Encuentra el número de Islas | Conjunto 2 (usando conjunto disjunto)

Dada una array booleana 2D, encuentre el número de islas.
Un grupo de unos conectados forma una isla. Por ejemplo, la siguiente array contiene 5 islas 

{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
{1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{1, 0, 1, 0, 1} 

Una celda en la array 2D se puede conectar a 8 vecinos. 
Esta es una variación del problema estándar: «Contar el número de componentes conectados en un gráfico no dirigido». Hemos discutido una solución basada en DFS en el siguiente conjunto 1.


Encuentre el número de islas
También podemos resolver la pregunta usando la estructura de datos de conjuntos disjuntos que se explica aquí . La idea es considerar todos los valores de 1 como conjuntos individuales. Atraviesa la array y haz una unión de todos los 1 vértices adyacentes. A continuación se detallan los pasos.
1) Inicializar el resultado (recuento de islas) como 0 
2) Recorrer cada índice de la array 2D. 
3) Si el valor en ese índice es 1, verifique todos sus 8 vecinos. Si un vecino también es igual a 1, toma la unión del índice y su vecino. 
4) Ahora defina una array de tamaño fila*columna para almacenar frecuencias de todos los conjuntos. 
5) Ahora recorre la array nuevamente. 
6) Si el valor en el índice es 1, encuentre su conjunto. 
7) Si la frecuencia del conjunto en la array anterior es 0, incremente el resultado en 1.
A continuación se muestra la implementación en Java de los pasos anteriores.


// C++ program to find number of islands
// using Disjoint Set data structure.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Class to represent
// Disjoint Set Data structure
class DisjointUnionSets
    vector<int> rank, parent;
    int n;
    DisjointUnionSets(int n)
        this->n = n;
    void makeSet()
        // Initially, all elements 
        // are in their own set.
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            parent[i] = i;
    // Finds the representative of the set
    // that x is an element of
    int find(int x)
        if (parent[x] != x)
            // if x is not the parent of itself,
            // then x is not the representative of
            // its set.
            // so we recursively call Find on its parent
            // and move i's node directly under the
            // representative of this set
        return parent[x];
    // Unites the set that includes x and the set
    // that includes y
    void Union(int x, int y)
        // Find the representatives(or the root nodes)
        // for x an y
        int xRoot = find(x);
        int yRoot = find(y);
        // Elements are in the same set,
        // no need to unite anything.
        if (xRoot == yRoot)
        // If x's rank is less than y's rank
        // Then move x under y so that
        // depth of tree remains less
        if (rank[xRoot] < rank[yRoot])
            parent[xRoot] = yRoot;
        // Else if y's rank is less than x's rank
        // Then move y under x so that depth of tree
        // remains less
        else if (rank[yRoot] < rank[xRoot])
            parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
        else // Else if their ranks are the same
            // Then move y under x (doesn't matter
            // which one goes where)
            parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
            // And increment the result tree's
            // rank by 1
            rank[xRoot] = rank[xRoot] + 1;
// Returns number of islands in a[][]
int countIslands(vector<vector<int>>a)
    int n = a.size();
    int m = a[0].size();
    DisjointUnionSets *dus = new DisjointUnionSets(n * m);
    /* The following loop checks for its neighbours
    and unites the indexes if both are 1. */
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
            // If cell is 0, nothing to do
            if (a[j][k] == 0)
            // Check all 8 neighbours and do a Union
            // with neighbour's set if neighbour is
            // also 1
            if (j + 1 < n && a[j + 1][k] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * (m) + k,
                          (j + 1) * (m) + k);
            if (j - 1 >= 0 && a[j - 1][k] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * (m) + k,
                          (j - 1) * (m) + k);
            if (k + 1 < m && a[j][k + 1] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * (m) + k,
                          (j) * (m) + k + 1);
            if (k - 1 >= 0 && a[j][k - 1] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * (m) + k,
                          (j) * (m) + k - 1);
            if (j + 1 < n && k + 1 < m &&
                    a[j + 1][k + 1] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * (m) + k,
                          (j + 1) * (m) + k + 1);
            if (j + 1 < n && k - 1 >= 0 &&
                    a[j + 1][k - 1] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * m + k,
                          (j + 1) * (m) + k - 1);
            if (j - 1 >= 0 && k + 1 < m &&
                     a[j - 1][k + 1] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * m + k,
                          (j - 1) * m + k + 1);
            if (j - 1 >= 0 && k - 1 >= 0 &&
                     a[j - 1][k - 1] == 1)
                dus->Union(j * m + k,
                          (j - 1) * m + k - 1);
    // Array to note down frequency of each set
    int *c = new int[n * m];
    int numberOfIslands = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
            if (a[j][k] == 1)
                int x = dus->find(j * m + k);
                // If frequency of set is 0,
                // increment numberOfIslands
                if (c[x] == 0)
    return numberOfIslands;
//  Driver Code
int main(void)
    vector<vector<int>>a = {{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
                            {0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
                            {1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
                            {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                            {1, 0, 1, 0, 1}};
    cout << "Number of Islands is: "
         << countIslands(a) << endl;
// This code is contributed by ankush_953


