¿Cómo usar Go con MongoDB?

MongoDB es una base de datos NoSQL de código abierto. Es una base de datos orientada a documentos, utiliza una estructura similar a JSON llamada BSON para almacenar documentos (es decir, pares clave-valor). MongoDB proporciona el concepto de colección para agrupar documentos. En este artículo, discutiremos quién conecta MongoDB con Golang. 

Requisito previo: debe instalar MongoDB e iniciarlo en el puerto predeterminado (es decir, 27017).

Instalación: el paquete mongo proporciona una API de controlador de MongoDB para Go, que se puede usar para interactuar con la API de MongoDB. Use el siguiente comando para instalar el paquete mongo.

go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo

Contexto del paquete: el contexto del paquete es el tipo de contexto, que contiene fechas límite, señales de cancelación y otros valores del ámbito de la solicitud a través de los límites de la API y entre procesos. 

Conecte el controlador Go con MongoDB

Ahora, para conectar el controlador Go con MongoDB, debe seguir los siguientes pasos:

  1. Cree mongo.Client con la función mongo.Connect. Mongo.Client maneja la conexión con MongoDB.
  2. mongo.Client tiene un método llamado Ping que devuelve pong en la conexión exitosa.
  3. Finalmente, use mongo.Client.Disconnect para cerrar la conexión de la base de datos.


package main
import (
// This is a user defined method to close resources.
// This method closes mongoDB connection and cancel context.
func close(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
           cancel context.CancelFunc){
    // CancelFunc to cancel to context
    defer cancel()
    // client provides a method to close
    // a mongoDB connection.
    defer func(){
        // client.Disconnect method also has deadline.
        // returns error if any,
        if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil{
// This is a user defined method that returns mongo.Client,
// context.Context, context.CancelFunc and error.
// mongo.Client will be used for further database operation.
// context.Context will be used set deadlines for process.
// context.CancelFunc will be used to cancel context and
// resource associated with it.
func connect(uri string)(*mongo.Client, context.Context,
                          context.CancelFunc, error) {
    // ctx will be used to set deadline for process, here
    // deadline will of 30 seconds.
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),
                                       30 * time.Second)
    // mongo.Connect return mongo.Client method
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
    return client, ctx, cancel, err
// This is a user defined method that accepts
// mongo.Client and context.Context
// This method used to ping the mongoDB, return error if any.
func ping(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context) error{
    // mongo.Client has Ping to ping mongoDB, deadline of
    // the Ping method will be determined by cxt
    // Ping method return error if any occurred, then
    // the error can be handled.
    if err := client.Ping(ctx, readpref.Primary()); err != nil {
        return err
    fmt.Println("connected successfully")
    return nil
func main(){
    // Get Client, Context, CancelFunc and
    // err from connect method.
    client, ctx, cancel, err := connect("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    if err != nil
    // Release resource when the main
    // function is returned.
    defer close(client, ctx, cancel)
    // Ping mongoDB with Ping method
    ping(client, ctx)


Inserción de documentos

Para insertar documentos es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos:

  1. Cree mongo.Client con la función mongo.Connect. Mongo.Client maneja la conexión con MongoDB.
  2. mongo.Client.Database devuelve un tipo de puntero a la base de datos.
  3. El puntero a la base de datos tiene una colección de métodos para seleccionar una colección con la que trabajar.
  4. El tipo de colección proporciona dos métodos para insertar un documento en MongoDB.
  5. El método Collection.InsertOne() puede insertar un documento en la base de datos.
  6. El método Collection.InsertMany() puede insertar una lista de documentos.
  7. Luego, finalmente use mongo.Client.Disconnect para cerrar la conexión de la base de datos.


