Boggle (Encuentra todas las palabras posibles en un tablero de personajes) | Serie 1

Dado un diccionario, un método para realizar búsquedas en el diccionario y un tablero M x N donde cada celda tiene un carácter. Encuentra todas las palabras posibles que pueden estar formadas por una secuencia de caracteres adyacentes. Tenga en cuenta que podemos movernos a cualquiera de los 8 caracteres adyacentes, pero una palabra no debe tener varias instancias de la misma celda.


Input: dictionary[] = {"GEEKS", "FOR", "QUIZ", "GO"};
       boggle[][]   = {{'G', 'I', 'Z'},
                       {'U', 'E', 'K'},
                       {'Q', 'S', 'E'}};
      isWord(str): returns true if str is present in dictionary
                   else false.

Output:  Following words of dictionary are present


Le recomendamos encarecidamente que haga clic aquí y lo practique antes de pasar a la solución.

La idea es considerar cada carácter como un carácter inicial y encontrar todas las palabras que comiencen con él. Todas las palabras que comienzan con un carácter se pueden encontrar utilizando Depth First Traversal . Hacemos un recorrido primero en profundidad a partir de cada celda. Realizamos un seguimiento de las celdas visitadas para asegurarnos de que una celda se considere solo una vez en una palabra.


// C++ program for Boggle game
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define M 3
#define N 3
// Let the given dictionary be following
string dictionary[] = { "GEEKS", "FOR", "QUIZ", "GO" };
int n = sizeof(dictionary) / sizeof(dictionary[0]);
// A given function to check if a given string is present in
// dictionary. The implementation is naive for simplicity. As
// per the question dictionary is given to us.
bool isWord(string& str)
    // Linearly search all words
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if ([i]) == 0)
            return true;
    return false;
// A recursive function to print all words present on boggle
void findWordsUtil(char boggle[M][N], bool visited[M][N], int i,
                   int j, string& str)
    // Mark current cell as visited and append current character
    // to str
    visited[i][j] = true;
    str = str + boggle[i][j];
    // If str is present in dictionary, then print it
    if (isWord(str))
        cout << str << endl;
    // Traverse 8 adjacent cells of boggle[i][j]
    for (int row = i - 1; row <= i + 1 && row < M; row++)
        for (int col = j - 1; col <= j + 1 && col < N; col++)
            if (row >= 0 && col >= 0 && !visited[row][col])
                findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, row, col, str);
    // Erase current character from string and mark visited
    // of current cell as false
    str.erase(str.length() - 1);
    visited[i][j] = false;
// Prints all words present in dictionary.
void findWords(char boggle[M][N])
    // Mark all characters as not visited
    bool visited[M][N] = { { false } };
    // Initialize current string
    string str = "";
    // Consider every character and look for all words
    // starting with this character
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, str);
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    char boggle[M][N] = { { 'G', 'I', 'Z' },
                          { 'U', 'E', 'K' },
                          { 'Q', 'S', 'E' } };
    cout << "Following words of dictionary are present\n";
    return 0;


// Java program for Boggle game
class GFG {
    // Let the given dictionary be following
    static final String dictionary[] = { "GEEKS", "FOR", "QUIZ", "GUQ", "EE" };
    static final int n = dictionary.length;
    static final int M = 3, N = 3;
    // A given function to check if a given string is present in
    // dictionary. The implementation is naive for simplicity. As
    // per the question dictionary is given to us.
    static boolean isWord(String str)
        // Linearly search all words
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (str.equals(dictionary[i]))
                return true;
        return false;
    // A recursive function to print all words present on boggle
    static void findWordsUtil(char boggle[][], boolean visited[][], int i,
                              int j, String str)
        // Mark current cell as visited and append current character
        // to str
        visited[i][j] = true;
        str = str + boggle[i][j];
        // If str is present in dictionary, then print it
        if (isWord(str))
        // Traverse 8 adjacent cells of boggle[i][j]
        for (int row = i - 1; row <= i + 1 && row < M; row++)
            for (int col = j - 1; col <= j + 1 && col < N; col++)
                if (row >= 0 && col >= 0 && !visited[row][col])
                    findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, row, col, str);
        // Erase current character from string and mark visited
        // of current cell as false
        str = "" + str.charAt(str.length() - 1);
        visited[i][j] = false;
    // Prints all words present in dictionary.
    static void findWords(char boggle[][])
        // Mark all characters as not visited
        boolean visited[][] = new boolean[M][N];
        // Initialize current string
        String str = "";
        // Consider every character and look for all words
        // starting with this character
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, str);
    // Driver program to test above function
    public static void main(String args[])
        char boggle[][] = { { 'G', 'I', 'Z' },
                            { 'U', 'E', 'K' },
                            { 'Q', 'S', 'E' } };
        System.out.println("Following words of dictionary are present");


