Conversión de tipos en Python

Python define funciones de conversión de tipo para convertir directamente un tipo de datos a otro, lo que es útil en la programación diaria y competitiva. Este artículo tiene como objetivo proporcionar información sobre ciertas funciones de conversión.

Hay dos tipos de conversión de tipos en Python:


x = 10
print("x is of type:",type(x))
y = 10.6
print("y is of type:",type(y))
z = x + y
print("z is of type:",type(z))


# Python code to demonstrate Type conversion
# using int(), float()
# initializing string
s = "10010"
# printing string converting to int base 2
c = int(s,2)
print ("After converting to integer base 2 : ", end="")
print (c)
# printing string converting to float
e = float(s)
print ("After converting to float : ", end="")
print (e)


# Python code to demonstrate Type conversion
# using  ord(), hex(), oct()
# initializing integer
s = '4'
# printing character converting to integer
c = ord(s)
print ("After converting character to integer : ",end="")
print (c)
# printing integer converting to hexadecimal string
c = hex(56)
print ("After converting 56 to hexadecimal string : ",end="")
print (c)
# printing integer converting to octal string
c = oct(56)
print ("After converting 56 to octal string : ",end="")
print (c)


# Python code to demonstrate Type conversion
# using  tuple(), set(), list()
# initializing string
s = 'geeks'
# printing string converting to tuple
c = tuple(s)
print ("After converting string to tuple : ",end="")
print (c)
# printing string converting to set
c = set(s)
print ("After converting string to set : ",end="")
print (c)
# printing string converting to list
c = list(s)
print ("After converting string to list : ",end="")
print (c)


# Python code to demonstrate Type conversion
# using  dict(), complex(), str()
# initializing integers
a = 1
b = 2
# initializing tuple
tup = (('a', 1) ,('f', 2), ('g', 3))
# printing integer converting to complex number
c = complex(1,2)
print ("After converting integer to complex number : ",end="")
print (c)
# printing integer converting to string
c = str(a)
print ("After converting integer to string : ",end="")
print (c)
# printing tuple converting to expression dictionary
c = dict(tup)
print ("After converting tuple to dictionary : ",end="")
print (c)


# Convert ASCII value to characters
a = chr(76)
b = chr(77)

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Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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