// Java program to find number of islands using Disjoint
// Set data structure.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException
        int[][] a = new int[][] {{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
                                 {0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
                                 {1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
                                 {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                                 {1, 0, 1, 0, 1}
        System.out.println("Number of Islands is: " +
     // Returns number of islands in a[][]
     static int countIslands(int a[][])
        int n = a.length;
        int m = a[0].length;
        DisjointUnionSets dus = new DisjointUnionSets(n*m);
        /* The following loop checks for its neighbours
           and unites the indexes  if both are 1. */
        for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
            for (int k=0; k<m; k++)
                // If cell is 0, nothing to do
                if (a[j][k] == 0)
                // Check all 8 neighbours and do a union
                // with neighbour's set if neighbour is
                // also 1
                if (j+1 < n && a[j+1][k]==1)
                    dus.union(j*(m)+k, (j+1)*(m)+k);
                if (j-1 >= 0 && a[j-1][k]==1)
                    dus.union(j*(m)+k, (j-1)*(m)+k);
                if (k+1 < m && a[j][k+1]==1)
                    dus.union(j*(m)+k, (j)*(m)+k+1);
                if (k-1 >= 0 && a[j][k-1]==1)
                    dus.union(j*(m)+k, (j)*(m)+k-1);
                if (j+1<n && k+1<m && a[j+1][k+1]==1)
                    dus.union(j*(m)+k, (j+1)*(m)+k+1);
                if (j+1<n && k-1>=0 && a[j+1][k-1]==1)
                    dus.union(j*m+k, (j+1)*(m)+k-1);
                if (j-1>=0 && k+1<m && a[j-1][k+1]==1)
                    dus.union(j*m+k, (j-1)*m+k+1);
                if (j-1>=0 && k-1>=0 && a[j-1][k-1]==1)
                    dus.union(j*m+k, (j-1)*m+k-1);
        // Array to note down frequency of each set
        int[] c = new int[n*m];
        int numberOfIslands = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
            for (int k=0; k<m; k++)
                if (a[j][k]==1)
                    int x = dus.find(j*m+k);
                    // If frequency of set is 0,
                    // increment numberOfIslands
                    if (c[x]==0)
        return numberOfIslands;
// Class to represent Disjoint Set Data structure
class DisjointUnionSets
    int[] rank, parent;
    int n;
    public DisjointUnionSets(int n)
        rank = new int[n];
        parent = new int[n];
        this.n = n;
    void makeSet()
        // Initially, all elements are in their
        // own set.
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            parent[i] = i;
    // Finds the representative of the set that x
    // is an element of
    int find(int x)
        if (parent[x] != x)
            // if x is not the parent of itself,
            // then x is not the representative of
            // its set.
            // so we recursively call Find on its parent
            // and move i's node directly under the
            // representative of this set
        return parent[x];
    // Unites the set that includes x and the set
    // that includes y
    void union(int x, int y)
        // Find the representatives (or the root nodes)
        // for x an y
        int xRoot = find(x);
        int yRoot = find(y);
        // Elements are in the same set, no need
        // to unite anything.
        if (xRoot == yRoot)
        // If x's rank is less than y's rank
        // Then move x under y  so that depth of tree
        // remains less
        if (rank[xRoot] < rank[yRoot])
            parent[xRoot] = yRoot;
        // Else if y's rank is less than x's rank
        // Then move y under x so that depth of tree
        // remains less
        else if(rank[yRoot]<rank[xRoot])
            parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
        else  // Else if their ranks are the same
            // Then move y under x (doesn't matter
            // which one goes where)
            parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
            // And increment the result tree's
            // rank by 1
            rank[xRoot] = rank[xRoot] + 1;


