interfaz de usuario de jQuery | Pestañas

Las pestañas se utilizan para crear varias secciones en una página web que se pueden intercambiar, como un acordeón. Ayuda a agrupar contenido y ver contenido de un grupo específico a la vez.

Las pestañas se crean siguiendo un marcado específico que es el siguiente:

  • Las pestañas deben encerrarse dentro de una lista ordenada o una lista desordenada
  • Cada encabezado de pestaña debe envolverse individualmente en un elemento de lista y una etiqueta anclada encerrada con un atributo href que especifica el contenido de cada panel de pestaña.
  • Cada panel de pestañas puede estar vacío, pero debe tener su propia identificación correspondiente al nombre con hash ingresado en el elemento ancla de la pestaña asociada.

Los contenidos dentro de un panel de pestañas se pueden definir en la misma página o se pueden cargar a través de Ajax, ambos son manejados por el atributo href asociado con la etiqueta de anclaje de ese panel.
A continuación, escribimos un código para una pestaña simple de 4 paneles usando jquery UI.

Las pestañas se especifican en una etiqueta div con una identificación. La identificación de la cual se especifica dentro del código jquery. Aquí hemos elegido la segunda pestaña como la pestaña predeterminada que se elegirá cuando se abra la página web. Puede cambiarlo especificando un valor diferente en la opción activa .
Nota: Las pestañas están indexadas a partir de «0».

Los siguientes ejemplos ilustran las pestañas jQuery:
Ejemplo 1: este código de ejemplo es una pestaña jquery simple, todas las pestañas son evaluables.

  • Programa:

        <link href=
                float: right;
                margin: 7px;
                color: lime;
            #geeks a:hover{
                color: lime;
                background: gray;
        <div id="geeks">
                <li><a href="#Algorithms">Algorithms</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Data_Structure">Data Structure</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Practice">Practice</a></li>
                <li><a href="#interview">interview</a></li>
            <div id='Algorithms'>
                    The answer to this is simple, we can have all the 
                    above things only if we have performance. So 
                    performance is like currency through which we can
                    buy all the above things. Another reason 
                    for studying performance is – speed is fun!
            <div id='Data_Structure'>
                    For example, let us say, we want to store marks of 
                    all students in a class, we can use an array to store
                    them. This helps in reducing the use of number of 
                    variables as we don’t need to create a separate 
                    variable for marks of every subject.  All marks can
                    be accessed by simply traversing the array.
            <div id='Practice'>
                    Asymptotic Analysis is the big idea that handles 
                    above issues in analyzing algorithms. In Asymptotic
                    Analysis, we evaluate the performance of an algorithm
                    in terms of input size (we don’t measure the actual 
                    running time). We calculate, how does the time 
                    (or space) taken by an algorithm increases with 
                    the input size.
            <div id='interview'>
                    Also, in Asymptotic analysis, we always talk about 
                    input sizes larger than a constant value. It might 
                    be possible that those large inputs are never given
                    to your software and an algorithm  which is 
                    asymptotically slower, always performs better for 
                    your particular situation. So, you may end up choosing
                    an algorithm that is Asymptotically slower but faster 
                    for your software.
        <script src=
        <script src=
            $(document).ready(function() {
                        active: 0
  • Producción:

Ejemplo 2: Manteniendo todas las pestañas cerradas de forma predeterminada, también puede optar por mantener todas las pestañas cerradas de forma predeterminada. Para hacer esto, usamos la opción Plegable y establecemos su valor en «Verdadero» y establecemos el valor de la opción activa en falso.

  • Programa:

