Inserción en un Trie recursivamente

Trie es una estructura de datos de recuperación de información eficiente. Con Trie, las complejidades de búsqueda se pueden llevar a un límite óptimo (longitud de clave). 
Dadas múltiples strings. La tarea es insertar la string en un Trie usando recursividad.

Input : str = {"cat", "there", "caller", "their", "calling"}
Output : caller

                                      /     \    
                                     c       t     
                                     |       |     
                                     a       h     
                                     | \     |     
                                     l  t    e      
                                     |       |  \
                                     l       i   r
                                     | \     |   |
                                     e  i    r   e
                                     |  |
                                     r  n

Input : str = {"Candy", "cat", "Caller", "calling"}
Output : caller
                                      /   | \        
                                     l    n  t       
                                     |    |       
                                     l    d       
                                     | \  |      
                                     e  i y      
                                     |  |
                                     r  n

Enfoque: un enfoque eficiente es tratar cada carácter de la tecla de entrada como un Node trie individual e insertarlo en el trie. Tenga en cuenta que los elementos secundarios son una array de punteros (o referencias) a los Nodes trie del siguiente nivel. El carácter clave actúa como un índice en la array de elementos secundarios. Si la clave de entrada es nueva o una extensión de la clave existente, necesitamos construir Nodes no existentes de la clave y marcar el final de la palabra para el último Node. Si la clave de entrada es un prefijo de la clave existente en Trie, simplemente marcamos el último Node de la clave como el final de una palabra. La longitud de la clave determina la profundidad de Trie.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


using namespace std;
# define CHILDREN 26
# define MAX 100
// Trie node
struct trie
    trie *child[CHILDREN];
    // endOfWord is true if the node represents
    // end of a word
    bool endOfWord;
// Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
trie* createNode()
    trie *temp = new trie();
    temp->endOfWord = false;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < CHILDREN ; i++)
        // Initially , initialize null to the all child
        temp->child[i] = NULL;
    return temp;
// Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
void insertRecursively(trie* itr, string str, int i)
    if(i < str.length())
        int index = str[i] - 'a';
        if(itr->child[index] == NULL )
          // Create a new node
          itr->child[index] = createNode();
      // Recursive call for insertion of string
      insertRecursively(itr->child[index], str, i + 1);
                // Make the endOfWord true which represents
                // the end of string
        itr->endOfWord = true;
// Function call to insert a string
void insert(trie* itr, string str)
        // Function call with necessary arguments
    insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);
// Function to check whether the node is leaf or not
bool isLeafNode(trie* root)
    return root->endOfWord != false;
// Function to display the content of trie
void displayContent(trie* root, char str[], int level)
    // If node is leaf node, it indicates end
    // of string, so a null character is added
    // and string is displayed
    if (isLeafNode(root))
            // Assign a null character in temporary string
        str[level] = '\0';
        cout << str << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)
        // If NON NULL child is found
        // add parent key to str and
        // call the display function recursively
        // for child node
        if (root->child[i])
            str[level] = i + 'a';
            displayContent(root->child[i], str, level + 1);
// Function call for displaying content
void display(trie* itr)
    int level = 0;
    char str[MAX];
    // Function call with necessary arguments
    displayContent(itr, str, level);
// Driver code
int main()
    trie *root = createNode();
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");
    /* After inserting strings, trie will look like
                                        / \
                                        a     t    
                                        |     |    
                                        n     h    
                                        | \ |
                                        s y e    
                                        |     | \
                                        w     i r
                                        |     | |
                                        e     r e
    return 0;   