package main
import (
// This is a user defined method to close resources.
// This method closes mongoDB connection and cancel context.
func close(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
           cancel context.CancelFunc){
    defer cancel()
    defer func() {
        if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
// This is a user defined method that returns mongo.Client,
// context.Context, context.CancelFunc and error.
// mongo.Client will be used for further database operation.
// context.Context will be used set deadlines for process.
// context.CancelFunc will be used to cancel context and
// resource associated with it.
func connect(uri string)
(*mongo.Client, context.Context, context.CancelFunc, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),
                                       30 * time.Second)
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
    return client, ctx, cancel, err
// insertOne is a user defined method, used to insert
// documents into collection returns result of InsertOne
// and error if any.
func insertOne
(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context, dataBase, col string, doc interface{})
(*mongo.InsertOneResult, error) {
    // select database and collection ith Client.Database method
    // and Database.Collection method
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
    // InsertOne accept two argument of type Context
    // and of empty interface  
    result, err := collection.InsertOne(ctx, doc)
    return result, err
// insertMany is a user defined method, used to insert
// documents into collection returns result of
// InsertMany and error if any.
func insertMany
(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context, dataBase, col string, docs []interface{})
(*mongo.InsertManyResult, error) {
    // select database and collection ith Client.Database
    // method and Database.Collection method
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
    // InsertMany accept two argument of type Context
    // and of empty interface  
    result, err := collection.InsertMany(ctx, docs)
    return result, err
func main() {
    // get Client, Context, CancelFunc and err from connect method.
    client, ctx, cancel, err := connect("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    if err != nil {
    // Release resource when main function is returned.
    defer close(client, ctx, cancel)
    // Create  a object of type interface to  store
    // the bson values, that  we are inserting into database.
    var document interface{}
    document = bson.D{
        {"rollNo", 175},
        {"maths", 80},
        {"science", 90},
        {"computer", 95},
    // insertOne accepts client , context, database
    // name collection name and an interface that
    // will be inserted into the  collection.
    // insertOne returns an error and a result of
    // insert in a single document into the collection.
    insertOneResult, err := insertOne(client, ctx, "gfg",
                                      "marks", document)
    // handle the error
    if err != nil {
    // print the insertion id of the document,
    // if it is inserted.
    fmt.Println("Result of InsertOne")
    // Now will be inserting multiple documents into
    // the collection. create  a object of type slice
    // of interface to store multiple  documents
    var documents []interface{}
    // Storing into interface list.
    documents = []interface{}{
            {"rollNo", 153},
            {"maths", 65},
            {"science", 59},
            {"computer", 55},
            {"rollNo", 162},
            {"maths", 86},
            {"science", 80},
            {"computer", 69},
    // insertMany insert a list of documents into
    // the collection. insertMany accepts client,
    // context, database name collection name
    // and slice of interface. returns error
    // if any and result of multi document insertion.
    insertManyResult, err := insertMany(client, ctx, "gfg",
                                        "marks", documents)
    // handle the error
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Result of InsertMany")
    // print the insertion ids of the multiple
    // documents, if they are inserted.
    for id := range insertManyResult.InsertedIDs {


Figura 1.2

Búsqueda de documentos

Para encontrar documentos es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos:

  1. Cree mongo.Client con la función mongo.Connect. Mongo.Client maneja la conexión con MongoDB.
  2. mongo.Client.Database devuelve un tipo de puntero a la base de datos.
  3. El puntero a la base de datos tiene una colección de métodos para seleccionar una colección con la que trabajar.
  4. La colección proporciona el método Find() para consultar la base de datos.
  5. Luego, finalmente use mongo.Client.Disconnect para cerrar la conexión de la base de datos.


