Dada la string S , la tarea es encontrar la longitud de la subsecuencia más larga de los alfabetos en minúsculas consecutivos.
Entrada: S = “acbdcfhg”
Salida: 3
La string “abc” es la subsecuencia más larga de letras minúsculas consecutivas.
Por lo tanto, imprima 3 ya que es la longitud de la subsecuencia «abc».Entrada: S = “g abbsdcdggbe”
Salida: 5
Enfoque ingenuo: el enfoque más simple es generar todas las subsecuencias posibles de la string dada y, si existe alguna subsecuencia de la string dada que tenga caracteres consecutivos y tenga una longitud máxima, imprima esa longitud.
Complejidad temporal: O(2 N )
Espacio auxiliar: O(1)
Enfoque eficiente: el enfoque anterior también se puede optimizar generando todas las subsecuencias consecutivas posibles de la string dada a partir de cada alfabeto en minúscula e imprimiendo el máximo entre todas las subsecuencias encontradas. Siga los pasos a continuación para resolver el problema:
- Inicialice una variable, digamos ans, como 0 que almacene la longitud máxima de la subsecuencia consecutiva.
- Para cada carácter ch sobre el rango [a, z] realice lo siguiente:
- Inicialice una variable cnt como 0 que almacene la longitud de una subsecuencia de caracteres consecutivos a partir de ch .
- Recorra la string dada S y si el carácter actual es ch , entonces incremente el cnt en 1 y actualice el carácter actual ch al siguiente carácter por (ch + 1) .
- Actualizar ans = max(ans, cnt)
- Después de los pasos anteriores, imprima el valor de ans como resultado.
A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:
// C++ program for the above approach #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to find the length of subsequence // starting with character ch int findSubsequence(string S, char ch) { // Length of the string int N = S.length(); // Stores the maximum length int ans = 0; // Traverse the given string for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // If s[i] is required // character ch if (S[i] == ch) { // Increment ans by 1 ans++; // Increment character ch ch++; } } // Return the current maximum // length with character ch return ans; } // Function to find the maximum length // of subsequence of consecutive // characters int findMaxSubsequence(string S) { // Stores the maximum length of // consecutive characters int ans = 0; for (char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { // Update ans ans = max(ans, findSubsequence(S, ch)); } // Return the maximum length of // subsequence return ans; } // Driver Code int main() { // Input string S = "abcabefghijk"; // Function Call cout << findMaxSubsequence(S); return 0; }
// C# program for the above approach import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Arrays; class GFG{ // Function to find the length of subsequence // starting with character ch static int findSubsequence(String S, char ch) { // Length of the string int N = S.length(); // Stores the maximum length int ans = 0; // Traverse the given string for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // If s[i] is required // character ch if(S.charAt(i) == ch) { // Increment ans by 1 ans++; // Increment character ch ch++; } } // Return the current maximum // length with character ch return ans; } // Function to find the maximum length // of subsequence of consecutive // characters static int findMaxSubsequence(String S) { // Stores the maximum length of // consecutive characters int ans = 0; for(char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { // Update ans ans = Math.max(ans, findSubsequence(S, ch)); } // Return the maximum length of // subsequence return ans; } // Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) { // Input String S = "abcabefghijk"; // Function Call System.out.print(findMaxSubsequence(S)); } } // This code is contributed by shivanisinghss2110
# Python3 program for the above approach # Function to find the length of subsequence # starting with character ch def findSubsequence(S, ch): # Length of the string N = len(S) # Stores the maximum length ans = 0 # Traverse the given string for i in range(N): # If s[i] is required # character ch if (S[i] == ch): # Increment ans by 1 ans += 1 # Increment character ch ch=chr(ord(ch) + 1) # Return the current maximum # length with character ch return ans # Function to find the maximum length # of subsequence of consecutive # characters def findMaxSubsequence(S): #Stores the maximum length of # consecutive characters ans = 0 for ch in range(ord('a'),ord('z') + 1): # Update ans ans = max(ans, findSubsequence(S, chr(ch))) # Return the maximum length of # subsequence return ans # Driver Code if __name__ == '__main__': # Input S = "abcabefghijk" # Function Call print (findMaxSubsequence(S)) # This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.
// C# program for the above approach using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class GFG{ // Function to find the length of subsequence // starting with character ch static int findSubsequence(string S, char ch) { // Length of the string int N = S.Length; // Stores the maximum length int ans = 0; // Traverse the given string for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { // If s[i] is required // character ch if (S[i] == ch) { // Increment ans by 1 ans++; // Increment character ch ch++; } } // Return the current maximum // length with character ch return ans; } // Function to find the maximum length // of subsequence of consecutive // characters static int findMaxSubsequence(string S) { // Stores the maximum length of // consecutive characters int ans = 0; for(char ch = 'a'; ch <= 'z'; ch++) { // Update ans ans = Math.Max(ans, findSubsequence(S, ch)); } // Return the maximum length of // subsequence return ans; } // Driver Code public static void Main() { // Input string S = "abcabefghijk"; // Function Call Console.Write(findMaxSubsequence(S)); } } // This code is contributed by SURENDRA_GANGWAR
<script> // Javascript program for the above approach // Function to find the length of subsequence // starting with character ch function findSubsequence(S,ch) { // Length of the string let N = S.length; // Stores the maximum length let ans = 0; // Traverse the given string for(let i = 0; i < N; i++) { // If s[i] is required // character ch if (S[i] == ch) { // Increment ans by 1 ans++; // Increment character ch ch=String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0)+1); } } // Return the current maximum // length with character ch return ans; } // Function to find the maximum length // of subsequence of consecutive // characters function findMaxSubsequence(S) { // Stores the maximum length of // consecutive characters let ans = 0; for(let ch = 'a'.charCodeAt(0); ch <= 'z'.charCodeAt(0); ch++) { // Update ans ans = Math.max(ans, findSubsequence(S, String.fromCharCode(ch))); } // Return the maximum length of // subsequence return ans; } // Driver Code let S = "abcabefghijk"; // Function Call document.write(findMaxSubsequence(S)); // This code is contributed by patel2127 </script>
Complejidad de Tiempo: O(26*N)
Espacio Auxiliar: O(1)
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