// Java program to traverse in bottom up manner
import java.util.*;
public class Main
    static int CHILDREN = 26;
    static int MAX = 100;
    static int count = 0;
    // Trie node
    static class trie  {
        public trie[] child;
        // endOfWord is true if the node represents
        // end of a word
        public boolean endOfWord;
        public trie()
            endOfWord = false;
            child = new trie[CHILDREN];
    // Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
    static trie createNode()
        trie temp = new trie();
        temp.endOfWord = false;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < CHILDREN ; i++)
            // Initially , initialize null to the all child
            temp.child[i] = null;
        return temp;
    // Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
    static void insertRecursively(trie itr, String str, int i)
        if(i < str.length())
            int index = str.charAt(i) - 'a';
            if(itr.child[index] == null )
              // Create a new node
              itr.child[index] = createNode();
          // Recursive call for insertion of string
          insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);
                    // Make the endOfWord true which represents
                    // the end of string
            itr.endOfWord = true;
    // Function call to insert a string
    static void insert(trie itr, String str)
        // Function call with necessary arguments
        insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);
    // Function to check whether the node is leaf or not
    static boolean isLeafNode(trie root)
        return root.endOfWord != false;
    // Function to display the content of trie
    static void displayContent(trie root, char[] str, int level)
        // If node is leaf node, it indicates end
        // of string, so a null character is added
        // and string is displayed
        if (isLeafNode(root))
                // Assign a null character in temporary string
            str[level] = '\0';
        for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)
            // If NON NULL child is found
            // add parent key to str and
            // call the display function recursively
            // for child node
            if (root.child[i] != null)
                str[level] = (char)(i + (int)'a');
                displayContent(root.child[i], str, level + 1);
    // Function call for displaying content
    static void display(trie itr)
        int level = 0;
        char[] str = new char[MAX];
        // Function call with necessary arguments
        displayContent(itr, str, level);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        trie root = createNode();
        insert(root, "their");
        insert(root, "there");
        insert(root, "answer");
        insert(root, "any");
        /* After inserting strings, trie will look like
                                            / \
                                            a     t  
                                            |     |  
                                            n     h  
                                            | \ |
                                            s y e  
                                            |     | \
                                            w     i r
                                            |     | |
                                            e     r e
// This code is contributed by suresh07.


# Python3 program to traverse in bottom up manner
MAX = 100
# Trie node
class trie:
    def __init__(self):
        self.child = [None for i in range(CHILDREN)]
        # endOfWord is true if the node represents
        # end of a word
        self.endOfWord = False
# Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
def createNode():
    temp = trie()
    return temp
# Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
def insertRecursively(itr, str, i):
    if(i < len(str)):
        index = ord(str[i]) - ord('a')
        if(itr.child[index] == None ):
            # Create a new node
            itr.child[index] = createNode();
        # Recursive call for insertion of string
        insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);
        # Make the endOfWord true which represents
        # the end of string
        itr.endOfWord = True;
# Function call to insert a string
def insert(itr, str):
    # Function call with necessary arguments
    insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);
# Function to check whether the node is leaf or not
def isLeafNode(root):
    return root.endOfWord != False;
# Function to display the content of trie
def displayContent(root, str, level):
    # If node is leaf node, it indicates end
    # of string, so a null character is added
    # and string is displayed
    if (isLeafNode(root)):
        # Assign a null character in temporary string
    for i in range(CHILDREN):
        # If NON NULL child is found
        # add parent key to str and
        # call the display function recursively
        # for child node
        if (root.child[i]):
            str[level] = chr(i + ord('a'))
            displayContent(root.child[i], str, level + 1);
# Function call for displaying content
def display(itr):
    level = 0;
    str = ['' for i in range(MAX)];
    # Function call with necessary arguments
    displayContent(itr, str, level);
# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
    root = createNode();
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");
    ''' After inserting strings, trie will look like
                                        / \
                                        a     t    
                                        |     |    
                                        n     h    
                                        | \ |
                                        s y e    
                                        |     | \
                                        w     i r
                                        |     | |
                                        e     r e
# This code is contributed by rutvik_56