        <link href=
                float: right;
                margin: 7px;
                color: lime;
            #geeks a:hover{
                color: lime;
                background: gray;
        <div id="geeks">
                <li><a href="#Algorithms">Algorithms</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Data_Structure">Data Structure</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Practice">Practice</a></li>
                <li><a href="#interview">interview</a></li>
            <div id='Algorithms'>
                    The answer to this is simple, we can have all the 
                    above things only if we have performance. So 
                    performance is like currency through which we can
                    buy all the above things. Another reason 
                    for studying performance is – speed is fun!
            <div id='Data_Structure'>
                    For example, let us say, we want to store marks of 
                    all students in a class, we can use an array to store
                    them. This helps in reducing the use of number of 
                    variables as we don’t need to create a separate 
                    variable for marks of every subject.  All marks can
                    be accessed by simply traversing the array.
            <div id='Practice'>
                    Asymptotic Analysis is the big idea that handles 
                    above issues in analyzing algorithms. In Asymptotic
                    Analysis, we evaluate the performance of an algorithm
                    in terms of input size (we don’t measure the actual 
                    running time). We calculate, how does the time 
                    (or space) taken by an algorithm increases with 
                    the input size.
            <div id='interview'>
                    Also, in Asymptotic analysis, we always talk about 
                    input sizes larger than a constant value. It might 
                    be possible that those large inputs are never given
                    to your software and an algorithm  which is 
                    asymptotically slower, always performs better for 
                    your particular situation. So, you may end up choosing
                    an algorithm that is Asymptotically slower but faster 
                    for your software.
        <script src=
        <script src=
            $(document).ready(function() {
                        active: false,
                        collapsible: true
  • Producción:

Ejemplo 3: En este ejemplo deshabilitaremos las pestañas. Podemos elegir deshabilitar pestañas específicas o todas las pestañas usando la opción de deshabilitar . Primero, deshabilitamos todas las pestañas para las que establecemos el valor «Verdadero» para la opción de deshabilitar.

  • Programa:

        <link href=
                float: right;
                margin: 7px;
                color: lime;
            #geeks a:hover{
                color: lime;
                background: gray;
        <div id="geeks">
                <li><a href="#Algorithms">Algorithms</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Data_Structure">Data Structure</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Practice">Practice</a></li>
                <li><a href="#interview">interview</a></li>
            <div id='Algorithms'>
                    The answer to this is simple, we can have all the 
                    above things only if we have performance. So 
                    performance is like currency through which we can
                    buy all the above things. Another reason 
                    for studying performance is – speed is fun!
            <div id='Data_Structure'>
                    For example, let us say, we want to store marks of 
                    all students in a class, we can use an array to store
                    them. This helps in reducing the use of number of 
                    variables as we don’t need to create a separate 
                    variable for marks of every subject.  All marks can
                    be accessed by simply traversing the array.
            <div id='Practice'>
                    Asymptotic Analysis is the big idea that handles 
                    above issues in analyzing algorithms. In Asymptotic
                    Analysis, we evaluate the performance of an algorithm
                    in terms of input size (we don’t measure the actual 
                    running time). We calculate, how does the time 
                    (or space) taken by an algorithm increases with 
                    the input size.
            <div id='interview'>
                    Also, in Asymptotic analysis, we always talk about 
                    input sizes larger than a constant value. It might 
                    be possible that those large inputs are never given
                    to your software and an algorithm  which is 
                    asymptotically slower, always performs better for 
                    your particular situation. So, you may end up choosing
                    an algorithm that is Asymptotically slower but faster 
                    for your software.
        <script src=
        <script src=
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $( "#geeks" ).tabs({
  • Producción:

Ejemplo 4: En este ejemplo deshabilitaremos algunas pestañas específicas. En el siguiente código, deshabilitamos la primera y la tercera pestaña (0 y 2 en términos de indexación):

  • Programa:

        <link href=
                float: right;
                margin: 7px;
                color: lime;
            #geeks a:hover{
                color: lime;
                background: gray;
        <div id="geeks">
                <li><a href="#Algorithms">Algorithms</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Data_Structure">Data Structure</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Practice">Practice</a></li>
                <li><a href="#interview">interview</a></li>
            <div id='Algorithms'>
                    The answer to this is simple, we can have all the 
                    above things only if we have performance. So 
                    performance is like currency through which we can
                    buy all the above things. Another reason 
                    for studying performance is – speed is fun!
            <div id='Data_Structure'>
                    For example, let us say, we want to store marks of 
                    all students in a class, we can use an array to store
                    them. This helps in reducing the use of number of 
                    variables as we don’t need to create a separate 
                    variable for marks of every subject.  All marks can
                    be accessed by simply traversing the array.
            <div id='Practice'>
                    Asymptotic Analysis is the big idea that handles 
                    above issues in analyzing algorithms. In Asymptotic
                    Analysis, we evaluate the performance of an algorithm
                    in terms of input size (we don’t measure the actual 
                    running time). We calculate, how does the time 
                    (or space) taken by an algorithm increases with 
                    the input size.
            <div id='interview'>
                    Also, in Asymptotic analysis, we always talk about 
                    input sizes larger than a constant value. It might 
                    be possible that those large inputs are never given
                    to your software and an algorithm  which is 
                    asymptotically slower, always performs better for 
                    your particular situation. So, you may end up choosing
                    an algorithm that is Asymptotically slower but faster 
                    for your software.
        <script src=
        <script src=
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $( "#geeks" ).tabs({
                    active: 1,
                    disabled:[0, 2]
  • Producción:

