Cola de prioridad usando lista enlazada

Implemente la cola de prioridad usando listas enlazadas. 

  • push(): esta función se utiliza para insertar nuevos datos en la cola.
  • pop(): esta función elimina el elemento con la prioridad más alta de la cola.
  • peek() / top(): esta función se usa para obtener el elemento de mayor prioridad en la cola sin eliminarlo de la cola.

Las colas de prioridad se pueden implementar utilizando estructuras de datos comunes como arrays, listas vinculadas, montones y árboles binarios.

Requisitos previos:  
listas vinculadas , colas de prioridad

La lista se crea de modo que el elemento de mayor prioridad esté siempre al principio de la lista. La lista está organizada en orden descendente de elementos en función de su prioridad. Esto nos permite eliminar el elemento de mayor prioridad en el tiempo O(1). Para insertar un elemento, debemos recorrer la lista y encontrar la posición adecuada para insertar el Node de modo que se mantenga el orden general de la cola de prioridad. Esto hace que la operación push() tome tiempo O(N). Las operaciones pop() y peek() se realizan en tiempo constante.

Complete Interview Preparation - GFG

Paso 1: Crear un nuevo Node con DATA y PRIORITY 
Paso 2: Comprobar si HEAD tiene menor prioridad. Si es verdadero, siga los pasos 3 y 4 y finalice. De lo contrario, vaya al Paso 5. 
Paso 5: Establezca TEMP al principio de la lista 
Paso 10: Finalizar
Paso 2: Establecer el cabezal de la lista al siguiente Node de la lista. CABEZA = CABEZA -> SIGUIENTE. 
Paso 3: Liberar el Node al principio de la lista 
Paso 4: Finalizar
Paso 1: Volver HEAD -> DATA 
Paso 2: Finalizar

A continuación se muestra la implementación del algoritmo: 


// C++ code to implement Priority Queue 
// using Linked List 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 
// Node 
typedef struct node 
    int data; 
    // Lower values indicate 
    // higher priority 
    int priority; 
    struct node* next; 
} Node; 
// Function to create a new node 
Node* newNode(int d, int p) 
    Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 
    temp->data = d; 
    temp->priority = p; 
    temp->next = NULL; 
    return temp; 
// Return the value at head 
int peek(Node** head) 
    return (*head)->data; 
// Removes the element with the 
// highest priority form the list 
void pop(Node** head) 
    Node* temp = *head; 
    (*head) = (*head)->next; 
// Function to push according to priority 
void push(Node** head, int d, int p) 
    Node* start = (*head); 
    // Create new Node 
    Node* temp = newNode(d, p); 
    // Special Case: The head of list has 
    // lesser priority than new node. So 
    // insert newnode before head node 
    // and change head node. 
    if ((*head)->priority > p) 
        // Insert New Node before head 
        temp->next = *head; 
        (*head) = temp; 
        // Traverse the list and find a 
        // position to insert new node 
        while (start->next != NULL && 
            start->next->priority < p) 
            start = start->next; 
        // Either at the ends of the list 
        // or at required position 
        temp->next = start->next; 
        start->next = temp; 
// Function to check is list is empty 
int isEmpty(Node** head) 
    return (*head) == NULL; 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    // Create a Priority Queue 
    // 7->4->5->6 
    Node* pq = newNode(4, 1); 
    push(&pq, 5, 2); 
    push(&pq, 6, 3); 
    push(&pq, 7, 0); 
    while (!isEmpty(&pq)) 
        cout << " " << peek(&pq); 
    return 0; 
// This code is contributed by shivanisinghss2110 


