Inserción, búsqueda y eliminación en árboles AVL que contienen un puntero de Node principal

El árbol AVL es un árbol de búsqueda binaria (BST) autoequilibrado donde la diferencia entre las alturas de los subárboles izquierdo y derecho no puede ser más de uno para todos los Nodes. La inserción y eliminación en árboles AVL se han discutido en el artículo anterior . En este artículo, se analizan las operaciones de inserción, búsqueda y eliminación en árboles AVL que también tienen un puntero principal en su estructura .

Definición de Node de árbol AVL:


struct AVLwithparent {
    // Pointer to the left and the
    // right subtree
    struct AVLwithparent* left;
    struct AVLwithparent* right;
    // Stores the data in the node
    int key;
    // Stores the parent pointer
    struct AVLwithparent* par;
    // Stores the height of the
    // current tree
    int height;

Node: 30, Parent Node: NULL
Node: 20, Parent Node: 30
Node: 10, Parent Node: 20
Node: 25, Parent Node: 20
Node: 40, Parent Node: 30
Node: 50, Parent Node: 40

Representación del Node :

A continuación se muestra el ejemplo de un árbol AVL que contiene un puntero principal:

Operación de inserción: el procedimiento de inserción es similar al de un árbol AVL normal sin un puntero principal, pero en este caso, los punteros principales deben actualizarse con cada inserción y rotación en consecuencia. Siga los pasos a continuación para realizar la operación de inserción:

  • Realice una inserción BST estándar para que el Node se coloque en su posición correcta.
  • Aumente la altura de cada Node encontrado en 1 mientras encuentra la posición correcta para insertar el Node.
  • Actualice los punteros principal y secundario del Node insertado y su principal respectivamente.
  • Desde el Node insertado hasta el Node raíz, verifique si se cumple la condición AVL para cada Node en esta ruta.
  • Si w es el Node donde la condición AVL no se cumple, entonces tenemos 4 casos:
    • Caso izquierdo izquierdo: (si el subárbol izquierdo del hijo izquierdo de w tiene el Node insertado)
    • Caso izquierdo derecho: (si el subárbol derecho del hijo izquierdo de w tiene el Node insertado)
    • Caso derecho izquierdo: (si el subárbol izquierdo del hijo derecho de w tiene el Node insertado)
    • Right Right Case: (si el subárbol derecho del hijo derecho de w tiene el Node insertado)

