mid as current minimum
        let mid =Math.floor( (start + end) / 2);
        if (isPossible(arr, n, m, mid))
            // if yes then find the minimum distribution
            result = Math.min(result, mid);
            // as we are finding minimum and books
            // are sorted so reduce end = mid -1
            // that means
            end = mid - 1;
            // if not possible means pages should be
            // increased so update start = mid + 1
            start = mid + 1;
    // at-last return minimum no. of  pages
    return result;
// Driver Method
let arr=[12, 34, 67, 90];
let m = 2; //No. of students
document.write("Minimum number of pages = " +
                          findPages(arr, arr.length, m));
// This code is contributed by patel2127

Producción : 

Minimum number of pages = 113

Complejidad de tiempo : O(N*log (M – max)), donde N es el número de libros diferentes, max denota el número máximo de páginas de todos los libros y M denota la suma del número de páginas de todos los libros diferentes Espacio
auxiliar : O(1)

Este artículo es una contribución de Sahil Chhabra (akku) . Si te gusta GeeksforGeeks y te gustaría contribuir, también puedes escribir un artículo usando o enviar tu artículo por correo a Vea su artículo que aparece en la página principal de GeeksforGeeks y ayude a otros Geeks.
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