// C code to implement Priority Queue 
// using Linked List 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
// Node 
typedef struct node { 
    int data; 
    // Lower values indicate higher priority 
    int priority; 
    struct node* next; 
} Node; 
// Function to Create A New Node 
Node* newNode(int d, int p) 
    Node* temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 
    temp->data = d; 
    temp->priority = p; 
    temp->next = NULL; 
    return temp; 
// Return the value at head 
int peek(Node** head) 
    return (*head)->data; 
// Removes the element with the 
// highest priority form the list 
void pop(Node** head) 
    Node* temp = *head; 
    (*head) = (*head)->next; 
// Function to push according to priority 
void push(Node** head, int d, int p) 
    Node* start = (*head); 
    // Create new Node 
    Node* temp = newNode(d, p); 
    // Special Case: The head of list has lesser 
    // priority than new node. So insert new 
    // node before head node and change head node. 
    if ((*head)->priority > p) { 
        // Insert New Node before head 
        temp->next = *head; 
        (*head) = temp; 
    else { 
        // Traverse the list and find a 
        // position to insert new node 
        while (start->next != NULL && 
            start->next->priority < p) { 
            start = start->next; 
        // Either at the ends of the list 
        // or at required position 
        temp->next = start->next; 
        start->next = temp; 
// Function to check is list is empty 
int isEmpty(Node** head) 
    return (*head) == NULL; 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    // Create a Priority Queue 
    // 7->4->5->6 
    Node* pq = newNode(4, 1); 
    push(&pq, 5, 2); 
    push(&pq, 6, 3); 
    push(&pq, 7, 0); 
    while (!isEmpty(&pq)) { 
        printf("%d ", peek(&pq)); 
    return 0; 


// Java code to implement Priority Queue 
// using Linked List 
import java.util.* ; 
class Solution 
// Node 
static class Node { 
    int data; 
    // Lower values indicate higher priority 
    int priority; 
    Node next; 
static Node node = new Node(); 
// Function to Create A New Node 
static Node newNode(int d, int p) 
    Node temp = new Node(); = d; 
    temp.priority = p; = null; 
    return temp; 
// Return the value at head 
static int peek(Node head) 
    return (head).data; 
// Removes the element with the 
// highest priority form the list 
static Node pop(Node head) 
    Node temp = head; 
    (head) = (head).next; 
    return head; 
// Function to push according to priority 
static Node push(Node head, int d, int p) 
    Node start = (head); 
    // Create new Node 
    Node temp = newNode(d, p); 
    // Special Case: The head of list has lesser 
    // priority than new node. So insert new 
    // node before head node and change head node. 
    if ((head).priority > p) { 
        // Insert New Node before head = head; 
        (head) = temp; 
    else { 
        // Traverse the list and find a 
        // position to insert new node 
        while ( != null && 
   < p) { 
            start =; 
        // Either at the ends of the list 
        // or at required position =; = temp; 
    return head; 
// Function to check is list is empty 
static int isEmpty(Node head) 
    return ((head) == null)?1:0; 
// Driver code 
public static void main(String args[]) 
    // Create a Priority Queue 
    Node pq = newNode(4, 1); 
    pq =push(pq, 5, 2); 
    pq =push(pq, 6, 3); 
    pq =push(pq, 7, 0); 
    while (isEmpty(pq)==0) { 
        System.out.printf("%d ", peek(pq)); 
// This code is contributed 
// by Arnab Kundu 


# Python3 code to implement Priority Queue 
# using Singly Linked List 
# Class to create new node which includes
# Node Data, and Node Priority
class PriorityQueueNode:
  def __init__(self, value, pr):
    = value
    self.priority = pr = None
# Implementation of Priority Queue
class PriorityQueue:
    def __init__(self):
        self.front = None
    # Method to check Priority Queue is Empty 
    # or not if Empty then it will return True
    # Otherwise False
    def isEmpty(self):
        return True if self.front == None else False
    # Method to add items in Priority Queue 
    # According to their priority value
    def push(self, value, priority):
        # Condition check for checking Priority
        # Queue is empty or not
        if self.isEmpty() == True:
            # Creating a new node and assigning
            # it to class variable
            self.front = PriorityQueueNode(value, 
            # Returning 1 for successful execution
            return 1 
            # Special condition check to see that
            # first node priority value
            if self.front.priority > priority:
                # Creating a new node
                newNode = PriorityQueueNode(value, 
                # Updating the new node next value
       = self.front
                # Assigning it to self.front
                self.front = newNode
                # Returning 1 for successful execution
                return 1
                # Traversing through Queue until it
                # finds the next smaller priority node
                temp = self.front
                    # If same priority node found then current
                    # node will come after previous node
                    if priority <=
                    temp =
                newNode = PriorityQueueNode(value, 
       = newNode
                # Returning 1 for successful execution
                return 1 
    # Method to remove high priority item
    # from the Priority Queue
    def pop(self):
        # Condition check for checking 
        # Priority Queue is empty or not
        if self.isEmpty() == True:
            # Removing high priority node from
            # Priority Queue, and updating front
            # with next node
            self.front =
            return 1
    # Method to return high priority node 
    # value Not removing it
    def peek(self):
        # Condition check for checking Priority 
        # Queue is empty or not 
        if self.isEmpty() == True:
    # Method to Traverse through Priority
    # Queue
    def traverse(self):
        # Condition check for checking Priority
        # Queue is empty or not 
        if self.isEmpty() == True:
            return "Queue is Empty!"
            temp = self.front
            while temp:
                print(, end = " ")
                temp =
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Creating an instance of Priority
    # Queue, and adding values
    # 7 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6
    pq = PriorityQueue()
    pq.push(4, 1)
    pq.push(5, 2)
    pq.push(6, 3)
    pq.push(7, 0)
    # Traversing through Priority Queue
    # Removing highest Priority item
    # for priority queue
# This code is contributed by himanshu kanojiya


