Invierta una ruta en BST usando la cola

Dado un árbol de búsqueda binario y una clave, su tarea es invertir la ruta del árbol binario.
Requisito previo: ruta inversa del árbol binario


Input :       50
           /     \
          30      70
         /  \    /  \
       20   40  60   80 
k = 70
Output :
Inorder before reversal :
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Inorder after reversal :
20 30 40 70 60 50 80 

Input :       8
           /     \
          3       10
         /  \       \
       1    6         14
           /  \      /
          4    7    13
k = 13
Output :
Inorder before reversal :
1 3 4 6 7 8 10 13 14
Inorder after reversal :
1 3 4 6 7 13 14 8 10

tome una cola y empuje todo el elemento hasta que la clave dada al final reemplace la clave de Node con el elemento frontal de la cola hasta la raíz, luego imprima en orden del árbol.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:  


// C++ code to demonstrate insert
// operation in binary search tree
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
struct node {
    int key;
    struct node *left, *right;
// A utility function to
// create a new BST node
struct node* newNode(int item)
    struct node* temp = new node;
    temp->key = item;
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return temp;
// A utility function to
// do inorder traversal of BST
void inorder(struct node* root)
    if (root != NULL) {
        cout << root->key << " ";
// reverse tree path using queue
void reversePath(struct node** node,
            int& key, queue<int>& q1)
    /* If the tree is empty,
    return a new node */
    if (node == NULL)
    // If the node key equal
    // to key then
    if ((*node)->key == key)
        // push current node key
        // replace first node
        // with last element
        (*node)->key = q1.front();
        // remove first element
        // return
    // if key smaller than node key then
    else if (key < (*node)->key)
        // push node key into queue
        // recursive call itself
        reversePath(&(*node)->left, key, q1);
        // replace queue front to node key
        (*node)->key = q1.front();
        // perform pop in queue
    // if key greater than node key then
    else if (key > (*node)->key)
        // push node key into queue
        // recursive call itself
        reversePath(&(*node)->right, key, q1);
        // replace queue front to node key
        (*node)->key = q1.front();
        // perform pop in queue
    // return
/* A utility function to insert
a new node with given key in BST */
struct node* insert(struct node* node,
                              int key)
    /* If the tree is empty,
    return a new node */
    if (node == NULL)
        return newNode(key);
    /* Otherwise, recur down the tree */
    if (key < node->key)
        node->left = insert(node->left, key);
    else if (key > node->key)
        node->right = insert(node->right, key);
    /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
    return node;
// Driver Program to test above functions
int main()
    /* Let us create following BST
           /     \
          30      70
         /  \    /  \
       20   40  60   80 */
    struct node* root = NULL;
    queue<int> q1;
    // reverse path till k
    int k = 80;
    root = insert(root, 50);
    insert(root, 30);
    insert(root, 20);
    insert(root, 40);
    insert(root, 70);
    insert(root, 60);
    insert(root, 80);
    cout << "Before Reverse :" << endl;
    // print inorder traversal of the BST
    cout << "\n";
    // reverse path till k
    reversePath(&root, k, q1);
    cout << "After Reverse :" << endl;
    // print inorder of reverse path tree
    return 0;