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// AVL tree node
struct AVLwithparent {
    struct AVLwithparent* left;
    struct AVLwithparent* right;
    int key;
    struct AVLwithparent* par;
    int height;
// Function to update the height of
// a node according to its children's
// node's heights
void Updateheight(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    if (root != NULL) {
        // Store the height of the
        // current node
        int val = 1;
        // Store the height of the left
        // and right subtree
        if (root->left != NULL)
            val = root->left->height + 1;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            val = max(
                val, root->right->height + 1);
        // Update the height of the
        // current node
        root->height = val;
// Function to handle Left Left Case
struct AVLwithparent* LLR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Create a reference to the
    // left child
    struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root->left;
    // Update the left child of the
    // root to the right child of the
    // current left child of the root
    root->left = tmpnode->right;
    // Update parent pointer of the
    // left child of the root node
    if (tmpnode->right != NULL)
        tmpnode->right->par = root;
    // Update the right child of
    // tmpnode to root
    tmpnode->right = root;
    // Update parent pointer of
    // the tmpnode
    tmpnode->par = root->par;
    // Update the parent pointer
    // of the root
    root->par = tmpnode;
    // Update tmpnode as the left or the
    // right child of its parent pointer
    // according to its key value
    if (tmpnode->par != NULL
        && root->key < tmpnode->par->key) {
        tmpnode->par->left = tmpnode;
    else {
        if (tmpnode->par != NULL)
            tmpnode->par->right = tmpnode;
    // Make tmpnode as the new root
    root = tmpnode;
    // Update the heights
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to handle Right Right Case
struct AVLwithparent* RRR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Create a reference to the
    // right child
    struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root->right;
    // Update the right child of the
    // root as the left child of the
    // current right child of the root
    root->right = tmpnode->left;
    // Update parent pointer of the
    // right child of the root node
    if (tmpnode->left != NULL)
        tmpnode->left->par = root;
    // Update the left child of the
    // tmpnode to root
    tmpnode->left = root;
    // Update parent pointer of
    // the tmpnode
    tmpnode->par = root->par;
    // Update the parent pointer
    // of the root
    root->par = tmpnode;
    // Update tmpnode as the left or
    // the right child of its parent
    // pointer according to its key value
    if (tmpnode->par != NULL
        && root->key < tmpnode->par->key) {
        tmpnode->par->left = tmpnode;
    else {
        if (tmpnode->par != NULL)
            tmpnode->par->right = tmpnode;
    // Make tmpnode as the new root
    root = tmpnode;
    // Update the heights
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to handle Left Right Case
struct AVLwithparent* LRR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    root->left = RRR(root->left);
    return LLR(root);
// Function to handle right left case
struct AVLwithparent* RLR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    root->right = LLR(root->right);
    return RRR(root);
// Function to insert a node in
// the AVL tree
struct AVLwithparent* Insert(
    struct AVLwithparent* root,
    struct AVLwithparent* parent,
    int key)
    if (root == NULL) {
        // Create and assign values
        // to a new node
        root = new struct AVLwithparent;
        // If the root is NULL
        if (root == NULL) {
            cout << "Error in memory"
                 << endl;
        // Otherwise
        else {
            root->height = 1;
            root->left = NULL;
            root->right = NULL;
            root->par = parent;
            root->key = key;
    else if (root->key > key) {
        // Recur to the left subtree
        // to insert the node
        root->left = Insert(root->left,
                            root, key);
        // Store the heights of the
        // left and right subtree
        int firstheight = 0;
        int secondheight = 0;
        if (root->left != NULL)
            firstheight = root->left->height;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            secondheight = root->right->height;
        // Balance the tree if the
        // current node is not balanced
        if (abs(firstheight
                - secondheight)
            == 2) {
            if (root->left != NULL
                && key < root->left->key) {
                // Left Left Case
                root = LLR(root);
            else {
                // Left Right Case
                root = LRR(root);
    else if (root->key < key) {
        // Recur to the right subtree
        // to insert the node
        root->right = Insert(root->right,
                             root, key);
        // Store the heights of the
        // left and right subtree
        int firstheight = 0;
        int secondheight = 0;
        if (root->left != NULL)
                = root->left->height;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            secondheight = root->right->height;
        // Balance the tree if the
        // current node is not balanced
        if (abs(firstheight - secondheight) == 2) {
            if (root->right != NULL
                && key < root->right->key) {
                // Right Left Case
                root = RLR(root);
            else {
                // Right Right Case
                root = RRR(root);
    // Case when given key is already
    // in the tree
    else {
    // Update the height of the
    // root node
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to print the preorder
// traversal of the AVL tree
void printpreorder(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Print the node's value along
    // with its parent value
    cout << "Node: " << root->key
         << ", Parent Node: ";
    if (root->par != NULL)
        cout << root->par->key << endl;
        cout << "NULL" << endl;
    // Recur to the left subtree
    if (root->left != NULL) {
    // Recur to the right subtree
    if (root->right != NULL) {
// Driver Code
int main()
    struct AVLwithparent* root;
    root = NULL;
    // Function Call to insert nodes
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 10);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 20);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 30);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 40);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 50);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 25);
    // Function call to print the tree

Node: 30, Parent Node: NULL
Node: 20, Parent Node: 30
Node: 10, Parent Node: 20
Node: 25, Parent Node: 20
Node: 40, Parent Node: 30
Node: 50, Parent Node: 40

Complejidad temporal: O(log N), donde N es el número de Nodes del árbol .
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Operación de búsqueda: la operación de búsqueda en un árbol AVL con punteros principales es similar a la operación de búsqueda en un árbol de búsqueda binaria normal . Siga los pasos a continuación para realizar la operación de búsqueda:

