Programa basado en menús para el sistema de gestión bancaria

Prerrequisito: Cambiar caso en C/C++
Declaración del problema: 
escribir un programa para construir un sistema de gestión bancaria simple usando C++ que pueda realizar las siguientes operaciones: 

  1. Cuenta abierta
  2. Depositar dinero
  3. Retirar dinero
  4. Mostrar cuenta

Enfoque: A continuación se muestra el enfoque para realizar las operaciones anteriores: 

  1. Cuenta abierta: este método toma detalles del cliente como el nombre, la dirección, el tipo de cuenta, el depósito de dinero y la creación de una nueva cuenta.
// Method to Open a new account.
void Bank::open_account()
    // Enter Name of a Customer
    name = "xyz Gupta";

    cout << "Enter your full name: "
         << name << endl;

    // Enter City of a Customer
    address = "Banglore";
    cout << "Enter your address: "
         << address << endl;

    // Enter Type of Account(Saving or Current)
    acc_type = 'S';
    cout << "Type of account you want "
         << "to open saving(S) or Current(C): "
         << acc_type << endl;

    // Enter Amount to deposit
    balance = 8000;

    cout << "Enter the amount for deposit: "
         << balance << endl;
    cout << "Account Created Successfully";

2. Depósito de dinero: la función de depósito de dinero se crea para depositar dinero en la cuenta solicitando el monto por parte del cliente. 
Te pedirá el importe y lo añadirás al saldo disponible. 
Saldo total = Saldo disponible + Monto depositado

// Method to add balance in account
void Bank::deposit_money()
    int Amount;

    // Enter Amount to Deposit
    Amount = 9500;
    cout << "Enter How much money "
         << "you want to deposit: "
         << Amount << endl;

    // Total_Balance = Available_Balance + Amount
    balance += Amount;
    cout << "\Available Balance: "
         << balance;

3. Mostrar cuenta: la función Mostrar cuenta mostrará los detalles del cliente, como el nombre, la dirección, el tipo de cuenta y el saldo disponible. 

// Method to Display the details of account
void Bank::display_account()
    cout << "Name: " << name << endl
         << "Address: " << address << endl
         << "Type: " << acc_type << endl
         << "Balance: " << balance << endl
         << endl;

4. Retirar dinero: la función Retirar dinero se crea para retirar dinero de la cuenta solicitando el monto por parte del cliente. 
Te pedirá el importe y lo restará del saldo disponible. 
Saldo total = Saldo disponible – Monto de retiro

void Bank::withdraw_money()
    float amount;

    // Enter Amount to Withdraw
    amount = 3200;
    cout << "Enter How much money "
         << "you want to withdraw: "
         << amount << endl;

    // Total_Balance = Available_Balance - Withdrawal_Amount
    balance -= amount;
    cout << "Available balance: "
         << balance;

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ program to implement
// Bank Management System
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
class Bank {
    string name, address;
    char acc_type;
    float balance;
    void open_account();
    void deposit_money();
    void withdraw_money();
    void display_account();
// Function to open the account
void Bank::open_account()
    name = "Aman Jhurani";
    cout << "Enter your full name: "
         << name << endl;
    address = "Surat";
    cout << "Enter your address: "
         << address << endl;
    acc_type = 'S';
    cout << "What type of account you want"
         << " to open saving(S) or Current(C): "
         << acc_type << endl;
    balance = 8000;
    cout << "Enter How much money you want to deposit: "
         << balance << endl;
    cout << "Account Created Successfully";
// Function to deposit the account
void Bank::deposit_money()
    int Amount;
    Amount = 9500;
    cout << "Enter how much money"
         << " you want to deposit: "
         << Amount << endl;
    balance += Amount;
    cout << "\n Available Balance: "
         << balance;
// Function to display the account
void Bank::display_account()
    cout << "Name: " << name << endl
         << "Address: " << address << endl
         << "Type: " << acc_type << endl
         << "Balance: " << balance << endl
         << endl;
// Function to withdraw the account
void Bank::withdraw_money()
    float amount;
    amount = 3200;
    cout << "Enter how much money "
         << "you want to withdraw: "
         << amount << endl;
    balance -= amount;
    cout << "\n Available balance: "
         << balance;
// Driver code
int main()
    int choice;
    // Creating Customer Object of Bank Class
    Bank customer;
    cout << "\n1) Open account \n\n";
    // Calling open_account() function
    // through customer object.
    cout << "\n------------------------"
         << "-------------------------\n";
    cout << "\n2) Deposit account \n\n";
    // Calling deposit_money() function
    // through customer object.
    cout << "\n------------------------"
         << "-------------------------\n";
    cout << "\n2) Withdraw money \n\n";
    // Calling withdraw_money() function
    // through customer object.
    cout << "\n------------------------"
         << "-------------------------\n";
    cout << "\n4) Display Account \n\n";
    // Calling display_account() function
    // through customer object.
    cout << "\n------------------------"
         << "-------------------------\n";
    return 0;


// Java program for above approach
package GeeksforGeeks;
import java.util.Scanner;
class Bank
  private String name;
  private String address;
  private char acc_type;
  private float balance;
  // Constructor of class Bank
  // Initializing values  0 for float
  // and null for String and character
  name=" ";
  address=" ";
  acc_type=' ';
// Method to open the account
void open_account()
    name = "Aman Jhurani";
    System.out.println("Enter your full name: ");
    address = "Surat";
    System.out.println("Enter your address: ");    
    acc_type = 'S';
    System.out.println("What type of
                           account you want");
    System.out.println(" to open saving(S)
                           or Current(C): ");
    balance = 8000;
    System.out.println("Enter How much money
                       you want to deposit: ");
    System.out.println("Account Created
// Method to deposit the account
void deposit_money()
    int Amount;
    Amount = 9500;
    System.out.println( "Enter how much money you
                       want to deposit: "+ Amount);
    balance += Amount;
    System.out.println( "\n Available Balance: "
                                      + balance);   
// Method to display the account
void display_account()
    System.out.println( "Name: " +name);
    System.out.println("Address: "+ address);
    System.out.println("Type: "+acc_type);
    System.out.println("Balance: " +balance);
// Method to withdraw the account
void withdraw_money()
    float amount;
    amount = 3200;
    System.out.println("Enter how much money
                   you want to withdraw: "+amount );
    balance -= amount;
    System.out.println("\n Available balance: "
                                        + balance);      
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int choice;
    // Creating Customer Object of Bank Class
    Bank customer=new Bank();
    System.out.println("\n1) Open account \n");
    // Calling open_account() method
    // through customer object.
    System.out.println("\n2) Deposit account \n");
    // Calling deposit_money()   method
    // through customer object.
    System.out.println("\n3) Withdraw money \n\n");
    // Calling withdraw_money()  method
    // through customer object.
    System.out.println("\n4) Display Account \n\n");
    // Calling display_account()  method
    // through customer object.
//This code is contributed by sahilnaik2712

1) Open account 

Enter your full name: Aman Jhurani
Enter your address: Surat
What type of account you want to open saving(S) or Current(C): S
Enter How much money you want to deposit: 8000
Account Created Successfully

2) Deposit account 

Enter how much money you want to deposit: 9500

 Available Balance: 17500

2) Withdraw money 

Enter how much money you want to withdraw: 3200

 Available balance: 14300

4) Display Account 

Name: Aman Jhurani
Address: Surat
Type: S
Balance: 14300


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Amanjhurani y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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