Encuentre el tiempo necesario para ejecutar las tareas en A según el orden de ejecución en B

Dadas dos colas A y B , cada una de tamaño N , la tarea es encontrar el tiempo mínimo necesario para ejecutar las tareas en A en función del orden de ejecución en B , donde: 

  1. Si la tarea que se encuentra al frente de la cola B está al frente de la cola A , entonces extraiga esta tarea y ejecútela.
  2. Si la tarea que se encuentra al principio de la cola B no se encuentra al principio de la cola A , extraiga la tarea actual de la cola A y empújela al final.
  3. La operación Push and Pop en una cola cuesta una unidad de tiempo y la ejecución de una tarea se realiza en tiempo constante.


Entrada: A = { 3, 2, 1 }, B = { 1, 3, 2 } 
Para A = 3 y B = 1 => Dado que el frente de la cola A no coincide con el frente de la cola B. Pop and Push 3 al final de la cola. Entonces, A se convierte en { 2, 1, 3 } y el tiempo consumido = 2 (1 unidad de tiempo para cada operación de empujar y abrir) 
Para A = 2 y B = 1 => Dado que el frente de la cola A no coincide con el frente de la cola B. Pop y Push 2 al final de la cola. Entonces, A se convierte en { 1, 3, 2 } y el tiempo = 2 + 2 = 4 
Para A = 1 y B = 1 => Dado que el frente de la cola, A es igual al frente de la cola B. Extraiga 1 de la cola y ejecutarlo, entonces A se convierte en { 3, 2 } y B se convierte en { 3, 2 } y el tiempo = 4 + 1 = 5 
Para A = 3 y B = 3 => Dado que el frente de la cola, A es igual al frente de la cola B. Extraiga 3 de la cola y ejecútelo, luego A se convierte en { 2 } y B se convierte en { 2 } y el tiempo = 5 + 1 = 6 
Para A = 2 y B = 2 => Desde el frente de la cola, A es igual al frente de la cola B. Extraiga 2 de ambas colas y ejecútelo. Todas las tareas se ejecutan. tiempo = 6 + 1 = 7 
Por lo tanto, el tiempo total es 7.

Entrada: A = { 3, 2, 1, 4 }, B = { 4, 1, 3, 2 } 
Salida: 14 

Para cada tarea en la cola A :  

  1. Si la tarea principal de la cola A es la misma que la tarea principal de la cola B. Extraiga la tarea de ambas colas y ejecútela. Incrementa el tiempo total en una unidad.
  2. Si la tarea principal de la cola A no es la misma que la tarea principal de la cola B. Extraiga la tarea de la cola A y empújela al final de la cola A e incremente el tiempo total en dos unidades. (1 para operación pop y 1 para operación push)
  3. Repita los pasos anteriores hasta que se ejecute toda la tarea en la cola A.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:  


// C++ program to find the total
// time taken to execute the task
// in given order
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate the
// total time taken to execute
// the given task in original order
int run_tasks(queue<int>& A,
              queue<int>& B)
    // To find the total time
    // taken for executing
    // the task
    int total_time = 0;
    // While A is not empty
    while (!A.empty()) {
        // Store the front element of queue A and B
        int x = A.front();
        int y = B.front();
        // If the front element of the queue A
        // is equal to the front element of queue B
        // then pop the element from both
        // the queues and execute the task
        // Increment total_time by 1
        if (x == y) {
        // If front element of queue A is not equal
        // to front element of queue B then
        // pop the element from queue A &
        // push it at the back of queue A
        // Increment the total_time by 2
        //(1 for push operation and
        // 1 for pop operation)
        else {
            total_time += 2;
    // Return the total time taken
    return total_time;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given task to be executed
    queue<int> A;
    // Order in which task need to be
    // executed
    queue<int> B;
    // Function the returns the total
    // time taken to execute all the task
    cout << run_tasks(A, B);
    return 0;