// C# program to traverse in bottom up manner
using System;
class GFG {
    static int CHILDREN = 26;
    static int MAX = 100;
    static int count = 0;
    // Trie node
    class trie {
        public trie[] child;
        // endOfWord is true if the node represents
        // end of a word
        public bool endOfWord;
        public trie()
            endOfWord = false;
            child = new trie[CHILDREN];
    // Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
    static trie createNode()
        trie temp = new trie();
        temp.endOfWord = false;
        for(int i = 0 ; i < CHILDREN ; i++)
            // Initially , initialize null to the all child
            temp.child[i] = null;
        return temp;
    // Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
    static void insertRecursively(trie itr, string str, int i)
        if(i < str.Length)
            int index = str[i] - 'a';
            if(itr.child[index] == null )
              // Create a new node
              itr.child[index] = createNode();
          // Recursive call for insertion of string
          insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);
                    // Make the endOfWord true which represents
                    // the end of string
            itr.endOfWord = true;
    // Function call to insert a string
    static void insert(trie itr, string str)
            // Function call with necessary arguments
        insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);
    // Function to check whether the node is leaf or not
    static bool isLeafNode(trie root)
        return root.endOfWord != false;
    // Function to display the content of trie
    static void displayContent(trie root, char[] str, int level)
        // If node is leaf node, it indicates end
        // of string, so a null character is added
        // and string is displayed
        if (isLeafNode(root))
                // Assign a null character in temporary string
            str[level] = '\0';
        for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)
            // If NON NULL child is found
            // add parent key to str and
            // call the display function recursively
            // for child node
            if (root.child[i] != null)
                str[level] = (char)(i + (int)'a');
                displayContent(root.child[i], str, level + 1);
    // Function call for displaying content
    static void display(trie itr)
        int level = 0;
        char[] str = new char[MAX];
        // Function call with necessary arguments
        displayContent(itr, str, level);
  static void Main() {
    trie root = createNode();
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");
    /* After inserting strings, trie will look like
                                        / \
                                        a     t   
                                        |     |   
                                        n     h   
                                        | \ |
                                        s y e   
                                        |     | \
                                        w     i r
                                        |     | |
                                        e     r e
// This code is contributed by mukesh07.


    // Javascript program to traverse in bottom up manner
    let CHILDREN = 26;
    let MAX = 100;
    let count = 0;
    // Trie node
    class trie
        constructor() {
            this.endOfWord = false;
            // endOfWord is true if the node represents
            // end of a word
            this.child = new Array(CHILDREN);
    // Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
    function createNode()
        let temp = new trie();
        temp.endOfWord = false;
        for(let i = 0 ; i < CHILDREN ; i++)
            // Initially , initialize null to the all child
            temp.child[i] = null;
        return temp;
    // Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
    function insertRecursively(itr, str, i)
        if(i < str.length)
            let index = str[i].charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
            if(itr.child[index] == null )
              // Create a new node
              itr.child[index] = createNode();
          // Recursive call for insertion of string
          insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);
                    // Make the endOfWord true which represents
                    // the end of string
            itr.endOfWord = true;
    // Function call to insert a string
    function insert(itr, str)
        // Function call with necessary arguments
        insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);
    // Function to check whether the node is leaf or not
    function isLeafNode(root)
        return root.endOfWord != false;
    // Function to display the content of trie
    function displayContent(root, str, level)
        // If node is leaf node, it indicates end
        // of string, so a null character is added
        // and string is displayed
        if (isLeafNode(root))
                // Assign a null character in temporary string
            str[level] = '\0';
                document.write("any" + "</br>");
                document.write(str.join("") + "</br>");
        for (let i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)
            // If NON NULL child is found
            // add parent key to str and
            // call the display function recursively
            // for child node
            if (root.child[i] != null)
                str[level] = String.fromCharCode(i + 'a'.charCodeAt(0));
                displayContent(root.child[i], str, level + 1);
    // Function call for displaying content
    function display(itr)
        let level = 0;
        let str = new Array(MAX);
        // Function call with necessary arguments
        displayContent(itr, str, level);
    let root = createNode();
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");
    /* After inserting strings, trie will look like
                                              / \
                                              a     t 
                                              |     | 
                                              n     h 
                                              | \ |
                                              s y e 
                                              |     | \
                                              w     i r
                                              |     | |
                                              e     r e
    // This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.



Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por MohammadMudassir y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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