Programa para el algoritmo Best Fit en Gestión de Memoria

Requisito previo: Métodos de asignación de particiones
El mejor ajuste asigna el proceso a una partición que es la partición más pequeña suficiente entre las particiones libres disponibles. 

Input : blockSize[]   = {100, 500, 200, 300, 600};
        processSize[] = {212, 417, 112, 426};
Process No.    Process Size    Block no.
 1        212        4
 2        417        2
 3        112        3
 4        426        5


// Java implementation of Best - Fit algorithm
public class GFG 
    // Method to allocate memory to blocks as per Best fit
    // algorithm
    static void bestFit(int blockSize[], int m, int processSize[], 
                                                     int n)
        // Stores block id of the block allocated to a
        // process
        int allocation[] = new int[n];
        // Initially no block is assigned to any process
        for (int i = 0; i < allocation.length; i++)
            allocation[i] = -1;
     // pick each process and find suitable blocks
        // according to its size ad assign to it
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            // Find the best fit block for current process
            int bestIdx = -1;
            for (int j=0; j<m; j++)
                if (blockSize[j] >= processSize[i])
                    if (bestIdx == -1)
                        bestIdx = j;
                    else if (blockSize[bestIdx] > blockSize[j])
                        bestIdx = j;
            // If we could find a block for current process
            if (bestIdx != -1)
                // allocate block j to p[i] process
                allocation[i] = bestIdx;
                // Reduce available memory in this block.
                blockSize[bestIdx] -= processSize[i];
        System.out.println("\nProcess No.\tProcess Size\tBlock no.");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            System.out.print("   " + (i+1) + "\t\t" + processSize[i] + "\t\t");
            if (allocation[i] != -1)
                System.out.print(allocation[i] + 1);
                System.out.print("Not Allocated");
    // Driver Method
    public static void main(String[] args)
         int blockSize[] = {100, 500, 200, 300, 600};
         int processSize[] = {212, 417, 112, 426};
         int m = blockSize.length;
         int n = processSize.length;
         bestFit(blockSize, m, processSize, n);


# Python3 implementation of Best - Fit algorithm 
# Function to allocate memory to blocks 
# as per Best fit algorithm 
def bestFit(blockSize, m, processSize, n):
    # Stores block id of the block 
    # allocated to a process 
    allocation = [-1] * n 
    # pick each process and find suitable 
    # blocks according to its size ad 
    # assign to it
    for i in range(n):
        # Find the best fit block for
        # current process 
        bestIdx = -1
        for j in range(m):
            if blockSize[j] >= processSize[i]:
                if bestIdx == -1: 
                    bestIdx = j 
                else if blockSize[bestIdx] > blockSize[j]: 
                    bestIdx = j
        # If we could find a block for 
        # current process 
        if bestIdx != -1:
            # allocate block j to p[i] process 
            allocation[i] = bestIdx 
            # Reduce available memory in this block. 
            blockSize[bestIdx] -= processSize[i]
    print("Process No. Process Size     Block no.")
    for i in range(n):
        print(i + 1, "         ", processSize[i], 
                                end = "         ") 
        if allocation[i] != -1: 
            print(allocation[i] + 1) 
            print("Not Allocated")
# Driver code 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    blockSize = [100, 500, 200, 300, 600] 
    processSize = [212, 417, 112, 426] 
    m = len(blockSize) 
    n = len(processSize) 
    bestFit(blockSize, m, processSize, n)
# This code is contributed by PranchalK


// C# implementation of Best - Fit algorithm
using System;
public class GFG {
    // Method to allocate memory to blocks
    // as per Best fit
    // algorithm
    static void bestFit(int []blockSize, int m,
                      int []processSize, int n)
        // Stores block id of the block 
        // allocated to a process
        int []allocation = new int[n];
        // Initially no block is assigned to
        // any process
        for (int i = 0; i < allocation.Length; i++)
            allocation[i] = -1;
        // pick each process and find suitable
        // blocks according to its size ad
        // assign to it
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // Find the best fit block for
            // current process
            int bestIdx = -1;
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
                if (blockSize[j] >= processSize[i])
                    if (bestIdx == -1)
                        bestIdx = j;
                    else if (blockSize[bestIdx]
                                   > blockSize[j])
                        bestIdx = j;
            // If we could find a block for
            // current process
            if (bestIdx != -1)
                // allocate block j to p[i] 
                // process
                allocation[i] = bestIdx;
                // Reduce available memory in
                // this block.
                blockSize[bestIdx] -= processSize[i];
        Console.WriteLine("\nProcess No.\tProcess"
                            + " Size\tBlock no.");
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Console.Write(" " + (i+1) + "\t\t" 
                        + processSize[i] + "\t\t");
            if (allocation[i] != -1)
                Console.Write(allocation[i] + 1);
                Console.Write("Not Allocated");
    // Driver Method
    public static void Main()
        int []blockSize = {100, 500, 200, 300, 600};
        int []processSize = {212, 417, 112, 426};
        int m = blockSize.Length;
        int n = processSize.Length;
        bestFit(blockSize, m, processSize, n);
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.

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Artículo escrito por GeeksforGeeks-1 y traducido por Barcelona Geeks. The original can be accessed here. Licence: CCBY-SA

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