Construya una array que tenga X subsecuencias con una diferencia máxima menor que d

Dados dos números X y d donde X representa el número de subsecuencias no vacías y d representa la diferencia. Genere una array de tamaño N que tenga subsecuencias no vacías iguales a X, donde la diferencia entre el elemento máximo y el elemento mínimo de cada subsecuencia debe ser menor que d.

1 ≤ N ≤ 500 
1 ≤ X ≤ 10 9 


Input : X = 10, d = 5
Output : 5 50 7 15 6 100
"10" desired subsequences are: [5], [50], [7], 
[15], [6], [100], [5, 7], [5, 6], [7, 6], 
[5, 7, 6].

Input : X = 4, d = 10
Output : 10 100 1000 10000
"4" desired subsequences are: [10], [100], 
[1000], [10000].

Enfoque: se puede ver claramente que si d = 5, entonces la array [1, 7] tendrá solo 2 subsecuencias deseadas ([1] y [7] y no [1, 7]). Entonces, de manera similar, si agregamos muchos 1 y muchos 7 en esa array, tampoco se aceptará ninguna subsecuencia que tenga 1 y 7 juntos. Entonces, los elementos que tienen una diferencia mayor que d siempre formarán conjuntos disjuntos. Por ejemplo, en [1, 5, 9, 9, 12, 13], si d = 2, entonces hay 4 conjuntos disjuntos [1], [5], [9, 9], [12, 13]. 

El número total de subsecuencias no vacías en una array de tamaño N es igual a  2^n   -1. Por lo tanto, solo necesitamos encontrar la longitud del conjunto disjunto cuyo número total de subsecuencias es menor o igual a X y generar los elementos de ese conjunto disjunto. Si no es igual a X, entonces se debe realizar el mismo paso en X reducido para encontrar el siguiente conjunto disjunto hasta que X se convierta en 0. Para hacer que todos los conjuntos sean disjuntos, una forma es tomar el primer elemento de la array como 1 y luego agregar 1 en 1er conjunto disjunto igual a la longitud de este conjunto disjunto y luego agregar «d» a los elementos en el conjunto disjunto anterior para hacer otro conjunto disjunto y así sucesivamente.  

Por ejemplo: X = 25, d = 100 
El primer conjunto disjunto tendrá 4 elementos ya que tiene 15 subsecuencias. Entonces, el primer conjunto disjunto será {1, 1, 1, 1}. 
Ahora X se convierte en 10 y, por lo tanto, el segundo conjunto disjunto contendrá solo 3 elementos. Así que 2do . disjoint será { 101, 101, 101 } (agregando 100 en 1 para hacerlo disjunto desde el 1er conjunto). Ahora X se convierte en 3 y, por lo tanto, el conjunto disjunto final contendrá dos elementos y el tercer conjunto disjunto será { 201, 201 } (añadiendo nuevamente 100 en 101 para hacerlo disjunto de los dos conjuntos anteriores). 
La salida final será [1, 1, 1, 1, 101, 101, 101, 201, 201]. 

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior.  


// C++ Program to output an array having exactly X
// subsequences where difference between maximum
// and minimum element of each subsequence is less
// than d
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// This function outputs the desired array.
void printArray(int X, int d, int first_ele)
    // Iterate till all the disjoint sets are found.
    while (X > 0) {
        // count_ele the elements in one disjoint
        // set.  pow_of_two will keep all the
        // powers of twos.
        int count_ele = 0, pow_of_two = 2;
        // Iterate to know the maximum length of
        // disjoint set by checking whether X is
        // greater than the total number of
        // possible not empty sequences of that
        // disjoint set.
        while (X - pow_of_two + 1 >= 0) {
            pow_of_two *= 2;
        // now deleting the total subsequences of
        // the maximum length disjoint set from X.
        X = X - (pow_of_two / 2) + 1;
        // outputting the disjoint set having equal
        // elements.
        for (int j = 0; j < count_ele; j++)
            cout << first_ele << " ";
        // by adding d, it makes another disjoint
        // set of equal elements.
        first_ele += d;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int d = 100, X = 25;
    printArray(X, d, 1);
    return 0;


// Java Program to output
// an array having exactly
// X subsequences where
// difference between maximum
// and minimum element of
// each subsequence is less
// than d
class GFG
// This function outputs
// the desired array.
static void printArray(int X, int d,
                       int first_ele)
    // Iterate till all the
    // disjoint sets are found.
    while (X > 0)
        // count_ele the elements
        // in one disjoint set.
        // pow_of_two will keep
        // all the powers of twos.
        int count_ele = 0,
            pow_of_two = 2;
        // Iterate to know the
        // maximum length of
        // disjoint set by checking
        // whether X is greater than
        // the total number of possible
        // not empty sequences of that
        // disjoint set.
        while (X - pow_of_two + 1 >= 0)
            pow_of_two *= 2;
        // now deleting the total
        // subsequences of the maximum
        // length disjoint set from X.
        X = X - (pow_of_two / 2) + 1;
        // outputting the disjoint
        // set having equal elements.
        for (int j = 0;
                 j < count_ele; j++)
            System.out.print(first_ele + " ");
        // by adding d, it makes
        // another disjoint set
        // of equal elements.
        first_ele += d;
// Driver Code
public static void main (String[] args)
    int d = 100, X = 25;
    printArray(X, d, 1);
// This code is contributed
// by anuj_67.


