Imprima números binarios de N bits que tengan más 1 que 0 en todos los prefijos

Dado un entero positivo n, imprima todos los números binarios de n bits que tengan más 1 que 0 para cualquier prefijo del número.


Input : n = 2
Output : 11 10

Input : n = 4
Output : 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010

Una solución simple pero no eficiente será generar todos los números binarios de N bits e imprimir aquellos números que satisfagan las condiciones. La complejidad temporal de esta solución es exponencial. 

Una solución eficiente es generar solo aquellos números de N bits que satisfagan las condiciones dadas. Usamos la recursión. En cada punto de la recursión, agregamos 0 y 1 al número parcialmente formado y recurrimos con un dígito menos. 



// C++ program to print all N-bit binary
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
/* function to generate n  digit numbers*/
void printRec(string number, int extraOnes,
              int remainingPlaces)
    /* if number generated */
    if (0 == remainingPlaces) {
        cout << number << " ";
    /* Append 1 at the current number and reduce
       the remaining places by one */
    printRec(number + "1", extraOnes + 1,
             remainingPlaces - 1);
    /* If more ones than zeros, append 0 to the
       current number and reduce the remaining
       places by one*/
    if (0 < extraOnes)
        printRec(number + "0", extraOnes - 1,
                 remainingPlaces - 1);
void printNums(int n)
    string str = "";
    printRec(str, 0, n);
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 4;
    // Function call
    return 0;


// Java program to print all N-bit binary
class GFG {
    // function to generate n digit numbers
    static void printRec(String number,
                         int extraOnes,
                         int remainingPlaces)
        // if number generated
        if (0 == remainingPlaces) {
            System.out.print(number + " ");
        // Append 1 at the current number and
        // reduce the remaining places by one
        printRec(number + "1", extraOnes + 1,
                 remainingPlaces - 1);
        // If more ones than zeros, append 0 to the
        // current number and reduce the remaining
        // places by one
        if (0 < extraOnes)
            printRec(number + "0", extraOnes - 1,
                     remainingPlaces - 1);
    static void printNums(int n)
        String str = "";
        printRec(str, 0, n);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 4;
        // Function call
// This code is contributed by vt_m


# Python 3 program to print all N-bit binary
# function to generate n digit numbers
def printRec(number, extraOnes, remainingPlaces):
    # if number generated
    if (0 == remainingPlaces):
        print(number, end=" ")
    # Append 1 at the current number and
    # reduce the remaining places by one
    printRec(number + "1", extraOnes + 1,
             remainingPlaces - 1)
    # If more ones than zeros, append 0 to
    # the current number and reduce the
    # remaining places by one
    if (0 < extraOnes):
        printRec(number + "0", extraOnes - 1,
                 remainingPlaces - 1)
def printNums(n):
    str = ""
    printRec(str, 0, n)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 4
    # Function call
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar


// C# program to print all N-bit binary
using System;
class GFG {
    // function to generate n digit numbers
    static void printRec(String number,
                         int extraOnes,
                         int remainingPlaces)
        // if number generated
        if (0 == remainingPlaces)
            Console.Write(number + " ");
        // Append 1 at the current number and
        // reduce the remaining places by one
        printRec(number + "1", extraOnes + 1,
                 remainingPlaces - 1);
        // If more ones than zeros, append
        // 0 to the current number and
        // reduce the remaining places
        // by one
        if (0 < extraOnes)
            printRec(number + "0", extraOnes - 1,
                     remainingPlaces - 1);
    static void printNums(int n)
        String str = "";
        printRec(str, 0, n);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int n = 4;
        // Function call
// This code is contributed by Nitin Mittal.


// PHP program to print all N-bit binary
// function to generate n digit numbers
function printRec($number, $extraOnes,
    // if number generated
    if (0 == $remainingPlaces)
        echo( $number . " ");
    // Append 1 at the current number and
    // reduce the remaining places by one
    printRec($number . "1", $extraOnes + 1,
                      $remainingPlaces - 1);
    // If more ones than zeros, append 0 to the
    // current number and reduce the remaining
    // places by one
    if (0 < $extraOnes)
        printRec($number . "0", $extraOnes - 1,
                          $remainingPlaces - 1);
function printNums($n)
    $str = "";
    printRec($str, 0, $n);
// Driver Code
$n = 4;
// Function call
// This code is contributed by Mukul Singh.