# Python3 program to find
# the number of islands using
# Disjoint Set data structure.
# Class to represent
# Disjoint Set Data structure
class DisjointUnionSets:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.rank = [0] * n
        self.parent = [0] * n
        self.n = n
    def makeSet(self):
        # Initially, all elements are in their
        # own set.
        for i in range(self.n):
            self.parent[i] = i
    # Finds the representative of the set that x
    # is an element of
    def find(self, x):
        if (self.parent[x] != x):
            # if x is not the parent of itself,
            # then x is not the representative of
            # its set.
            # so we recursively call Find on its parent
            # and move i's node directly under the
            # representative of this set
        return self.parent[x]
    # Unites the set that includes x and
    # the set that includes y
    def Union(self, x, y):
        # Find the representatives(or the root nodes)
        # for x an y
        xRoot = self.find(x)
        yRoot = self.find(y)
        # Elements are in the same set,
        # no need to unite anything.
        if xRoot == yRoot:
        # If x's rank is less than y's rank
        # Then move x under y so that depth of tree
        # remains less
        if self.rank[xRoot] < self.rank[yRoot]:
            parent[xRoot] = yRoot
        # Else if y's rank is less than x's rank
        # Then move y under x so that depth of tree
        # remains less
        elif self.rank[yRoot] < self.rank[xRoot]:
            self.parent[yRoot] = xRoot
            # Else if their ranks are the same
            # Then move y under x (doesn't matter
            # which one goes where)
            self.parent[yRoot] = xRoot
            # And increment the result tree's
            # rank by 1
            self.rank[xRoot] = self.rank[xRoot] + 1
# Returns number of islands in a[][]
def countIslands(a):
    n = len(a)
    m = len(a[0])
    dus = DisjointUnionSets(n * m)
    # The following loop checks for its neighbours
    # and unites the indexes if both are 1.
    for j in range(0, n):
        for k in range(0, m):
            # If cell is 0, nothing to do
            if a[j][k] == 0:
            # Check all 8 neighbours and do a Union
            # with neighbour's set if neighbour is
            # also 1
            if j + 1 < n and a[j + 1][k] == 1:
                dus.Union(j * (m) + k, 
                         (j + 1) * (m) + k)
            if j - 1 >= 0 and a[j - 1][k] == 1:
                dus.Union(j * (m) + k,
                         (j - 1) * (m) + k)
            if k + 1 < m and a[j][k + 1] == 1:
                dus.Union(j * (m) + k,
                        (j) * (m) + k + 1)
            if k - 1 >= 0 and a[j][k - 1] == 1:
                dus.Union(j * (m) + k,
                        (j) * (m) + k - 1)
            if (j + 1 < n and k + 1 < m and
                     a[j + 1][k + 1] == 1):
                dus.Union(j * (m) + k, (j + 1) *
                              (m) + k + 1)
            if (j + 1 < n and k - 1 >= 0 and
                     a[j + 1][k - 1] == 1):
                dus.Union(j * m + k, (j + 1) *
                             (m) + k - 1)
            if (j - 1 >= 0 and k + 1 < m and
                      a[j - 1][k + 1] == 1):
                dus.Union(j * m + k, (j - 1) *
                              m + k + 1)
            if (j - 1 >= 0 and k - 1 >= 0 and
                      a[j - 1][k - 1] == 1):
                dus.Union(j * m + k, (j - 1) *
                              m + k - 1)
    # Array to note down frequency of each set
    c = [0] * (n * m)
    numberOfIslands = 0
    for j in range(n):
        for k in range(n):
            if a[j][k] == 1:
                x = dus.find(j * m + k)
                # If frequency of set is 0,
                # increment numberOfIslands
                if c[x] == 0:
                    numberOfIslands += 1
                    c[x] += 1
                    c[x] += 1
    return numberOfIslands
# Driver Code
a = [[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
     [0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
     [1, 0, 0, 1, 1],
     [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
     [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]
print("Number of Islands is:", countIslands(a))
# This code is contributed by ankush_953