// C# code to implement Priority Queue 
// using Linked List 
using System; 
class GFG 
// Node 
public class Node 
    public int data; 
    // Lower values indicate 
    // higher priority 
    public int priority; 
    public Node next; 
public static Node node = new Node(); 
// Function to Create A New Node 
public static Node newNode(int d, int p) 
    Node temp = new Node(); = d; 
    temp.priority = p; = null; 
    return temp; 
// Return the value at head 
public static int peek(Node head) 
    return (head).data; 
// Removes the element with the 
// highest priority form the list 
public static Node pop(Node head) 
    Node temp = head; 
    (head) = (head).next; 
    return head; 
// Function to push according to priority 
public static Node push(Node head, 
                        int d, int p) 
    Node start = (head); 
    // Create new Node 
    Node temp = newNode(d, p); 
    // Special Case: The head of list 
    // has lesser priority than new node. 
    // So insert new node before head node 
    // and change head node. 
    if ((head).priority > p) 
        // Insert New Node before head = head; 
        (head) = temp; 
        // Traverse the list and find a 
        // position to insert new node 
        while ( != null && 
   < p) 
            start =; 
        // Either at the ends of the list 
        // or at required position =; = temp; 
    return head; 
// Function to check is list is empty 
public static int isEmpty(Node head) 
    return ((head) == null) ? 1 : 0; 
// Driver code 
public static void Main(string[] args) 
    // Create a Priority Queue 
    Node pq = newNode(4, 1); 
    pq = push(pq, 5, 2); 
    pq = push(pq, 6, 3); 
    pq = push(pq, 7, 0); 
    while (isEmpty(pq) == 0) 
        Console.Write("{0:D} ", peek(pq)); 
        pq = pop(pq); 
// This code is contributed by Shrikant13 


      // JavaScript code to implement Priority Queue
      // using Linked List
      // Node
      class Node 
        // Lower values indicate
        // higher priority
        constructor() {
 = 0;
          this.priority = 0;
 = null;
      var node = new Node();
      // Function to Create A New Node
      function newNode(d, p) {
        var temp = new Node(); = d;
        temp.priority = p; = null;
        return temp;
      // Return the value at head
      function peek(head) {
      // Removes the element with the
      // highest priority form the list
      function pop(head) {
        var temp = head;
        head =;
        return head;
      // Function to push according to priority
      function push(head, d, p) {
        var start = head;
        // Create new Node
        var temp = newNode(d, p);
        // Special Case: The head of list
        // has lesser priority than new node.
        // So insert new node before head node
        // and change head node.
        if (head.priority > p) 
          // Insert New Node before head
 = head;
          head = temp;
          // Traverse the list and find a
          // position to insert new node
          while ( != null && < p) {
            start =;
          // Either at the ends of the list
          // or at required position
 = temp;
        return head;
      // Function to check is list is empty
      function isEmpty(head) {
        return head == null ? 1 : 0;
      // Driver code
      // Create a Priority Queue
      var pq = newNode(4, 1);
      pq = push(pq, 5, 2);
      pq = push(pq, 6, 3);
      pq = push(pq, 7, 0);
      while (isEmpty(pq) == 0) {
        document.write(peek(pq) + " ");
        pq = pop(pq);
      // This code is contributed by rdtank.

7 4 5 6


Complejidades de tiempo y comparación con Binary Heap

               peek()    push()    pop()
Linked List |   O(1)      O(n)      O(1)
Binary Heap |   O(1)    O(Log n)   O(Log n)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Sayan Mahapatra y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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