Requisito previo: GUI de Python – tkinter
En este artículo, vamos a crear una calculadora científica GUI usando Python. Como puede ver, calcular números grandes hoy en día es difícil o requiere mucho tiempo. Hemos creado una GUI de calculadora científica simple usando Python que le permite realizar cálculos simples y complejos. Para implementar GUI usaremos el módulo Tkinter de Python.
Implementación paso a paso
Paso 1: módulo de importación
from tkinter import * import math import tkinter.messagebox
Paso 2: aquí crearemos geometría o un diseño para la GUI de la calculadora usando Tkinter.
root = Tk() # sets the name on the top of the gui root.title("Scientific Calculator") # sets the background color of the calculator # as white root.configure(background = 'white') # fixed the width and height of the gui, # hence can't be expanded/stretched root.resizable(width=False, height=False) # sets the geometry root.geometry("480x568+450+90") # holds the buttons in the calculator, # act as a container for numbers and operators calc = Frame(root) # create a grid like pattern of the frame # i.e buttons calc.grid()
Paso 3: Ahora crearemos una clase en la que crearemos todas las funciones de la calculadora científica para que puedan llamarse y ejecutarse fácilmente.
class Calc(): def __init__(self): = 0 self.current = '' self.input_value = True self.check_sum = False self.op = '' self.result = False def numberEnter(self, num): self.result = False firstnum = txtDisplay.get() secondnum = str(num) if self.input_value: self.current = secondnum self.input_value = False else: if secondnum == '.': if secondnum in firstnum: return self.current = firstnum+secondnum self.display(self.current) def sum_of_total(self): self.result = True self.current = float(self.current) if self.check_sum == True: self.valid_function() else: = float(txtDisplay.get()) def display(self, value): txtDisplay.delete(0, END) txtDisplay.insert(0, value) def valid_function(self): if self.op == "add": += self.current if self.op == "sub": -= self.current if self.op == "multi": *= self.current if self.op == "divide": /= self.current if self.op == "mod": %= self.current self.input_value = True self.check_sum = False self.display( def operation(self, op): self.current = float(self.current) if self.check_sum: self.valid_function() elif not self.result: = self.current self.input_value = True self.check_sum = True self.op = op self.result = False def Clear_Entry(self): self.result = False self.current = "0" self.display(0) self.input_value = True def All_Clear_Entry(self): self.Clear_Entry() = 0 def pi(self): self.result = False self.current = math.pi self.display(self.current) def tau(self): self.result = False self.current = math.tau self.display(self.current) def e(self): self.result = False self.current = math.e self.display(self.current) def mathPM(self): self.result = False self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def squared(self): self.result = False self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def cos(self): self.result = False self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def cosh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def tan(self): self.result = False self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def tanh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def sin(self): self.result = False self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def sinh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def log(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def exp(self): self.result = False self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def acosh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def asinh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def expm1(self): self.result = False self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def lgamma(self): self.result = False self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def degrees(self): self.result = False self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def log2(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def log10(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def log1p(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) added_value = Calc()
Paso 4: El siguiente código creará una pantalla en la GUI de la calculadora al pasar el estilo de fuente, el tamaño de fuente, el color de fondo, el color de primer plano como argumento dentro de la función de entrada.
txtDisplay = Entry(calc, font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bg='black', fg='white', bd=30, width=28, justify=RIGHT) txtDisplay.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, pady=1) txtDisplay.insert(0, "0")
Paso 5: Aquí crearemos un teclado numérico para la calculadora.
# store all the numbers in a variable numberpad = "789456123" # here i will count the rows for placing buttons # in grid i = 0 # create an empty list to store # each button with its particular specifications btn = [] # j is in that range to place # the button in that particular row for j in range(2, 5): # k is in this range to place the # button in that particular column for k in range(3): btn.append(Button(calc, width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, text=numberpad[i])) # set buttons in row & column and # separate them with a padding of 1 unit btn[i].grid(row=j, column=k, pady=1) # put that number as a symbol on that button btn[i]["command"] = lambda x=numberpad[i]: added_value.numberEnter(x) i += 1
Paso 6: Ahora colocaremos todos los botones/operadores en su respectiva posición en la grilla. Depende de usted configurarlos según su elección cambiando su valor de fila y columna. En esto, cada función de botón solo toma el nombre del operador, el ancho, la altura, el fondo, el primer plano, la fuente y la posición respectiva de columna y fila del botón como argumento.
btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67), width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.Clear_Entry).grid( row=1, column=0, pady=1) btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69), width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.All_Clear_Entry).grid( row=1, column=1, pady=1) btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.squared).grid( row=1, column=2, pady=1) btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("add") ).grid(row=1, column=3, pady=1) btnSub = Button(calc, text="-", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("sub") ).grid(row=2, column=3, pady=1) btnMul = Button(calc, text="x", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("multi") ).grid(row=3, column=3, pady=1) btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("divide") ).grid(row=4, column=3, pady=1) btnZero = Button(calc, text="0", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(0) ).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1) btnDot = Button(calc, text=".", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(".") ).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1) btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177), width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.mathPM ).grid(row=5, column=2, pady=1) btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=", width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.sum_of_total ).grid(row=5, column=3, pady=1) # ROW 1 : btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.pi ).grid(row=1, column=4, pady=1) btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.cos ).grid(row=1, column=5, pady=1) btntan = Button(calc, text="tan", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.tan ).grid(row=1, column=6, pady=1) btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.sin ).grid(row=1, column=7, pady=1) # ROW 2 : btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.tau ).grid(row=2, column=4, pady=1) btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.cosh ).grid(row=2, column=5, pady=1) btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.tanh ).grid(row=2, column=6, pady=1) btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.sinh ).grid(row=2, column=7, pady=1) # ROW 3 : btnlog = Button(calc, text="log", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.log ).grid(row=3, column=4, pady=1) btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.exp ).grid(row=3, column=5, pady=1) btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("mod") ).grid(row=3, column=6, pady=1) btnE = Button(calc, text="e", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.e ).grid(row=3, column=7, pady=1) # ROW 4 : btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.log10 ).grid(row=4, column=4, pady=1) btncos = Button(calc, text="log1p", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.log1p ).grid(row=4, column=5, pady=1) btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.expm1 ).grid(row=4, column=6, pady=1) btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.lgamma ).grid(row=4, column=7, pady=1) # ROW 5 : btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.log2 ).grid(row=5, column=4, pady=1) btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.degrees ).grid(row=5, column=5, pady=1) btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.acosh ).grid(row=5, column=6, pady=1) btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh", width=6, height=2, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.asinh ).grid(row=5, column=7, pady=1) lblDisplay = Label(calc, text="Scientific Calculator", font=('Helvetica', 30, 'bold'), bg='black', fg='white', justify=CENTER) lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column=4, columnspan=4)
Paso 7: Ahora, por fin, crearemos una barra de menú de la GUI de la calculadora.
# use askyesno function to # stop/continue the program execution def iExit(): iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator", "Do you want to exit ?") if iExit>0: root.destroy() return def Scientific(): root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.geometry("944x568+0+0") def Standard(): root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.geometry("480x568+0+0") menubar = Menu(calc) # ManuBar 1 : filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu) filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard) filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific) filemenu.add_separator() filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit) # ManuBar 2 : editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu) editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut") editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy") editmenu.add_separator() editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste") root.config(menu=menubar) root.mainloop()
A continuación se muestra la implementación completa:
from tkinter import * import math import tkinter.messagebox root = Tk() root.title("Scientific Calculator") root.configure(background = 'white') root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.geometry("480x568+450+90") calc = Frame(root) calc.grid() class Calc(): def __init__(self): self.current='' self.input_value=True self.check_sum=False self.op='' self.result=False def numberEnter(self, num): self.result=False firstnum=txtDisplay.get() secondnum=str(num) if self.input_value: self.current = secondnum self.input_value=False else: if secondnum == '.': if secondnum in firstnum: return self.current = firstnum+secondnum self.display(self.current) def sum_of_total(self): self.result=True self.current=float(self.current) if self.check_sum==True: self.valid_function() else: def display(self, value): txtDisplay.delete(0, END) txtDisplay.insert(0, value) def valid_function(self): if self.op == "add": += self.current if self.op == "sub": -= self.current if self.op == "multi": *= self.current if self.op == "divide": /= self.current if self.op == "mod": %= self.current self.input_value=True self.check_sum=False self.display( def operation(self, op): self.current = float(self.current) if self.check_sum: self.valid_function() elif not self.result: self.input_value=True self.check_sum=True self.op=op self.result=False def Clear_Entry(self): self.result = False self.current = "0" self.display(0) self.input_value=True def All_Clear_Entry(self): self.Clear_Entry() def pi(self): self.result = False self.current = math.pi self.display(self.current) def tau(self): self.result = False self.current = math.tau self.display(self.current) def e(self): self.result = False self.current = math.e self.display(self.current) def mathPM(self): self.result = False self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def squared(self): self.result = False self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def cos(self): self.result = False self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def cosh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def tan(self): self.result = False