DFA para strings que no terminan en «THE»

Problema: acepte strings que no terminen con la substring «EL». Compruebe si una string dada termina con «el» o no. Las diferentes formas de “the” que se evitan al final de la string son: 

"THE", "ThE", "THe", "tHE", "thE", "The", "tHe" and "the"

No se aceptan todas aquellas strings que terminan con cualquiera de las formas mencionadas anteriormente de «the».

Autómatas finitos deterministas (DFA) de strings que no terminan con «THE»: 
el estado inicial y de inicio en este dfa es Qo

Enfoque utilizado en el programa: 
en este programa, considere que los 4 estados son 0, 1, 2 y 3. Ahora tomemos una variable llamada DFA que inicialmente será 0. Cada vez que se produzca una transición, actualizará el valor de DFA con el número asociado con el nuevo estado.

Ejemplo: si ocurre una transición del estado 0 al estado 1, el valor de DFA se actualizará a 1. Si ocurre una transición del estado 2 al estado 3, el valor de dfa se actualizará a 3. De esta manera, aplique esto algoritmo en toda la string y, si al final, alcanza el estado 0, 1 o 2, nuestra string será aceptada; de lo contrario, no.

Input : XYzabCthe

Input :  Themaliktth
Output :  ACCEPTED


// C++ program to implement DFS that accepts
// all string that do not end with "THE"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// dfa tells the number associated
// with the present state
int dfa = 0;
// This function is for
// the starting state (zeroth) of DFA
void start(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto
    // first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
// This function is for the first state of DFA
void state1(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto
    // first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
    // On receiving 'H' or 'h'
    // goto second state (2)
    else if (c == 'h' || c == 'H')
        dfa = 2;
    // Else goto starting state (0)
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the second state of DFA
void state2(char c)
    // On receiving 'E' or 'e' goto third state (3)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
        dfa = 3;
    else if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the third state of DFA
void state3(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
        dfa = 0;
bool isAccepted(string str)
    // Store length of string
    int len = str.length();
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        if (dfa == 0)
        else if (dfa == 1)
        else if (dfa == 2)
    return (dfa != 3);
// Driver code
int main()
    string str = "forTHEgeeks";
    if (isAccepted(str) == true)
        cout << "ACCEPTED\n";
        cout << "NOT ACCEPTED\n";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by ShubhamSingh10


// C program to implement DFS that accepts
// all string that do not end with "THE"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// dfa tells the number associated
// with the present state
int dfa = 0;
// This function is for
// the starting state (zeroth) of DFA
void start(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
// This function is for the first state of DFA
void state1(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
    // On receiving 'H' or 'h' goto second state (2)
    else if (c == 'h' || c == 'H')
        dfa = 2;
    // else goto starting state (0)
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the second state of DFA
void state2(char c)
    // On receiving 'E' or 'e' goto third state (3)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
        dfa = 3;
    else if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the third state of DFA
void state3(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
        dfa = 0;
bool isAccepted(char str[])
    // store length of string
    int len = strlen(str);
    for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
            if (dfa == 0)
            else if (dfa == 1)
            else if (dfa == 2)
    return (dfa != 3);
// driver code
int main()
    char str[] = "forTHEgeeks";
    if (isAccepted(str) == true)
        printf("NOT ACCEPTED\n");
    return 0;


// Java program to implement DFS that accepts
// all string that do not end with "THE"
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// dfa tells the number associated
// with the present state
static int dfa = 0;
// This function is for
// the starting state (zeroth) of DFA
static void start(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
// This function is for the first state of DFA
static void state1(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
    // On receiving 'H' or 'h' goto second state (2)
    else if (c == 'h' || c == 'H')
        dfa = 2;
    // else goto starting state (0)
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the second state of DFA
static void state2(char c)
    // On receiving 'E' or 'e' goto third state (3)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
        dfa = 3;
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the third state of DFA
static void state3(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
        dfa = 0;
static boolean isAccepted(char str[])
    // store length of string
    int len = str.length;
    for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
            if (dfa == 0)
            else if (dfa == 1)
            else if (dfa == 2)
    return (dfa != 3);
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    char str[] = "forTHEgeeks".toCharArray();
    if (isAccepted(str) == true)
        System.out.println("NOT ACCEPTED\n");
/* This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


# Python3 program to implement DFS that accepts
# all stringing that do not end with "THE"
# This function is for the starting
# state (zeroth) of DFA
def start(c):
    # On receiving 'T' or 't' goto
    # first state (1)
    if (c == 't' or c == 'T'):
# This function is for the first state of DFA
def state1(c):
    # On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' or c == 'T'):
        dfa = 1
    # On receiving 'H' or 'h' goto second state (2)
    elif (c == 'h' or c == 'H'):
        dfa = 2
    # else goto starting state (0)
        dfa = 0
# This function is for the second state of DFA
def state2(c):
    # On receiving 'E' or 'e' goto third
    # state (3) else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 'e' or c == 'E'):
        dfa = 3
        dfa = 0
# This function is for the third state of DFA
def state3(c):
    # On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first
    # state (1) else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 't' or c == 'T'):
        dfa = 1
        dfa = 0
def isAccepted(string):
    # store length of stringing
    length = len(string)
    for i in range(length):
        if (dfa == 0):
        elif (dfa == 1):
        elif (dfa == 2):
    return (dfa != 3)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    # dfa tells the number associated
    # with the present state
    dfa = 0
    if isAccepted(string):
        print("NOT ACCEPTED")
# This code is contributed by SHUBHAMSINGH10


