Programa basado en menús para directorio telefónico

Declaración del problema: escriba un programa basado en menús para usar switch-case con las siguientes características:

  • Almacenar números de contacto de personas
  • Busque los números de contacto usando sus nombres
  • Busque los números de contacto usando su número
  • Eliminar un número de contacto
  • Actualizar un número de contacto



Enfoque: la idea es usar el caso de cambio para cambiar el caso del programa controlado por menú para el directorio de la agenda telefónica y almacenar el número de contacto en el mapa hash y buscar el contacto en el mapa hash en tiempo O (1).

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior:


# Python implementation of menu driven
# Phone Book Directory
contact = {}
# List of Inputs
inputLis = ["1", "cool 123456789", 
            "y", "2", "cool", "n"]
indi = -1
# Function to provide sample inputs
# Remove this function to run on 
# Custom Inputs
def input():
    global indi
    indi += 1
    return inputLis[indi]
# Function to delete a contact
def delete():
    global contact
    print("Enter the contact"\
        " name to be deleted")
    name = input().strip()
    if name in contact:
        print("Contact Deleted !\n")
        print("Contact not found !\n")
    print("Do you want to perform more"\
        " operations? (y / n)")
    choice = input().strip()
    if choice == "y":
# Function to update a contact number
def update():
    global contact
    print("Enter the contact name"\
        " to be updated - ")
    name = input().strip()
    if name in contact:
        print("Enter the new"\
            " contact number - ")
        phone = int(input())
        contact[name] = phone
        print("Contact updated\n")
        print("Contact not found !\n")
    print("Do you want to perform "\
        "more operations? (y / n)")
    choice = input().strip()
    if choice == "y":
# Function to search a contact 
def search():
    global contact
    print("Enter the name to be searched - ")
    name = input().strip()
    if name in contact:
        print("Contact Found !")
        print(name, contact[name])
        print("Contact not found !\n")
    print("Do you want to perform more"\
        " operations? (y / n)")
    choice = input().strip()
    if choice == "y":
# Function to store a contact
def store():
    print("\n\nEnter the name"\
        " and phone number"+\
        " separated by space - ")
    name, phone = map(str, \
                            .split(" "))
    global contact
    if name in contact:
        print("Contact Already exists !\n")
        contact[name] = phone
        print("Contact Stored !")
    print("Do you want to perform more"\
        " operations? (y / n)")
    choice = input().strip()
    if choice == "y":
# Main Function for Menu-Driven
def main():
    print("Please choose any choice"\
        " from below -\n\n\n")
    print("Store Contact number (1)")
    print("Search Contact number (2)")
    print("Update Contact number (3)")
    print("Delete Contact number (4)")
    choice = int(input())
    choice_dict = {
        1: store,
        2: search,
        3: update,
        4: delete
if __name__ == "__main__":
        "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Phonebook"+\


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por swagnikdhar11 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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