// Java program to find the total
// time taken to execute the task
// in given order
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Function to calculate the
// total time taken to execute
// the given task in original order
static int run_tasks(Queue<Integer> A,
                    Queue<Integer> B)
    // To find the total time
    // taken for executing
    // the task
    int total_time = 0;
    // While A is not empty
    while (!A.isEmpty())
        // Store the front element of queue A and B
        int x = A.peek();
        int y = B.peek();
        // If the front element of the queue A
        // is equal to the front element of queue B
        // then pop the element from both
        // the queues and execute the task
        // Increment total_time by 1
        if (x == y)
        // If front element of queue A is not equal
        // to front element of queue B then
        // pop the element from queue A &
        // push it at the back of queue A
        // Increment the total_time by 2
        //(1 for push operation and
        // 1 for pop operation)
            total_time += 2;
    // Return the total time taken
    return total_time;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Given task to be executed
    Queue<Integer> A = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    // Order in which task need to be
    // executed
    Queue<Integer> B = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    // Function the returns the total
    // time taken to execute all the task
    System.out.print(run_tasks(A, B));
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


# Python3 program to find the total
# time taken to execute the task
# in given order
from collections import deque
# Function to calculate the
# total time taken to execute
# the given task in original order
def run_tasks(A, B):
    # To find the total time
    # taken for executing
    # the task
    total_time = 0
    # While A is not empty
    while (len(A) > 0):
        # Store the front element of queue A and B
        x = A.popleft()
        y = B.popleft()
        # If the front element of the queue A
        # is equal to the front element of queue B
        # then pop the element from both
        # the queues and execute the task
        # Increment total_time by 1
        if (x == y):
            total_time += 1
        # If front element of queue A is not equal
        # to front element of queue B then
        # pop the element from queue A &
        # append it at the back of queue A
        # Increment the total_time by 2
        #(1 for append operation and
        # 1 for pop operation)
            total_time += 2
    # Return the total time taken
    return total_time
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given task to be executed
    A = deque()
    # Order in which task need to be
    # executed
    B = deque()
    # Function the returns the total
    # time taken to execute all the task
    print(run_tasks(A, B))
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program to find the total
// time taken to execute the task
// in given order
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Function to calculate the
// total time taken to execute
// the given task in original order
static int run_tasks(Queue<int> A,
                    Queue<int> B)
    // To find the total time
    // taken for executing
    // the task
    int total_time = 0;
    // While A is not empty
    while (A.Count != 0)
        // Store the front element of queue A and B
        int x = A.Peek();
        int y = B.Peek();
        // If the front element of the queue A
        // is equal to the front element of queue B
        // then pop the element from both
        // the queues and execute the task
        // Increment total_time by 1
        if (x == y)
        // If front element of queue A is not equal
        // to front element of queue B then
        // pop the element from queue A &
        // push it at the back of queue A
        // Increment the total_time by 2
        //(1 for push operation and
        // 1 for pop operation)
            total_time += 2;
    // Return the total time taken
    return total_time;
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Given task to be executed
    Queue<int> A = new Queue<int>();
    // Order in which task need to be
    // executed
    Queue<int> B = new Queue<int>();
    // Function the returns the total
    // time taken to execute all the task
    Console.Write(run_tasks(A, B));
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


// Javascript program to find the total
// time taken to execute the task
// in given order
// Function to calculate the
// total time taken to execute
// the given task in original order
function run_tasks(A, B)
    // To find the total time
    // taken for executing
    // the task
    let total_time = 0;
    // While A is not empty
    while (A.length != 0)
        // Store the front element of
        // queue A and B
        let x = A[0];
        let y = B[0];
        // If the front element of the queue A
        // is equal to the front element of queue B
        // then pop the element from both
        // the queues and execute the task
        // Increment total_time by 1
        if (x == y)
        // If front element of queue A is not equal
        // to front element of queue B then
        // pop the element from queue A &
        // push it at the back of queue A
        // Increment the total_time by 2
        //(1 for push operation and
        // 1 for pop operation)
            total_time += 2;
    // Return the total time taken
    return total_time;
// Driver code
// Given task to be executed
let A = [ 3, 2, 1, 4 ];
// Order in which task need to be
// executed
let B = [ 4, 1, 3, 2 ];
// Function the returns the total
// time taken to execute all the task
document.write(run_tasks(A, B));
// This code is contributed by patel2127



Complejidad Temporal: O(N 2 ), donde N es el número de tareas.

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Gaurang Bansal 2 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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