¿Cómo implementar Queue en Java usando Array y Generics?

La cola es una estructura de datos lineal que sigue la regla FIFO (primero en entrar, primero en salir). Podemos implementar Queue no solo para Integers sino también para Strings, Float o Characters. Hay 5 operaciones principales en Queue:

  1. enqueue() agrega el elemento x al frente de la cola
  2. dequeue() elimina el último elemento de la cola
  3. front() devuelve el elemento frontal
  4. rear() devuelve el elemento trasero
  5. vacío() devuelve si la cola está vacía o no

Nota: La complejidad del tiempo es de orden 1 para todas las operaciones




// Java Program to Implement Queue using Array and Generics
// Importing input output classes
import java.io.*;
// Importing all utility classes
import java.util.*;
// Class 1
// Helper Class(user defined - generic queue class)
class queue<T> {
    // front and rear variables are initially initiated to
    // -1 pointing to no element that control queue
    int front = -1, rear = -1;
    // Creating an object of ArrayList class of T type
    ArrayList<T> A = new ArrayList<>();
    // Method 1
    // Returns value of element at front
    T front()
        // If it is not pointing to any element in queue
        if (front == -1)
            return null;
        // else return the front element
        return A.get(front);
    // Method 2
    // Returns value of element at rear
    T rear()
        // If it is not pointing to any element in queue
        if (rear == -1)
            return null;
        return A.get(rear);
    // Method 3
    // Inserts element at the front of queue
    void enqueue(T X)
        // If queue is empty
        if (this.empty()) {
            front = 0;
            rear = 0;
        // If queue is not empty
        else {
            if (A.size() > front) {
                // Mov front pointer to next
                A.set(front, X);
                // Add element to the queue
    // Method 4
    // Deletes elements from the rear from queue
    void dequeue()
        // if queue doesn't have any elements
        if (this.empty())
            // Display message when queue is already empty
            System.out.println("Queue is already empty");
        // If queue has only one element
        else if (front == rear) {
            // Both are pointing to same element
            front = rear = -1;
        // If queue has more than one element
        else {
            // Increment the rear
    // Method 5
    // Checks whether the queue is empty
    boolean empty()
        // Both are initialized to same value
        // as assigned at declaration means no queue made
        if (front == -1 && rear == -1)
            return true;
        return false;
    // Method 6
    // Print the queue
    // @Override
    public String toString()
        if (this.empty())
            return "";
        String Ans = "";
        for (int i = rear; i < front; i++) {
            Ans += String.valueOf(A.get(i)) + "->";
        Ans += String.valueOf(A.get(front));
        return Ans;
// Class 2
// Main class
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Case 1 : Integer Queue
        // Creating object of queue Class (user defined)
        // Declaring object of integer type
        queue<Integer> q1 = new queue<>();
        // Pushing elements to the integer object created
        // Custom input integer entries
        // Print the queue after inserting integer elements
            "q1 after enqueue of 3 elements:\n" + q1);
        System.out.println("q1 after dequeue :\n" + q1);
        // Case 2 : String Queue
        // Creating object of queue Class (user defined)
        // Declaring object of string type
        queue<String> q2 = new queue<>();
        // Pushing elements to the String object created
        // Custom input string entries
        // Print the queue after inserting string elements
            "\nq2 after enqueue of 3 elements:\n" + q2);
        // Printing front and rear of the above queue
        System.out.println("q2 front = " + q2.front()
                           + ", q2 rear = " + q2.rear());
        // Case 3 : Float Queue
        // Creating object of queue Class (user defined)
        // Declaring object of float type
        queue<Float> q3 = new queue<>();
        // Display message only
            "\nCreated new Float type queue q3...");
        // Display whether queue is empty or not
        // using the empty() method
            "Checking if queue is empty or not :\n"
            + q3.empty());

q1 after enqueue of 3 elements:
q1 after dequeue :

q2 after enqueue of 3 elements:
q2 front = GFG, q2 rear = hello

Created new Float type queue q3...
Checking if queue is empty or not :

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Artículo escrito por varunkedia y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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