Gauss-Seidel (también conocido como método de desplazamiento sucesivo) es un método de cálculo matemático utilizado principalmente para encontrar la solución de un Sistema de Álgebra Lineal. ¿Alguna vez has oído hablar del Método Jacobi? Bueno, el Gauss-Seidel no es más que una mejor versión del Jacobi.
Ejemplo :
Input: Enter the number of variables in the equation: 2 Enter the augmented matrix: 1 2 3 6 5 4 Output: 6.0 5.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 X0 = {0.6666666666666666 1.1666666666666667 } X1 = {-0.30555555555555564 1.652777777777778 } X2 = {-0.7106481481481481 1.855324074074074 } X3 = {-0.8794367283950617 1.9397183641975309 } X4 = {-0.9497653034979425 1.9748826517489713 } X5 = {-0.9790688764574759 1.9895344382287379 } X6 = {-0.9912786985239483 1.9956393492619742 } X7 = {-0.9963661243849785 1.9981830621924892 } X8 = {-0.9984858851604077 1.9992429425802039 } X9 = {-0.9993691188168363 1.999684559408418 } X10 = {-0.9997371328403484 1.999868566420174 } X11 = {-0.9998904720168117 1.9999452360084058 } X12 = {-0.999954363340338 1.999977181670169 } X13 = {-0.9999809847251406 1.9999904923625702 } X14 = {-0.9999920769688085 1.9999960384844042 } X15 = {-0.9999966987370034 1.9999983493685016 } X16 = {-0.9999986244737512 1.9999993122368755 } X17 = {-0.9999994268640631 1.9999997134320315 } X18 = {-0.9999997611933598 1.9999998805966799 } X19 = {-0.9999999004972331 1.9999999502486165 } X20 = {-0.9999999585405137 1.9999999792702567 } X21 = {-0.999999982725214 1.999999991362607 } X22 = {-0.9999999928021724 1.9999999964010862 } X23 = {-0.999999997000905 1.9999999985004524 } X24 = {-0.999999998750377 1.9999999993751885 } X25 = {-0.9999999994793237 1.9999999997396618 } X26 = {-0.9999999997830514 1.9999999998915257 } X27 = {-0.9999999999096048 1.9999999999548024 } X28 = {-0.9999999999623352 1.9999999999811675 } X29 = {-0.9999999999843061 1.999999999992153 } X30 = {-0.9999999999934606 1.9999999999967302 } X31 = {-0.9999999999972751 1.9999999999986375 } X32 = {-0.9999999999988646 1.9999999999994322 } X33 = {-0.9999999999995268 1.9999999999997633 } X34 = {-0.9999999999998028 1.9999999999999014 } X35 = {-0.9999999999999176 1.9999999999999587 } X36 = {-0.9999999999999656 1.9999999999999827 } X37 = {-0.9999999999999855 1.9999999999999927 } X38 = {-0.9999999999999938 1.999999999999997 } X39 = {-0.9999999999999973 1.9999999999999987 } X40 = {-0.9999999999999988 1.9999999999999993 } X41 = {-0.9999999999999993 1.9999999999999996 }
Un algoritmo matemático básico para Gauss Seidel:
Dado un conjunto de n ecuaciones y n incógnitas:
a11x1+a12x2+a13x3+......+a1nxn=c1 a21x1+a22x2+a23x3+......+a2nxn=c2 . . . . . . a1nx1+a2nx2+a3nx3+......+annxn=cn
Si los elementos de la diagonal son distintos de cero, cada ecuación se reescribe para la incógnita correspondiente, es decir, la primera ecuación se reescribe con x 1 en el lado izquierdo, la segunda ecuación se reescribe con x 2 en el lado izquierdo y así de la siguiente manera:
x1=(c1-a12x2-a13x3-....-a1nxn)/a11 x2=(c2-a21x1-a23x3-....-a2nxn)/a22 . . . xn=(cn-an1x1-an2x2-....-an.n-1xn-1)/ann
Estas ecuaciones se pueden reescribir en la forma como:
x1=(c1-nj=1,j!=1∑a1jxj)/a11 x2=(c2-nj=1,j!=2∑a2jxj)/a22 . . . x2=(cn-nj=1,j!=n∑anjxj)/ann
Por lo tanto, para cualquier rowi;
xi=(ci- nj=i,j!=i∑aijxj)/aii , i=1,2,..,n
Nota: Gauss-Seidel es aplicable a definida positiva estrictamente diagonal dominante o simétrica.
En resumen, para un sistema lineal de ecuaciones, digamos:
Fórmula deducida:
xi(k)=(bi-∑j<i a i j x j(k)-∑j>i a i j x j(k-1))/aii
En términos de arrays, la definición de Gauss-Seidel:
Aquí, D representa la parte diagonal de la array A, -L parte triangular estrictamente inferior de A, U parte triangular estrictamente superior de A.
