Cuente los Nodes de todos los niveles inferiores más pequeños que el Node de valor mínimo del nivel actual para cada nivel en un árbol binario

Dado un árbol binario , la tarea para cada nivel es imprimir el número total de Nodes de todos los niveles inferiores que son menores o iguales a cada Node presente en ese nivel.


Entrada: A continuación se muestra el árbol dado:
                         / \
                      3 5
                    / \ / \
                 10 2 3 1

Salida: 4 3 0
Los Nodes en el nivel 1 tienen 4 Nodes como (3) en el nivel 2 y (2, 3, 1) en el nivel 3. Los 
Nodes en el nivel 2 tienen 3 Nodes como (2, 3, 1) en el nivel 3. 
Los Nodes en el nivel 3 no tienen ningún nivel debajo.

Entrada: A continuación se muestra el árbol dado: 

                     / \
                   7 9
                 / / \
               1 3 1 

Salida: 3 3 0

Enfoque: siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  1. Calcule el valor mínimo en cada nivel utilizando Level Order Traversal .
  2. Realice Post Order Traversal en el árbol y verifique para cada Node si los Nodes calculados en el paso 1 son mayores o iguales que el Node. Si es cierto, incremente la cuenta en uno en ese nivel, siempre que ese nivel en particular tenga el Node presente en el nivel inferior cuyo valor sea menor o igual que todos los Nodes presentes en ese nivel.
  3. Imprima la array final que da el número de Nodes para ese nivel.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program of the
// above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Stores the nodes to be deleted
unordered_map<int, bool> mp;
// Structure of a Tree node
struct Node {
    int key;
    struct Node *left, *right;
// Function to create a new node
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->key = key;
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return (temp);
// Function to find the min value
// of node for each level
void calculateMin(Node* root,
                  vector<int>& levelMin)
    queue<Node*> qt;
    // Count is used to differentiate
    // each level of the tree
    int count = 1;
    int min_v = INT_MAX;
    while (!qt.empty()) {
        Node* temp = qt.front();
        min_v = min(min_v, temp->key);
        if (temp->left) {
        if (temp->right) {
        if (count == 0) {
            min_v = INT_MAX;
            count = qt.size();
// Function to check whether the nodes in
// the level below it are smaller
// by performing post order traversal
void findNodes(Node* root, vector<int>& levelMin,
               vector<int>& levelResult, int level)
    if (root == NULL)
    // Traverse the left subtree
    findNodes(root->left, levelMin,
              levelResult, level + 1);
    // Traverse right subtree
    findNodes(root->right, levelMin,
              levelResult, level + 1);
    // Check from minimum values
    // computed at each level
    for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
        if (root->key <= levelMin[i]) {
            levelResult[i] += 1;
// Function to print count of
// nodes from all lower levels
// having values less than the
// the nodes in the current level
void printNodes(Node* root)
    vector<int> levelMin;
    calculateMin(root, levelMin);
    // Stores the number of levels
    int numLevels = levelMin.size();
    // Stores the required count
    // of nodes for each level
    vector<int> levelResult(numLevels, 0);
    findNodes(root, levelMin, levelResult, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
        cout << levelResult[i] << " ";
// Driver Code
int main()
           /     \
           3        5
         /  \     /   \
       10    2   3     1
    Node* root = newNode(4);
    root->left = newNode(3);
    root->right = newNode(5);
    root->right->left = newNode(3);
    root->right->right = newNode(1);
    root->left->left = newNode(10);
    root->left->right = newNode(2);


