Método EnumMap entrySet() en Java

El método Java.util.EnumMap.entrySet() en Java se utiliza para crear un conjunto de elementos contenidos en EnumMap. Básicamente, devuelve una vista establecida del mapa de enumeración.



Parámetro: El método no toma ningún parámetro.

Valor devuelto: el método devuelve la vista establecida de las asignaciones contenidas en este enum_map.

Los siguientes programas ilustran el método entrySet():

Programa 1:

// Java program to demonstrate entrySet() method
import java.util.*;
// An enum of gfg rank is created
public enum rank_countries {
class Enum_map {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        EnumMap<rank_countries, Integer> mp = new 
        EnumMap<rank_countries, Integer>(rank_countries.class);
        // Values are associated in mp
        mp.put(rank_countries.India, 72);
        mp.put(rank_countries.United_States, 1083);
        mp.put(rank_countries.China, 4632);
        mp.put(rank_countries.Japan, 6797);
        // Map view
        System.out.println("Map view: " + mp);
        // Creating a new set of the mappings
        // contained in map
        Set<Map.Entry<rank_countries, Integer> > set_view = 
        // Set view of the mappings
        System.out.println("Set view of the map: " + set_view);

Map view: {India=72, United_States=1083, China=4632, Japan=6797}
Set view of the map: [India=72, United_States=1083, China=4632, Japan=6797]

Programa 2:

// Java program to demonstrate entrySet() method
import java.util.*;
// An enum of gfg ranking worldwide and in india
public enum gfg {
class Enum_map {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        EnumMap<gfg, Integer> mp = new 
              EnumMap<gfg, Integer>(gfg.class);
        // Values are associated in mp
        mp.put(gfg.Global_2018, 800);
        mp.put(gfg.India_2018, 72);
        // Mapping view
        System.out.println("Mapping view: " + mp);
        // Creating a new set of the mappings 
        Set<Map.Entry<gfg, Integer> > set_view = 
        // Set view of the mappings
        System.out.println("Set view of the map: "
                                      + set_view);

Mapping view: {Global_2018=800, India_2018=72}
Set view of the map: [Global_2018=800, India_2018=72]

Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por akash1295 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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