Convertidor de unidades GUI estándar usando Tkinter en Python

Prerrequisitos: Introducción a tkinter , Introducción al navegador web

En este artículo, aprenderemos cómo crear un convertidor estándar usando tkinter . Ahora vamos a crear una ventana de introducción que muestre la barra de carga, el texto de bienvenida y los enlaces del perfil de las redes sociales del usuario para que cuando comparta su código con otros, puedan contactar al autor usando esos recursos. Parece un código un poco largo, pero créanme, muchachos, si comienzan a entenderlo, es muy fácil y dividí el código en bloques que los ayuda a comprender mejor.

Pasos para crear una ventana de introducción:

  • En primer lugar, los módulos «Tkinter» y «webbrowser» a importar.
  • Cree una clase de introducción que active la ventana de introducción.
  • Cree una ventana Tkinter de nivel superior para utilizar todas las funciones de una ventana.
  • Coloque una etiqueta de bienvenida en la parte superior de la ventana.
  • Cree una «ttk.Progressbar» que nos dé un efecto de carga.
  • Finalmente, cree cuatro botones y proporcione sus enlaces de redes sociales usando el módulo «navegador web».
  • Y tienes que descargar/crear cuatro imágenes para representar tus enlaces de redes sociales.

A continuación se muestra la implementación de la clase Intro:


# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.,y=0,width=0,
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.

Pasos para crear una ventana de Convertidor:

  • Cree una clase separada para la ventana del convertidor.
  • Dividiremos la ventana en dos mitades horizontalmente con la combinación de colores adecuada.
  • Y ahora necesitamos crear dos cuadros de entrada de Tkinter, dos etiquetas de Tkinter, dos botones para activar un cuadro de lista, un ícono de hamburguesa para el menú.
  • Coloque las cosas anteriores en sus respectivas posiciones usando el método .place de un widget Tkinter.
  • Ahora necesitamos alimentar las fórmulas de cada unidad, para convertirlas en otras unidades, en diccionarios separados.
  • Alimente los valores de entrada en la función principal y páselos mientras inicializa o usa el método setter de una clase
  • Necesitamos crear una función de cambio mediante la cual el usuario podrá cambiar de un parámetro a otro parámetro.

A continuación se muestra la implementación de la clase Converter:


# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.,y=0,width=0,
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.
# create converter class.
class converter():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self,unit):
        # win.geometry("350x500")
        # Calling Center function to
        # center the window.
        # Assigning Current Unit,
        # to the converter,
        # selected by user.
        # Input Part of the window(Top Half).
        # Output Part of the
        # window(Bottom Half).
        # Hamburger Menu which contains
        # the available conversion options.
        # Binding event to select
        # the option from ListBox.
        #Loading hamburger menu with options.
        for i in range(len(options)):
        # Hamburger menu icon
        # Input Entry to take the user input.
        # Loading the sub-menu box.
        # Input Listbox(i.e., Meter etc),selectmode=SINGLE,
                        height=0)          '<>',self.option)
        # Input Unit Display Label selected by customer.
        # DownArrow Button to Activate Listbox sub-menu to selection conversion units.
        # Output Entry to display the output.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Output unit display.
        # Button to open sub-menu list.
        # To display the formulae used
        # to convert the current units.
        # StringVar() to update the input
        # and output entry fields after
        # every keystroke.
        # Current position of I/P and O/P
        # sub-menu is stored in a dictionary
        # and accessed through the dictionary.
    # After shifting from parameter to
    # other parameter(i.e., From length
    # to Mass) we need reset and assign
    # the converter class with
    #respective inputs and outputs.    
    def set_unit(self,unit):
        global exp_in,exp_out
        # Input Expression.
        # Output Expression.
        # Input StringVar()
        # Output StringVar()
        # Current Parameter(i.e.,Length,Mass etc.)
        # Accessing the position of unit display
        # label position through dictionary
        # Deleting Input Listbox to assign
        # the current parameter values.,END)  
        # Deleting Output Listbox
        # to assign the current
        # parameter values
        # Initialising the unit display
        # label with initial unit
        # (i.e.,Tonne,Kilogram)
        # Changing the length and
        # position of Listbox(Sub-Menu)
        # according to the length
        # of the list
        # Appending Options of the
        # list to Listbox.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Clearing the formulae Label
        # after changing to another
        # parameter.
        self.formulae['text'] = "Formulae: "
                    + operator.replace("{}",
        # Centering the window.
    # Performs Operation by taking
    # user input(Value and unit
    # to be converted).
    def operation(self,event):     
        global exp_in,operator,exp_out
        # Taking Input and Output
        # Units to convert from display.
        self.inp_unit = self.disp['text']
        self.opt_unit = self.disp1['text']
          # We can access the widget
          # by the checking the place /
          # position of event occurrence.
            widget = event.widget
            if(widget == self.inp):
                # Retrieving the operator stored
                # in dictionary using unit
                # display label.
                index = self.unit[self.opt_unit][-1]
                operator = self.unit[self.inp_unit][index]
                # print("exp: ",operator,exp_in)
                # As this is a unit converter
                # we don't need characters so
                # we are checking for numbers itself.
                if(event.char >= '0' and event.char <= '9'):
                    exp_in = self.inp_stg.get()
                    #Taking the value after every
                    # keystroke and updating
                    # the output
                    exp_out = str(eval(operator.format(exp_in)))
                elif((event.char=='\b') or
                      and event.char<='9')):
                    exp_out = self.opt_stg.get()
                    exp_in = str(eval(operator.format(exp_out)))
                elif(event.char == '\b' or