// Java code to demonstrate insert
// operation in binary search tree
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  static class node
    int key;
    node left, right;
  static node root = null;
  static Queue<Integer> q1;
  static int k;
  // A utility function to
  // create a new BST node
  static node newNode(int item)
    node temp = new node();
    temp.key = item;
    temp.left = temp.right = null;
    return temp;
  // A utility function to
  // do inorder traversal of BST
  static void inorder(node root)
    if (root != null)
      System.out.print(root.key + " ");
  // reverse tree path using queue
  static void reversePath(node node)
    /* If the tree is empty,
        return a new node */
    if (node == null)
    // If the node key equal
    // to key then
    if ((node).key == k)
      // push current node key
      // replace first node
      // with last element
      (node).key = q1.peek();
      // remove first element
      // return
    // if key smaller than node key then
    else if (k < (node).key)
      // push node key into queue
      // recursive call itself
      // replace queue front to node key
      (node).key = q1.peek();
      // perform pop in queue
    // if key greater than node key then
    else if (k > (node).key)
      // push node key into queue
      // recursive call itself
      // replace queue front to node key
      (node).key = q1.peek();
      // perform pop in queue
    // return
  /* A utility function to insert
    a new node with given key in BST */
  static node insert(node node, int key)
    /* If the tree is empty,
        return a new node */
    if (node == null)
      return newNode(key);
    /* Otherwise, recur down the tree */
    if (key < node.key)
      node.left = insert(node.left, key);
    else if (key > node.key)
      node.right = insert(node.right, key);
    /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
    return node;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    /* Let us create following BST
               /     \
              30      70
             /  \    /  \
           20   40  60   80 */
    q1 = new LinkedList<>();
    // reverse path till k
    k = 80;
    root = insert(root, 50);
    root = insert(root, 30);
    root = insert(root, 20);
    root = insert(root, 40);
    root = insert(root, 70);
    root = insert(root, 60);
    root = insert(root, 80);
    System.out.print("Before Reverse :"
                     + "\n");
    // print inorder traversal of the BST
    // reverse path till k
    System.out.print("After Reverse :"
                     + "\n");
    // print inorder of reverse path tree
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


# Python3 code to demonstrate insert
# operation in binary search tree
class Node:
    # Constructor to create a new node
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.key = data
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# A utility function to
# do inorder traversal of BST
def inorder(root):
    if root != None:
        print(root.key, end = " ")
# reverse tree path using queue
def reversePath(node, key, q1):
    # If the tree is empty,
    # return a new node */
    if node == None:
    # If the node key equal
    # to key then
    if node.key == key:
        # push current node key
        q1.insert(0, node.key)
        # replace first node
        # with last element
        node.key = q1[-1]
        # remove first element
        # return
    # if key smaller than node key then
    elif key < node.key:
        # push node key into queue
        q1.insert(0, node.key)
        # recursive call itself
        reversePath(node.left, key, q1)
        # replace queue front to node key
        node.key = q1[-1]
        # perform pop in queue
    # if key greater than node key then
    elif (key > node.key):
        # push node key into queue
        q1.insert(0, node.key)
        # recursive call itself
        reversePath(node.right, key, q1)
        # replace queue front to node key
        node.key = q1[-1]
        # perform pop in queue
    # return
# A utility function to insert
#a new node with given key in BST */
def insert(node, key):
    # If the tree is empty,
    # return a new node */
    if node == None:
        return Node(key)
    # Otherwise, recur down the tree */
    if key < node.key:
        node.left = insert(node.left, key)
    elif key > node.key:
        node.right = insert(node.right, key)
    # return the (unchanged) node pointer */
    return node
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Let us create following BST
    #             50
    #         /     \
    #         30     70
    #         / \ / \
    #     20 40 60 80 */
    root = None
    q1 = []
    # reverse path till k
    k = 80;
    root = insert(root, 50)
    insert(root, 30)
    insert(root, 20)
    insert(root, 40)
    insert(root, 70)
    insert(root, 60)
    insert(root, 80)
    print("Before Reverse :")
    # print inorder traversal of the BST
    # reverse path till k
    reversePath(root, k, q1)
    print("After Reverse :")
    # print inorder of reverse path tree
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


