¿Cómo implementar eficientemente k Queues en una sola array?

Hemos discutido la implementación eficiente de k stack en una array . En esta publicación, se discute lo mismo para la cola. A continuación se presenta el enunciado detallado del problema.

Cree una estructura de datos kQueues que represente k colas. La implementación de kQueues debe usar solo una array, es decir, k colas debe usar la misma array para almacenar elementos. Las siguientes funciones deben ser compatibles con kQueues.

  • enqueue(int x, int qn) -> agrega x al número de cola ‘qn’ donde qn es de 0 a k-1 
  • dequeue(int qn) –> elimina un elemento del número de cola ‘qn’ donde qn es de 0 a k-1 

Método 1 (Divida la array en ranuras de tamaño n/k):

Una forma simple de implementar k colas es dividir la array en k ranuras de tamaño n/k cada una, y arreglar las ranuras para diferentes colas, es decir, usar arr[0] a arr[n/k-1] para la primera cola , y arr[n/k] a arr[2n/k-1] para queue2 donde arr[] es la array que se usará para implementar dos colas y el tamaño de la array será n.

El problema con este método es un uso ineficiente del espacio de la array. Una operación de puesta en cola puede resultar en un desbordamiento incluso si hay espacio disponible en arr[]. Por ejemplo, considere k como 2 y el tamaño de array n como 6. Pongamos en cola 3 elementos al primero y no pongamos nada en cola en la segunda cola. Cuando ponemos en cola el cuarto elemento en la primera cola, habrá un desbordamiento incluso si tenemos espacio para 3 elementos más en la array.

Método 2 (una implementación eficiente en el espacio):

La idea es similar a la publicación de la pila , aquí necesitamos usar tres arrays adicionales. En la publicación de la pila, necesitábamos dos arrays adicionales, se requiere una array más porque en las colas, las operaciones enqueue() y dequeue() se realizan en diferentes extremos.

Las siguientes son las tres arrays adicionales que se utilizan: 

  1. front[] : este es de tamaño k y almacena índices de elementos frontales en todas las colas. 
  2. rear[] : Esto es de tamaño k y almacena índices de elementos traseros en todas las colas. 
  3. next[] : Esto es de tamaño n y almacena índices del siguiente elemento para todos los elementos en la array arr[]. 

Aquí arr[] es la array real que almacena k pilas.

Junto con k colas, también se mantiene una pila de espacios libres en arr[]. La parte superior de esta pila se almacena en una variable ‘libre’.

Todas las entradas delante de [] se inicializan como -1 para indicar que todas las colas están vacías. Todas las entradas next[i] se inicializan como i+1 porque todas las ranuras están libres inicialmente y apuntan a la siguiente ranura. En la parte superior de la pila libre, ‘gratis’ se inicializa como 0.

A continuación se muestra la implementación en C++ de la idea anterior. 