package main
import (
// This is a user defined method to close resources.
// This method closes mongoDB connection and cancel context.
func close(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
           cancel context.CancelFunc) {
    defer cancel()
    defer func() {
        if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
// This is a user defined method that returns
// a mongo.Client, context.Context,
// context.CancelFunc and error.
// mongo.Client will be used for further database
// operation. context.Context will be used set
// deadlines for process. context.CancelFunc will
// be used to cancel context and resource
// associated with it.
func connect(uri string) (*mongo.Client, context.Context,
                          context.CancelFunc, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),
                                       30 * time.Second)
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
    return client, ctx, cancel, err
// query is user defined method used to query MongoDB,
// that accepts mongo.client,context, database name,
// collection name, a query and field.
//  database name and collection name is of type
// string. query is of type interface.
// field is of type interface, which limits
// the field being returned.
// query method returns a cursor and error.
func query(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
dataBase, col string, query, field interface{})
(result *mongo.Cursor, err error) {
    // select database and collection.
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
    // collection has an method Find,
    // that returns a mongo.cursor
    // based on query and field.
    result, err = collection.Find(ctx, query,
func main() {
    // Get Client, Context, CancelFunc and err from connect method.
    client, ctx, cancel, err := connect("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    if err != nil {
    // Free the resource when main function is  returned
    defer close(client, ctx, cancel)
    // create a filter an option of type interface,
    // that stores bjson objects.
    var filter, option interface{}
    // filter  gets all document,
    // with maths field greater that 70
    filter = bson.D{
        {"maths", bson.D{{"$gt", 70}}},
    //  option remove id field from all documents
    option = bson.D{{"_id", 0}}
    // call the query method with client, context,
    // database name, collection  name, filter and option
    // This method returns momngo.cursor and error if any.
    cursor, err := query(client, ctx, "gfg",
                         "marks", filter, option)
    // handle the errors.
    if err != nil {
    var results []bson.D
    // to get bson object  from cursor,
    // returns error if any.
    if err := cursor.All(ctx, &results); err != nil {
        // handle the error
    // printing the result of query.
    fmt.Println("Query Result")
    for _, doc := range results {


Figura 1.3

Documento de actualización

Para actualizar documentos es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos: 

  1. Cree mongo.Client con la función mongo.Connect. Mongo.Client maneja la conexión con MongoDB.
  2. mongo.Client.Database devuelve un tipo de puntero a la base de datos.
  3. El puntero a la base de datos tiene una colección de métodos para seleccionar una colección con la que trabajar.
  4. La colección proporciona dos métodos para actualizar los documentos.
  5. El método UpdateOne() modifica un solo documento que coincide con la consulta
  6. El método UpdateMany() modifica todos los documentos que coinciden con la consulta.
  7. Luego, finalmente use mongo.Client.Disconnect para cerrar la conexión de la base de datos.


package main
import (
// This is a user defined method to close resources.
// This method closes mongoDB connection and cancel context.
func close(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
           cancel context.CancelFunc) {
    defer cancel()
    defer func() {
        if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
// This is a user defined method that returns
// mongo.Client, context.Context,
// context.CancelFunc and error.
// mongo.Client will be used for further database
// operation.context.Context will be used set
// deadlines for process. context.CancelFunc will
// be used to cancel context and resource
// associated with it.
func connect(uri string)
(*mongo.Client, context.Context, context.CancelFunc, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
    return client, ctx, cancel, err
// UpdateOne is a user defined method, that update
// a single document matching the filter.
// This methods accepts client, context, database,
// collection, filter and update filter and update
// is of type interface this method returns
// UpdateResult and an error if any.
func UpdateOne(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context, dataBase,
               col string, filter, update interface{})
               (result *mongo.UpdateResult, err error) {
    // select the database and the collection
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
    // A single document that match with the
    // filter will get updated.
    // update contains the filed which should get updated.
    result, err = collection.UpdateOne(ctx, filter, update)
// UpdateMany is a user defined method, that update
// a multiple document matching the filter.
// This methods accepts client, context, database,
// collection, filter and update filter and update
// is of type interface this method returns
// UpdateResult and an error if any.
func UpdateMany(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
                dataBase, col string, filter, update interface{})
                (result *mongo.UpdateResult, err error) {
    // select the database and the collection
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
    // All the documents that match with the filter will
    // get updated.
    // update contains the filed which should get updated.
    result, err = collection.UpdateMany(ctx, filter, update)
func main() {
    // get Client, Context, CancelFunc and err from connect method.
    client, ctx, cancel, err := connect("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    if err != nil {
    // Free the resource when main function in returned
    defer close(client, ctx, cancel)
    // filter object is used to select a single
    // document matching that matches.
    filter := bson.D{
        {"maths", bson.D{{"$lt", 100}}},
    // The field of the document that need to updated.
    update := bson.D{
        {"$set", bson.D{
            {"maths", 100},
    // Returns result of updated document and a error.
    result, err := UpdateOne(client, ctx, "gfg",
                             "marks", filter, update)
    // handle error
    if err != nil {
    // print count of documents that affected
    fmt.Println("update single document")
    filter = bson.D{
        {"computer", bson.D{{"$lt", 100}}},
    update = bson.D{
        {"$set", bson.D{
            {"computer", 100},
    // Returns result of updated document and a error.
    result, err = Update(client, ctx, "gfg",
                         "marks", filter, update)
    // handle error
    if err != nil {
    // print count of documents that affected
    fmt.Println("update multiple document")