// C# code to demonstrate insert
// operation in binary search tree
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
public class node
    public int key;
    public node left, right;
static node root = null;
static Queue<int> q1;
static int k;
// A utility function to
// create a new BST node
static node newNode(int item)
    node temp = new node();
    temp.key = item;
    temp.left = temp.right = null;
    return temp;
// A utility function to
// do inorder traversal of BST
static void inorder(node root)
    if (root != null)
        Console.Write(root.key + " ");
// Reverse tree path using queue
static void reversePath(node node)
    // If the tree is empty,
    // return a new node
    if (node == null)
    // If the node key equal
    // to key then
    if ((node).key == k)
        // push current node key
        // replace first node
        // with last element
        (node).key = q1.Peek();
        // Remove first element
        // Return
    // If key smaller than node key then
    else if (k < (node).key)
        // push node key into queue
        // Recursive call itself
        // Replace queue front to node key
        (node).key = q1.Peek();
        // Perform pop in queue
    // If key greater than node key then
    else if (k > (node).key)
        // push node key into queue
        // Recursive call itself
        // Replace queue front to node key
        (node).key = q1.Peek();
        // Perform pop in queue
    // Return
// A utility function to insert
// a new node with given key in BST
static node insert(node node, int key)
    // If the tree is empty,
    // return a new node
    if (node == null)
        return newNode(key);
    // Otherwise, recur down the tree
    if (key < node.key)
        node.left = insert(node.left, key);
    else if (key > node.key)
        node.right = insert(node.right, key);
    // Return the (unchanged) node pointer
    return node;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    /* Let us create following BST
       /     \
      30      70
     /  \    /  \
    20   40  60   80 */
    q1 = new Queue<int>();
    // Reverse path till k
    k = 80;
    root = insert(root, 50);
    root = insert(root, 30);
    root = insert(root, 20);
    root = insert(root, 40);
    root = insert(root, 70);
    root = insert(root, 60);
    root = insert(root, 80);
    Console.Write("Before Reverse :" + "\n");
    // Print inorder traversal of the BST
    // Reverse path till k
    Console.Write("After Reverse :" + "\n");
    // Print inorder of reverse path tree
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


// javascript code to demonstrate insert
// operation in binary search tree
class node
        this.key = 0;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
var root = null;
var q1 = [];
var k = 0;
// A utility function to
// create a new BST node
function newNode(item)
    var temp = new node();
    temp.key = item;
    temp.left = temp.right = null;
    return temp;
// A utility function to
// do inorder traversal of BST
function inorder(root)
    if (root != null)
        document.write(root.key + " ");
// Reverse tree path using queue
function reversePath(node)
    // If the tree is empty,
    // return a new node
    if (node == null)
    // If the node key equal
    // to key then
    if ((node).key == k)
        // push current node key
        // replace first node
        // with last element
        (node).key = q1[0];
        // Remove first element
        // Return
    // If key smaller than node key then
    else if (k < (node).key)
        // push node key into queue
        // Recursive call itself
        // Replace queue front to node key
        (node).key = q1[0];
        // Perform pop in queue
    // If key greater than node key then
    else if (k > (node).key)
        // push node key into queue
        // Recursive call itself
        // Replace queue front to node key
        (node).key = q1[0];
        // Perform pop in queue
    // Return
// A utility function to insert
// a new node with given key in BST
function insert(node, key)
    // If the tree is empty,
    // return a new node
    if (node == null)
        return newNode(key);
    // Otherwise, recur down the tree
    if (key < node.key)
        node.left = insert(node.left, key);
    else if (key > node.key)
        node.right = insert(node.right, key);
    // Return the (unchanged) node pointer
    return node;
// Driver code
/* Let us create following BST
   /     \
  30      70
 /  \    /  \
20   40  60   80 */
q1 = [];
// Reverse path till k
k = 80;
root = insert(root, 50);
root = insert(root, 30);
root = insert(root, 20);
root = insert(root, 40);
root = insert(root, 70);
root = insert(root, 60);
root = insert(root, 80);
document.write("Before Reverse :" + "<br>");
// Print inorder traversal of the BST
// Reverse path till k
document.write("After Reverse :" + "<br>");
// Print inorder of reverse path tree
// This code is contributed by itsok.

Before Reverse :
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
After Reverse :
20 30 40 80 60 70 50


Complejidad de tiempo: O(n)

Espacio Auxiliar: O(n)

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por DevanshuAgarwal y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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