// A C++ program to demonstrate implementation
// of k queues in a single
// array in time and space efficient way
using namespace std;
// A C++ class to represent k queues
// in a single array of size n
class kQueues
    // Array of size n to store actual
    // content to be stored in queue
    int *arr;
    // Array of size k to store indexes
    // of front elements of the queue 
    int *front;  
    // Array of size k to store indexes
    // of rear elements of queue
    int *rear;
    // Array of size n to store next
    // entry in all queues           
    int *next; 
    int n, k;
    int free; // To store the beginning index of the free list
    //constructor to create k queue
    // in an array of size n
    kQueues(int k, int n);
    // A utility function to check if
    // there is space available
    bool isFull()   {  return (free == -1);  }
    // To enqueue an item in queue number
    // 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1
    void enqueue(int item, int qn);
    // To dequeue an from queue number
    // 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1
    int dequeue(int qn);
    // To check whether queue number
    // 'qn' is empty or not
    bool isEmpty(int qn)  {  return (front[qn] == -1); }
// Constructor to create k queues
// in an array of size n
kQueues::kQueues(int k1, int n1)
    // Initialize n and k, and allocate
    // memory for all arrays
    k = k1, n = n1;
    arr = new int[n];
    front = new int[k];
    rear = new int[k];
    next = new int[n];
    // Initialize all queues as empty
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
        front[i] = -1;
    // Initialize all spaces as free
    free = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
        next[i] = i+1;
    next[n-1] = -1;  // -1 is used to indicate end of free list
// To enqueue an item in queue number
// 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1
void kQueues::enqueue(int item, int qn)
    // Overflow check
    if (isFull())
        cout << "\nQueue Overflow\n";
    int i = free;      // Store index of first free slot
    // Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list
    free = next[i];
    if (isEmpty(qn))
        front[qn] = i;
        next[rear[qn]] = i;
    next[i] = -1;
    // Update next of rear and then rear for queue number 'qn'
    rear[qn] = i;
    // Put the item in array
    arr[i] = item;
// To dequeue an from queue number 'qn' where qn is from 0 to k-1
int kQueues::dequeue(int qn)
    // Underflow checkSAS
    if (isEmpty(qn))
         cout << "\nQueue Underflow\n";
         return INT_MAX;
    // Find index of front item in queue number 'qn'
    int i = front[qn];
    // Change top to store next of previous top
    front[qn] = next[i];
    // Attach the previous front to the
    // beginning of free list
    next[i] = free;
    free = i;
    // Return the previous front item
    return arr[i];
/* Driver program to test kStacks class */
int main()
    // Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10
    int k = 3, n = 10;
    kQueues ks(k, n);
    // Let us put some items in queue number 2
    ks.enqueue(15, 2);
    ks.enqueue(45, 2);
    // Let us put some items in queue number 1
    ks.enqueue(17, 1);
    ks.enqueue(49, 1);
    ks.enqueue(39, 1);
    // Let us put some items in queue number 0
    ks.enqueue(11, 0);
    ks.enqueue(9, 0);
    ks.enqueue(7, 0);
    cout << "Dequeued element from queue 2 is " << ks.dequeue(2) << endl;
    cout << "Dequeued element from queue 1 is " << ks.dequeue(1) << endl;
    cout << "Dequeued element from queue 0 is " << ks.dequeue(0) << endl;
    return 0;


// A Java program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single
// array in time and space efficient way
public class KQueues {
    int k;
    int n;
    int[] arr;
    int[] front;
    int[] rear;
    int[] next;
    int free;
    KQueues(int k, int n){
        // Initialize n and k, and allocate memory for all arrays
        this.k = k;
        this.n = n;
        this.arr = new int[n];
        this.front = new int[k];
        this.rear = new int[k];
        this.next = new int[n];
        // Initialize all queues as empty
        for(int i= 0; i< k; i++) {
            front[i] = rear[i] = -1;
        // Initialize all spaces as free
        free = 0;
        for(int i= 0; i< n-1; i++) {
            next[i] = i+1;
        next[n-1] = -1;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10
        int k = 3, n = 10;
        KQueues ks=  new KQueues(k, n);
        // Let us put some items in queue number 2
        ks.enqueue(15, 2);
        ks.enqueue(45, 2);
        // Let us put some items in queue number 1
        ks.enqueue(17, 1);
        ks.enqueue(49, 1);
        ks.enqueue(39, 1);
        // Let us put some items in queue number 0
        ks.enqueue(11, 0);
        ks.enqueue(9, 0);
        ks.enqueue(7, 0);
        System.out.println("Dequeued element from queue 2 is " +
        System.out.println("Dequeued element from queue 1 is " +
        System.out.println("Dequeued element from queue 0 is " +
                                ks.dequeue(0) );
    // To check whether queue number 'i' is empty or not
    private boolean isEmpty(int i) {
        return front[i] == -1;
    // To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1
    private boolean isFull(int i) {
        return free == -1;
    // To enqueue an item in queue number 'j' where j is from 0 to k-1
    private void enqueue(int item, int j) {
        if(isFull(j)) {
            System.out.println("queue overflow");
        int nextFree = next[free];
        if(isEmpty(j)) {
            rear[j] = front[j] = free;
        }else {
            // Update next of rear and then rear for queue number 'j'
            next[rear[j]] = free;
            rear[j] = free;
        next[free] = -1;
        // Put the item in array
        arr[free] = item;
        // Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list
        free = nextFree;
    // To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1
    private int dequeue(int i) {
        // Underflow checkSAS
        if(isEmpty(i)) {
            System.out.println("Stack underflow");
            return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        // Find index of front item in queue number 'i'
        int frontIndex = front[i];
        // Change top to store next of previous top
        front[i] = next[frontIndex];
        // Attach the previous front to the beginning of free list
        next[frontIndex] = free;
        free = frontIndex;
        return arr[frontIndex];