// Java program of the
// above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Stores the nodes to be deleted
static Map<Integer,
           Boolean> mp = new HashMap<Integer,
  // Structure of a Tree node
static class Node
  int key;
  Node left, right;
// Function to create a new node
static Node newNode(int key)
  Node temp = new Node();
  temp.key = key;
  temp.left = temp.right = null;
  return (temp);
// Function to find the min value
// of node for each level
static void calculateMin(Node root,
                         Vector<Integer> levelMin)
  Queue<Node> qt = new LinkedList<>();
  // Count is used to differentiate
  // each level of the tree
  int count = 1;
  int min_v = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  while (!qt.isEmpty())
    Node temp = qt.peek();
    min_v = Math.min(min_v, temp.key);
    if (temp.left != null)
    if (temp.right != null)
    if (count == 0)
      min_v = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      count = qt.size();
// Function to check whether the nodes in
// the level below it are smaller
// by performing post order traversal
static void findNodes(Node root,
                      Vector<Integer> levelMin,
                      int []levelResult, int level)
  if (root == null)
  // Traverse the left subtree
  findNodes(root.left, levelMin,
            levelResult, level + 1);
  // Traverse right subtree
  findNodes(root.right, levelMin,
            levelResult, level + 1);
  // Check from minimum values
  // computed at each level
  for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
    if (root.key <= levelMin.get(i))
      levelResult[i] += 1;
// Function to print count of
// nodes from all lower levels
// having values less than the
// the nodes in the current level
static void printNodes(Node root)
  Vector<Integer> levelMin =
         new Vector<Integer>();
  calculateMin(root, levelMin);
  // Stores the number of levels
  int numLevels = levelMin.size();
  // Stores the required count
  // of nodes for each level
  int []levelResult = new int[numLevels];
  findNodes(root, levelMin, levelResult, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++)
    System.out.print(levelResult[i] + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
           /     \
           3        5
         /  \     /   \
       10    2   3     1
  Node root = newNode(4);
  root.left = newNode(3);
  root.right = newNode(5);
  root.right.left = newNode(3);
  root.right.right = newNode(1);
  root.left.left = newNode(10);
  root.left.right = newNode(2);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 program of the
# above approach
from collections import deque
from sys import maxsize as INT_MAX
# Stores the nodes to be deleted
mp = dict()
# Structure of a Tree node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# Function to find the min value
# of node for each level
def calculateMin(root: Node,
             levelMin: list) -> None:
    qt = deque()
    # Count is used to differentiate
    # each level of the tree
    count = 1
    min_v = INT_MAX
    while (qt):
        temp = qt.popleft()
        min_v = min(min_v, temp.key)
        if (temp.left):
        if (temp.right):
        count -= 1
        if (count == 0):
            min_v = INT_MAX
            count = len(qt)
# Function to check whether the nodes in
# the level below it are smaller
# by performing post order traversal
def findNodes(root: Node,
          levelMin: list,
       levelResult: list,
             level: int) -> None:
    if (root == None):
    # Traverse the left subtree
    findNodes(root.left, levelMin,
              levelResult, level + 1)
    # Traverse right subtree
    findNodes(root.right, levelMin,
              levelResult, level + 1)
    # Check from minimum values
    # computed at each level
    for i in range(level):
        if (root.key <= levelMin[i]):
            levelResult[i] += 1
# Function to print count of
# nodes from all lower levels
# having values less than the
# the nodes in the current level
def printNodes(root: Node) -> None:
    levelMin = []
    calculateMin(root, levelMin)
    # Stores the number of levels
    numLevels = len(levelMin)
    # Stores the required count
    # of nodes for each level
    levelResult = [0] * numLevels
    findNodes(root, levelMin, levelResult, 0)
    for i in range(numLevels):
        print(levelResult[i], end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
           /     \
          3        5
        /  \     /   \
      10    2   3     1
    root = Node(4)
    root.left = Node(3)
    root.right = Node(5)
    root.right.left = Node(3)
    root.right.right = Node(1)
    root.left.left = Node(10)
    root.left.right = Node(2)
# This code is contributed by sanjeev2552