# Python 3 Program to output an array having
# exactly X subsequences where difference
# between maximum and minimum element of each
# subsequence is less than d
# This function outputs the desired array.
def printArray(X, d, first_ele):
    # Iterate till all the disjoint
    # sets are found.
    while (X > 0):
        # count_ele the elements in one
        # disjoint set. pow_of_two will
        # keep all the powers of twos.
        count_ele, pow_of_two = 0, 2
        # Iterate to know the maximum length of
        # disjoint set by checking whether X is
        # greater than the total number of
        # possible not empty sequences of that
        # disjoint set.
        while (X - pow_of_two + 1 >= 0):
            count_ele += 1
            pow_of_two *= 2
        # now deleting the total subsequences of
        # the maximum length disjoint set from X.
        X = X - (pow_of_two / 2) + 1
        # outputting the disjoint set having
        # equal elements.
        for j in range(count_ele):
            print(first_ele, end = " ")
        # by adding d, it makes another
        # disjoint set of equal elements.
        first_ele += d
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    d, X = 100, 25
    printArray(X, d, 1)
# This code is contributed by PrinciRaj19992


// C# Program to output
// an array having exactly
// X subsequences where
// difference between maximum
// and minimum element of
// each subsequence is less
// than d
using System;
class GFG
// This function outputs
// the desired array.
static void printArray(int X, int d,
                       int first_ele)
    // Iterate till all the
    // disjoint sets are found.
    while (X > 0)
        // count_ele the elements
        // in one disjoint set.
        // pow_of_two will keep
        // all the powers of twos.
        int count_ele = 0,
            pow_of_two = 2;
        // Iterate to know the
        // maximum length of
        // disjoint set by checking
        // whether X is greater than
        // the total number of possible
        // not empty sequences of that
        // disjoint set.
        while (X - pow_of_two + 1 >= 0)
            pow_of_two *= 2;
        // now deleting the total
        // subsequences of the maximum
        // length disjoint set from X.
        X = X - (pow_of_two / 2) + 1;
        // outputting the disjoint
        // set having equal elements.
        for (int j = 0;
                 j < count_ele; j++)
            Console.Write(first_ele + " ");
        // by adding d, it makes
        // another disjoint set
        // of equal elements.
        first_ele += d;
// Driver Code
public static void Main ()
    int d = 100, X = 25;
    printArray(X, d, 1);
// This code is contributed
// by anuj_67.


// PHP Program to output an array
// having exactly X subsequences
// where difference between maximum
// and minimum element of each 
// subsequence is less than d
// This function outputs the
// desired array.
function printArray($X, $d,$first_ele)
    // Iterate till all the disjoint
    // sets are found.
    while ($X > 0)
        // count_ele the elements in
        // one disjoint set. pow_of_two
        // will keep all the powers of twos.
        $count_ele = 0;
        $pow_of_two = 2;
        // Iterate to know the maximum
        // length of disjoint set by
        // checking whether X is greater
        // than the total number of possible
        // not empty sequences of that
        // disjoint set.
        while ($X - $pow_of_two + 1 >= 0)
            $pow_of_two *= 2;
        // now deleting the total subsequences of
        // the maximum length disjoint set from X.
        $X = $X - ($pow_of_two / 2) + 1;
        // outputting the disjoint set
        // having equal elements.
        for ($j = 0; $j < $count_ele; $j++)
                echo $first_ele , " ";
        // by adding d, it makes another
        // disjoint set of equal elements.
        $first_ele += $d;
// Driver Code
$d = 100;
$X = 25;
printArray($X, $d, 1);
// This code is contributed by ajit


    // Javascript Program to output
    // an array having exactly
    // X subsequences where
    // difference between maximum
    // and minimum element of
    // each subsequence is less
    // than d
    // This function outputs
    // the desired array.
    function printArray(X, d, first_ele)
        // Iterate till all the
        // disjoint sets are found.
        while (X > 0)
            // count_ele the elements
            // in one disjoint set.
            // pow_of_two will keep
            // all the powers of twos.
            let count_ele = 0,
                pow_of_two = 2;
            // Iterate to know the
            // maximum length of
            // disjoint set by checking
            // whether X is greater than
            // the total number of possible
            // not empty sequences of that
            // disjoint set.
            while (X - pow_of_two + 1 >= 0)
                pow_of_two *= 2;
            // now deleting the total
            // subsequences of the maximum
            // length disjoint set from X.
            X = X - parseInt(pow_of_two / 2, 10) + 1;
            // outputting the disjoint
            // set having equal elements.
            for (let j = 0; j < count_ele; j++)
                document.write(first_ele + " ");
            // by adding d, it makes
            // another disjoint set
            // of equal elements.
            first_ele += d;
    let d = 100, X = 25;
    printArray(X, d, 1);

1 1 1 1 101 101 101 201 201


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Artículo escrito por pulkitjain_NSIT y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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