// C# program to implement DFS that accepts
// all string that do not end with "THE"
using System;
class GFG
// dfa tells the number associated
// with the present state
static int dfa = 0;
// This function is for
// the starting state (zeroth) of DFA
static void start(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
// This function is for the first state of DFA
static void state1(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
    // On receiving 'H' or 'h' goto second state (2)
    else if (c == 'h' || c == 'H')
        dfa = 2;
    // else goto starting state (0)
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the second state of DFA
static void state2(char c)
    // On receiving 'E' or 'e' goto third state (3)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
        dfa = 3;
        dfa = 0;
// This function is for the third state of DFA
static void state3(char c)
    // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
    // else goto starting state (0)
    if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
        dfa = 1;
        dfa = 0;
static bool isAccepted(char []str)
    // store length of string
    int len = str.Length;
    for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
            if (dfa == 0)
            else if (dfa == 1)
            else if (dfa == 2)
    return (dfa != 3);
// Driver code
static public void Main ()
    char []str = "forTHEgeeks".ToCharArray();
    if (isAccepted(str) == true)
        Console.WriteLine("NOT ACCEPTED\n");
/* This code is contributed by ajit. */


// PHP program to implement DFS
// that accepts all string that
// do not end with "THE"
// dfa tells the number associated
// with the present state
$dfa = 0;
// This function is for the
// starting state (zeroth) of DFA
function start($c)
    global $dfa;
    // On receiving 'T' or 't'
    // goto first state (1)
    if ($c == 't' || $c == 'T')
        $dfa = 1;
// This function is for
// the first state of DFA
function state1($c)
    global $dfa;
    // On receiving 'T' or 't'
    // goto first state (1)
    if ($c == 't' || $c == 'T')
        $dfa = 1;
    // On receiving 'H' or 'h'
    // goto second state (2)
    else if ($c == 'h' || $c == 'H')
        $dfa = 2;
    // else goto starting state (0)
        $dfa = 0;
// This function is for
// the second state of DFA
function state2($c)
    global $dfa;
    // On receiving 'E' or 'e'
    // goto third state (3) else
    // goto starting state (0)
    if ($c == 'e' || $c == 'E')
        $dfa = 3;
        $dfa = 0;
// This function is for
// the third state of DFA
function state3($c)
    global $dfa;
    // On receiving 'T' or 't'
    // goto first state (1) else
    // goto starting state (0)
    if ($c == 't' || $c == 'T')
        $dfa = 1;
        $dfa = 0;
function isAccepted($str)
    global $dfa;
    // store length of string
    $len = strlen($str);
    for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++)
            if ($dfa == 0)
            else if ($dfa == 1)
            else if ($dfa == 2)
    return ($dfa != 3);
// Driver Code
$str = "forTHEgeeks";
if (isAccepted($str) == true)
    echo "ACCEPTED\n";
    echo "NOT ACCEPTED\n";
// This code is contributed by m_kit


    // Javascript program to
    // implement DFS that accepts
    // all string that do not end
    // with "THE"
    // dfa tells the number associated
    // with the present state
    let dfa = 0;
    // This function is for
    // the starting state (zeroth) of DFA
    function start(c)
        // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto
        // first state (1)
        if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
            dfa = 1;
    // This function is for the first state of DFA
    function state1(c)
        // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
        if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
            dfa = 1;
        // On receiving 'H' or 'h' goto second state (2)
        else if (c == 'h' || c == 'H')
            dfa = 2;
        // else goto starting state (0)
            dfa = 0;
    // This function is for the second state of DFA
    function state2(c)
        // On receiving 'E' or 'e' goto third state (3)
        // else goto starting state (0)
        if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
            dfa = 3;
            dfa = 0;
    // This function is for the third state of DFA
    function state3(c)
        // On receiving 'T' or 't' goto first state (1)
        // else goto starting state (0)
        if (c == 't' || c == 'T')
            dfa = 1;
            dfa = 0;
    function isAccepted(str)
        // store length of string
        let len = str.length;
        for (let i=0; i < len; i++)
                if (dfa == 0)
                else if (dfa == 1)
                else if (dfa == 2)
        return (dfa != 3);
    let str = "forTHEgeeks".split('');
    if (isAccepted(str) == true)
        document.write("NOT ACCEPTED");
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Artículo escrito por RishabhMalik y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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