Periódico: raspado y curación de artículos (Python)

Newspaper es un módulo de Python utilizado para extraer y analizar artículos de periódicos. Los periódicos utilizan algoritmos avanzados con web scraping para extraer todo el texto útil de un sitio web. Funciona increíblemente bien en sitios web de periódicos en línea. Dado que el uso de raspado web, demasiadas requests al sitio web de un periódico pueden provocar el bloqueo, así que utilícelo en consecuencia.


pip install newspaper3k

El periódico admite los siguientes idiomas:  

  input code         full name
  ar               Arabic
  da               Danish
  de               German
  el               Greek
  en               English
  it               Italian
  zh               Chinese
......... and many more

Algunas funciones útiles
Para crear una instancia de un artículo 

article_name = Article(url, language="language code according to newspaper")

Para descargar un artículo

Para analizar un artículo 


Para aplicar nlp (procesamiento del lenguaje natural) en el artículo 


Para extraer el texto del artículo 


Para extraer el título del artículo 


Para extraer el resumen del artículo 


Para extraer las palabras clave del artículo 



from newspaper import Article
#A new article from TOI
url = "http://"
#For different language newspaper refer above table
toi_article = Article(url, language="en") # en for English
#To download the article
#To parse the article
#To perform natural language processing ie..nlp
#To extract title
print("Article's Title:")
#To extract text
print("Article's Text:")
#To extract summary
print("Article's Summary:")
#To extract keywords
print("Article's Keywords:")


Article's Title:
India China News: Chinese expert warns of troops entering Kashmir

Article's Text:
BEIJING: A Chinese expert has argued that his country's troops would be entitled to enter the Indian side of Kashmir by extending the logic that has permitted Indian troops to enter an area which is disputed by China and Bhutan This is one of the several arguments made by the scholar in an attempt to blame India for. India has responded to efforts by China to build a road in the Doklam area, which falls next to the trijunction connecting Sikkim with Tibet and Bhutan and"Even if India were requested to defend Bhutan's territory, this could only be limited to its established territory, not the disputed area, " Long Xingchun, director of the Center for Indian Studies at China West Normal University said in an article. "Otherwise, under India's logic, if the Pakistani government requests, a third country's army can enter the area disputed by India and Pakistan, including India-controlled Kashmir".China is not just interfering, it is building roads and other infrastructure projects right inside Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK), which is claimed by both India and Pakistan. This is one of the facts that the article did not mention.The scholar, through his article in the Beijing-based Global Times, suggested that Beijing can internationalize the Doklam controversy without worrying about western countries supporting India because the West has a lot of business to do with China."China can show the region and the international community or even the UN Security Council its evidence to illustrate China's position, " Long said. At the same time, he complained that "Western governments and media kept silent, ignoring India's hegemony over the small countries of South Asia" when India imposed a blockade on the flow of goods to Nepal in 2015.Recent actions by US president Donald Trump, which include selling arms to Taiwan and pressuring China on the North Korean issue, shows that the West is not necessarily cowered down by China's business capabilities.He reiterated the government's stated line that Doklam belongs to China, and that Indian troops had entered the area under the guise of helping Bhutan protect its territory."For a long time, India has been talking about international equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of others, but it has pursued hegemonic diplomacy in South Asia, seriously violating the UN Charter and undermining the basic norms of international relations, " he said.Interestingly, Chinese scholars are worrying about India interfering in Bhutan's "sovereignty and national interests" even though it is Chinese troops who have entered the Doklam area claimed by it."Indians have migrated in large numbers to Nepal and Bhutan, interfering with Nepal's internal affairs. The first challenge for Nepal and Bhutan is to avoid becoming a state of India, like Sikkim, " he said.

Article's Summary:
sending its troops to the disputed Doklam area +puts Indian territory at risk +BEIJING: A Chinese expert has argued that his country's troops would be entitled to enter the Indian side of Kashmir by extending the logic that has permitted Indian troops to enter an area which is disputed by China and Bhutan This is one of the several arguments made by the scholar in an attempt to blame India for.
"Otherwise, under India's logic, if the Pakistani government requests, a third country's army can enter the area disputed by India and Pakistan, including India-controlled Kashmir".China is not just interfering, it is building roads and other infrastructure projects right inside Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK), which is claimed by both India and Pakistan.
"China can show the region and the international community or even the UN Security Council its evidence to illustrate China's position, " Long said.
"Indians have migrated in large numbers to Nepal and Bhutan, interfering with Nepal's internal affairs.
The first challenge for Nepal and Bhutan is to avoid becoming a state of India, like Sikkim, " he said.

Article's Keywords:
['troops', 'india', 'china', 'territory', 'west', 'disputed', 'expert', 'indian', 'bhutan', 'kashmir', 'chinese', 'entering', 'doklam', 'area', 'warns']

Referencia: paquete de Python de periódico en github

Este artículo es una contribución de Pratik Chhajer . Si te gusta GeeksforGeeks y te gustaría contribuir, también puedes escribir un artículo usando o enviar tu artículo por correo a Vea su artículo que aparece en la página principal de GeeksforGeeks y ayude a otros Geeks.
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Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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