Cuente los Nodes que tienen XOR bit a bit de todos los bordes en su ruta desde la raíz igual a K

Dado un árbol binario que consta de N Nodes y dos números enteros R y K . Cada arista del árbol tiene un entero positivo asociado, dado en la forma {u, v, w} donde la arista (u, v) tiene un peso w . La tarea es calcular el número de Nodes S que tienen Bitwise XOR de todos los bordes en el camino desde la raíz R a S es igual a K .


Entrada: R = 1, K = 0, N = 7, Bordes[][] = {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 1}, {2, 4, 3}, {2, 5, 4}, {3, 6, 1}, {3, 7, 2}}
Salida: 2
Representación del árbol binario dado: 

El siguiente par de Nodes tiene un XOR bit a bit de aristas en la ruta que los conecta como K = 0:
Par 1: (1, 4) = (3 ^ 3) = 0
Par 2: (1, 6) = (1 ^ 1 ) = 0

Entrada: R = 1, K = 0, N = 9, Bordes[][] = {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 2}, {2, 4, 3}, {2, 5, 4}, {3, 6, 1}, {3, 7, 2}, {6, 8, 3}, {6, 9, 7}}
Salida: 3
La representación del árbol binario dado es la siguiente: 

El siguiente par de Nodes tiene un XOR bit a bit de aristas en la ruta que los conecta como K = 0:
Par 1: (1, 4) = (3 ^ 3) = 0
Par 2: (1, 8) = (2 ^ 1 ^ 3) = 0
Par 3: (1, 7) = (2 ^ 2) = 0

Enfoque: el problema se puede resolver utilizando el enfoque de búsqueda primero en profundidad . Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:

  1. Inicialice la variable ans y xor con 0 para almacenar el número de pares y el xor actual de aristas.
  2. Atraviese el árbol dado utilizando la búsqueda en profundidad primero a partir del vértice raíz dado R .
  3. Para cada Node u , visite sus Nodes adyacentes.
  4. Para cada borde {u, v} , si xor es igual a K , incremente ans en 1 . De lo contrario, para el borde actual {u, v, w} , actualice xor como xor = (xor^w) donde ^ es el XOR bit a bit .
  5. Después de atravesar, imprima el valor almacenado en el contador y como el número de pares.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Initialize the adjacency list
// to represent the tree
vector<pair<int, int> > adj[100005];
// Marks visited / unvisited vertices
int visited[100005] = { 0 };
// Stores the required count of nodes
int ans = 0;
// DFS to visit each vertex
void dfs(int node, int xorr, int k)
    // Mark the current node
    // as visited
    visited[node] = 1;
    // Update the counter xor is K
    if (node != 1 && xorr == k)
    // Visit adjacent nodes
    for (auto x : adj[node]) {
        if (!visited[x.first]) {
            // Calculate Bitwise XOR of
            // edges in the path
            int xorr1 = xorr ^ x.second;
            // Recursive call to dfs function
            dfs(x.first, xorr1, k);
// Function to construct the tree and
// print required count of nodes
void countNodes(int N, int K, int R,
                vector<vector<int> > edges)
    // Add edges
    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
        int u = edges[i][0], v = edges[i][1],
            w = edges[i][2];
        adj[u].push_back({ v, w });
        adj[v].push_back({ u, w });
    dfs(R, 0, K);
    // Print answer
    cout << ans << "\n";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given K and R
    int K = 0, R = 1;
    // Given edges
    vector<vector<int> > edges
        = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 3, 1 },
            { 2, 4, 3 }, { 2, 5, 4 },
            { 3, 6, 1 }, { 3, 7, 2 } };
    // Number of vertices
    int N = edges.size();
    // Function call
    countNodes(N, K, R, edges);
    return 0;