# A Python program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single
# array in time and space efficient way
class KQueues:
    def __init__(self, number_of_queues, array_length):
        self.number_of_queues = number_of_queues
        self.array_length = array_length
        self.array = [-1] * array_length
        self.front = [-1] * number_of_queues
        self.rear = [-1] * number_of_queues
        self.next_array = list(range(1, array_length))
        self.free = 0
    # To check whether the current queue_number is empty or not
    def is_empty(self, queue_number):
        return True if self.front[queue_number] == -1 else False
    # To check whether the current queue_number is full or not
    def is_full(self, queue_number):
        return True if self.free == -1 else False
    # To enqueue the given item in the given queue_number where
    # queue_number is from 0 to number_of_queues-1
    def enqueue(self, item, queue_number):
        if self.is_full(queue_number):
            print("Queue FULL")
        next_free = self.next_array[self.free]
        if self.is_empty(queue_number):
            self.front[queue_number] = self.rear[queue_number] = self.free
            self.next_array[self.rear[queue_number]] = self.free
            self.rear[queue_number] = self.free
        self.next_array[self.free] = -1
        self.array[self.free] = item
        self.free = next_free
    # To dequeue an item from the given queue_number where
    # queue_number is from 0 to number_of_queues-1
    def dequeue(self, queue_number):
        if self.is_empty(queue_number):
             print("Queue EMPTY")
        front_index = self.front[queue_number]
        self.front[queue_number] = self.next_array[front_index]
        self.next_array[front_index] = self.free
        self.free = front_index
        return self.array[front_index]
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10 
    ks =  KQueues(3, 10)
    # Let us put some items in queue number 2 
    ks.enqueue(15, 2)
    ks.enqueue(45, 2)
    # Let us put some items in queue number 1 
    ks.enqueue(17, 1); 
    ks.enqueue(49, 1); 
    ks.enqueue(39, 1); 
    # Let us put some items in queue number 0 
    ks.enqueue(11, 0); 
    ks.enqueue(9, 0); 
    ks.enqueue(7, 0); 
    print("Dequeued element from queue 2 is {}".format(ks.dequeue(2)))
    print("Dequeued element from queue 1 is {}".format(ks.dequeue(1)))
    print("Dequeued element from queue 0 is {}".format(ks.dequeue(0)))


// A C# program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single
// array in time and space efficient way
using System;
public class KQueues
  int k;
  int n;
  int[] arr;
  int[] front;
  int[] rear;
  int[] next;
  int free;  
  KQueues(int k, int n)
    // Initialize n and k, and
    // allocate memory for all arrays
    this.k = k;
    this.n = n;
    this.arr = new int[n];
    this.front = new int[k];
    this.rear = new int[k];
    this.next = new int[n];
    // Initialize all queues as empty
    for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
      front[i] = rear[i] = -1;
    // Initialize all spaces as free
    free = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
      next[i] = i + 1;
    next[n - 1] = -1;       
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10
    int k = 3, n = 10;
    KQueues ks = new KQueues(k, n);
    // Let us put some items in queue number 2
    ks.enqueue(15, 2);
    ks.enqueue(45, 2);
    // Let us put some items in queue number 1
    ks.enqueue(17, 1);
    ks.enqueue(49, 1);
    ks.enqueue(39, 1);
    // Let us put some items in queue number 0
    ks.enqueue(11, 0);
    ks.enqueue(9, 0);
    ks.enqueue(7, 0);
    Console.WriteLine("Dequeued element from queue 2 is " +
    Console.WriteLine("Dequeued element from queue 1 is " +
    Console.WriteLine("Dequeued element from queue 0 is " +
                      ks.dequeue(0) );
  // To check whether queue number 'i' is empty or not
  private bool isEmpty(int i)
    return front[i] == -1;
  // To dequeue an from queue
  // number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1
  private bool isFull(int i)
    return free == -1;
  // To enqueue an item in queue
  // number 'j' where j is from 0 to k-1
  private void enqueue(int item, int j)
      Console.WriteLine("queue overflow");
    int nextFree = next[free];
      rear[j] = front[j] = free;
      // Update next of rear and then
      // rear for queue number 'j'
      next[rear[j]] = free;
      rear[j] = free;
    next[free] = -1;
    // Put the item in array
    arr[free] = item;
    // Update index of free slot to
    // index of next slot in free list
    free = nextFree;
  // To dequeue an from queue
  // number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1
  private int dequeue(int i)
    // Underflow checkSAS
      Console.WriteLine("Stack underflow");
      return int.MinValue;
    // Find index of front item in queue number 'i'
    int frontIndex = front[i];
    // Change top to store next of previous top
    front[i] = next[frontIndex];
    // Attach the previous front to the beginning of free list
    next[frontIndex] = free;
    free = frontIndex;       
    return arr[frontIndex];
// This code is contributed by aashish1995