 Ahora cree una función principal y cree un conjunto de diccionarios para alimentar valores de fórmulas unitarias y llame a la clase «intro()» para activar el convertidor. Aquí puede ver sus enlaces de contacto, la barra de carga, etc. También deberá crear una función de «centro» si desea que su ventana se dispare en el centro de la pantalla.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del código completo: 


# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.,y=0,width=0,
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.
# create converter class.
class converter():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self,unit):
        # win.geometry("350x500")
        # Calling Center function to
        # center the window.
        # Assigning Current Unit,
        # to the converter,
        # selected by user.
        # Input Part of the window(Top Half).
        # Output Part of the
        # window(Bottom Half).
        # Hamburger Menu which contains
        # the available conversion options.
        # Binding event to select
        # the option from ListBox.
        #Loading hamburger menu with options.
        for i in range(len(options)):
        # Hamburger menu icon
        # Input Entry to take the user input.
        # Loading the sub-menu box.
        # Input Listbox(i.e., Meter etc),selectmode=SINGLE,
                        height=0)          '<>',self.option)
        # Input Unit Display Label selected by customer.
        # DownArrow Button to Activate Listbox sub-menu to selection conversion units.
        # Output Entry to display the output.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Output unit display.
        # Button to open sub-menu list.
        # To display the formulae used
        # to convert the current units.
        # StringVar() to update the input
        # and output entry fields after
        # every keystroke.
        # Current position of I/P and O/P
        # sub-menu is stored in a dictionary
        # and accessed through the dictionary.
    # After shifting from parameter to
    # other parameter(i.e., From length
    # to Mass) we need reset and assign
    # the converter class with
    #respective inputs and outputs.    
    def set_unit(self,unit):
        global exp_in,exp_out
        # Input Expression.
        # Output Expression.
        # Input StringVar()
        # Output StringVar()
        # Current Parameter(i.e.,Length,Mass etc.)
        # Accessing the position of unit display
        # label position through dictionary
        # Deleting Input Listbox to assign
        # the current parameter values.,END)  
        # Deleting Output Listbox
        # to assign the current
        # parameter values
        # Initialising the unit display
        # label with initial unit
        # (i.e.,Tonne,Kilogram)
        # Changing the length and
        # position of Listbox(Sub-Menu)
        # according to the length
        # of the list
        # Appending Options of the
        # list to Listbox.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Clearing the formulae Label
        # after changing to another
        # parameter.
        self.formulae['text'] = "Formulae: "
                    + operator.replace("{}",
        # Centering the window.
    # Performs Operation by taking
    # user input(Value and unit
    # to be converted).
    def operation(self,event):     
        global exp_in,operator,exp_out
        # Taking Input and Output
        # Units to convert from display.
        self.inp_unit = self.disp['text']
        self.opt_unit = self.disp1['text']
          # We can access the widget
          # by the checking the place /
          # position of event occurrence.
            widget = event.widget
            if(widget == self.inp):
                # Retrieving the operator stored
                # in dictionary using unit
                # display label.
                index = self.unit[self.opt_unit][-1]
                operator = self.unit[self.inp_unit][index]
                # print("exp: ",operator,exp_in)
                # As this is a unit converter
                # we don't need characters so
                # we are checking for numbers itself.
                if(event.char >= '0' and event.char <= '9'):
                    exp_in = self.inp_stg.get()
                    #Taking the value after every
                    # keystroke and updating
                    # the output
                    exp_out = str(eval(operator.format(exp_in)))
                elif((event.char=='\b') or
                      and event.char<='9')):
                    exp_out = self.opt_stg.get()
                    exp_in = str(eval(operator.format(exp_out)))
                elif(event.char == '\b' or


Puntos importantes: 

  • Debe instalar las bibliotecas » tkinter » y » webbrowser «.
  • Crear una ventana de introducción es su elección (no es obligatorio). Pero te sugiero que crees ese también.
  • Debe crear ventanas de nivel superior porque no podemos destruir una ventana principal, ya que puede dañar todo nuestro proyecto.
  • No necesita instalar varios IDE, funciona perfectamente bien en python IDLE.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por pavan_rachapudi y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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