// Javascript program to print all N-bit binary
    // function to generate n digit numbers
   function printRec(number, extraOnes, remainingPlaces)
        // if number generated
        if (0 == remainingPlaces) {
            document.write(number + " ");
        // Append 1 at the current number and
        // reduce the remaining places by one
        printRec(number + "1", extraOnes + 1,
                 remainingPlaces - 1);
        // If more ones than zeros, append 0 to the
        // current number and reduce the remaining
        // places by one
        if (0 < extraOnes)
            printRec(number + "0", extraOnes - 1,
                     remainingPlaces - 1);
    function printNums(n)
        let str = "";
        printRec(str, 0, n);
// driver function
        let n = 4;
        // Function call

1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 

Complejidad temporal: O(n)
Espacio auxiliar: O(n)

También existe una solución no recursiva, la idea es generar directamente los números en el rango de 2 N a 2 (N-1) y luego requerir, solo estos que satisfacen la condición:



// C++ program to print all N-bit binary
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to get the binary representation
// of the number N
string getBinaryRep(int N, int num_of_bits)
    string r = "";
    // loop for each bit
    while (num_of_bits >= 0)
        if (N & (1 << num_of_bits))
    return r;
vector<string> NBitBinary(int N)
    vector<string> r;
    int first = 1 << (N - 1);
    int last = first * 2;
    // generate numbers in the range of (2^N)-1 to 2^(N-1)
    // inclusive
    for (int i = last - 1; i >= first; --i)
        int zero_cnt = 0;
        int one_cnt = 0;
        int t = i;
        int num_of_bits = 0;
        // longest prefix check
        while (t)
            if (t & 1)
            t = t >> 1;
        // if counts of 1 is greater than
        // counts of zero
        if (one_cnt >= zero_cnt)
            // do sub-prefixes check
            bool all_prefix_match = true;
            int msk = (1 << num_of_bits) - 2;
            int prefix_shift = 1;
            while (msk)
                int prefix = (msk & i) >> prefix_shift;
                int prefix_one_cnt = 0;
                int prefix_zero_cnt = 0;
                while (prefix)
                    if (prefix & 1)
                    prefix = prefix >> 1;
                if (prefix_zero_cnt > prefix_one_cnt)
                    all_prefix_match = false;
                msk = msk & (msk << 1);
            if (all_prefix_match)
                r.push_back(getBinaryRep(i, num_of_bits));
    return r;
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 4;
    // Function call
    vector<string> results = NBitBinary(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i)
        cout << results[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to print all N-bit binary
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  // Function to get the binary representation
  // of the number N
  static String getBinaryRep(int N, int num_of_bits)
    String r = "";
    // loop for each bit
    while (num_of_bits >= 0)
      if ((N & (1 << num_of_bits))!=0)
        r += "1";
        r += "0";
    return r;
  static ArrayList<String> NBitBinary(int N)
    ArrayList<String> r = new ArrayList<String>();
    int first = 1 << (N - 1);
    int last = first * 2;
    // generate numbers in the range of (2^N)-1 to 2^(N-1)
    // inclusive
    for (int i = last - 1; i >= first; --i)
      int zero_cnt = 0;
      int one_cnt = 0;
      int t = i;
      int num_of_bits = 0;
      // longest prefix check
      while (t > 0)
        if ((t & 1) != 0)
        t = t >> 1;
      // if counts of 1 is greater than
      // counts of zero
      if (one_cnt >= zero_cnt)
        // do sub-prefixes check
        boolean all_prefix_match = true;
        int msk = (1 << num_of_bits) - 2;
        int prefix_shift = 1;
        while (msk > 0)
          int prefix = (msk & i) >> prefix_shift;
          int prefix_one_cnt = 0;
          int prefix_zero_cnt = 0;
          while (prefix > 0)
            if ((prefix & 1)!=0)
            prefix = prefix >> 1;
          if (prefix_zero_cnt > prefix_one_cnt)
            all_prefix_match = false;
          msk = msk & (msk << 1);
        if (all_prefix_match)
          r.add(getBinaryRep(i, num_of_bits));
    return r;
  // Driver code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    int n = 4;
    // Function call
    ArrayList<String> results = NBitBinary(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i)
      System.out.print(results.get(i)+" ");
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155