  • Comience desde el Node raíz.
  • Si el Node raíz es NULL , devuelve falso .
  • Compruebe si el valor del Node actual es igual al valor del Node que se va a buscar. En caso afirmativo, devuelve verdadero .
  • Si el valor del Node actual es menor que la clave buscada, vuelva al subárbol derecho.
  • Si el valor del Node actual es mayor que la clave buscada, vuelva al subárbol izquierdo.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// AVL tree node
struct AVLwithparent {
    struct AVLwithparent* left;
    struct AVLwithparent* right;
    int key;
    struct AVLwithparent* par;
    int height;
// Function to update the height of
// a node according to its children's
// node's heights
void Updateheight(struct AVLwithparent* root)
    if (root != NULL) {
        // Store the height of the
        // current node
        int val = 1;
        // Store the height of the left
        // and the right subtree
        if (root->left != NULL)
            val = root->left->height + 1;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            val = max(
                val, root->right->height + 1);
        // Update the height of the
        // current node
        root->height = val;
// Function to handle Left Left Case
struct AVLwithparent* LLR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Create a reference to the
    // left child
    struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root->left;
    // Update the left child of the
    // root to the right child of the
    // current left child of the root
    root->left = tmpnode->right;
    // Update parent pointer of the left
    // child of the root node
    if (tmpnode->right != NULL)
        tmpnode->right->par = root;
    // Update the right child of
    // tmpnode to root
    tmpnode->right = root;
    // Update parent pointer of tmpnode
    tmpnode->par = root->par;
    // Update the parent pointer of root
    root->par = tmpnode;
    // Update tmpnode as the left or
    // the right child of its parent
    // pointer according to its key value
    if (tmpnode->par != NULL
        && root->key < tmpnode->par->key) {
        tmpnode->par->left = tmpnode;
    else {
        if (tmpnode->par != NULL)
            tmpnode->par->right = tmpnode;
    // Make tmpnode as the new root
    root = tmpnode;
    // Update the heights
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to handle Right Right Case
struct AVLwithparent* RRR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Create a reference to the
    // right child
    struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root->right;
    // Update the right child of the
    // root as the left child of the
    // current right child of the root
    root->right = tmpnode->left;
    // Update parent pointer of the right
    // child of the root node
    if (tmpnode->left != NULL)
        tmpnode->left->par = root;
    // Update the left child of the
    // tmpnode to root
    tmpnode->left = root;
    // Update parent pointer of tmpnode
    tmpnode->par = root->par;
    // Update the parent pointer of root
    root->par = tmpnode;
    // Update tmpnode as the left or
    // the right child of its parent
    // pointer according to its key value
    if (tmpnode->par != NULL
        && root->key < tmpnode->par->key) {
        tmpnode->par->left = tmpnode;
    else {
        if (tmpnode->par != NULL)
            tmpnode->par->right = tmpnode;
    // Make tmpnode as the new root
    root = tmpnode;
    // Update the heights
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to handle Left Right Case
struct AVLwithparent* LRR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    root->left = RRR(root->left);
    return LLR(root);
// Function to handle right left case
struct AVLwithparent* RLR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    root->right = LLR(root->right);
    return RRR(root);
// Function to insert a node in
// the AVL tree
struct AVLwithparent* Insert(
    struct AVLwithparent* root,
    struct AVLwithparent* parent,
    int key)
    if (root == NULL) {
        // Create and assign values
        // to a new node
        root = new struct AVLwithparent;
        if (root == NULL) {
            cout << "Error in memory" << endl;
        // Otherwise
        else {
            root->height = 1;
            root->left = NULL;
            root->right = NULL;
            root->par = parent;
            root->key = key;
    else if (root->key > key) {
        // Recur to the left subtree
        // to insert the node
        root->left = Insert(root->left,
                            root, key);
        // Stores the heights of the
        // left and right subtree
        int firstheight = 0;
        int secondheight = 0;
        if (root->left != NULL)
            firstheight = root->left->height;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            secondheight = root->right->height;
        // Balance the tree if the
        // current node is not balanced
        if (abs(firstheight
                - secondheight)
            == 2) {
            if (root->left != NULL
                && key < root->left->key) {
                // Left Left Case
                root = LLR(root);
            else {
                // Left Right Case
                root = LRR(root);
    else if (root->key < key) {
        // Recur to the right subtree
        // to insert the node
        root->right = Insert(root->right, root, key);
        // Store the heights of the left
        // and right subtree
        int firstheight = 0;
        int secondheight = 0;
        if (root->left != NULL)
            firstheight = root->left->height;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            secondheight = root->right->height;
        // Balance the tree if the
        // current node is not balanced
        if (abs(firstheight
                - secondheight)
            == 2) {
            if (root->right != NULL
                && key < root->right->key) {
                // Right Left Case
                root = RLR(root);
            else {
                // Right Right Case
                root = RRR(root);
    // Case when given key is
    // already in tree
    else {
    // Update the height of the
    // root node
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to find a key in AVL tree
bool AVLsearch(
    struct AVLwithparent* root, int key)
    // If root is NULL
    if (root == NULL)
        return false;
    // If found, return true
    else if (root->key == key)
        return true;
    // Recur to the left subtree if
    // the current node's value is
    // greater than key
    else if (root->key > key) {
        bool val = AVLsearch(root->left, key);
        return val;
    // Otherwise, recur to the
    // right subtree
    else {
        bool val = AVLsearch(root->right, key);
        return val;
// Driver Code
int main()
    struct AVLwithparent* root;
    root = NULL;
    // Function call to insert the nodes
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 10);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 20);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 30);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 40);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 50);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 25);
    // Function call to search for a node
    bool found = AVLsearch(root, 40);
    if (found)
        cout << "value found";
        cout << "value not found";
    return 0;

