Partición de tres vías de una array alrededor de un rango dado

Dada una array y un rango [ lowVal , highVal ], divida la array alrededor del rango de manera que la array se divida en tres partes. 

  1. Todos los elementos más pequeños que lowVal vienen primero. 
  2. Todos los elementos en el rango lowVal a highVal vienen a continuación. 
  3. Todos los elementos mayores que highVal aparecen al final. 

Los elementos individuales de tres conjuntos pueden aparecer en cualquier orden.


Input: arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54, 20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32}  
        lowVal = 14, highVal = 20
Output: arr[] = {1, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 14, 20, 20, 98, 87, 32, 54}

Input: arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54, 20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32}  
       lowVal = 20, highVal = 20       
Output: arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 20, 20, 98, 87, 32, 54} 

Una solución simple es ordenar la array. Esta solución realiza muchos reordenamientos adicionales y requiere tiempo O(n Log n).

Una solución eficiente se basa en QuickSort basado en la bandera nacional holandesa . Atravesamos los elementos dados de la array desde la izquierda. Realizamos un seguimiento de dos punteros, primero (llamado inicio en el código a continuación) para almacenar la siguiente posición del elemento más pequeño (menor que el rango) desde el principio; y segundo (llamado final en el código a continuación) para almacenar la siguiente posición del elemento mayor desde el final. 



// C++ program to implement three way partitioning
// around a given range.
using namespace std;
// Partitions arr[0..n-1] around [lowVal..highVal]
void threeWayPartition(int arr[], int n,
                int lowVal, int highVal)
    // Initialize next available positions for
    // smaller (than range) and greater elements
    int start = 0, end = n-1;
    // Traverse elements from left
    for (int i=0; i<=end;)
        // If current element is smaller than
        // range, put it on next available smaller
        // position.
        if (arr[i] < lowVal)
          //if i and start are same in that case we can't swap
          //swap only if i is greater than start
            swap(arr[i++], arr[start++]);
        // If current element is greater than
        // range, put it on next available greater
        // position.
        else if (arr[i] > highVal)
            swap(arr[i], arr[end--]);
// Driver code
int main()
    int arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54, 20, 87,
                98, 3, 1, 32};
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    threeWayPartition(arr, n, 10, 20);
    cout << "Modified array \n";
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << " ";


// Java program to implement three way partitioning
// around a given range.
class GFG
    // Partitions arr[0..n-1] around [lowVal..highVal]
    public static void threeWayPartition(int[] arr, int lowVal, int highVal)
        int  n = arr.length;
        // Initialize ext available positions for
        // smaller (than range) and greater elements
        int start = 0, end = n-1;
         // Traverse elements from left
        for(int i = 0; i <= end;)
            // If current element is smaller than
            // range, put it on next available smaller
            // position.
            if(arr[i] < lowVal)
                int temp = arr[start];
                arr[start] = arr[i];
                arr[i] = temp;
            // If current element is greater than
            // range, put it on next available greater
            // position.
            else if(arr[i] > highVal)
                int temp = arr[end];
                arr[end] = arr[i];
                arr[i] = temp;
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int arr[] = {1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54, 20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32};
        threeWayPartition(arr, 10, 20);
        System.out.println("Modified array ");
        for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
//This code is contributed by Dheerendra Singh


# Python3 program to implement three way
# partitioning around a given range.
# Partitions arr[0..n-1] around [lowVal..highVal]
def threeWayPartition(arr, n, lowVal, highVal):
    # Initialize ext available positions for
    # smaller (than range) and greater elements
    start = 0
    end = n - 1
    i = 0
    # Traverse elements from left
    while i <= end:
        # If current element is smaller than
        # range, put it on next available smaller
        # position.
        if arr[i] < lowVal:
              arr[i], arr[start] = arr[start], arr[i]
            i += 1
            start += 1
        # If current element is greater than
        # range, put it on next available greater
        # position.
        elif arr[i] > highVal:
              arr[i], arr[end] = arr[end], arr[i]
            end -= 1
            i += 1
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = [1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
           20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32]
    n = len(arr)
    threeWayPartition(arr, n, 10, 20)
    print("Modified array")
    for i in range(n):
        print(arr[i], end = " ")
# This code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552


// C# program to implement three way
// partitioning around a given range.
using System;
class GFG {
    // Partitions arr[0..n-1]
    // around [lowVal..highVal]
    public static void threeWayPartition(int[] arr,
                           int lowVal, int highVal)
        int n = arr.Length;
        // Initialize ext available positions for
        // smaller (than range) and greater elements
        int start = 0, end = n - 1;
        // Traverse elements from left
        for (int i = 0; i <= end;) {
            // If current element is smaller than
            // range, put it on next available smaller
            // position.
            if (arr[i] < lowVal) {
                int temp = arr[start];
                arr[start] = arr[i];
                arr[i] = temp;
            // If current element is greater than
            // range, put it on next available greater
            // position.
            else if (arr[i] > highVal) {
                int temp = arr[end];
                arr[end] = arr[i];
                arr[i] = temp;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int[] arr = { 1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
                      20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32 };
        threeWayPartition(arr, 10, 20);
        Console.WriteLine("Modified array ");
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
            Console.Write(arr[i] + " ");
// This article is contributed by vt_m.


// JavaScript program to implement three
// way partitioning around a given range.
// Partitions arr[0..n-1] around [lowVal..highVal]
function threeWayPartition(arr, n, lowVal, highVal)
    // Initialize ext available positions for
    // smaller (than range) and greater elements
    let start = 0, end = n - 1;
    // Traverse elements from left
    for(let i = 0; i <= end;)
        // If current element is smaller than
        // range, put it on next available smaller
        // position.
        if (arr[i] < lowVal)
            let temp = arr[start];
            arr[start] = arr[i];
            arr[i] = temp;
        // If current element is greater than
        // range, put it on next available greater
        // position.
        else if(arr[i] > highVal)
            let temp = arr[end];
            arr[end] = arr[i];
            arr[i] = temp;
// Driver code
let arr = [ 1, 14, 5, 20, 4, 2, 54,
            20, 87, 98, 3, 1, 32 ];
let n = arr.length;
threeWayPartition(arr, n, 10, 20);
document.write("Modified array <br>");
for(let i = 0; i < n; i++)
    document.write(arr[i] + " ");
// This code is contributed by Surbhi Tyagi.

Modified array 
1 5 4 2 1 3 14 20 20 98 87 32 54 

Complejidad temporal: O(n) 
Espacio auxiliar: O(1)

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