# Python3 program to print
# all N-bit binary
# Function to get the binary
# representation of the number N
def getBinaryRep(N, num_of_bits):
    r = "";
    num_of_bits -= 1
    # loop for each bit
    while (num_of_bits >= 0):   
        if (N & (1 << num_of_bits)):
            r += ("1");
            r += ("0");
        num_of_bits -= 1
    return r;
def NBitBinary(N):
    r = []
    first = 1 << (N - 1);
    last = first * 2;
    # generate numbers in the range
    # of (2^N)-1 to 2^(N-1) inclusive
    for i in range (last - 1,
                    first - 1, -1):   
        zero_cnt = 0;
        one_cnt = 0;
        t = i;
        num_of_bits = 0;
        # longest prefix check
        while (t):       
            if (t & 1):
                one_cnt += 1
                zero_cnt += 1
            num_of_bits += 1
            t = t >> 1;       
        # if counts of 1 is greater
        # than counts of zero
        if (one_cnt >= zero_cnt):
            # do sub-prefixes check
            all_prefix_match = True;
            msk = (1 << num_of_bits) - 2;
            prefix_shift = 1;
            while (msk):           
                prefix = ((msk & i) >>
                prefix_one_cnt = 0;
                prefix_zero_cnt = 0;
                while (prefix):               
                    if (prefix & 1):
                        prefix_one_cnt += 1
                        prefix_zero_cnt += 1
                    prefix = prefix >> 1;
                if (prefix_zero_cnt >
                    all_prefix_match = False;
                prefix_shift += 1
                msk = msk & (msk << 1);
            if (all_prefix_match):           
    return r
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 4;
    # Function call
    results = NBitBinary(n);
    for i in range (len(results)):
        print (results[i],
               end = " ")
    print ()
# This code is contributed by Chitranayal


// C# program to print all N-bit binary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to get the binary representation
// of the number N
static string getBinaryRep(int N, int num_of_bits)
    string r = "";
    // loop for each bit
    while (num_of_bits >= 0)
        if ((N & (1 << num_of_bits)) != 0)
            r += "1";
            r += "0";
    return r;
static List<string> NBitBinary(int N)
    List<string> r = new List<string>();
    int first = 1 << (N - 1);
    int last = first * 2;
    // Generate numbers in the range of (2^N)-1 to 2^(N-1)
    // inclusive
    for(int i = last - 1; i >= first; --i)
        int zero_cnt = 0;
        int one_cnt = 0;
        int t = i;
        int num_of_bits = 0;
        // longest prefix check
        while (t > 0)
            if ((t & 1) != 0)
            t = t >> 1;
        // If counts of 1 is greater than
        // counts of zero
        if (one_cnt >= zero_cnt)
            // Do sub-prefixes check
            bool all_prefix_match = true;
            int msk = (1 << num_of_bits) - 2;
            int prefix_shift = 1;
            while (msk > 0)
                int prefix = (msk & i) >> prefix_shift;
                int prefix_one_cnt = 0;
                int prefix_zero_cnt = 0;
                while (prefix > 0)
                    if ((prefix & 1)!=0)
                    prefix = prefix >> 1;
                if (prefix_zero_cnt > prefix_one_cnt)
                    all_prefix_match = false;
                msk = msk & (msk << 1);
            if (all_prefix_match)
                r.Add(getBinaryRep(i, num_of_bits));
    return r;
// Driver code
static public void Main()
    int n = 4;
    // Function call
    List<string> results = NBitBinary(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; ++i)
        Console.Write(results[i] + " ");
// This code is contributed by rag2127


    // Javascript program to print all N-bit binary
    // Function to get the binary representation
    // of the number N
    function getBinaryRep(N, num_of_bits)
      let r = "";
      // loop for each bit
      while (num_of_bits >= 0)
        if ((N & (1 << num_of_bits))!=0)
          r += "1";
          r += "0";
      return r;
    function NBitBinary(N)
      let r = [];
      let first = 1 << (N - 1);
      let last = first * 2;
      // generate numbers in the range of (2^N)-1 to 2^(N-1)
      // inclusive
      for (let i = last - 1; i >= first; --i)
        let zero_cnt = 0;
        let one_cnt = 0;
        let t = i;
        let num_of_bits = 0;
        // longest prefix check
        while (t > 0)
          if ((t & 1) != 0)
          t = t >> 1;
        // if counts of 1 is greater than
        // counts of zero
        if (one_cnt >= zero_cnt)
          // do sub-prefixes check
          let all_prefix_match = true;
          let msk = (1 << num_of_bits) - 2;
          let prefix_shift = 1;
          while (msk > 0)
            let prefix = (msk & i) >> prefix_shift;
            let prefix_one_cnt = 0;
            let prefix_zero_cnt = 0;
            while (prefix > 0)
              if ((prefix & 1)!=0)
              prefix = prefix >> 1;
            if (prefix_zero_cnt > prefix_one_cnt)
              all_prefix_match = false;
            msk = msk & (msk << 1);
          if (all_prefix_match)
            r.push(getBinaryRep(i, num_of_bits));
      return r;
    let n = 4;
    // Function call
    let results = NBitBinary(n);
    for (let i = 0; i < results.length; ++i)
      document.write(results[i]+" ");
// This code is contributed by mukesh07.

1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 

Tiempo Complejidad: O(m*n)
Espacio Auxiliar: O(n)

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