Figura 1.4

Eliminación de documentos

Para eliminar documentos es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos: 

  1. Cree mongo.Client con la función mongo.Connect. Mongo.Client maneja la conexión con MongoDB.
  2. mongo.Client.Database devuelve un tipo de puntero a la base de datos.
  3. El puntero a la base de datos tiene una colección de métodos para seleccionar una colección con la que trabajar.
  4. La colección proporciona dos métodos para eliminar documentos en una colección.
  5. La función DeleteOne() elimina un solo documento que coincida con la consulta.
  6. La función DeleteMany() elimina todos los documentos que coincidan con la consulta.
  7. Luego, finalmente use mongo.Client.Disconnect para cerrar la conexión de la base de datos.


package main
import (
// This is a user defined method to close resources.
// This method closes mongoDB connection and cancel context.
func close(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
           cancel context.CancelFunc) {
    defer cancel()
    defer func() {
        if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {
// This is a user defined method that returns
// mongo.Client, context.Context,
//context.CancelFunc and error.
// mongo.Client will be used for further
// database operation. context.Context will be
// used set deadlines for process.
// context.CancelFunc will be used to cancel
// context and resource associated with it.
func connect(uri string) (*mongo.Client, context.Context,
                          context.CancelFunc, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(),
                                       30 * time.Second)
    client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
    return client, ctx, cancel, err
// deleteOne is a user defined function that delete,
// a single document from the collection.
// Returns DeleteResult and an  error if any.
func deleteOne(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
dataBase, col string, query interface{})
(result *mongo.DeleteResult, err error) {
    // select document and collection
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
    // query is used to match a document  from the collection.
    result, err = collection.DeleteOne(ctx, query)
// deleteMany is a user defined function that delete,
// multiple documents from the collection.
// Returns DeleteResult and an  error if any.
func deleteMany(client *mongo.Client, ctx context.Context,
dataBase, col string, query interface{})
(result *mongo.DeleteResult, err error) {
    // select document and collection
    collection := client.Database(dataBase).Collection(col)
     // query is used to match  documents  from the collection.
    result, err = collection.DeleteMany(ctx, query)
func main() {
    // get Client, Context, CancelFunc and err from connect method.
    client, ctx, cancel, err := connect("mongodb://localhost:27017")
    if err != nil {
    //  free resource when main function is returned
    defer close(client, ctx, cancel)
    // This query delete document when the maths
    // field is greater than  60
    query := bson.D{
        {"maths", bson.D{{"$gt", 60}}},
    // Returns result of deletion and error
    result, err := deleteOne(client, ctx, "gfg", "marks", query)
    // print the count of affected documents
    fmt.Println("No.of rows affected by DeleteOne()")
    // This query deletes  documents that has
    // science field greater that 0
    query = bson.D{
        {"science", bson.D{{"$gt", 0}}},
    // Returns result of deletion and error
    result, err = deleteMany(client, ctx, "gfg", "marks", query)
    // print the count of affected documents
    fmt.Println("No.of rows affected by DeleteMany()")


Figura 1.5

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por kabilan y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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