value found

Complejidad Temporal: O(log N), donde N es el número de Nodes del árbol
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Operación de eliminación: el procedimiento de eliminación es similar al de un árbol AVL normal sin un puntero principal, pero en este caso, las referencias a los punteros principales deben actualizarse con cada eliminación y rotación en consecuencia. Siga los pasos a continuación para realizar la operación de eliminación:

  • Realice el procedimiento de borrado como en un BST normal .
  • Desde el Node que se ha eliminado, muévase hacia la raíz.
  • En cada Node de la ruta, actualice la altura del Node.
  • Compruebe las condiciones de AVL en cada Node. Sean 3 Nodes: w, x, y donde w es el Node actual, x es la raíz del subárbol de w que tiene mayor altura e y es la raíz del subárbol de x que tiene mayor altura.
  • Si el Node w está desequilibrado, existe uno de los siguientes 4 casos:
    • Left Left Case ( x es el hijo izquierdo de w y y es el hijo izquierdo de x )
    • Caso izquierdo derecho ( x es el hijo izquierdo de w y y es el hijo derecho de x )
    • Caso derecho izquierdo ( x es el hijo derecho de w y y es el hijo izquierdo de x )
    • Right Right Case ( x es el hijo derecho de w y y es el hijo derecho de x )

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// AVL tree node
struct AVLwithparent {
    struct AVLwithparent* left;
    struct AVLwithparent* right;
    int key;
    struct AVLwithparent* par;
    int height;
// Function to print the preorder
// traversal of the AVL tree
void printpreorder(struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Print the node's value along
    // with its parent value
    cout << "Node: " << root->key
         << ", Parent Node: ";
    if (root->par != NULL)
        cout << root->par->key << endl;
        cout << "NULL" << endl;
    // Recur to the left subtree
    if (root->left != NULL) {
    // Recur to the right subtree
    if (root->right != NULL) {
// Function to update the height of
// a node according to its children's
// node's heights
void Updateheight(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    if (root != NULL) {
        // Store the height of the
        // current node
        int val = 1;
        // Store the height of the left
        // and right subtree
        if (root->left != NULL)
            val = root->left->height + 1;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            val = max(
                val, root->right->height + 1);
        // Update the height of the
        // current node
        root->height = val;
// Function to handle Left Left Case
struct AVLwithparent* LLR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Create a reference to the
    // left child
    struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root->left;
    // Update the left child of the
    // root to the right child of the
    // current left child of the root
    root->left = tmpnode->right;
    // Update parent pointer of left
    // child of the root node
    if (tmpnode->right != NULL)
        tmpnode->right->par = root;
    // Update the right child of
    // tmpnode to root
    tmpnode->right = root;
    // Update parent pointer of tmpnode
    tmpnode->par = root->par;
    // Update the parent pointer of root
    root->par = tmpnode;
    // Update tmpnode as the left or
    // the right child of its parent
    // pointer according to its key value
    if (tmpnode->par != NULL
        && root->key < tmpnode->par->key) {
        tmpnode->par->left = tmpnode;
    else {
        if (tmpnode->par != NULL)
            tmpnode->par->right = tmpnode;
    // Make tmpnode as the new root
    root = tmpnode;
    // Update the heights
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to handle Right Right Case
struct AVLwithparent* RRR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Create a reference to the
    // right child
    struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root->right;
    // Update the right child of the
    // root as the left child of the
    // current right child of the root
    root->right = tmpnode->left;
    // Update parent pointer of the
    // right child of the root node
    if (tmpnode->left != NULL)
        tmpnode->left->par = root;
    // Update the left child of the
    // tmpnode to root
    tmpnode->left = root;
    // Update parent pointer of tmpnode
    tmpnode->par = root->par;
    // Update the parent pointer of root
    root->par = tmpnode;
    // Update tmpnode as the left or
    // the right child of its parent