// A Javascript program to demonstrate implementation of k queues in a single
// array in time and space efficient way
class KQueues
        // Initialize n and k, and allocate memory for all arrays
        this.k = k;
        this.n = n;
        this.arr = new Array(n);
        this.front = new Array(k);
        this.rear = new Array(k);
        this.next = new Array(n);
        // Initialize all queues as empty
        for(let i= 0; i< k; i++) {
            this.front[i] = this.rear[i] = -1;
        // Initialize all spaces as free
        this.free = 0;
        for(let i= 0; i< n-1; i++) {
            this.next[i] = i+1;
        this.next[n-1] = -1;
    // To check whether queue number 'i' is empty or not
        return this.front[i] == -1;
    // To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1
        return this.free == -1;
    // To enqueue an item in queue number 'j' where j is from 0 to k-1
        if(this.isFull(j)) {
            document.write("queue overflow<br>");
        let nextFree = this.next[this.free];
        if(this.isEmpty(j)) {
            this.rear[j] = this.front[j] = this.free;
        }else {
            // Update next of rear and then rear for queue number 'j'
            this.next[this.rear[j]] = this.free;
            this.rear[j] = this.free;
        this.next[this.free] = -1;
        // Put the item in array
        this.arr[this.free] = item;
        // Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list
        this.free = nextFree;
    // To dequeue an from queue number 'i' where i is from 0 to k-1
        // Underflow checkSAS
        if(this.isEmpty(i)) {
            document.write("Stack underflow<br>");
            return Number.MIN_VALUE;
        // Find index of front item in queue number 'i'
        let frontIndex = this.front[i];
        // Change top to store next of previous top
        this.front[i] = this.next[frontIndex];
        // Attach the previous front to the beginning of free list
        this.next[frontIndex] = this.free;
        this.free = frontIndex;
        return this.arr[frontIndex];
// Let us create 3 queue in an array of size 10
        let k = 3, n = 10;
        let ks=  new KQueues(k, n);
        // Let us put some items in queue number 2
        ks.enqueue(15, 2);
        ks.enqueue(45, 2);
        // Let us put some items in queue number 1
        ks.enqueue(17, 1);
        ks.enqueue(49, 1);
        ks.enqueue(39, 1);
        // Let us put some items in queue number 0
        ks.enqueue(11, 0);
        ks.enqueue(9, 0);
        ks.enqueue(7, 0);
        document.write("Dequeued element from queue 2 is " +
        document.write("Dequeued element from queue 1 is " +
        document.write("Dequeued element from queue 0 is " +
                                ks.dequeue(0)+"<br>" );
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

Dequeued element from queue 2 is 15
Dequeued element from queue 1 is 17
Dequeued element from queue 0 is 11

Las complejidades temporales de enqueue() y dequeue() son O(1).

La mejor parte de la implementación anterior es que, si hay un espacio disponible en la cola, entonces un elemento se puede poner en cola en cualquiera de las colas, es decir, sin desperdicio de espacio. Este método requiere algo de espacio adicional. El espacio puede no ser un problema porque los elementos de la cola suelen ser grandes, por ejemplo, colas de empleados, estudiantes, etc., donde cada elemento tiene cientos de bytes. Para colas tan grandes, el espacio adicional utilizado es comparativamente mucho menor, ya que usamos tres arrays de enteros como espacio adicional.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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