Diseñar un sistema de lectura de libros en línea

Diseñar un sistema de lectura de libros online (Diseño Orientado a Objetos).

Preguntado en : Amazon, Microsoft y muchas más entrevistas

Solución : supongamos que queremos diseñar un sistema básico de lectura en línea que proporcione la siguiente funcionalidad:

• Buscar en la base de datos de libros y leer un libro.
• Creación y ampliación de membresías de usuarios.
• Solo un usuario activo a la vez y solo un libro activo por este usuario

La clase OnlineReaderSystem representa el cuerpo de nuestro programa. Podríamos implementar
la clase de modo que almacene información sobre todos los libros relacionados con la administración de usuarios y actualice la pantalla, pero eso haría que esta clase fuera bastante pesada. En su lugar, hemos optado por separar estos componentes en las clases Library, UserManager y Display.

Las clases:

1. Usuario
2. Libro
3. Biblioteca
4. UserManager
5. Pantalla
6. OnlineReaderSystem

El código completo se da a continuación:


import java.util.HashMap;
* This class represents the system
class OnlineReaderSystem {
    private Library library;
    private UserManager userManager;
    private Display display;
    private Book activeBook;
    private User activeUser;
    public OnlineReaderSystem()
        userManager = new UserManager();
        library = new Library();
        display = new Display();
    public Library getLibrary()
        return library;
    public UserManager getUserManager()
        return userManager;
    public Display getDisplay()
        return display;
    public Book getActiveBook()
        return activeBook;
    public void setActiveBook(Book book)
        activeBook = book;
    public User getActiveUser()
        return activeUser;
    public void setActiveUser(User user)
        activeUser = user;
* We then implement separate classes to handle the user
* manager, the library, and the display components 
* This class represents the Library which is responsible
* for storing and searching the books.
class Library {
    private HashMap<Integer, Book> books;
    public Library()
        books = new HashMap<Integer, Book>();
    public Boolean addBook(int id, String details, String title)
        if (books.containsKey(id)) {
            return false;
        Book book = new Book(id, details, title);
        books.put(id, book);
        return true;
    public Boolean addBook(Book book)
        if (books.containsKey(book.getId())) {
            return false;
        books.put(book.getId(), book);
        return true;
    public boolean remove(Book b)
        return remove(b.getId());
    public boolean remove(int id)
        if (!books.containsKey(id)) {
            return false;
        return true;
    public Book find(int id)
        return books.get(id);
* This class represents the UserManager which is responsible 
* for managing the users, their membership etc.
class UserManager {
    private HashMap<Integer, User> users;
    public UserManager()
        users = new HashMap<Integer, User>();
    public Boolean addUser(int id, String details, String name)
        if (users.containsKey(id)) {
            return false;
        User user = new User(id, details, name);
        users.put(id, user);
        return true;
    public Boolean addUser(User user)
        if (users.containsKey(user.getId())) {
            return false;
        users.put(user.getId(), user);
        return true;
    public boolean remove(User u)
        return remove(u.getId());
    public boolean remove(int id)
        if (users.containsKey(id)) {
            return false;
        return true;
    public User find(int id)
        return users.get(id);
* This class represents the Display, which is responsible 
* for displaying the book, it's pages and contents. It also 
* shows the current user. * It provides the method
* turnPageForward, turnPageBackward, refreshPage etc.
class Display {
    private Book activeBook;
    private User activeUser;
    private int pageNumber = 0;
    public void displayUser(User user)
        activeUser = user;
    public void displayBook(Book book)
        pageNumber = 0;
        activeBook = book;
    public void turnPageForward()
        System.out.println("Turning forward to page no " +
                   pageNumber + " of book having title " +
    public void turnPageBackward()
        System.out.println("Turning backward to page no " +
                    pageNumber + " of book having title " + 
    public void refreshUsername()
        /* updates username display */
        System.out.println("User name " + activeUser.getName() + 
                                             " is refreshed");
    public void refreshTitle()
        /* updates title display */
        System.out.println("Title of the book " +
                        activeBook.getTitle() + " refreshed");
    public void refreshDetails()
        /* updates details display */
        System.out.println("Details of the book " +
                        activeBook.getTitle() + " refreshed");
    public void refreshPage()
        /* updated page display */
        System.out.println("Page no " + pageNumber + " refreshed");
* The classes for User and Book simply hold data and 
* provide little functionality.
* This class represents the Book which is a simple POJO
class Book {
    private int bookId;
    private String details;
    private String title;
    public Book(int id, String details, String title)
        bookId = id;
        this.details = details;
        this.title = title;
    public int getId()
        return bookId;
    public void setId(int id)
        bookId = id;
    public String getDetails()
        return details;
    public void setDetails(String details)
        this.details = details;
    public String getTitle()
        return title;
    public void setTitle(String title)
        this.title = title;
* This class represents the User which is a simple POJO
class User {
    private int userId;
    private String name;
    private String details;
    public void renewMembership()
    public User(int id, String details, String name)
        this.userId = id;
        this.details = details;
        this.name = name;
    public int getId()
        return userId;
    public void setId(int id)
        userId = id;
    public String getDetails()
        return details;
    public void setDetails(String details)
        this.details = details;
    public String getName()
        return name;
    public void setName(String name)
        this.name = name;
// This class is used to test the Application
public class AppTest {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        OnlineReaderSystem onlineReaderSystem = new OnlineReaderSystem();
        Book dsBook = new Book(1, "It contains Data Structures", "Ds");
        Book algoBook = new Book(2, "It contains Algorithms", "Algo");
        User user1 = new User(1, " ", "Ram");
        User user2 = new User(2, " ", "Gopal");


