Clase CharMatcher | guayaba | Java

CharMatcher determina un valor verdadero o falso para cualquier valor de char de Java. Esta clase proporciona varios métodos para manejar varios tipos de Java para valores char.

Declaración: La declaración para es como:

@GwtCompatible(emulated = true)
public final class CharMatcher
   extends Object

Hay 2 formas de obtener la instancia de CharMatcher:

  • Uso de constantes: la clase CharMatcher proporciona las siguientes constantes para obtener la instancia de CharMatcher.

    Nota: esta clase trata solo con valores de caracteres. No comprende puntos de código Unicode suplementarios en el rango de 0x10000 a 0x10FFFF. Dichos caracteres lógicos se codifican en una string mediante pares sustitutos, y CharMatcher los trata como dos caracteres separados.

  • Uso de los métodos proporcionados por la clase CharMatcher: se puede obtener una instancia de la clase CharMatcher utilizando los siguientes métodos.

Ejemplo 1:

// Java code to get number of matching
// characters in given sequence
// and display them using countIn()
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // "anyOf" method returns a char matcher
        // that matches any character present in
        // the given character sequence.
        CharMatcher matcher = CharMatcher.anyOf("aeiou");
        String str = "Hello GeeksforGeeks, What's up ?";
        // "countIn" returns the number of matching
        // characters found in a character sequence.
        int vowels = matcher.countIn(str);
        // To display the number of vowels in
        // character sequence
        System.out.println("Number of vowels in '"
                           + str + "' are "
                           + vowels);

Number of vowels in 'Hello GeeksforGeeks, What's up ?' are 9

Algunos otros métodos de CharMatcher Class son:

Ejemplo 2:

// Java code to get the index
// of matching character
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // "anyOf" method returns a char matcher
        // that matches any character present in
        // the given character sequence.
        CharMatcher matcher = CharMatcher.anyOf("aeiou");
        String str = "Hello GeeksforGeeks, What's up ?";
        // To return the index of first matching
        // character in given input sequence.
        int firstIndex = matcher.indexIn(str);
        // To Return the index of first matching
        // character in given input sequence,
        // from given starting index.
        int nextIndex = matcher.indexIn(str, firstIndex + 1);
        // To return the index of the last matching
        // character in a character sequence
        int lastIndex = matcher.lastIndexIn(str);
        System.out.println("First Index is " + firstIndex);
        System.out.println("Next Index is " + nextIndex);
        System.out.println("Last Index is " + lastIndex);

First Index is 1
Next Index is 4
Last Index is 28

Algunos otros métodos de CharMatcher Class son:

Ejemplo 3:

// Java code to remove all digits 
// from a  given string
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Determines whether a character is
        // a digit according to Unicode.
        CharMatcher matcher = CharMatcher.DIGIT;
        String str = "12345Hello GeeksforGeeks1287 What's 9886up";
        System.out.println("Original String : " + str);
        // To remove all matching characters
        // from given string.
        String result = matcher.removeFrom(str);
        // To display the string which
        // doesn't contain digit
        System.out.println("After digit removal : " + result);

Original String : 12345Hello GeeksforGeeks1287 What's 9886up
After digit removal : Hello GeeksforGeeks What's up

Referencia: Google Guayaba

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Sahil_Bansall y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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