// C# program of the
// above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Stores the nodes to be deleted
static Dictionary<int,
                  Boolean> mp = new Dictionary<int,
// Structure of a Tree node
class Node
    public int key;
    public Node left, right;
// Function to create a new node
static Node newNode(int key)
    Node temp = new Node();
    temp.key = key;
    temp.left = temp.right = null;
    return (temp);
// Function to find the min value
// of node for each level
static void calculateMin(Node root,
                         List<int> levelMin)
    Queue<Node> qt = new Queue<Node>();
    // Count is used to differentiate
    // each level of the tree
    int count = 1;
    int min_v = int.MaxValue;
    while (qt.Count != 0)
        Node temp = qt.Peek();
        min_v = Math.Min(min_v, temp.key);
        if (temp.left != null)
        if (temp.right != null)
        if (count == 0)
            min_v = int.MaxValue;
            count = qt.Count;
// Function to check whether the nodes in
// the level below it are smaller
// by performing post order traversal
static void findNodes(Node root,
                      List<int> levelMin,
                      int []levelResult,
                      int level)
    if (root == null)
    // Traverse the left subtree
    findNodes(root.left, levelMin,
              levelResult, level + 1);
    // Traverse right subtree
    findNodes(root.right, levelMin,
              levelResult, level + 1);
    // Check from minimum values
    // computed at each level
    for(int i = 0; i < level; i++)
        if (root.key <= levelMin[i])
            levelResult[i] += 1;
// Function to print count of
// nodes from all lower levels
// having values less than the
// the nodes in the current level
static void printNodes(Node root)
    List<int> levelMin = new List<int>();
    calculateMin(root, levelMin);
    // Stores the number of levels
    int numLevels = levelMin.Count;
    // Stores the required count
    // of nodes for each level
    int []levelResult = new int[numLevels];
    findNodes(root, levelMin, levelResult, 0);
    for(int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++)
        Console.Write(levelResult[i] + " ");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
         /     \
        3      5
       / \     / \
     10   2 3    1
    Node root = newNode(4);
    root.left = newNode(3);
    root.right = newNode(5);
    root.right.left = newNode(3);
    root.right.right = newNode(1);
    root.left.left = newNode(10);
    root.left.right = newNode(2);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


    // JavaScript program for the above approach
    // Structure of a Tree node
    class Node
        constructor(key) {
           this.left = null;
           this.right = null;
           this.key = key;
    // Function to create a new node
    function newNode(key)
      let temp = new Node(key);
      return (temp);
    // Function to find the min value
    // of node for each level
    function calculateMin(root, levelMin)
      let qt = [];
      // Count is used to differentiate
      // each level of the tree
      let count = 1;
      let min_v = Number.MAX_VALUE;
      while (qt.length > 0)
        let temp = qt[0];
        min_v = Math.min(min_v, temp.key);
        if (temp.left != null)
        if (temp.right != null)
        if (count == 0)
          min_v = Number.MAX_VALUE;
          count = qt.length;
    // Function to check whether the nodes in
    // the level below it are smaller
    // by performing post order traversal
    function findNodes(root, levelMin, levelResult, level)
      if (root == null)
      // Traverse the left subtree
      findNodes(root.left, levelMin,
                levelResult, level + 1);
      // Traverse right subtree
      findNodes(root.right, levelMin,
                levelResult, level + 1);
      // Check from minimum values
      // computed at each level
      for (let i = 0; i < level; i++)
        if (root.key <= levelMin[i])
          levelResult[i] += 1;
    // Function to print count of
    // nodes from all lower levels
    // having values less than the
    // the nodes in the current level
    function printNodes(root)
      let levelMin = [];
      calculateMin(root, levelMin);
      // Stores the number of levels
      let numLevels = levelMin.length;
      // Stores the required count
      // of nodes for each level
      let levelResult = new Array(numLevels);
      findNodes(root, levelMin, levelResult, 0);
      for (let i = 0; i < levelResult.length; i++)
        document.write(levelResult[i] + " ");
           /     \
           3        5
         /  \     /   \
       10    2   3     1
    let root = newNode(4);
    root.left = newNode(3);
    root.right = newNode(5);
    root.right.left = newNode(3);
    root.right.right = newNode(1);
    root.left.left = newNode(10);
    root.left.right = newNode(2);

4 3 0

Complejidad de Tiempo: O(N 2
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por arpit7714 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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