Método de título de string de Python

La función title() en python es el método de string de Python que se utiliza para convertir el primer carácter de cada palabra a mayúsculas y los caracteres restantes a minúsculas en la string y devuelve una nueva string.


parameters:str is a valid string which we need to convert.
return: This function returns a string which 
has first letter in each word is uppercase and all 
remaining letters are lowercase.


# Python title() Method Example
str1 = 'geeKs foR geEks'
str2 = str1.title()
print 'First Output after Title() method is = ', str2
# observe the original string
print 'Converted String is = ', str1.title()
print 'Original String is = ', str1
# Performing title() function directly
str3 = 'ASIPU pawan kuMAr'.title()
print 'Second Output after Title() method is = ', str3
str4 = 'stutya kUMari sHAW'.title()
print 'Third Output after Title() method is = ', str4
str5 = '6041'.title()
print 'Fourth Output after Title() method is = ', str5


First Output after title() method is =  Geeks For Geeks
Converted String is =  Geeks For Geeks
Original String is =  geeKs foR geEks
Second Output after title() method is =  Asipu Pawan Kumar
Third Output after title() method is =  Stutya Kumari Shaw
Fourth Output after title() method is =  6041

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por pawan_asipu y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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