Programa C# para ordenar una lista de empleados según el salario usando LINQ

Dada una lista de empleados, ahora ordenamos la lista de empleados según su salario usando LINQ. Entonces, para esta tarea, usamos el método OrderBy() . Este método se utiliza para clasificar los elementos de la secuencia especificada en orden ascendente. 


{id = 101, Name = Rohit, Salary = 50000, Department = HR}
{id = 104, Name = Rohit, Salary = 10000, Department = Development}
{id = 106, Name = Rohit, Salary = 80000, Department = HR}
{id = 108, Name = Rohit, Salary = 20000, Department = Development}
{id = 104, Name = Rohit, Salary = 10000, Department = Development}
{id = 108, Name = Rohit, Salary = 20000, Department = Development} 
{id = 101, Name = Rohit, Salary = 50000, Department = HR}
{id = 106, Name = Rohit, Salary = 80000, Department = HR}


1. Cree una lista de empleados junto con su identificación, nombre, salario y departamento.

2. Ahora ordene la lista de empleados según su salario utilizando el método OrderBy().

var result_set = Geeks.OrderBy(sal => sal.Emp_Salary);

O también podemos ordenar la lista usando la cláusula order OrderBy de LINQ

var result_set = from emp in Geeks orderby emp.Emp_Salary select emp;

3. Muestre la lista ordenada usando el bucle foreach.

Ejemplo 1: 


// C# program to sort a list of employees
// based on salary. Using OrderBy() method
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Geek{
int emp_id;
string Emp_Name;
int Emp_Salary;
string Emp_Department;
static void Main(string[] args)
    // Geeks data
    List<Geek> Geeks = new List<Geek>()
        new Geek{emp_id = 101, Emp_Name = "arjun", 
                 Emp_Salary = 50000, Emp_Department = "ABC"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 102, Emp_Name = "bheem", 
                 Emp_Salary = 65000, Emp_Department = "DEF"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 103, Emp_Name = "krishna", 
                 Emp_Salary = 45000, Emp_Department = "ABC"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 104, Emp_Name = "Ram", 
                 Emp_Salary = 20000, Emp_Department = "DEF"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 105, Emp_Name = "kiran", 
                 Emp_Salary = 70000, Emp_Department = "DEF"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 106, Emp_Name = "karna", 
                 Emp_Salary = 50000, Emp_Department = "ABC"},
    // We have sorted the data using OrderBy() command
    var result_set = Geeks.OrderBy(sal => sal.Emp_Salary);
    // Display the sorted result
    foreach (Geek emp in result_set)
        Console.WriteLine(emp.emp_id + " " + 
                          emp.Emp_Name + " " + 
                          emp.Emp_Salary + " " + 

104 Ram    20000 DEF
103 krishna 45000 ABC
101 arjun   50000 ABC
106 karna 50000 ABC
102 bheem 65000 DEF
105 kiran  70000 DEF

Ejemplo 2: 


// C# program to sort a list of employees
// based on salary. Using OrderBy() method
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Geek{
int emp_id;
string Emp_Name;
int Emp_Salary;
string Emp_Department;
static void Main(string[] args)
    // Geeks data
    List<Geek> Geeks = new List<Geek>()
        new Geek{emp_id = 201, Emp_Name = "Sumit", 
                 Emp_Salary = 50000, Emp_Department = "ABC"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 202, Emp_Name = "Rohan", 
                 Emp_Salary = 65000, Emp_Department = "DEF"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 203, Emp_Name = "Mohit", 
                 Emp_Salary = 45000, Emp_Department = "ABC"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 204, Emp_Name = "Sonam", 
                 Emp_Salary = 20000, Emp_Department = "DEF"},
        new Geek{emp_id = 205, Emp_Name = "Shive", 
                 Emp_Salary = 70000, Emp_Department = "DEF"},
    // We have sorted the data using OrderBy linq clause
    var result_set = from emp in Geeks orderby emp.Emp_Salary select emp;
    // Display the sorted result
    foreach (Geek emp in result_set)
        Console.WriteLine(emp.emp_id + " " + 
                          emp.Emp_Name + " " + 
                          emp.Emp_Salary + " " + 


204 Sonam 20000 DEF
203 Mohit 45000 ABC
201 Sumit 50000 ABC
202 Rohan 65000 DEF
205 Shive 70000 DEF


Publicación traducida automáticamente

Artículo escrito por pulamolusaimohan y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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