self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def tanh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def sin(self): self.result = False self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def sinh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get()))) self.display(self.current) def log(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def exp(self): self.result = False self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def acosh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def asinh(self): self.result = False self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def expm1(self): self.result = False self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def lgamma(self): self.result = False self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def degrees(self): self.result = False self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def log2(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def log10(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) def log1p(self): self.result = False self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get())) self.display(self.current) added_value = Calc() txtDisplay = Entry(calc, font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bg='black',fg='white', bd=30,width=28,justify=RIGHT) txtDisplay.grid(row=0,column=0, columnspan=4, pady=1) txtDisplay.insert(0,"0") numberpad = "789456123" i=0 btn = [] for j in range(2,5): for k in range(3): btn.append(Button(calc, width=6, height=2, bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,text=numberpad[i])) btn[i].grid(row=j, column= k, pady = 1) btn[i]["command"]=lambda x=numberpad[i]:added_value.numberEnter(x) i+=1 btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold') ,bd=4, command=added_value.Clear_Entry ).grid(row=1, column= 0, pady = 1) btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69), width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4, command=added_value.All_Clear_Entry ).grid(row=1, column= 1, pady = 1) btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A",width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica', 20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.squared ).grid(row=1, column= 2, pady = 1) btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+",width=6, height=2, bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.operation("add") ).grid(row=1, column= 3, pady = 1) btnSub = Button(calc, text="-",width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.operation("sub") ).grid(row=2, column= 3, pady = 1) btnMul = Button(calc, text="x",width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.operation("multi") ).grid(row=3, column= 3, pady = 1) btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/",width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.operation("divide") ).grid(row=4, column= 3, pady = 1) btnZero = Button(calc, text="0",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.numberEnter(0) ).grid(row=5, column= 0, pady = 1) btnDot = Button(calc, text=".",width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.numberEnter(".") ).grid(row=5, column= 1, pady = 1) btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177),width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.mathPM ).grid(row=5, column= 2, pady = 1) btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=",width=6, height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.sum_of_total ).grid(row=5, column= 3, pady = 1) # ROW 1 : btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.pi ).grid(row=1, column= 4, pady = 1) btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.cos ).grid(row=1, column= 5, pady = 1) btntan = Button(calc, text="tan",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.tan ).grid(row=1, column= 6, pady = 1) btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.sin ).grid(row=1, column= 7, pady = 1) # ROW 2 : btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.tau ).grid(row=2, column= 4, pady = 1) btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.cosh ).grid(row=2, column= 5, pady = 1) btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.tanh ).grid(row=2, column= 6, pady = 1) btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.sinh ).grid(row=2, column= 7, pady = 1) # ROW 3 : btnlog = Button(calc, text="log",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.log ).grid(row=3, column= 4, pady = 1) btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp",width=6, height=2, bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.exp ).grid(row=3, column= 5, pady = 1) btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=lambda:added_value.operation("mod") ).grid(row=3, column= 6, pady = 1) btnE = Button(calc, text="e",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.e ).grid(row=3, column= 7, pady = 1) # ROW 4 : btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.log10 ).grid(row=4, column= 4, pady = 1) btncos = Button(calc, text="log1p",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.log1p ).grid(row=4, column= 5, pady = 1) btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd = 4,command=added_value.expm1 ).grid(row=4, column= 6, pady = 1) btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.lgamma ).grid(row=4, column= 7, pady = 1) # ROW 5 : btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.log2 ).grid(row=5, column= 4, pady = 1) btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.degrees ).grid(row=5, column= 5, pady = 1) btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.acosh ).grid(row=5, column= 6, pady = 1) btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh",width=6, height=2,bg='black',fg='white', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'), bd=4,command=added_value.asinh ).grid(row=5, column= 7, pady = 1) lblDisplay = Label(calc, text = "Scientific Calculator", font=('Helvetica',30,'bold'), bg='black',fg='white',justify=CENTER) lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column= 4,columnspan=4) def iExit(): iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator", "Do you want to exit ?") if iExit>0: root.destroy() return def Scientific(): root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.geometry("944x568+0+0") def Standard(): root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.geometry("480x568+0+0") menubar = Menu(calc) # ManuBar 1 : filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu) filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard) filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific) filemenu.add_separator() filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit) # ManuBar 2 : editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0) menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu) editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut") editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy") editmenu.add_separator() editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste") root.config(menu=menubar) root.mainloop()