Programa C++ para comparar dos strings usando la sobrecarga de operadores

Requisito previo: Sobrecarga de operadores en C++
Dadas dos strings, cómo verificar si las dos strings son iguales o no, usando Sobrecarga de operadores.


Input: ABCD, XYZ
Output: ABCD is not equal to XYZ
        ABCD is greater than XYZ

Input: Geeks, Geeks
Output: Geeks is equal to Geeks

Enfoque: uso de sobrecarga de operadores binarios. 

  • Declare una clase con una variable de string y la función de operador ‘==’, ‘<=’ y ‘>=’ que acepta una instancia de la clase y compara su variable con la variable de string de la instancia actual.
  • Cree dos instancias de la clase e inicialice sus variables de clase con las dos strings de entrada respectivamente.
  • Ahora, use la función de operador sobrecargado (==, <= y >=) para comparar la variable de clase de las dos instancias.

A continuación se muestra la implementación del enfoque anterior: 


// C++ program to compare two Strings
// using Operator Overloading
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
// Class to implement operator overloading
// function for concatenating the strings
class CompareString {
    // Classes object of string
    char str[25];
    // Parameterized Constructor
    CompareString(char str1[])
        // Initialize the string to class object
        strcpy(this->str, str1);
    // Overloading '==' under a function
    // which returns integer 1/true
    // if left operand string
    // and right operand string are equal.
    //(else return 0/false)
    int operator==(CompareString s2)
        if (strcmp(str, s2.str) == 0)
            return 1;
            return 0;
    // Overloading '<=' under a function
    // which returns integer 1/true
    // if left operand string is smaller than
    // or equal to the right operand string.
    // (else return 0/false)
    int operator<=(CompareString s3)
        if (strlen(str) <= strlen(s3.str))
            return 1;
            return 0;
    // Overloading '>=' under a function
    // which returns integer 1/true
    // if left operand string is larger than
    // or equal to the right operand string.
    //(else return 0/false)
    int operator>=(CompareString s3)
        if (strlen(str) >= strlen(s3.str))
            return 1;
            return 0;
void compare(CompareString s1, CompareString s2)
    if (s1 == s2)
        cout << s1.str << " is equal to "
             << s2.str << endl;
    else {
        cout << s1.str << " is not equal to "
             << s2.str << endl;
        if (s1 >= s2)
            cout << s1.str << " is greater than "
                 << s2.str << endl;
            cout << s2.str << " is greater than "
                 << s1.str << endl;
// Testcase1
void testcase1()
    // Declaring two strings
    char str1[] = "Geeks";
    char str2[] = "ForGeeks";
    // Declaring and initializing the class
    // with above two strings
    CompareString s1(str1);
    CompareString s2(str2);
    cout << "Comparing \"" << s1.str << "\" and \""
         << s2.str << "\"" << endl;
    compare(s1, s2);
// Testcase2
void testcase2()
    // Declaring two strings
    char str1[] = "Geeks";
    char str2[] = "Geeks";
    // Declaring and initializing the class
    // with above two strings
    CompareString s1(str1);
    CompareString s2(str2);
    cout << "\n\nComparing \"" << s1.str << "\" and \""
         << s2.str << "\"" << endl;
    compare(s1, s2);
// Driver code
int main()
    return 0;

Comparing "Geeks" and "ForGeeks"
Geeks is not equal to ForGeeks
ForGeeks is greater than Geeks

Comparing "Geeks" and "Geeks"
Geeks is equal to Geeks


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por Anirban166 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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