// Java program for the
// above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
static class pair
  int first, second;
  public pair(int first,
              int second) 
    this.first = first;
    this.second = second;
// Initialize the adjacency list
// to represent the tree
static Vector<pair> []adj =
       new Vector[100005];
// Marks visited / unvisited
// vertices
static int visited[] =
       new int[100005];
// Stores the required
// count of nodes
static int ans = 0;
// DFS to visit each
// vertex
static void dfs(int node,
                int xorr,
                int k)
  // Mark the current node
  // as visited
  visited[node] = 1;
  // Update the counter
  // xor is K
  if (node != 1 &&
      xorr == k)
  // Visit adjacent nodes
  for (pair x : adj[node])
    if (visited[x.first] != 1)
      // Calculate Bitwise XOR of
      // edges in the path
      int xorr1 = xorr ^ x.second;
      // Recursive call to dfs
      // function
      dfs(x.first, xorr1, k);
// Function to construct the tree and
// print required count of nodes
static void countNodes(int N, int K,
                       int R, int[][] edges)
  // Add edges
  for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
    int u = edges[i][0],
        v = edges[i][1],
    w = edges[i][2];
    adj[u].add(new pair(v, w ));
    adj[v].add(new pair(u, w ));
  dfs(R, 0, K);
  // Print answer
  System.out.print(ans + "\n");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
  // Given K and R
  int K = 0, R = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < adj.length; i++)
    adj[i] = new Vector<pair>();
  // Given edges
  int[][] edges = {{1, 2, 3},
                   {1, 3, 1}, 
                   {2, 4, 3},
                   {2, 5, 4},
                   {3, 6, 1},
                   {3, 7, 2}};
  // Number of vertices
  int N = edges.length;
  // Function call
  countNodes(N, K, R, edges);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Initialize the adjacency list
# to represent the tree
adj = [[] for i in range(100005)]
# Marks visited / unvisited vertices
visited = [0] * 100005
# Stores the required count of nodes
ans = 0
# DFS to visit each vertex
def dfs(node, xorr, k):
    global ans
    # Mark the current node
    # as visited
    visited[node] = 1
    # Update the counter xor is K
    if (node != 1 and xorr == k):
        ans += 1
    # Visit adjacent nodes
    for x in adj[node]:
        if (not visited[x[0]]):
            # Calculate Bitwise XOR of
            # edges in the path
            xorr1 = xorr ^ x[1]
            # Recursive call to dfs function
            dfs(x[0], xorr1, k)
# Function to construct the tree and
# prrequired count of nodes
def countNodes(N, K, R, edges):
    # Add edges
    for i in range(N - 1):
        u = edges[i][0]
        v = edges[i][1]
        w = edges[i][2]
        adj[u].append([v, w])
        adj[v].append([u, w])
    dfs(R, 0, K)
    # Print answer
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given K and R
    K = 0
    R = 1
    # Given edges
    edges = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ],[ 1, 3, 1 ],
              [ 2, 4, 3 ],[ 2, 5, 4 ],
              [ 3, 6, 1 ],[ 3, 7, 2 ] ]
    # Number of vertices
    N = len(edges)
    # Function call
    countNodes(N, K, R, edges)
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program for the
// above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
public class pair
  public int first,
  public pair(int first,
              int second) 
    this.first = first;
    this.second = second;
// Initialize the adjacency list
// to represent the tree
static List<pair> []adj =
       new List<pair>[100005];
// Marks visited / unvisited
// vertices
static int []visited =
       new int[100005];
// Stores the required
// count of nodes
static int ans = 0;
// DFS to visit each
// vertex
static void dfs(int node,
                int xorr,
                int k)
  // Mark the current node
  // as visited
  visited[node] = 1;
  // Update the counter
  // xor is K
  if (node != 1 &&
      xorr == k)
  // Visit adjacent nodes
  foreach (pair x in adj[node])
    if (visited[x.first] != 1)
      // Calculate Bitwise XOR of
      // edges in the path
      int xorr1 = xorr ^ x.second;
      // Recursive call to dfs
      // function
      dfs(x.first, xorr1, k);
// Function to construct the tree and
// print required count of nodes
static void countNodes(int N, int K,
                       int R, int[,] edges)
  // Add edges
  for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
    int u = edges[i,0];
     int   v = edges[i,1],
    w = edges[i,2];
    adj[u].Add(new pair(v, w ));
    adj[v].Add(new pair(u, w ));
  dfs(R, 0, K);
  // Print answer
  Console.Write(ans + "\n");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  // Given K and R
  int K = 0, R = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < adj.Length; i++)
    adj[i] = new List<pair>();
  // Given edges
  int[,] edges = {{1, 2, 3},
                   {1, 3, 1}, 
                   {2, 4, 3},
                   {2, 5, 4},
                   {3, 6, 1},
                   {3, 7, 2}};
  // Number of vertices
  int N = edges.GetLength(0);
  // Function call
  countNodes(N, K, R, edges);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Initialize the adjacency list
// to represent the tree
let adj = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100005; i++) {
// Marks visited / unvisited vertices
let visited = new Array(100005).fill(0);
// Stores the required count of nodes
let ans = 0;
// DFS to visit each vertex
function dfs(node, xorr, k) {
    // Mark the current node
    // as visited
    visited[node] = 1;
    // Update the counter xor is K
    if (node != 1 && xorr == k)
    // Visit adjacent nodes
    for (let x of adj[node]) {
        if (!visited[x[0]]) {
            // Calculate Bitwise XOR of
            // edges in the path
            let xorr1 = xorr ^ x[1];
            // Recursive call to dfs function
            dfs(x[0], xorr1, k);
// Function to construct the tree and
// print required count of nodes
function countNodes(N, K, R, edges) {
    // Add edges
    for (let i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
        let u = edges[i][0], v = edges[i][1],
            w = edges[i][2];
        adj[u].push([v, w]);
        adj[v].push([u, w]);
    dfs(R, 0, K);
    // Print answer
    document.write(ans + "<br>");
// Driver Code
// Given K and R
let K = 0, R = 1;
// Given edges
let edges
    = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 1],
       [2, 4, 3], [2, 5, 4],
       [3, 6, 1], [3, 7, 2]];
// Number of vertices
let N = edges.length;
// Function call
countNodes(N, K, R, edges);
// This code is contributed by _saurabh_jaiswal



Complejidad temporal: O(N) donde N es el número de Nodes.
Espacio Auxiliar: O(N)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por prakhar_kochar y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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