# Python3 program for Boggle game
# Let the given dictionary be following
dictionary = ["GEEKS", "FOR", "QUIZ", "GO"]
n = len(dictionary)
M = 3
N = 3
# A given function to check if a given string
# is present in dictionary. The implementation is
# naive for simplicity. As per the question
# dictionary is given to us.
def isWord(Str):
    # Linearly search all words
    for i in range(n):
        if (Str == dictionary[i]):
            return True
    return False
# A recursive function to print all words present on boggle
def findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, Str):
    # Mark current cell as visited and
    # append current character to str
    visited[i][j] = True
    Str = Str + boggle[i][j]
    # If str is present in dictionary,
    # then print it
    if (isWord(Str)):
    # Traverse 8 adjacent cells of boggle[i,j]
    row = i - 1
    while row <= i + 1 and row < M:
        col = j - 1
        while col <= j + 1 and col < N:
            if (row >= 0 and col >= 0 and not visited[row][col]):
                findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, row, col, Str)
    # Erase current character from string and
    # mark visited of current cell as false
    Str = "" + Str[-1]
    visited[i][j] = False
# Prints all words present in dictionary.
def findWords(boggle):
    # Mark all characters as not visited
    visited = [[False for i in range(N)] for j in range(M)]
    # Initialize current string
    Str = ""
    # Consider every character and look for all words
    # starting with this character
    for i in range(M):
      for j in range(N):
        findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, Str)
# Driver Code
boggle = [["G", "I", "Z"], ["U", "E", "K"], ["Q", "S", "E"]]
print("Following words of", "dictionary are present")
#  This code is contributed by divyesh072019.


// C# program for Boggle game
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    // Let the given dictionary be following
    static readonly String []dictionary = { "GEEKS", "FOR",
                                            "QUIZ", "GUQ", "EE" };
    static readonly int n = dictionary.Length;
    static readonly int M = 3, N = 3;
    // A given function to check if a given string
    // is present in dictionary. The implementation is
    // naive for simplicity. As per the question
    // dictionary is given to us.
    static bool isWord(String str)
        // Linearly search all words
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (str.Equals(dictionary[i]))
                return true;
        return false;
    // A recursive function to print all words present on boggle
    static void findWordsUtil(char [,]boggle, bool [,]visited,
                              int i, int j, String str)
        // Mark current cell as visited and
        // append current character to str
        visited[i, j] = true;
        str = str + boggle[i, j];
        // If str is present in dictionary,
        // then print it
        if (isWord(str))
        // Traverse 8 adjacent cells of boggle[i,j]
        for (int row = i - 1; row <= i + 1 && row < M; row++)
            for (int col = j - 1; col <= j + 1 && col < N; col++)
                if (row >= 0 && col >= 0 && !visited[row, col])
                    findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, row, col, str);
        // Erase current character from string and
        // mark visited of current cell as false
        str = "" + str[str.Length - 1];
        visited[i, j] = false;
    // Prints all words present in dictionary.
    static void findWords(char [,]boggle)
        // Mark all characters as not visited
        bool [,]visited = new bool[M, N];
        // Initialize current string
        String str = "";
        // Consider every character and look for all words
        // starting with this character
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, str);
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String []args)
        char [,]boggle = { { 'G', 'I', 'Z' },
                           { 'U', 'E', 'K' },
                           { 'Q', 'S', 'E' } };
        Console.WriteLine("Following words of " + 
                          "dictionary are present");
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


      // JavaScript program for Boggle game
      // Let the given dictionary be following
      var dictionary = ["GEEKS", "FOR", "QUIZ", "GO"];
      var n = dictionary.length;
      var M = 3,
        N = 3;
      // A given function to check if a given string
      // is present in dictionary. The implementation is
      // naive for simplicity. As per the question
      // dictionary is given to us.
      function isWord(str)
        // Linearly search all words
        for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) if (str == dictionary[i]) return true;
        return false;
      // A recursive function to print all words present on boggle
      function findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, str)
        // Mark current cell as visited and
        // append current character to str
        visited[i][j] = true;
        str = str + boggle[i][j];
        // If str is present in dictionary,
        // then print it
        if (isWord(str)) document.write(str + "<br>");
        // Traverse 8 adjacent cells of boggle[i,j]
        for (var row = i - 1; row <= i + 1 && row < M; row++)
          for (var col = j - 1; col <= j + 1 && col < N; col++)
            if (row >= 0 && col >= 0 && !visited[row][col])
              findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, row, col, str);
        // Erase current character from string and
        // mark visited of current cell as false
        str = "" + str[str.length - 1];
        visited[i][j] = false;
      // Prints all words present in dictionary.
      function findWords(boggle)
        // Mark all characters as not visited
        var visited = Array.from(Array(M), () => new Array(N).fill(0));
        // Initialize current string
        var str = "";
        // Consider every character and look for all words
        // starting with this character
        for (var i = 0; i < M; i++)
          for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) findWordsUtil(boggle, visited, i, j, str);
      // Driver Code
      var boggle = [
        ["G", "I", "Z"],
        ["U", "E", "K"],
        ["Q", "S", "E"],
      document.write("Following words of " + "dictionary are present <br>");
      // This code is contributed by rdtank.

Following words of dictionary are present

Tenga en cuenta que la solución anterior puede imprimir la misma palabra varias veces. Por ejemplo, si agregamos «BUSCAR» al diccionario, se imprime varias veces. Para evitar esto, podemos usar hashing para realizar un seguimiento de todas las palabras impresas.
Para mejorar la complejidad del tiempo, podemos usar unordered_set (en C++) o un diccionario (en Python), que requiere un tiempo de búsqueda constante. Ahora la complejidad del tiempo, ya que estamos haciendo un recorrido primero en profundidad para cada posición en la array, por lo que n*m(tiempo para un DFS) = n*m( |V| + |E|) donde |V| es el número total de Nodes y |E| es el número total de aristas que son iguales a n*m. Asi que,

Complejidad de Tiempo:   O(N 2 *M 2 )
Espacio Auxiliar:    O(N*M)

En el conjunto 2 a continuación, hemos discutido la solución optimizada basada en Trie: 
Boggle | Conjunto 2 (Usando Trie)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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