    // pointer according to its key value
    if (tmpnode->par != NULL
        && root->key < tmpnode->par->key) {
        tmpnode->par->left = tmpnode;
    else {
        if (tmpnode->par != NULL)
            tmpnode->par->right = tmpnode;
    // Make tmpnode as the new root
    root = tmpnode;
    // Update the heights
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to handle Left Right Case
struct AVLwithparent* LRR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    root->left = RRR(root->left);
    return LLR(root);
// Function to handle right left case
struct AVLwithparent* RLR(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    root->right = LLR(root->right);
    return RRR(root);
// Function to balance the tree after
// deletion of a node
struct AVLwithparent* Balance(
    struct AVLwithparent* root)
    // Store the current height of
    // the left and right subtree
    int firstheight = 0;
    int secondheight = 0;
    if (root->left != NULL)
        firstheight = root->left->height;
    if (root->right != NULL)
        secondheight = root->right->height;
    // If current node is not balanced
    if (abs(firstheight - secondheight) == 2) {
        if (firstheight < secondheight) {
            // Store the height of the
            // left and right subtree
            // of the current node's
            // right subtree
            int rightheight1 = 0;
            int rightheight2 = 0;
            if (root->right->right != NULL)
                rightheight2 = root->right->right->height;
            if (root->right->left != NULL)
                rightheight1 = root->right->left->height;
            if (rightheight1 > rightheight2) {
                // Right Left Case
                root = RLR(root);
            else {
                // Right Right Case
                root = RRR(root);
        else {
            // Store the height of the
            // left and right subtree
            // of the current node's
            // left subtree
            int leftheight1 = 0;
            int leftheight2 = 0;
            if (root->left->right != NULL)
                leftheight2 = root->left->right->height;
            if (root->left->left != NULL)
                leftheight1 = root->left->left->height;
            if (leftheight1 > leftheight2) {
                // Left Left Case
                root = LLR(root);
            else {
                // Left Right Case
                root = LRR(root);
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to insert a node in
// the AVL tree
struct AVLwithparent* Insert(
    struct AVLwithparent* root,
    struct AVLwithparent* parent,
    int key)
    if (root == NULL) {
        // Create and assign values
        // to a new node
        root = new struct AVLwithparent;
        if (root == NULL)
            cout << "Error in memory" << endl;
        else {
            root->height = 1;
            root->left = NULL;
            root->right = NULL;
            root->par = parent;
            root->key = key;
    else if (root->key > key) {
        // Recur to the left subtree
        // to insert the node
        root->left = Insert(root->left,
                            root, key);
        // Store the heights of the
        // left and right subtree
        int firstheight = 0;
        int secondheight = 0;
        if (root->left != NULL)
            firstheight = root->left->height;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            secondheight = root->right->height;
        // Balance the tree if the
        // current node is not balanced
        if (abs(firstheight
                - secondheight)
            == 2) {
            if (root->left != NULL
                && key < root->left->key) {
                // Left Left Case
                root = LLR(root);
            else {
                // Left Right Case
                root = LRR(root);
    else if (root->key < key) {
        // Recur to the right subtree
        // to insert the node
        root->right = Insert(root->right,
                             root, key);
        // Store the heights of the left
        // and right subtree
        int firstheight = 0;
        int secondheight = 0;
        if (root->left != NULL)
            firstheight = root->left->height;
        if (root->right != NULL)
            secondheight = root->right->height;
        // Balance the tree if the
        // current node is not balanced
        if (abs(firstheight - secondheight) == 2) {
            if (root->right != NULL
                && key < root->right->key) {
                // Right Left Case