Algoritmo de programación:
- Tome el número de variables en la ecuación y los valores de la array aumentada
(formada agregando las columnas de las dos arrays dadas) como entrada. - Comprobando si la array aumentada dada es diagonalmente dominante.
- Intentar transformar la array aumentada dada en diagonalmente dominante. Si se demuestra lo contrario, se devuelve un mensaje apropiado al usuario.
- Cálculo e impresión del resultado final así como de las iteraciones.
Implementación en Java:
// Implementing Gauss Seidel Method in Java import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.StringTokenizer; class GFG { // we set a max number of iterations to // prevent an infinite loop public static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 100; private double[][] M; public GFG(double[][] matrix) { M = matrix; } public void print() // printing { int n = M.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n + 1; j++) System.out.print(M[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } } // attempting to change a matrix to dominant // if proved that it is not public boolean transformToDominant(int r, boolean[] V, int[] R) { int n = M.length; if (r == M.length) { double[][] T = new double[n][n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < R.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n + 1; j++) T[i][j] = M[R[i]][j]; } M = T; return true; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (V[i]) continue; double sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) sum += Math.abs(M[i][j]); if (2 * Math.abs(M[i][r]) > sum) { // diagonally dominant? V[i] = true; R[r] = i; if (transformToDominant(r + 1, V, R)) return true; V[i] = false; } } return false; } // method to check whether matrix is // diagonally dominant or not public boolean makeDominant() { boolean[] visited = new boolean[M.length]; int[] rows = new int[M.length]; Arrays.fill(visited, false); return transformToDominant(0, visited, rows); } // method to find the solution of the matrix // after all conditions are satisfied public void solve() { int iterations = 0; int n = M.length; double epsilon = 1e-15; double[] X = new double[n]; // Approximations double[] P = new double[n]; // Prev Arrays.fill(X, 0); while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double sum = M[i][n]; // b_n for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (j != i) sum -= M[i][j] * X[j]; // Update xi to use in the next // row calculation X[i] = 1 / M[i][i] * sum; } System.out.print("X" + iterations + " = {"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out.print(X[i] + " "); System.out.println("}"); iterations++; if (iterations == 1) continue; boolean stop = true; for (int i = 0; i < n && stop; i++) if (Math.abs(X[i] - P[i]) > epsilon) stop = false; if (stop || iterations == MAX_ITERATIONS) break; P = (double[])X.clone(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); int n = 2, k = 1; double[][] M = new double[n][n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n + 1; j++) M[i][j] = k++; } GFG gausSeidel = new GFG(M); if (!gausSeidel.makeDominant()) { // if it is found that a matrix cannot be // changed into diagonally dominant then we // return the message to the user writer.println( "The system isn't diagonally dominant: " + "The method cannot guarantee convergence."); } writer.println(); gausSeidel.print(); gausSeidel.solve(); } }
The system isn't diagonally dominant: The method cannot guarantee convergence. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 X0 = {3.0 -1.2000000000000002 } X1 = {5.4 -3.1200000000000006 } X2 = {9.240000000000002 -6.192000000000002 } X3 = {15.384000000000004 -11.107200000000004 } X4 = {25.21440000000001 -18.97152000000001 } X5 = {40.94304000000002 -31.554432000000016 } X6 = {66.10886400000004 -51.68709120000003 } X7 = {106.37418240000007 -83.89934592000006 } X8 = {170.79869184000012 -135.4389534720001 } X9 = {273.8779069440002 -217.90232555520015 } X10 = {438.8046511104003 -349.84372088832026 } X11 = {702.6874417766405 -560.9499534213124 } X12 = {1124.899906842625 -898.7199254740999 } X13 = {1800.4398509481998 -1439.1518807585599 } X14 = {2881.3037615171197 -2303.843009213696 } X15 = {4610.686018427392 -3687.348814741914 } X16 = {7377.697629483828 -5900.958103587062 } X17 = {11804.916207174125 -9442.7329657393 } X18 = {18888.4659314786 -15109.57274518288 } X19 = {30222.14549036576 -24176.51639229261 } X20 = {48356.03278458522 -38683.62622766818 } X21 = {77370.25245533636 -61895.00196426909 } X22 = {123793.00392853818 -99033.20314283055 } X23 = {198069.4062856611 -158454.3250285289 } X24 = {316911.6500570578 -253528.12004564624 } X25 = {507059.2400912925 -405646.192073034 } X26 = {811295.384146068 -649035.1073168544 } X27 = {1298073.2146337088 -1038457.3717069671 } X28 = {2076917.7434139343 -1661532.9947311475 } X29 = {3323068.989462295 -2658453.991569836 } X30 = {5316910.983139672 -4253527.586511738 } X31 = {8507058.173023475 -6805645.338418781 } X32 = {1.3611293676837562E7 -1.088903374147005E7 } X33 = {2.17780704829401E7 -1.742245518635208E7 } X34 = {3.484491337270416E7 -2.787592949816333E7 } X35 = {5.575186199632666E7 -4.460148839706133E7 } X36 = {8.920297979412267E7 -7.136238263529813E7 } X37 = {1.4272476827059627E8 -1.1417981341647702E8 } X38 = {2.2835962983295405E8 -1.8268770266636324E8 } X39 = {3.653754083327265E8 -2.923003254661812E8 } X40 = {5.846006539323624E8 -4.6768052194588995E8 } X41 = {9.353610468917799E8 -7.48288836313424E8 } X42 = {1.496577675626848E9 -1.1972621393014784E9 } X43 = {2.394524281602957E9 -1.9156194240823655E9 } X44 = {3.831238851164731E9 -3.064991079731785E9 } X45 = {6.12998216246357E9 -4.903985728770856E9 } X46 = {9.807971460541712E9 -7.84637716723337E9 } X47 = {1.569275433746674E10 -1.2554203468773392E10 } X48 = {2.5108406940546783E10 -2.0086725551237427E10 } X49 = {4.017345110547485E10 -3.2138760883179886E10 } X50 = {6.427752176935977E10 -5.142201741428782E10 } X51 = {1.0284403483157564E11 -8.227522786406052E10 } X52 = {1.6455045573112103E11 -1.3164036458369684E11 } X53 = {2.6328072917039368E11 -2.1062458333511496E11 } X54 = {4.212491666732299E11 -3.36999333337384E11 } X55 = {6.73998666677768E11 -5.391989333410144E11 } X56 = {1.0783978666850288E12 -8.627182933468231E11 } X57 = {1.7254365866966462E12 -1.3803492693561172E12 } X58 = {2.7606985387152344E12 -2.208558830970988E12 } X59 = {4.417117661944976E12 -3.533694129554781E12 } X60 = {7.067388259112562E12 -5.65391060728885E12 } X61 = {1.13078212145807E13 -9.04625697166336E12 } X62 = {1.809251394332972E13 -1.4474011154662576E13 } X63 = {2.8948022309328152E13 -2.3158417847461324E13 } X64 = {4.631683569492565E13 -3.705346855593932E13 } X65 = {7.410693711188164E13 -5.928554968950412E13 } X66 = {1.1857109937901123E14 -9.48568795032078E13 } X67 = {1.897137590064186E14 -1.517710072051337E14 } X68 = {3.035420144102704E14 -2.4283361152821512E14 } X69 = {4.8566722305643325E14 -3.8853377844514544E14 } X70 = {7.770675568902939E14 -6.216540455122339E14 } X71 = {1.2433080910244708E15 -9.946464728195755E14 } X72 = {1.989292945639154E15 -1.591434356511322E15 } X73 = {3.182868713022647E15 -2.5462949704181165E15 } X74 = {5.092589940836236E15 -4.0740719526689875E15 } X75 = {8.148143905337978E15 -6.518515124270381E15 } X76 = {1.3037030248540764E16 -1.042962419883261E16 } X77 = {2.0859248397665224E16 -1.668739871813218E16 } X78 = {3.3374797436264364E16 -2.6699837949011492E16 } X79 = {5.3399675898022984E16 -4.2719740718418392E16 } X80 = {8.5439481436836784E16 -6.8351585149469432E16 } X81 = {1.36703170298938864E17 -1.09362536239151104E17 } X82 = {2.18725072478302208E17 -1.74980057982641792E17 } X83 = {3.4996011596528358E17 -2.7996809277222688E17 } X84 = {5.5993618554445376E17 -4.4794894843556301E17 } X85 = {8.9589789687112602E17 -7.1671831749690086E17 } X86 = {1.43343663499380173E18 -1.14674930799504141E18 } X87 = {2.29349861599008282E18 -1.8347988927920663E18 } X88 = {3.6695977855841326E18 -2.9356782284673065E18 } X89 = {5.871356456934613E18 -4.697085165547691E18 } X90 = {9.394170331095382E18 -7.5153362648763064E18 } X91 = {1.5030672529752613E19 -1.2024538023802092E19 } X92 = {2.4049076047604183E19 -1.9239260838083346E19 } X93 = {3.847852167616669E19 -3.0782817340933358E19 } X94 = {6.1565634681866715E19 -4.925250774549338E19 } X95 = {9.850501549098675E19 -7.880401239278941E19 } X96 = {1.5760802478557882E20 -1.2608641982846306E20 } X97 = {2.5217283965692612E20 -2.017382717255409E20 } X98 = {4.034765434510818E20 -3.227812347608655E20 } X99 = {6.45562469521731E20 -5.164499756173848E20 }
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