Ejemplo 5: podemos elegir qué elemento abrir de forma predeterminada, también por defecto, el evento de clic del mouse abre la pestaña, también cambiaremos esto a Mouse-hover para abrir o activar esa pestaña

  • Programa:

        <link href=
                float: right;
                margin: 7px;
                color: lime;
            #geeks a:hover{
                color: lime;
                background: gray;
        <div id="geeks">
                <li><a href="#Algorithms">Algorithms</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Data_Structure">Data Structure</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Practice">Practice</a></li>
                <li><a href="#interview">interview</a></li>
            <div id='Algorithms'>
                    The answer to this is simple, we can have all the 
                    above things only if we have performance. So 
                    performance is like currency through which we can
                    buy all the above things. Another reason 
                    for studying performance is – speed is fun!
            <div id='Data_Structure'>
                    For example, let us say, we want to store marks of 
                    all students in a class, we can use an array to store
                    them. This helps in reducing the use of number of 
                    variables as we don’t need to create a separate 
                    variable for marks of every subject.  All marks can
                    be accessed by simply traversing the array.
            <div id='Practice'>
                    Asymptotic Analysis is the big idea that handles 
                    above issues in analyzing algorithms. In Asymptotic
                    Analysis, we evaluate the performance of an algorithm
                    in terms of input size (we don’t measure the actual 
                    running time). We calculate, how does the time 
                    (or space) taken by an algorithm increases with 
                    the input size.
            <div id='interview'>
                    Also, in Asymptotic analysis, we always talk about 
                    input sizes larger than a constant value. It might 
                    be possible that those large inputs are never given
                    to your software and an algorithm  which is 
                    asymptotically slower, always performs better for 
                    your particular situation. So, you may end up choosing
                    an algorithm that is Asymptotically slower but faster 
                    for your software.
        <script src=
        <script src=
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $( "#geeks" ).tabs({
  • Producción:

Ejemplo 6: En este ejemplo, cambiaremos la altura de la página de la pestaña según el contenido de esa pestaña. Para hacer eso, se nos pedirá que definamos la altura mínima lo más corta que pueda definir. Y la propiedad de desbordamiento que aumentará la altura de la página de pestañas según el contenido.


  • <html>
        <link href=
                float: right;
                margin: 7px;
                color: lime;
            #geeks a:hover{
                color: lime;
                background: gray;
        <div id="geeks">
                <li><a href="#Algorithms">Algorithms</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Data_Structure">Data Structure</a></li>
                <li><a href="#Practice">Practice</a></li>
                <li><a href="#interview">interview</a></li>
            <div id='Algorithms'>
                    The answer to this is simple, we can have all the 
                    above things only if we have performance. So 
                    performance is like currency through which we can
                    buy all the above things. Another reason 
                    for studying performance is – speed is fun!
            <div id='Data_Structure'>
                    For example, let us say, we want to store marks of 
                    all students in a class, we can use an array to store
                    them. This helps in reducing the use of number of 
                    variables as we don’t need to create a separate 
                    variable for marks of every subject.  All marks can
                    be accessed by simply traversing the array.
            <div id='Practice'>
                    Asymptotic Analysis is the big idea that handles 
                    above issues in analyzing algorithms. In Asymptotic
                    Analysis, we evaluate the performance of an algorithm
                    in terms of input size (we don’t measure the actual 
                    running time). We calculate, how does the time 
                    (or space) taken by an algorithm increases with 
                    the input size.
            <div id='interview'>
                    Also, in Asymptotic analysis, we always talk about 
                    input sizes larger than a constant value. It might 
                    be possible that those large inputs are never given
                    to your software and an algorithm  which is 
                    asymptotically slower, always performs better for 
                    your particular situation. So, you may end up choosing
                    an algorithm that is Asymptotically slower but faster 
                    for your software.
        <script src=
        <script src=
            $(document).ready(function() {
                   'min-height': '100px',
                   'overflow': 'auto'
  • Producción:

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por mayeshmohapatra y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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