// C# program to find number of islands using Disjoint
// Set data structure.
using System;
class GFG
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[,] a = new int[,] {{1, 1, 0, 0, 0},
                                {0, 1, 0, 0, 1},
                                {1, 0, 0, 1, 1},
                                {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
                                {1, 0, 1, 0, 1}
        Console.WriteLine("Number of Islands is: " +
    // Returns number of islands in[,]a
    static int countIslands(int[,]a)
        int n = a.GetLength(0);
        int m = a.GetLength(1);
        DisjointUnionSets dus = new DisjointUnionSets(n * m);
        /* The following loop checks for its neighbours
        and unites the indexes if both are 1. */
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                // If cell is 0, nothing to do
                if (a[j, k] == 0)
                // Check all 8 neighbours and do a union
                // with neighbour's set if neighbour is
                // also 1
                if (j + 1 < n && a[j + 1, k] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * (m) + k, (j + 1) * (m) + k);
                if (j - 1 >= 0 && a[j - 1, k] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * (m) + k, (j - 1) * (m) + k);
                if (k + 1 < m && a[j, k + 1] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * (m) + k, (j) * (m) + k + 1);
                if (k-1 >= 0 && a[j,k-1]==1)
                    dus.union(j * (m) + k, (j) * (m) + k - 1);
                if (j + 1 < n && k + 1 < m && a[j + 1, k + 1] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * (m) + k, (j + 1) * (m) + k + 1);
                if (j + 1 < n && k - 1 >= 0 && a[j + 1,k - 1] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * m + k, (j + 1) * (m) + k - 1);
                if (j - 1 >= 0 && k + 1 < m && a[j - 1, k + 1] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * m + k, (j - 1) * m + k + 1);
                if (j - 1 >= 0 && k - 1 >= 0 && a[j - 1, k - 1] == 1)
                    dus.union(j * m + k, (j - 1) * m + k - 1);
        // Array to note down frequency of each set
        int[] c = new int[n*m];
        int numberOfIslands = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                if (a[j, k] == 1)
                    int x = dus.find(j * m + k);
                    // If frequency of set is 0,
                    // increment numberOfIslands
                    if (c[x] == 0)
        return numberOfIslands;
// Class to represent Disjoint Set Data structure
class DisjointUnionSets
    int[] rank, parent;
    int n;
    public DisjointUnionSets(int n)
        rank = new int[n];
        parent = new int[n];
        this.n = n;
    public void makeSet()
        // Initially, all elements are in their
        // own set.
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            parent[i] = i;
    // Finds the representative of the set that x
    // is an element of
    public int find(int x)
        if (parent[x] != x)
            // if x is not the parent of itself,
            // then x is not the representative of
            // its set.
            // so we recursively call Find on its parent
            // and move i's node directly under the
            // representative of this set
        return parent[x];
    // Unites the set that includes x and the set
    // that includes y
    public void union(int x, int y)
        // Find the representatives (or the root nodes)
        // for x an y
        int xRoot = find(x);
        int yRoot = find(y);
        // Elements are in the same set, no need
        // to unite anything.
        if (xRoot == yRoot)
        // If x's rank is less than y's rank
        // Then move x under y so that depth of tree
        // remains less
        if (rank[xRoot] < rank[yRoot])
            parent[xRoot] = yRoot;
        // Else if y's rank is less than x's rank
        // Then move y under x so that depth of tree
        // remains less
        else if(rank[yRoot] < rank[xRoot])
            parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
        else // Else if their ranks are the same
            // Then move y under x (doesn't matter
            // which one goes where)
            parent[yRoot] = xRoot;
            // And increment the result tree's
            // rank by 1
            rank[xRoot] = rank[xRoot] + 1;
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


Number of Islands is: 5

Complejidad temporal: O(N * M), donde N es el número de filas y M es el número de columnas de la array.
Espacio Auxiliar: O(N * M) 

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