                root = RLR(root);
            else {
                // Right Right Case
                root = RRR(root);
    // Case when given key is
    // already in tree
    else {
    // Update the height of the
    // root node
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Function to delete a node from
// the AVL tree
struct AVLwithparent* Delete(
    struct AVLwithparent* root,
    int key)
    if (root != NULL) {
        // If the node is found
        if (root->key == key) {
            // Replace root with its
            // left child
            if (root->right == NULL
                && root->left != NULL) {
                if (root->par != NULL) {
                    if (root->par->key
                        < root->key)
                        root->par->right = root->left;
                        root->par->left = root->left;
                    // Update the height
                    // of root's parent
                root->left->par = root->par;
                // Balance the node
                // after deletion
                root->left = Balance(
                return root->left;
            // Replace root with its
            // right child
            else if (root->left == NULL
                     && root->right != NULL) {
                if (root->par != NULL) {
                    if (root->par->key
                        < root->key)
                        root->par->right = root->right;
                        root->par->left = root->right;
                    // Update the height
                    // of the root's parent
                root->right->par = root->par;
                // Balance the node after
                // deletion
                root->right = Balance(root->right);
                return root->right;
            // Remove the references of
            // the current node
            else if (root->left == NULL
                     && root->right == NULL) {
                if (root->par->key < root->key) {
                    root->par->right = NULL;
                else {
                    root->par->left = NULL;
                if (root->par != NULL)
                root = NULL;
                return NULL;
            // Otherwise, replace the
            // current node with its
            // successor and then
            // recursively call Delete()
            else {
                struct AVLwithparent* tmpnode = root;
                tmpnode = tmpnode->right;
                while (tmpnode->left != NULL) {
                    tmpnode = tmpnode->left;
                int val = tmpnode->key;
                    = Delete(root->right, tmpnode->key);
                root->key = val;
                // Balance the node
                // after deletion
                root = Balance(root);
        // Recur to the right subtree to
        // delete the current node
        else if (root->key < key) {
            root->right = Delete(root->right, key);
            root = Balance(root);
        // Recur into the right subtree
        // to delete the current node
        else if (root->key > key) {
            root->left = Delete(root->left, key);
            root = Balance(root);
        // Update height of the root
        if (root != NULL) {
    // Handle the case when the key to be
    // deleted could not be found
    else {
        cout << "Key to be deleted "
             << "could not be found\n";
    // Return the root node
    return root;
// Driver Code
int main()
    struct AVLwithparent* root;
    root = NULL;
    // Function call to insert the nodes
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 9);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 5);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 10);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 0);
    root = Insert(root, NULL, 6);
    // Print the tree before deleting node
    cout << "Before deletion:\n";
    // Function Call to delete node 10
    root = Delete(root, 10);
    // Print the tree after deleting node
    cout << "After deletion:\n";

Before deletion:
Node: 9, Parent Node: NULL
Node: 5, Parent Node: 9
Node: 0, Parent Node: 5
Node: 6, Parent Node: 5
Node: 10, Parent Node: 9
After deletion:
Node: 6, Parent Node: NULL
Node: 5, Parent Node: 6
Node: 0, Parent Node: 5
Node: 9, Parent Node: 6

Complejidad Temporal: O(log N), donde N es el número de Nodes del árbol
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por akshatsachan y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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