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
* This class represents the system
class OnlineReaderSystem
    private Library library;
    private UserManager userManager;
    private Display display;
    private Book activeBook;
    private User activeUser;
    public OnlineReaderSystem()
        userManager = new UserManager();
        library = new Library();
        display = new Display();
    public Library getLibrary()
        return library;
    public UserManager getUserManager()
        return userManager;
    public Display getDisplay()
        return display;
    public Book getActiveBook()
        return activeBook;
    public void setActiveBook(Book book)
        activeBook = book;
    public User getActiveUser()
        return activeUser;
    public void setActiveUser(User user)
        activeUser = user;
* We then implement separate classes to handle the user
* manager, the library, and the display components 
* This class represents the Library which is responsible
* for storing and searching the books.
class Library 
    private Dictionary<int, Book> books;
    public Library()
        books = new Dictionary<int, Book>();
    public Boolean addBook(int id, String details, 
                                   String title)
        if (books.ContainsKey(id))
            return false;
        Book book = new Book(id, details, title);
        books.Add(id, book);
        return true;
    public Boolean addBook(Book book)
        if (books.ContainsKey(book.getId()))
            return false;
        books.Add(book.getId(), book);
        return true;
    public bool remove(Book b)
        return remove(b.getId());
    public bool remove(int id)
        if (!books.ContainsKey(id)) 
            return false;
        return true;
    public Book find(int id)
        return books[id];
* This class represents the UserManager  
* which is responsible for managing the users, 
* their membership etc.
class UserManager
    private Dictionary<int, User> users;
    public UserManager()
        users = new Dictionary<int, User>();
    public Boolean addUser(int id, String details, 
                                   String name)
        if (users.ContainsKey(id)) 
            return false;
        User user = new User(id, details, name);
        users.Add(id, user);
        return true;
    public Boolean addUser(User user)
        if (users.ContainsKey(user.getId()))
            return false;
        users.Add(user.getId(), user);
        return true;
    public bool remove(User u)
        return remove(u.getId());
    public bool remove(int id)
        if (users.ContainsKey(id)) 
            return false;
        return true;
    public User find(int id)
        return users[id];
* This class represents the Display, which is responsible 
* for displaying the book, it's pages and contents.  
* It also shows the current user. * It provides the method
* turnPageForward, turnPageBackward, refreshPage etc.
class Display
    private Book activeBook;
    private User activeUser;
    private int pageNumber = 0;
    public void displayUser(User user)
        activeUser = user;
    public void displayBook(Book book)
        pageNumber = 0;
        activeBook = book;
    public void turnPageForward()
        Console.WriteLine("Turning forward to page no " +
                  pageNumber + " of book having title " +
    public void turnPageBackward()
        Console.WriteLine("Turning backward to page no " +
                   pageNumber + " of book having title " + 
    public void refreshUsername()
        /* updates username display */
        Console.WriteLine("User name " + 
                  activeUser.getName() + 
                       " is refreshed");
    public void refreshTitle()
        /* updates title display */
        Console.WriteLine("Title of the book " +
                         activeBook.getTitle() + 
                                  " refreshed");
    public void refreshDetails()
        /* updates details display */
        Console.WriteLine("Details of the book " +
                           activeBook.getTitle() + 
                                    " refreshed");
    public void refreshPage()
        /* updated page display */
        Console.WriteLine("Page no " + pageNumber + 
                                     " refreshed");
* The classes for User and Book simply hold data  
* and provide little functionality.
* This class represents the Book which is 
* a simple POJO
class Book
    private int bookId;
    private String details;
    private String title;
    public Book(int id, String details, 
                        String title)
        bookId = id;
        this.details = details;
        this.title = title;
    public int getId()
        return bookId;
    public void setId(int id)
        bookId = id;
    public String getDetails()
        return details;
    public void setDetails(String details)
        this.details = details;
    public String getTitle()
        return title;
    public void setTitle(String title)
        this.title = title;
* This class represents the User 
* which is a simple POJO
class User
    private int userId;
    private String name;
    private String details;
    public void renewMembership()
    public User(int id, String details,
                        String name)
        this.userId = id;
        this.details = details;
        this.name = name;
    public int getId()
        return userId;
    public void setId(int id)
        userId = id;
    public String getDetails()
        return details;
    public void setDetails(String details)
        this.details = details;
    public String getName()
        return name;
    public void setName(String name)
        this.name = name;
// This class is used to test the Application
public class AppTest
    public static void Main(String[] args)
              onlineReaderSystem = new OnlineReaderSystem();
        Book dsBook = new Book(1, "It contains Data Structures", "Ds");
        Book algoBook = new Book(2, "It contains Algorithms", "Algo");
        User user1 = new User(1, " ", "Ram");
        User user2 = new User(2, " ", "Gopal");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Curso de diseño de sistemas GeeksforGeeks

¿Quiere conseguir un trabajo de desarrollador/ingeniero de software en una empresa de tecnología líder? o ¿Quiere hacer una transición sin problemas de SDE I a SDE II o perfiles de desarrollador sénior? En caso afirmativo, ¡entonces debe sumergirse profundamente en el mundo del diseño de sistemas! Un dominio decente sobre los conceptos de diseño de sistemas es muy esencial, especialmente para los profesionales que trabajan, para obtener una ventaja muy necesaria sobre los demás durante las entrevistas técnicas.


Y es por eso que GeeksforGeeks le brinda un Diseño de sistemas en vivo centrado en una entrevista en profundidad que lo ayudará a prepararse para las preguntas relacionadas con Diseños de sistemas para Google, Amazon, Adobe, Uber y otras empresas basadas en productos.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por shashipk11 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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