Consulta del estado de funcionamiento en vivo y el PNR de los trenes mediante la API ferroviaria en Python

La API ferroviaria está organizada en torno a requests GET. Se puede usar esta API basada en JSON para obtener información de Indian Railways sobre el estado del tren en vivo, el estado del PNR, el horario del tren, los detalles de la estación y otras cosas.

Para usar esta API, se debe necesitar la clave API, que se puede obtener desde aquí

Nota: el usuario debe crear una cuenta en para usar las API.

Módulos necesarios: 


Estado de ejecución en vivo:

A continuación se muestra la implementación: 


# Python program to find live train
# status using RAILWAY API
# import required modules
import requests , json
# enter your api key here
api_key = "Your_API_Key"
# base_url variable to store url
base_url = ""
# enter train_number here
train_number = "12056"
# enter current date in dd-mm-yyyy format
current_date = "20-06-2018"
# complete_url variable to
# store complete url address
complete_url = base_url + train_number + "/date/" + current_date + "/apikey/" + api_key + "/"
# get method of requests module
# return response object
response_ob = requests.get(complete_url)
# json method of response object convert
# json format data into python format data
result = response_ob.json()
# Now result contains a list of nested dictionaries
# Check the value of "response_code" key is equal
# to "200" or not if equal that means record is
# found otherwise record is not found
if result["response_code"] == 200 :
    # train name is extracting from
    # the result variable data    
    train_name = result["train"]["name"]
    # store the value or data of
    # "route" key in variable y
    temp = result["route"]
    # source station name is extracting
    # from the y variable data
    source_station = temp[0]["station"]["name"]
    # destination station name is
    # extracting from the y variable data
    destination_station = temp[-1]["station"]["name"]
    # store the value of "position"
    # key in variable position
    position = result["position"]
    # print details
    print(" train name : " + str(train_name)
        + "\n source station : " + str(source_station)
        + "\n destination station : "+ str(destination_station)
        + "\n current status : " + str(position) )
else :
    print("Record not Found")


 source station : DEHRADUN
 destination station : NEW DELHI
 current status : Train has reached Destination and late by 15 minutes.


Estado del PNR en vivo:


# Python program to find PNR
# status using RAILWAY API
# import required modules
import requests, json
# Enter API key here
api_key = "Your_API_key"
# base_url variable to store url
base_url = ""
# Enter valid pnr_number
pnr_number = "6515483790"
# Stores complete url address
complete_url = base_url + pnr_number + "/apikey/" + api_key + "/"
# get method of requests module
# return response object
response_ob = requests.get(complete_url)
# json method of response object convert
# json format data into python format data
result = response_ob.json()
# now result contains list
# of nested dictionaries
if result["response_code"] == 200:
    # train name is extracting
    # from the result variable data
    train_name = result["train"]["name"]
    # train number is extracting from
    # the result variable data
    train_number = result["train"]["number"]
    # from station name is extracting
    # from the result variable data
    from_station = result["from_station"]["name"]
    # to_station name is extracting from
    # the result variable data
    to_station = result["to_station"]["name"]
    # boarding point station name is
    # extracting from the result variable data
    boarding_point = result["boarding_point"]["name"]
    # reservation upto station name is
    # extracting from the result variable data
    reservation_upto = result["reservation_upto"]["name"]
    # store the value or data of "pnr"
    # key in pnr_num variable
    pnr_num = result["pnr"]
    # store the value or data of "doj" key
    # in variable date_of_journey variable
    date_of_journey = result["doj"]
    # store the value or data of
    # "total_passengers" key in variable
    total_passengers = result["total_passengers"]
    # store the value or data of "passengers"
    # key in variable passengers_list
    passengers_list = result["passengers"]
    # store the value or data of
    # "chart_prepared" key in variable
    chart_prepared = result["chart_prepared"]
    # print following values
    print(" train name : " + str(train_name)
          + "\n train number : " + str(train_number)
          + "\n from station : " + str(from_station)
          + "\n to station : " + str(to_station)
          + "\n boarding point : " + str(boarding_point)
          + "\n reservation upto : " + str(reservation_upto)
          + "\n pnr number : " + str(pnr_num)
          + "\n date of journey : " + str(date_of_journey)
          + "\n total no. of passengers: " + str(total_passengers)
          + "\n chart prepared : " + str(chart_prepared))
    # looping through passenger list
    for passenger in passengers_list:
        # store the value or data
        # of "no" key in variable
        passenger_num = passenger["no"]
        # store the value or data of
        # "current_status" key in variable
        current_status = passenger["current_status"]
        # store the value or data of
        # "booking_status" key in variable
        booking_status = passenger["booking_status"]
        # print following values
        print(" passenger number : " + str(passenger_num)
              + "\n current status : " + str(current_status)
              + "\n booking_status : " + str(booking_status))
    print("Record Not Found")

Producción : 

 train name : DOON EXPRESS
 train number : 13009
 from station : LUCKNOW
 to station : DEHRADUN
 boarding point : LUCKNOW
 reservation upto : DEHRADUN
 pnr number : 6515483790
 date of journey : 01-07-2018
 total no. of passengers: 1
 chart prepared : False
 passenger number : 1
 current status : RLWL/-/16/GN
 booking_status : RLWL/-/23/GN

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por ankthon y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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